#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (C) 2010, Nokia (ivan.frade@nokia.com) # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # from gi.repository import GLib from common.utils.system import TrackerSystemAbstraction import shutil import unittest2 as ut import os from common.utils import configuration as cfg from common.utils.helpers import log import time TEST_FILE_JPEG = "writeback-test-1.jpeg" TEST_FILE_TIFF = "writeback-test-2.tif" TEST_FILE_PNG = "writeback-test-4.png" WRITEBACK_TMP_DIR = os.path.join (cfg.TEST_MONITORED_TMP_DIR, "writeback") index_dirs = [WRITEBACK_TMP_DIR] CONF_OPTIONS = { cfg.DCONF_MINER_SCHEMA: { 'index-recursive-directories': GLib.Variant.new_strv(index_dirs), 'index-single-directories': GLib.Variant.new_strv([]), 'index-optical-discs': GLib.Variant.new_boolean(False), 'index-removable-devices': GLib.Variant.new_boolean(False), } } def uri (filename): return "file://" + os.path.join (WRITEBACK_TMP_DIR, filename) class CommonTrackerWritebackTest (ut.TestCase): """ Superclass to share methods. Shouldn't be run by itself. Start all processes including writeback, miner pointing to WRITEBACK_TMP_DIR """ @classmethod def __prepare_directories (self): if (os.path.exists (os.getcwd() + "/test-writeback-data")): # Use local directory if available datadir = os.getcwd() + "/test-writeback-data" else: datadir = os.path.join (cfg.DATADIR, "tracker-tests", "test-writeback-data") for testfile in [TEST_FILE_JPEG, TEST_FILE_PNG,TEST_FILE_TIFF]: origin = os.path.join (datadir, testfile) log ("Copying %s -> %s" % (origin, WRITEBACK_TMP_DIR)) shutil.copy (origin, WRITEBACK_TMP_DIR) @classmethod def setUpClass (self): #print "Starting the daemon in test mode" self.__prepare_directories () self.system = TrackerSystemAbstraction () self.system.tracker_writeback_testing_start (CONF_OPTIONS) def await_resource_extraction(url): # Make sure a resource has been crawled by the FS miner and by # tracker-extract. The extractor adds nie:contentCreated for # image resources, so know once this property is set the # extraction is complete. self.system.store.await_resource_inserted('nfo:Image', url=url, required_property='nie:contentCreated') await_resource_extraction (self.get_test_filename_jpeg()) await_resource_extraction (self.get_test_filename_tiff()) await_resource_extraction (self.get_test_filename_png()) # Returns when ready log ("Ready to go!") @classmethod def tearDownClass (self): #print "Stopping the daemon in test mode (Doing nothing now)" self.system.tracker_writeback_testing_stop () @staticmethod def get_test_filename_jpeg (): return uri (TEST_FILE_JPEG) @staticmethod def get_test_filename_tiff (): return uri (TEST_FILE_TIFF) @staticmethod def get_test_filename_png (): return uri (TEST_FILE_PNG) def get_mtime (self, filename): return os.stat(filename).st_mtime def wait_for_file_change (self, filename, initial_mtime): start = time.time() while time.time() < start + 5: mtime = os.stat(filename).st_mtime if mtime > initial_mtime: return time.sleep(0.2) raise Exception( "Timeout waiting for %s to be updated (mtime has not changed)" % filename)