/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Shaun McCance * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, see . * * Author: Shaun McCance */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "yelp-debug.h" #include "yelp-document.h" #include "yelp-error.h" #include "yelp-docbook-document.h" #include "yelp-help-list.h" #include "yelp-info-document.h" #include "yelp-mallard-document.h" #include "yelp-man-document.h" #include "yelp-settings.h" #include "yelp-simple-document.h" #include "yelp-storage.h" enum { PROP_0, PROP_URI, PROP_INDEXED }; typedef struct _Request Request; struct _Request { YelpDocument *document; gchar *page_id; GCancellable *cancellable; YelpDocumentCallback callback; gpointer user_data; GError *error; gint idle_funcs; }; typedef struct _Hash Hash; struct _Hash { gpointer null; GHashTable *hash; GDestroyNotify destroy; }; struct _YelpDocumentPriv { GMutex mutex; GSList *reqs_all; /* Holds canonical refs, only free from here */ Hash *reqs_by_page_id; /* Indexed by page ID, contains GSList */ GSList *reqs_pending; /* List of requests that need a page */ GSList *reqs_search; /* Pending search requests, not in reqs_all */ gboolean indexed; YelpUri *uri; gchar *doc_uri; /* Real page IDs map to themselves, so this list doubles * as a list of all valid page IDs. */ GHashTable *core_ids; /* Mapping of real IDs to themselves, for a set */ Hash *page_ids; /* Mapping of fragment IDs to real page IDs */ Hash *titles; /* Mapping of page IDs to titles */ Hash *descs; /* Mapping of page IDs to descs */ Hash *icons; /* Mapping of page IDs to icons */ Hash *mime_types; /* Mapping of page IDs to mime types */ Hash *contents; /* Mapping of page IDs to string content */ Hash *root_ids; /* Mapping of page IDs to "root page" IDs */ Hash *prev_ids; /* Mapping of page IDs to "previous page" IDs */ Hash *next_ids; /* Mapping of page IDs to "next page" IDs */ Hash *up_ids; /* Mapping of page IDs to "up page" IDs */ GError *idle_error; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (YelpDocument, yelp_document, G_TYPE_OBJECT) #define GET_PRIV(object) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((object), YELP_TYPE_DOCUMENT, YelpDocumentPriv)) static void yelp_document_dispose (GObject *object); static void yelp_document_finalize (GObject *object); static void document_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static void document_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static gboolean document_request_page (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id, GCancellable *cancellable, YelpDocumentCallback callback, gpointer user_data); static void document_indexed (YelpDocument *document); static const gchar * document_read_contents (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id); static void document_finish_read (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *contents); static gchar * document_get_mime_type (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *mime_type); static void document_index (YelpDocument *document); static Hash * hash_new (GDestroyNotify destroy); static void hash_free (Hash *hash); static gpointer hash_lookup (Hash *hash, const gchar *key); static void hash_replace (Hash *hash, const gchar *key, gpointer value); static void hash_remove (Hash *hash, const gchar *key); static void hash_slist_insert (Hash *hash, const gchar *key, gpointer value); static void hash_slist_remove (Hash *hash, const gchar *key, gpointer value); static void request_cancel (GCancellable *cancellable, Request *request); static gboolean request_idle_contents (Request *request); static gboolean request_idle_info (Request *request); static gboolean request_idle_error (Request *request); static gboolean request_try_free (Request *request); static void request_free (Request *request); static const gchar * str_ref (const gchar *str); static void str_unref (const gchar *str); static GMutex str_mutex; static GHashTable *str_refs = NULL; static GHashTable *documents = NULL; /******************************************************************************/ YelpDocument * yelp_document_lookup_document_uri (const gchar *docuri) { if (!documents) return NULL; return g_hash_table_lookup (documents, docuri); } YelpDocument * yelp_document_get_for_uri (YelpUri *uri) { YelpUriDocumentType doctype; gchar *docuri = NULL; gchar *page_id, *tmp; YelpDocument *document = NULL; if (documents == NULL) documents = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_object_unref); g_return_val_if_fail (yelp_uri_is_resolved (uri), NULL); doctype = yelp_uri_get_document_type (uri); if (doctype == YELP_URI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_TEXT || doctype == YELP_URI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_HTML || doctype == YELP_URI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_XHTML) { /* We use YelpSimpleDocument for these, which is a single-file * responder. But the document URI may be set to the directory * holding the file, to allow a directory of HTML files to act * as a single document. So we cache these by a fuller URI. */ docuri = yelp_uri_get_document_uri (uri); page_id = yelp_uri_get_page_id (uri); tmp = g_strconcat (docuri, "/", page_id, NULL); g_free (docuri); g_free (page_id); docuri = tmp; } else if (doctype == YELP_URI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_MAN) { /* The document URI for man pages is just man:, so we use the * full canonical URI to look these up. */ docuri = yelp_uri_get_canonical_uri (uri); } else { docuri = yelp_uri_get_document_uri (uri); } if (docuri == NULL) return NULL; document = g_hash_table_lookup (documents, docuri); if (document != NULL) { g_free (docuri); return g_object_ref (document); } switch (yelp_uri_get_document_type (uri)) { case YELP_URI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_TEXT: case YELP_URI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_HTML: case YELP_URI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_XHTML: document = yelp_simple_document_new (uri); break; case YELP_URI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_DOCBOOK: document = yelp_docbook_document_new (uri); break; case YELP_URI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_MALLARD: document = yelp_mallard_document_new (uri); break; case YELP_URI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_MAN: document = yelp_man_document_new (uri); break; case YELP_URI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_INFO: document = yelp_info_document_new (uri); break; case YELP_URI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_HELP_LIST: document = yelp_help_list_new (uri); break; case YELP_URI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NOT_FOUND: case YELP_URI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_EXTERNAL: case YELP_URI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ERROR: break; case YELP_URI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_UNRESOLVED: default: g_assert_not_reached (); } if (document != NULL) { g_hash_table_insert (documents, docuri, document); return g_object_ref (document); } g_free (docuri); return NULL; } /******************************************************************************/ static void yelp_document_class_init (YelpDocumentClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->dispose = yelp_document_dispose; object_class->finalize = yelp_document_finalize; object_class->get_property = document_get_property; object_class->set_property = document_set_property; klass->request_page = document_request_page; klass->read_contents = document_read_contents; klass->finish_read = document_finish_read; klass->get_mime_type = document_get_mime_type; klass->index = document_index; g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_INDEXED, g_param_spec_boolean ("indexed", N_("Indexed"), N_("Whether the document content has been indexed"), FALSE, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_URI, g_param_spec_object ("document-uri", N_("Document URI"), N_("The URI which identifies the document"), YELP_TYPE_URI, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (YelpDocumentPriv)); } static void yelp_document_init (YelpDocument *document) { YelpDocumentPriv *priv; document->priv = priv = GET_PRIV (document); g_mutex_init (&priv->mutex); priv->reqs_by_page_id = hash_new ((GDestroyNotify) g_slist_free); priv->reqs_all = NULL; priv->reqs_pending = NULL; priv->reqs_search = NULL; priv->core_ids = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL); priv->page_ids = hash_new (g_free ); priv->titles = hash_new (g_free); priv->descs = hash_new (g_free); priv->icons = hash_new (g_free); priv->mime_types = hash_new (g_free); priv->contents = hash_new ((GDestroyNotify) str_unref); priv->root_ids = hash_new (g_free); priv->prev_ids = hash_new (g_free); priv->next_ids = hash_new (g_free); priv->up_ids = hash_new (g_free); } static void yelp_document_dispose (GObject *object) { YelpDocument *document = YELP_DOCUMENT (object); if (document->priv->reqs_all) { g_slist_foreach (document->priv->reqs_all, (GFunc) request_try_free, NULL); g_slist_free (document->priv->reqs_all); document->priv->reqs_all = NULL; } if (document->priv->reqs_search) { g_slist_foreach (document->priv->reqs_search, (GFunc) request_try_free, NULL); g_slist_free (document->priv->reqs_search); document->priv->reqs_search = NULL; } G_OBJECT_CLASS (yelp_document_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void yelp_document_finalize (GObject *object) { YelpDocument *document = YELP_DOCUMENT (object); g_clear_object (&document->priv->uri); g_free (document->priv->doc_uri); g_slist_free (document->priv->reqs_pending); hash_free (document->priv->reqs_by_page_id); hash_free (document->priv->page_ids); hash_free (document->priv->titles); hash_free (document->priv->descs); hash_free (document->priv->icons); hash_free (document->priv->mime_types); hash_free (document->priv->contents); hash_free (document->priv->root_ids); hash_free (document->priv->prev_ids); hash_free (document->priv->next_ids); hash_free (document->priv->up_ids); g_hash_table_destroy (document->priv->core_ids); g_mutex_clear (&document->priv->mutex); G_OBJECT_CLASS (yelp_document_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void document_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { YelpDocument *document = YELP_DOCUMENT (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_INDEXED: g_value_set_boolean (value, document->priv->indexed); break; case PROP_URI: g_value_set_object (value, document->priv->uri); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void document_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { YelpDocument *document = YELP_DOCUMENT (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_INDEXED: document->priv->indexed = g_value_get_boolean (value); if (document->priv->indexed) g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) document_indexed, document); break; case PROP_URI: document->priv->uri = g_value_dup_object (value); if (document->priv->uri) document->priv->doc_uri = yelp_uri_get_document_uri (document->priv->uri); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } /******************************************************************************/ YelpUri * yelp_document_get_uri (YelpDocument *document) { g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); return document->priv->uri; } gchar ** yelp_document_list_page_ids (YelpDocument *document) { GList *lst, *cur; gint i; gchar **ret = NULL; g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); lst = g_hash_table_get_keys (document->priv->core_ids); ret = g_new0 (gchar *, g_list_length (lst) + 1); i = 0; for (cur = lst; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { ret[i] = g_strdup ((gchar *) cur->data); i++; } g_list_free (lst); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); return ret; } gchar * yelp_document_get_page_id (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *id) { gchar *ret = NULL; g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); if (id != NULL && g_str_has_prefix (id, "search=")) return g_strdup (id); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); ret = hash_lookup (document->priv->page_ids, id); if (ret) ret = g_strdup (ret); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); return ret; } void yelp_document_set_page_id (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *id, const gchar *page_id) { g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); hash_replace (document->priv->page_ids, id, g_strdup (page_id)); if (id == NULL || !g_str_equal (id, page_id)) { GSList *reqs, *cur; reqs = hash_lookup (document->priv->reqs_by_page_id, id); for (cur = reqs; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { Request *request = (Request *) cur->data; if (request == NULL) continue; g_free (request->page_id); request->page_id = g_strdup (page_id); hash_slist_insert (document->priv->reqs_by_page_id, page_id, request); } if (reqs) { hash_remove (document->priv->reqs_by_page_id, id); } } if (page_id != NULL) { if (g_hash_table_lookup (document->priv->core_ids, page_id) == NULL) { gchar *ins = g_strdup (page_id); g_hash_table_insert (document->priv->core_ids, ins, ins); } } g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); } gchar * yelp_document_get_root_id (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id) { gchar *real, *ret = NULL; g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); if (page_id != NULL && g_str_has_prefix (page_id, "search=")) real = hash_lookup (document->priv->page_ids, NULL); else real = hash_lookup (document->priv->page_ids, page_id); if (real) { ret = hash_lookup (document->priv->root_ids, real); if (ret) ret = g_strdup (ret); } g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); return ret; } void yelp_document_set_root_id (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id, const gchar *root_id) { g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); hash_replace (document->priv->root_ids, page_id, g_strdup (root_id)); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); } gchar * yelp_document_get_prev_id (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id) { gchar *real, *ret = NULL; g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); real = hash_lookup (document->priv->page_ids, page_id); if (real) { ret = hash_lookup (document->priv->prev_ids, real); if (ret) ret = g_strdup (ret); } g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); return ret; } void yelp_document_set_prev_id (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id, const gchar *prev_id) { g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); hash_replace (document->priv->prev_ids, page_id, g_strdup (prev_id)); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); } gchar * yelp_document_get_next_id (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id) { gchar *real, *ret = NULL; g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); real = hash_lookup (document->priv->page_ids, page_id); if (real) { ret = hash_lookup (document->priv->next_ids, real); if (ret) ret = g_strdup (ret); } g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); return ret; } void yelp_document_set_next_id (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id, const gchar *next_id) { g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); hash_replace (document->priv->next_ids, page_id, g_strdup (next_id)); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); } gchar * yelp_document_get_up_id (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id) { gchar *real, *ret = NULL; g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); real = hash_lookup (document->priv->page_ids, page_id); if (real) { ret = hash_lookup (document->priv->up_ids, real); if (ret) ret = g_strdup (ret); } g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); return ret; } void yelp_document_set_up_id (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id, const gchar *up_id) { g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); hash_replace (document->priv->up_ids, page_id, g_strdup (up_id)); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); } gchar * yelp_document_get_root_title (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id) { gchar *real, *root, *ret = NULL; g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); if (page_id != NULL && g_str_has_prefix (page_id, "search=")) { ret = yelp_storage_get_root_title (yelp_storage_get_default (), document->priv->doc_uri); } else { real = hash_lookup (document->priv->page_ids, page_id); if (real) { root = hash_lookup (document->priv->root_ids, real); if (root) { ret = hash_lookup (document->priv->titles, root); if (ret) ret = g_strdup (ret); } } } g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); return ret; } gchar * yelp_document_get_page_title (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id) { gchar *real, *ret = NULL; g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); if (page_id != NULL && g_str_has_prefix (page_id, "search=")) { ret = g_uri_unescape_string (page_id + 7, NULL); return ret; } g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); real = hash_lookup (document->priv->page_ids, page_id); if (real) { ret = hash_lookup (document->priv->titles, real); if (ret) ret = g_strdup (ret); } g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); return ret; } void yelp_document_set_page_title (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id, const gchar *title) { g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); hash_replace (document->priv->titles, page_id, g_strdup (title)); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); } gchar * yelp_document_get_page_desc (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id) { gchar *real, *ret = NULL; g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); if (page_id != NULL && g_str_has_prefix (page_id, "search=")) return yelp_document_get_root_title (document, page_id); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); real = hash_lookup (document->priv->page_ids, page_id); if (real) { ret = hash_lookup (document->priv->descs, real); if (ret) ret = g_strdup (ret); } g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); return ret; } void yelp_document_set_page_desc (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id, const gchar *desc) { g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); hash_replace (document->priv->descs, page_id, g_strdup (desc)); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); } gchar * yelp_document_get_page_icon (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id) { gchar *real, *ret = NULL; g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); if (page_id != NULL && g_str_has_prefix (page_id, "search=")) return g_strdup ("yelp-page-search-symbolic"); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); real = hash_lookup (document->priv->page_ids, page_id); if (real) { ret = hash_lookup (document->priv->icons, real); if (ret) ret = g_strdup (ret); } g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); if (ret == NULL) ret = g_strdup ("yelp-page-symbolic"); return ret; } void yelp_document_set_page_icon (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id, const gchar *icon) { g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); hash_replace (document->priv->icons, page_id, g_strdup (icon)); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); } static void document_indexed (YelpDocument *document) { g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); while (document->priv->reqs_search != NULL) { Request *request = (Request *) document->priv->reqs_search->data; request->idle_funcs++; g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) request_idle_info, request); g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) request_idle_contents, request); document->priv->reqs_search = g_slist_delete_link (document->priv->reqs_search, document->priv->reqs_search); } g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); } /******************************************************************************/ gboolean yelp_document_request_page (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id, GCancellable *cancellable, YelpDocumentCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { g_return_val_if_fail (YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (YELP_DOCUMENT_GET_CLASS (document)->request_page != NULL, FALSE); debug_print (DB_FUNCTION, "entering\n"); return YELP_DOCUMENT_GET_CLASS (document)->request_page (document, page_id, cancellable, callback, user_data); } static gboolean document_request_page (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id, GCancellable *cancellable, YelpDocumentCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { Request *request; gchar *real_id; gboolean ret = FALSE; request = g_slice_new0 (Request); request->document = g_object_ref (document); real_id = hash_lookup (document->priv->page_ids, page_id); if (real_id) request->page_id = g_strdup (real_id); else request->page_id = g_strdup (page_id); if (cancellable) { request->cancellable = g_object_ref (cancellable); g_signal_connect (cancellable, "cancelled", G_CALLBACK (request_cancel), request); } else { request->cancellable = NULL; } request->callback = callback; request->user_data = user_data; request->idle_funcs = 0; g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); if (g_str_has_prefix (page_id, "search=")) { document->priv->reqs_search = g_slist_prepend (document->priv->reqs_search, request); if (document->priv->indexed) g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) document_indexed, document); else yelp_document_index (document); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); return TRUE; } hash_slist_insert (document->priv->reqs_by_page_id, request->page_id, request); document->priv->reqs_all = g_slist_prepend (document->priv->reqs_all, request); document->priv->reqs_pending = g_slist_prepend (document->priv->reqs_pending, request); if (hash_lookup (document->priv->titles, request->page_id)) { request->idle_funcs++; g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) request_idle_info, request); } if (hash_lookup (document->priv->contents, request->page_id)) { request->idle_funcs++; g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) request_idle_contents, request); ret = TRUE; } g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); return ret; } void yelp_document_clear_contents (YelpDocument *document) { g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); if (document->priv->contents->null) { str_unref (document->priv->contents->null); document->priv->contents->null = NULL; } g_hash_table_remove_all (document->priv->contents->hash); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); } gchar ** yelp_document_get_requests (YelpDocument *document) { GList *reqs, *cur; gchar **ret; gint i; g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); reqs = g_hash_table_get_keys (document->priv->reqs_by_page_id->hash); ret = g_new0 (gchar*, g_list_length (reqs) + 1); for (cur = reqs, i = 0; cur; cur = cur->next, i++) { ret[i] = g_strdup ((gchar *) cur->data); } g_list_free (reqs); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); return ret; } /******************************************************************************/ const gchar * yelp_document_read_contents (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id) { g_return_val_if_fail (YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (YELP_DOCUMENT_GET_CLASS (document)->read_contents != NULL, NULL); return YELP_DOCUMENT_GET_CLASS (document)->read_contents (document, page_id); } static const gchar * document_read_contents (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id) { gchar *real, *str, **colors; g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); real = hash_lookup (document->priv->page_ids, page_id); if (page_id != NULL && g_str_has_prefix (page_id, "search=")) { gchar *tmp, *tmp2, *txt; GVariant *value; GVariantIter *iter; gchar *url, *title, *desc, *icon; /* do not free */ gchar *index_title; GString *ret = g_string_new ("
", colors[YELP_SETTINGS_COLOR_BASE], colors[YELP_SETTINGS_COLOR_TEXT], (gtk_widget_get_default_direction() == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL ? "rtl" : "ltr"), colors[YELP_SETTINGS_COLOR_GRAY_BASE], colors[YELP_SETTINGS_COLOR_GRAY_BORDER], colors[YELP_SETTINGS_COLOR_TEXT_LIGHT], colors[YELP_SETTINGS_COLOR_TEXT_LIGHT], colors[YELP_SETTINGS_COLOR_LINK], colors[YELP_SETTINGS_COLOR_BLUE_BASE], colors[YELP_SETTINGS_COLOR_BLUE_BASE], colors[YELP_SETTINGS_COLOR_BASE], colors[YELP_SETTINGS_COLOR_TEXT_LIGHT] ); index_title = yelp_storage_get_root_title (yelp_storage_get_default (), document->priv->doc_uri); if (index_title != NULL) { tmp = g_markup_printf_escaped ("
" "%s %s " "
", index_title, (gtk_widget_get_default_direction() == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL ? "«" : "»") ); g_string_append (ret, tmp); g_free (tmp); } g_string_append (ret, "
"); g_strfreev (colors); str = hash_lookup (document->priv->contents, real); if (str) { str_ref (str); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); return (const gchar *) str; } txt = g_uri_unescape_string (page_id + 7, NULL); tmp2 = g_strdup_printf (_("Search results for “%s”"), txt); tmp = g_markup_printf_escaped ("


", tmp2); g_string_append (ret, tmp); g_free (tmp2); g_free (tmp); value = yelp_storage_search (yelp_storage_get_default (), document->priv->doc_uri, txt); iter = g_variant_iter_new (value); if (g_variant_iter_n_children (iter) == 0) { if (index_title != NULL) { gchar *t = g_strdup_printf (_("No matching help pages found in “%s”."), index_title); tmp = g_markup_printf_escaped ("


", t); g_free (t); } else { tmp = g_markup_printf_escaped ("


", _("No matching help pages found.")); } g_string_append (ret, tmp); g_free (tmp); } else { while (g_variant_iter_loop (iter, "(&s&s&s&s)", &url, &title, &desc, &icon)) { gchar *xref_uri = NULL; if (g_str_has_prefix (url, document->priv->doc_uri)) xref_uri = g_strdup_printf ("xref:%s", url + strlen (document->priv->doc_uri) + 1); tmp = g_markup_printf_escaped ("", xref_uri && xref_uri[0] != '\0' ? xref_uri : url, title, desc); g_string_append (ret, tmp); g_free (xref_uri); g_free (tmp); } } g_variant_iter_free (iter); g_variant_unref (value); if (index_title != NULL) g_free (index_title); g_free (txt); g_string_append (ret, "
"); hash_replace (document->priv->contents, page_id, g_string_free (ret, FALSE)); str = hash_lookup (document->priv->contents, page_id); str_ref (str); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); return (const gchar *) str; } str = hash_lookup (document->priv->contents, real); if (str) str_ref (str); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); return (const gchar *) str; } void yelp_document_finish_read (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *contents) { g_return_if_fail (YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_return_if_fail (YELP_DOCUMENT_GET_CLASS (document)->finish_read != NULL); YELP_DOCUMENT_GET_CLASS (document)->finish_read (document, contents); } static void document_finish_read (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *contents) { str_unref (contents); } void yelp_document_give_contents (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id, gchar *contents, const gchar *mime) { g_return_if_fail (YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); debug_print (DB_FUNCTION, "entering\n"); debug_print (DB_ARG, " page_id = \"%s\"\n", page_id); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); hash_replace (document->priv->contents, page_id, (gpointer) str_ref (contents)); hash_replace (document->priv->mime_types, page_id, g_strdup (mime)); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); } gchar * yelp_document_get_mime_type (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id) { g_return_val_if_fail (YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (YELP_DOCUMENT_GET_CLASS (document)->get_mime_type != NULL, NULL); return YELP_DOCUMENT_GET_CLASS (document)->get_mime_type (document, page_id); } static gchar * document_get_mime_type (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id) { gchar *real, *ret = NULL; if (page_id != NULL && g_str_has_prefix (page_id, "search=")) return g_strdup ("application/xhtml+xml"); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); real = hash_lookup (document->priv->page_ids, page_id); if (real) { ret = hash_lookup (document->priv->mime_types, real); if (ret) ret = g_strdup (ret); } g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); return ret; } /******************************************************************************/ void yelp_document_index (YelpDocument *document) { g_return_if_fail (YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_return_if_fail (YELP_DOCUMENT_GET_CLASS (document)->index != NULL); YELP_DOCUMENT_GET_CLASS (document)->index (document); } static void document_index (YelpDocument *document) { g_object_set (document, "indexed", TRUE, NULL); } /******************************************************************************/ void yelp_document_signal (YelpDocument *document, const gchar *page_id, YelpDocumentSignal signal, const GError *error) { GSList *reqs, *cur; g_return_if_fail (YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); reqs = hash_lookup (document->priv->reqs_by_page_id, page_id); for (cur = reqs; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { Request *request = (Request *) cur->data; if (!request) continue; switch (signal) { case YELP_DOCUMENT_SIGNAL_CONTENTS: request->idle_funcs++; g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) request_idle_contents, request); break; case YELP_DOCUMENT_SIGNAL_INFO: request->idle_funcs++; g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) request_idle_info, request); break; case YELP_DOCUMENT_SIGNAL_ERROR: request->idle_funcs++; request->error = yelp_error_copy ((GError *) error); g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) request_idle_error, request); break; default: break; } } g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); } static gboolean yelp_document_error_pending_idle (YelpDocument *document) { YelpDocumentPriv *priv = GET_PRIV (document); GSList *cur; Request *request; g_mutex_lock (&priv->mutex); if (priv->reqs_pending) { for (cur = priv->reqs_pending; cur; cur = cur->next) { request = cur->data; request->error = yelp_error_copy ((GError *) priv->idle_error); request->idle_funcs++; g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) request_idle_error, request); } g_slist_free (priv->reqs_pending); priv->reqs_pending = NULL; } g_mutex_unlock (&priv->mutex); g_object_unref (document); return FALSE; } void yelp_document_error_pending (YelpDocument *document, const GError *error) { YelpDocumentPriv *priv = GET_PRIV (document); g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_object_ref (document); priv->idle_error = g_error_copy (error); g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) yelp_document_error_pending_idle, document); } /******************************************************************************/ static Hash * hash_new (GDestroyNotify destroy) { Hash *hash = g_new0 (Hash, 1); hash->destroy = destroy; hash->hash = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, destroy); return hash; } static void hash_free (Hash *hash) { if (hash->null) hash->destroy (hash->null); g_hash_table_destroy (hash->hash); g_free (hash); } static gpointer hash_lookup (Hash *hash, const gchar *key) { if (key == NULL) return hash->null; else return g_hash_table_lookup (hash->hash, key); } static void hash_replace (Hash *hash, const gchar *key, gpointer value) { if (key == NULL) { if (hash->null) hash->destroy (hash->null); hash->null = value; } else g_hash_table_replace (hash->hash, g_strdup (key), value); } static void hash_remove (Hash *hash, const gchar *key) { if (key == NULL) { if (hash->null) { hash->destroy (hash->null); hash->null = NULL; } } else g_hash_table_remove (hash->hash, key); } static void hash_slist_insert (Hash *hash, const gchar *key, gpointer value) { GSList *list; list = hash_lookup (hash, key); if (list) { list->next = g_slist_prepend (list->next, value); } else { list = g_slist_prepend (NULL, value); list = g_slist_prepend (list, NULL); if (key == NULL) hash->null = list; else g_hash_table_insert (hash->hash, g_strdup (key), list); } } static void hash_slist_remove (Hash *hash, const gchar *key, gpointer value) { GSList *list; list = hash_lookup (hash, key); if (list) { list = g_slist_remove (list, value); if (list->next == NULL) hash_remove (hash, key); } } /******************************************************************************/ static void request_cancel (GCancellable *cancellable, Request *request) { GSList *cur; YelpDocument *document = request->document; gboolean found = FALSE; g_assert (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); document->priv->reqs_pending = g_slist_remove (document->priv->reqs_pending, (gconstpointer) request); hash_slist_remove (document->priv->reqs_by_page_id, request->page_id, request); for (cur = document->priv->reqs_all; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { if (cur->data == request) { document->priv->reqs_all = g_slist_delete_link (document->priv->reqs_all, cur); found = TRUE; break; } } if (!found) { for (cur = document->priv->reqs_search; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { if (cur->data == request) { document->priv->reqs_search = g_slist_delete_link (document->priv->reqs_search, cur); break; } } } request_try_free (request); g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); } static gboolean request_idle_contents (Request *request) { YelpDocument *document; YelpDocumentPriv *priv; YelpDocumentCallback callback = NULL; gpointer user_data; g_assert (request != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (request->document)); if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (request->cancellable)) { request->idle_funcs--; return FALSE; } document = g_object_ref (request->document); priv = GET_PRIV (document); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); priv->reqs_pending = g_slist_remove (priv->reqs_pending, request); callback = request->callback; user_data = request->user_data; request->idle_funcs--; g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); if (callback) callback (document, YELP_DOCUMENT_SIGNAL_CONTENTS, user_data, NULL); g_object_unref (document); return FALSE; } static gboolean request_idle_info (Request *request) { YelpDocument *document; YelpDocumentCallback callback = NULL; gpointer user_data; g_assert (request != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (request->document)); if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (request->cancellable)) { request->idle_funcs--; return FALSE; } document = g_object_ref (request->document); g_mutex_lock (&document->priv->mutex); callback = request->callback; user_data = request->user_data; request->idle_funcs--; g_mutex_unlock (&document->priv->mutex); if (callback) callback (document, YELP_DOCUMENT_SIGNAL_INFO, user_data, NULL); g_object_unref (document); return FALSE; } static gboolean request_idle_error (Request *request) { YelpDocument *document; YelpDocumentPriv *priv; YelpDocumentCallback callback = NULL; GError *error = NULL; gpointer user_data; g_assert (request != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (request->document)); if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (request->cancellable)) { request->idle_funcs--; return FALSE; } document = g_object_ref (request->document); priv = GET_PRIV (document); g_mutex_lock (&priv->mutex); if (request->error) { callback = request->callback; user_data = request->user_data; error = request->error; priv->reqs_pending = g_slist_remove (priv->reqs_pending, request); } request->idle_funcs--; g_mutex_unlock (&priv->mutex); if (callback) callback (document, YELP_DOCUMENT_SIGNAL_ERROR, user_data, error); g_clear_error (&request->error); g_object_unref (document); return FALSE; } static gboolean request_try_free (Request *request) { if (!g_cancellable_is_cancelled (request->cancellable)) g_cancellable_cancel (request->cancellable); if (request->idle_funcs == 0) request_free (request); else g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) request_try_free, request); return FALSE; } static void request_free (Request *request) { g_object_unref (request->document); g_free (request->page_id); g_object_unref (request->cancellable); if (request->error) g_error_free (request->error); g_slice_free (Request, request); } /******************************************************************************/ static const gchar * str_ref (const gchar *str) { gpointer p; guint i; g_mutex_lock (&str_mutex); if (str_refs == NULL) str_refs = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); p = g_hash_table_lookup (str_refs, str); i = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (p); i++; p = GUINT_TO_POINTER (i); g_hash_table_insert (str_refs, (gpointer) str, p); g_mutex_unlock (&str_mutex); return str; } static void str_unref (const gchar *str) { gpointer p; guint i; g_mutex_lock (&str_mutex); p = g_hash_table_lookup (str_refs, str); i = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (p); i--; p = GUINT_TO_POINTER (i); if (i > 0) { g_hash_table_insert (str_refs, (gpointer) str, p); } else { g_hash_table_remove (str_refs, (gpointer) str); g_free ((gchar *) str); } g_mutex_unlock (&str_mutex); }