#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2010, Nokia # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. # """ Test that the threads in the daemon are working: A very long query shouldn't block smaller queries. """ import os, dbus from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import GLib import time from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop from common.utils import configuration as cfg import unittest2 as ut #import unittest as ut from common.utils.storetest import CommonTrackerStoreTest as CommonTrackerStoreTest MAX_TEST_TIME = 60 # seconds to finish the tests (to avoid infinite waitings) AMOUNT_SIMPLE_QUERIES = 10 COMPLEX_QUERY_TIMEOUT = 15000 # ms (How long do we wait for an answer to the complex query) SIMPLE_QUERY_FREQ = 2 # seconds (How freq do we send a simple query to the daemon) class TestThreadedStore (CommonTrackerStoreTest): """ When the database is big, running a complex query takes ages. After cancelling the query, any following query is queued Reported in bug NB#183499 """ def setUp (self): self.main_loop = GObject.MainLoop () self.simple_queries_counter = AMOUNT_SIMPLE_QUERIES self.simple_queries_answers = 0 def __populate_database (self): self.assertTrue (os.path.exists ('ttl')) for ttl_file in ["010-nco_EmailAddress.ttl", "011-nco_PostalAddress.ttl", "012-nco_PhoneNumber.ttl", "014-nco_ContactEmail.ttl", "015-nco_ContactCall.ttl", "018-nco_PersonContact.ttl", "012-nco_PhoneNumber.ttl", "016-nco_ContactIM.ttl"]: full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join ("ttl", ttl_file)) print full_path self.tracker.get_tracker_iface().Load( '(s)', "file://" + full_path, timeout=30000) def test_complex_query (self): start = time.time () self.__populate_database () end = time.time () print "Loading: %.3f sec." % (end-start) COMPLEX_QUERY = """ SELECT ?url nie:url(?photo) nco:imContactStatusMessage (?url) tracker:coalesce(nco:nameFamily (?url), nco:nameFamily (?url), nco:nameGiven (?org), ?email, ?phone, nco:blogUrl (?url)) WHERE { { ?url a nco:PersonContact. ?url fts:match 'fami*'. } UNION { ?url a nco:PersonContact. ?url nco:hasEmailAddress ?add. ?add fts:match 'fami*'. } UNION { ?url a nco:PersonContact. ?url nco:hasPostalAddress ?post. ?post fts:match 'fami*'. } OPTIONAL { ?url nco:photo ?photo.} OPTIONAL { ?url nco:org ?org. } OPTIONAL { ?url maemo:relevance ?relevance.} OPTIONAL { ?url nco:hasPhoneNumber ?hasphone. ?hasPhone nco:phoneNumber ?phone.} OPTIONAL { ?url nco:hasEmailAddress ?hasemail. ?hasemail nco:emailAddress ?email.} } ORDER BY ?relevance LIMIT 100""" # Standard timeout print "Send complex query" self.complex_start = time.time () self.tracker.query( COMPLEX_QUERY, timeout=COMPLEX_QUERY_TIMEOUT, response_handler=self.reply_complex, error_handler=self.error_handler_complex) self.timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add_seconds (MAX_TEST_TIME, self.__timeout_on_idle) GLib.timeout_add_seconds (SIMPLE_QUERY_FREQ, self.__simple_query) self.main_loop.run () def __simple_query (self): print "Send simple query (%d)" % (self.simple_queries_counter) SIMPLE_QUERY = "SELECT ?name WHERE { ?u a nco:PersonContact; nco:fullname ?name. }" self.tracker.query( SIMPLE_QUERY, timeout=10000, response_handler=self.reply_simple, error_handler=self.error_handler) self.simple_queries_counter -= 1 if (self.simple_queries_counter == 0): print "Stop sending queries (wait)" return False return True def reply_simple (self, obj, results, data): print "Simple query answered" self.assertNotEquals (len (results), 0) self.simple_queries_answers += 1 if (self.simple_queries_answers == AMOUNT_SIMPLE_QUERIES): print "All simple queries answered" self.main_loop.quit () def reply_complex (self, obj, results, data): print "Complex query: %.3f" % (time.time () - self.complex_start) def error_handler (self, error_msg): print "ERROR in dbus call", error_msg def error_handler_complex (self, error_msg): print "Complex query timedout in DBus (", error_msg, ")" def __timeout_on_idle (self): print "Timeout... asumming idle" self.main_loop.quit () return False if __name__ == "__main__": ut.main ()