# Copyright (C) 2010, Nokia # Copyright (C) 2019, Sam Thursfield # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. # """ Stand-alone tests cases for the store, booting it with different ontology changes and checking if the data is still there. """ from gi.repository import GLib import os import pathlib import shutil import re import tempfile import time import unittest as ut import trackertestutils.dconf import trackertestutils.helpers import configuration as cfg from expectedFailure import expectedFailureJournal RDFS_RANGE = "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#range" XSD_DATETIME = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime" XSD_STRING = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" XSD_INTEGER = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer" TEST_PREFIX = "http://example.org/ns#" class OntologyChangeTestTemplate (ut.TestCase): """ Template class for the ontology changes tests. The tests are subclasses of this, implementing these methods: * set_ontology_dirs * insert_data * validate_status and adding a method 'test_x_y_z' to be invoked by unittest. Check doc in those methods for the specific details. """ def setUp(self): self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tracker-test-') def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir, ignore_errors=True) def get_ontology_dir(self, param): return str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('test-ontologies', param)) def template_test_ontology_change(self): self.set_ontology_dirs() self.__assert_ontology_dates(self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR, self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR) extra_env = cfg.test_environment(self.tmpdir) extra_env['LC_COLLATE'] = 'en_GB.utf8' extra_env['TRACKER_DB_ONTOLOGIES_DIR'] = self.get_ontology_dir(self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR) sandbox1 = trackertestutils.helpers.TrackerDBusSandbox( cfg.TEST_DBUS_DAEMON_CONFIG_FILE, extra_env=extra_env) sandbox1.start() self.tracker = trackertestutils.helpers.StoreHelper(sandbox1.get_connection()) self.tracker.start_and_wait_for_ready() self.insert_data() sandbox1.stop() # Boot the second set of ontologies extra_env['TRACKER_DB_ONTOLOGIES_DIR'] = self.get_ontology_dir(self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR) sandbox2 = trackertestutils.helpers.TrackerDBusSandbox( cfg.TEST_DBUS_DAEMON_CONFIG_FILE, extra_env=extra_env) sandbox2.start() self.tracker = trackertestutils.helpers.StoreHelper(sandbox2.get_connection()) self.tracker.start_and_wait_for_ready() self.validate_status() def set_ontology_dirs(self): """ Implement this method in the subclass setting values for: self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR and self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR """ raise Exception("Subclasses must implement 'set_ontology_dir'") def insert_data(self): """ Put in the store some data with the FIRST ontology """ raise Exception("Subclasses must implement 'insert_data'") def validate_status(self): """ This is called after restarting the store with the SECOND ontology Check that the inserted data was handled correctly and the ontology is up to date """ raise Exception("Subclasses must implement 'validate_status'") def assertInDbusResult(self, member, dbus_result, column=0): """ Convenience assertion used in these tests """ for row in dbus_result: if member == row[column]: return # This is going to fail with pretty printing self.assertIn(member, dbus_result) def assertNotInDbusResult(self, member, dbus_result, column=0): """ Convenience assertion used in these tests """ for row in dbus_result: if member == str(row[column]): # This is going to fail with pretty printing self.fail("'%s' wasn't supposed to be in '%s'" % (member, dbus_result)) return def __assert_ontology_dates(self, first, second): """ Asserts that 91-test.ontology in second_dir has a more recent modification time than in first_dir """ ISO9601_REGEX = "(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z)" def get_ontology_date(ontology): with open(ontology, 'r') as f: for line in f: if "nao:lastModified" in line: getmodtime = re.compile( 'nao:lastModified\ \"' + ISO9601_REGEX + '\"') modtime_match = getmodtime.search(line) if (modtime_match): nao_date = modtime_match.group(1) return time.strptime(nao_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") else: print("something funky in", line) break first_date = get_ontology_date( os.path.join(self.get_ontology_dir(first), "91-test.ontology")) second_date = get_ontology_date( os.path.join(self.get_ontology_dir(second), "91-test.ontology")) if first_date >= second_date: self.fail("nao:modifiedTime in '%s' is not more recent in the second ontology" % ( "91-test.ontology")) class PropertyRangeStringToDate (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Change the range of a property from string to date. There shouldn't be any data loss. """ @ut.skip("Fails with: basic-future/91-test.ontology: Unsupported ontology change for http://example.org/ns#a_string: can't change rdfs:range (old=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime, attempted new=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string)") @expectedFailureJournal() def test_property_range_string_to_date(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "property-range-string-to-date" def insert_data(self): self.instance = "test://ontology-change/property-range/string-to-date" self.tracker.update("INSERT { <%s> a test:A ; test:a_string '2010-10-12T13:30:00Z' }" % (self.instance)) def validate_status(self): # Query the ontology itself result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?o WHERE { test:a_string rdfs:range ?o }") self.assertEqual(result[0][0], XSD_DATETIME) # Check the value is there result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?o WHERE { <%s> test:a_string ?o . }" % (self.instance)) self.assertEqual(result[0][0], "2010-10-12T13:30:00Z") class PropertyRangeDateToString (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Change the range of a property from date to string. There shouldn't be any data loss. """ @expectedFailureJournal() @ut.skip("fails with: basic-future/91-test.ontology: Unsupported ontology change for http://example.org/ns#a_string: can't change rdfs:range (old=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime, attempted new=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string)") def test_property_range_date_to_string(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "property-range-string-to-date" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic-future" def insert_data(self): self.instance = "test://ontology-change/property-range/date-to-string" self.tracker.update("INSERT { <%s> a test:A ; test:a_string '2010-10-12T13:30:00Z' }" % (self.instance)) def validate_status(self): # Query the ontology itself result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?o WHERE { test:a_string rdfs:range ?o }") self.assertEqual(result[0][0], XSD_STRING) # Check the value is there result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?o WHERE { <%s> test:a_string ?o . }" % (self.instance)) self.assertEqual(result[0][0], "2010-10-12T13:30:00Z") class PropertyRangeIntToString (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Change the range of a property from int to string. There shouldn't be any data loss. """ @ut.skip("Fails with: Unable to insert multiple values for subject `http://example.org/ns#a_int' and single valued property `rdfs:comment' (old_value: 'This property is integer in basic here is string', new value: 'Property to test the changes string/int')") def test_property_range_int_to_str(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "property-range-int-to-string" def insert_data(self): self.instance = "test://ontology-change/property-range/int-to-string" self.tracker.update( "INSERT { <%s> a test:A; test:a_int 12. }" % (self.instance)) def validate_status(self): result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?o WHERE { test:a_int rdfs:range ?o. }") self.assertEqual(str(result[0][0]), XSD_STRING) # Check the value is there result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?o WHERE { <%s> test:a_int ?o .}" % (self.instance)) self.assertEqual(result[0][0], "12") class PropertyRangeStringToInt (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Change the range of a property from string to int. There shouldn't be any data loss. """ @ut.skip("Fails with: Unable to insert multiple values for subject `http://example.org/ns#a_int' and single valued property `rdfs:comment' (old_value: 'Property to test the changes string/int', new value: 'This property is integer in basic here is string')") def test_property_range_str_to_int(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "property-range-int-to-string" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic-future" def insert_data(self): self.instance = "test://ontology-change/property-range/string-to-int" self.tracker.update( "INSERT { <%s> a test:A; test:a_int '12'. }" % (self.instance)) def validate_status(self): result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?o WHERE { test:a_int rdfs:range ?o. }") self.assertEqual(str(result[0][0]), XSD_INTEGER) # Check the value is there result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?o WHERE { <%s> test:a_int ?o .}" % (self.instance)) self.assertEqual(result[0][0], "12") class PropertyMaxCardinality1toN (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Change cardinality of a property from 1 to N. There shouldn't be any data loss """ def test_property_cardinality_1_to_n(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): #self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic" #self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "cardinality" self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "cardinality" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic-future" def insert_data(self): self.instance = "test://ontology-change/cardinality/1-to-n" self.tracker.update( "INSERT { <%s> a test:A; test:a_n_cardinality 'some text'. }" % (self.instance)) result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?o WHERE { test:a_n_cardinality nrl:maxCardinality ?o}") self.assertEqual(int(result[0][0]), 1) def validate_status(self): result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?o WHERE { test:a_n_cardinality nrl:maxCardinality ?o}") self.assertEqual(len(result), 0, "Cardinality should be 0") # Check the value is there result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?o WHERE { <%s> test:a_n_cardinality ?o .}" % (self.instance)) self.assertEqual(str(result[0][0]), "some text") class PropertyMaxCardinalityNto1 (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Change the cardinality of a property for N to 1. This is not allowed as it would cause data loss. """ @ut.expectedFailure def test_property_cardinality_n_to_1(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "cardinality" def insert_data(self): self.instance = "test://ontology-change/cardinality/1-to-n" self.tracker.update( "INSERT { <%s> a test:A; test:a_n_cardinality 'some text'. }" % (self.instance)) result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?o WHERE { test:a_n_cardinality nrl:maxCardinality ?o}") self.assertEqual(len(result), 0, "Cardinality should be 0") def validate_status(self): result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?o WHERE { test:a_n_cardinality nrl:maxCardinality ?o}") self.assertEqual(int(result[0][0]), 1, "Cardinality should be 1") # Check the value is there result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?o WHERE { <%s> test:a_n_cardinality ?o .}" % (self.instance)) self.assertEqual(str(result[0][0]), "some text") class ClassNotifySet (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Set tracker:notify to true in a class and check there is no data loss """ def test_property_notify_set(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "notify" def insert_data(self): self.instance = "test://ontology-change/notify/true" self.tracker.update( "INSERT { <%s> a test:A; test:a_string 'some text'. }" % (self.instance)) def validate_status(self): result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?notify WHERE { test:A tracker:notify ?notify}") self.assertEqual(str(result[0][0]), "true") result = self.tracker.query("SELECT ?u WHERE { ?u a test:A. }") self.assertEqual(str(result[0][0]), self.instance) class ClassNotifyUnset (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Set tracker:notify to true in a class and check there is no data loss """ def test_property_notify_set(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "notify" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic-future" def insert_data(self): self.instance = "test://ontology-change/notify/true" self.tracker.update( "INSERT { <%s> a test:A; test:a_string 'some text'. }" % (self.instance)) def validate_status(self): result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?notify WHERE { test:A tracker:notify ?notify}") if (len(result) == 1): # Usually is (none) but it was "true" before so now has value. self.assertEqual(result[0][0], "false") else: self.assertEqual(len(result), 0) result = self.tracker.query("SELECT ?u WHERE { ?u a test:A. }") self.assertEqual(str(result[0][0]), self.instance) class PropertyIndexedSet (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Set tracker:indexed true to single and multiple valued properties. Check that instances and content of the property are still in the DB """ def test_indexed_set(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "indexed" def insert_data(self): # Instance with value in the single valued property self.instance_single_valued = "test://ontology-change/indexed/single/true" self.tracker.update("INSERT { <%s> a test:A ; test:a_string 'anything 1'. }" % (self.instance_single_valued)) # Instance with value in the n valued property self.instance_n_valued = "test://ontology-change/indexed/multiple/true" self.tracker.update("INSERT { <%s> a test:A ; test:a_n_cardinality 'anything n'. }" % (self.instance_n_valued)) def validate_status(self): # Check ontology and instance for the single valued property result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?indexed WHERE { test:a_string tracker:indexed ?indexed}") self.assertEqual(str(result[0][0]), "true") result = self.tracker.query("SELECT ?content WHERE { <%s> a test:A; test:a_string ?content. }" % (self.instance_single_valued)) self.assertEqual(str(result[0][0]), "anything 1") # Check ontology and instance for the multiple valued property result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?indexed WHERE { test:a_n_cardinality tracker:indexed ?indexed}") self.assertEqual(str(result[0][0]), "true") result = self.tracker.query("SELECT ?content WHERE { <%s> a test:A; test:a_n_cardinality ?content. }" % (self.instance_n_valued)) self.assertEqual(str(result[0][0]), "anything n") class PropertyIndexedUnset (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ tracker:indexed property from true to false in single and multiple valued properties. Check that instances and content of the property are still in the DB. """ def test_indexed_unset(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "indexed" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic-future" def insert_data(self): # Instance with value in the single valued property self.instance_single_valued = "test://ontology-change/indexed/single/true" self.tracker.update("INSERT { <%s> a test:A ; test:a_string 'anything 1'. }" % (self.instance_single_valued)) # Instance with value in the n valued property self.instance_n_valued = "test://ontology-change/indexed/multiple/true" self.tracker.update("INSERT { <%s> a test:A ; test:a_n_cardinality 'anything n'. }" % (self.instance_n_valued)) def validate_status(self): # # NOTE: tracker:indexed can be 'false' or None. In both cases is fine. # # Check ontology and instance for the single valued property result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?indexed WHERE { test:a_string tracker:indexed ?indexed}") self.assertEqual(str(result[0][0]), "false") result = self.tracker.query("SELECT ?content WHERE { <%s> a test:A; test:a_string ?content. }" % (self.instance_single_valued)) self.assertEqual(str(result[0][0]), "anything 1") # Check ontology and instance for the multiple valued property result = self.tracker.query( "SELECT ?indexed WHERE { test:a_n_cardinality tracker:indexed ?indexed}") self.assertEqual(str(result[0][0]), "false") result = self.tracker.query("SELECT ?content WHERE { <%s> a test:A; test:a_n_cardinality ?content. }" % (self.instance_n_valued)) self.assertEqual(str(result[0][0]), "anything n") class OntologyAddClassTest (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Add a class in the ontology. """ def test_ontology_add_class(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "add-class" def insert_data(self): # No need, adding a class pass def validate_status(self): # check the class is there result = self.tracker.query("SELECT ?k WHERE { ?k a rdfs:Class. }") self.assertInDbusResult(TEST_PREFIX + "D", result) result = self.tracker.query("SELECT ?k WHERE { ?k a rdfs:Class. }") self.assertInDbusResult(TEST_PREFIX + "E", result) class OntologyRemoveClassTest (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Remove a class from the ontology. With and without superclasses. """ def test_ontology_remove_class(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "add-class" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic-future" def insert_data(self): self.instance_e = "test://ontology-change/removal/class/1" self.tracker.update("INSERT { <%s> a test:E. }" % self.instance_e) self.instance_d = "test://ontology-change/removal/class/2" self.tracker.update("INSERT { <%s> a test:D. }" % self.instance_d) def validate_status(self): # # The classes are not actually removed... so this assertions are not valid (yet?) # #result = self.tracker.query ("SELECT ?k WHERE { ?k a rdfs:Class. }") #self.assertNotInDbusResult (TEST_PREFIX + "E", result) #self.assertNotInDbusResult (TEST_PREFIX + "D", result) # D is a subclass of A, removing D should keep the A instances result = self.tracker.query("SELECT ?i WHERE { ?i a test:A. }") self.assertEqual(result[0][0], self.instance_e) class OntologyAddPropertyTest (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Add new properties in the ontology, with/without super prop and different ranges and cardinalities """ @ut.skip("Fails with:Unable to insert multiple values for subject `http://example.org/ns#a_int' and single valued property `rdfs:comment' (old_value: 'This property is integer in basic here is string', new value: 'Property to test the changes string/int')") def test_ontology_add_property(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "add-prop" def insert_data(self): # No need, adding new properties pass def validate_status(self): result = self.tracker.query("SELECT ?k WHERE { ?k a rdf:Property}") self.assertInDbusResult(TEST_PREFIX + "new_prop_int", result) self.assertInDbusResult(TEST_PREFIX + "new_prop_int_n", result) self.assertInDbusResult(TEST_PREFIX + "new_prop_string", result) self.assertInDbusResult(TEST_PREFIX + "new_prop_string_n", result) self.assertInDbusResult(TEST_PREFIX + "new_subprop_string", result) self.assertInDbusResult(TEST_PREFIX + "new_subprop_string_n", result) class OntologyRemovePropertyTest (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Remove properties from the ontology, with and without super props and different ranges and cardinalities """ def test_ontology_remove_property(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "add-prop" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic-future" def insert_data(self): self.instance_a = "test://ontology-change/remove/properties/1" self.tracker.update (""" INSERT { <%s> a test:A; test:a_string 'This is fine' ; test:new_prop_int 7; test:new_prop_int_n 3; test:new_prop_string 'this is going to disappear' ; test:new_prop_string_n 'same with this' . } """ % (self.instance_a)) self.instance_b = "test://ontology-change/remove/properties/2" self.tracker.update (""" INSERT { <%s> a test:B; test:new_subprop_string 'super-prop keeps this value'; test:new_subprop_string_n 'super-prop also keeps this value'. } """ % (self.instance_b)) self.assertTrue(self.tracker.ask("ASK { <%s> a test:A}" % ( self.instance_a)), "The instance is not there") def validate_status(self): # # Note: on removal basically nothing happens. The property and values are still in the DB # # Maybe we should test there forcing a db reconstruction and journal # replay # First the ontology ## result = self.tracker.query ("SELECT ?k WHERE { ?k a rdf:Property}") ## self.assertNotInDbusResult (TEST_PREFIX + "new_prop_int", result) ## self.assertNotInDbusResult (TEST_PREFIX + "new_prop_int_n", result) ## self.assertNotInDbusResult (TEST_PREFIX + "new_prop_string", result) ## self.assertNotInDbusResult (TEST_PREFIX + "new_prop_string_n", result) ## self.assertNotInDbusResult (TEST_PREFIX + "new_subprop_string", result) ## self.assertNotInDbusResult (TEST_PREFIX + "new_subprop_string_n", result) # The instances are still there self.assertTrue(self.tracker.ask( "ASK { <%s> a test:A}" % (self.instance_a))) self.assertTrue(self.tracker.ask( "ASK { <%s> a test:B}" % (self.instance_b))) check = self.tracker.ask( "ASK { <%s> test:a_superprop 'super-prop keeps this value' }" % (self.instance_b)) self.assertTrue(check, "This property and value should exist") check = self.tracker.ask( "ASK { <%s> test:a_superprop_n 'super-prop also keeps this value' }" % (self.instance_b)) self.assertTrue(check, "This property and value should exist") class DomainIndexAddTest (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Add tracker:domainIndex to a class and check there is no data loss. """ @ut.skip("Fails with: basic-future/91-test.ontology: Unsupported ontology change for test:b_property: can't change rdfs:domain (old=test:A, attempted new=test:B) ") def test_domain_index_add(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "add-domainIndex" def insert_data(self): self.instance_a = "test://ontology-changes/properties/add-domain-index/a" self.tracker.update (""" INSERT { <%s> a test:B ; test:a_string 'test-value' ; test:a_n_cardinality 'another-test-value'. }""" % (self.instance_a)) self.instance_b = "test://ontology-changes/properties/add-domain-index/b" self.tracker.update (""" INSERT { <%s> a test:C ; test:a_string 'test-value' ; test:a_n_cardinality 'another-test-value'. }""" % (self.instance_b)) def validate_status(self): # Check the ontology has_domainIndex = self.tracker.ask( "ASK { test:B tracker:domainIndex test:a_string }") self.assertTrue(has_domainIndex) has_domainIndex = self.tracker.ask( "ASK { test:C tracker:domainIndex test:a_n_cardinality }") self.assertTrue(has_domainIndex) # Check the data dataok = self.tracker.ask( "ASK { <%s> test:a_string 'test-value' }" % (self.instance_a)) self.assertTrue(dataok) dataok = self.tracker.ask( "ASK { <%s> test:a_n_cardinality 'another-test-value' }" % (self.instance_b)) self.assertTrue(dataok) class DomainIndexRemoveTest (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Remove tracker:domainIndex to a class and check there is no data loss. """ def test_domain_index_remove(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "add-domainIndex" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic-future" def insert_data(self): self.instance_a = "test://ontology-changes/properties/add-domain-index/a" self.tracker.update (""" INSERT { <%s> a test:B ; test:a_string 'test-value' ; test:a_n_cardinality 'another-test-value'. }""" % (self.instance_a)) self.instance_b = "test://ontology-changes/properties/add-domain-index/b" self.tracker.update (""" INSERT { <%s> a test:C ; test:a_string 'test-value' ; test:a_n_cardinality 'another-test-value'. }""" % (self.instance_b)) def validate_status(self): # Check the ontology has_domainIndex = self.tracker.ask( "ASK { test:B tracker:domainIndex test:a_string }") self.assertFalse(has_domainIndex) has_domainIndex = self.tracker.ask( "ASK { test:C tracker:domainIndex test:a_n_cardinality }") self.assertFalse(has_domainIndex) # Check the data dataok = self.tracker.ask( "ASK { <%s> test:a_string 'test-value' }" % (self.instance_a)) self.assertTrue(dataok) dataok = self.tracker.ask( "ASK { <%s> test:a_n_cardinality 'another-test-value' }" % (self.instance_b)) self.assertTrue(dataok) class SuperclassRemovalTest (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Remove the superclass relation between two classes """ @expectedFailureJournal() @ut.skip("Fails with: Unsupported ontology change for http://example.org/ns#B: can't change rdfs:subClassOf (old=-, attempted new=-)") def test_superclass_removal(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "superclass-remove" def insert_data(self): is_subclass = self.tracker.ask("ASK {test:B rdfs:subClassOf test:A}") self.assertTrue(is_subclass) self.instance_a = "test://ontology-changes/superclasses/remove-superclass/a" self.tracker.update (""" INSERT { <%s> a test:A . } """ % (self.instance_a)) self.instance_b = "test://ontology-changes/superclasses/remove-superclass/b" self.tracker.update (""" INSERT { <%s> a test:B . } """ % (self.instance_b)) result = self.tracker.count_instances("test:B") self.assertEqual(result, 1) result = self.tracker.count_instances("test:A") self.assertEqual(result, 2) def validate_status(self): is_subclass = self.tracker.ask("ASK {test:B rdfs:subClassOf test:A}") self.assertFalse(is_subclass) result = self.tracker.count_instances("test:B") self.assertEqual(result, 1) result = self.tracker.count_instances("test:A") self.assertEqual(result, 1) class SuperclassAdditionTest (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Add a superclass to a class with no superclass previously """ @ut.skip("Fails with: basic-future/91-test.ontology: Unsupported ontology change for test:B: can't change rdfs:subClassOf (old=-, attempted new=test:A)") @expectedFailureJournal() def test_superclass_addition(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "superclass-remove" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic-future" def insert_data(self): is_subclass = self.tracker.ask("ASK {test:B rdfs:subClassOf test:A}") self.assertFalse(is_subclass) self.instance_a = "test://ontology-changes/superclasses/remove-superclass/a" self.tracker.update (""" INSERT { <%s> a test:A . } """ % (self.instance_a)) self.instance_b = "test://ontology-changes/superclasses/remove-superclass/b" self.tracker.update (""" INSERT { <%s> a test:B . } """ % (self.instance_b)) result = self.tracker.count_instances("test:B") self.assertEqual(result, 1) result = self.tracker.count_instances("test:A") self.assertEqual(result, 1) def validate_status(self): is_subclass = self.tracker.ask("ASK {test:B rdfs:subClassOf test:A}") self.assertTrue(is_subclass) result = self.tracker.count_instances("test:B") self.assertEqual(result, 1) result = self.tracker.count_instances("test:A") self.assertEqual(result, 2) class PropertyPromotionTest (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Move a property to the superclass """ @ut.skip("Fails with: basic-future/91-test.ontology: Unsupported ontology change for test:b_property: can't change rdfs:domain (old=test:A, attempted new=test:B)") @expectedFailureJournal() def test_property_promotion(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "property-promotion" def insert_data(self): self.instance_b = "test://ontology-change/property/promotion-to-superclass/b" self.tracker.update (""" INSERT { <%s> a test:B; test:b_property 'content-b-test'; test:b_property_n 'b-test-n'. } """ % (self.instance_b)) self.instance_a = "test://ontology-change/property/promotion-to-superclass/a" self.assertRaises(GLib.Error, self.tracker.update, "INSERT { <%s> a test:A; test:b_property 'content-a-test'.}" % (self.instance_a)) def validate_status(self): # This insertion should work now self.tracker.update (""" INSERT { <%s> a test:A; test:b_property 'content-a-test'.} """ % (self.instance_a)) # No data loss result = self.tracker.query("SELECT ?v ?w WHERE { <%s> test:b_property ?v ; test:b_property_n ?w }" % (self.instance_b)) self.assertEqual(result[0][0], "content-b-test") self.assertEqual(result[0][1], "b-test-n") class PropertyRelegationTest (OntologyChangeTestTemplate): """ Move a property to the subclass """ @ut.skip("Fails") @expectedFailureJournal() def test_property_relegation(self): self.template_test_ontology_change() def set_ontology_dirs(self): self.FIRST_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "property-promotion" self.SECOND_ONTOLOGY_DIR = "basic-future" def insert_data(self): self.instance_b = "test://ontology-change/property/promotion-to-superclass/b" self.tracker.update (""" INSERT { <%s> a test:B; test:b_property 'content-b-test'; test:b_property_n 'b-test-n'. } """ % (self.instance_b)) self.instance_a = "test://ontology-change/property/promotion-to-superclass/a" self.tracker.update (""" INSERT { <%s> a test:A; test:b_property 'content-a-test'.} """ % (self.instance_a)) def validate_status(self): # This insertion should fail now self.assertRaises(GLib.Error, self.tracker.update, "INSERT { <%s> a test:A; test:b_property 'content-a-test'.}" % (self.instance_a)) # No data loss result = self.tracker.query("SELECT ?v ?w WHERE { <%s> test:b_property ?v; test:b_property_n ?w }" % (self.instance_b)) self.assertEqual(result[0][0], "content-b-test") self.assertEqual(result[0][1], "b-test-n") if __name__ == "__main__": ut.main(verbosity=2)