/* handles all html operations */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "data.h" #include "html.h" #include "parse.h" #include "utils.h" #define USE_FILE_URLS int inTable=0; char *BaseFilename=NULL; char *OverrideBaseFilename=NULL; /* prototypes */ char *form_info_tag_href( char *nodefile, char *nodename ); int make_Top_link( char *destdir, char *destfile ); int make_info_dir( char *destdir ); void write_node_link_html( FILE *f, char *nodefile, char *refname, char *ref ); void start_html_content( FILE *f ); void make_nav_links( FILE *f, NODE *node ); void html_error( char *s, char *p, char *q ); /* print out the url for a info file */ char *form_info_tag_href( char *nodefile, char *nodename ) { char tmp[1024]; char *escaped_nodename; char *filename; escaped_nodename = escape_html_chars( nodename ); if (!strcmp(BaseFilename, nodefile)) { if (OverrideBaseFilename) filename = OverrideBaseFilename; else filename = BaseFilename; } else filename = nodefile; snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"HREF=\"info:%s#%s\"", filename, escaped_nodename ); if (escaped_nodename) g_free(escaped_nodename); return g_strdup(tmp); } /* returns zero if success making link from destfile -> index.html in */ /* specified directory. If it already exists, just returns with success */ int make_Top_link( char *destdir, char *destfile ) { struct stat filestat; char *indexlink; indexlink = (char *) g_malloc( strlen(destdir) + 20); strcpy(indexlink, destdir); strcat(indexlink, "/index.html"); if (lstat(indexlink, &filestat)) { if (errno == ENOENT) { if (symlink(destfile, indexlink)) { fprintf(stderr,"Error creating link to %s\n",indexlink); perror("Error was"); exit(1); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"Error stat'ing file %s\n",indexlink); perror("Error was"); exit(1); } } else if (!S_ISLNK(filestat.st_mode)) { fprintf(stderr, "file %s exists and isnt a link\n",indexlink); fprintf(stderr, "FIX ME!!!\n"); g_free(indexlink); return -1; } return 0; } /* return non-zero if error with making directory */ int make_info_dir( char *destdir ) { struct stat filestat; if (stat(destdir, &filestat)) { if (errno == ENOENT) { if (mkdir(destdir, 01777)) { fprintf(stderr,"Error creating directory %s\n",destdir); perror("Error was"); exit(1); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"Error stat'ing directory %s\n",destdir); perror("Error was"); exit(1); } } else if (!S_ISDIR(filestat.st_mode)) { fprintf(stderr, "Info dir %s exists and isnt a directory!\n",destdir); fprintf(stderr, "FIX ME!!!\n"); return -1; } return 0; } /* write a link to another document */ void write_node_link_html( FILE *f, char *nodefile, char *refname, char *ref ) { char *converted_nodename; char *href; if (ref) { if (strcasecmp(ref, "(dir)")) { converted_nodename = g_strdup( ref ); map_spaces_to_underscores( converted_nodename ); href = form_info_tag_href(nodefile, converted_nodename); fprintf(f,"%s%s\n", href, refname, ref); g_free(href); g_free(converted_nodename); } else { href = form_info_tag_href("dir", "Top"); fprintf(f,"%s(dir)\n",href, refname); g_free(href); } } } /* write out top of a new html file */ #if 0 void write_html_header( FILE *f, char *filename, char *nodename) { fprintf(f,"\n"); fprintf(f,"\n"); fprintf(f,"\n"); fprintf(f,"Info Node: (%s)%s\n",filename,nodename); fprintf(f,"\n"); fprintf(f,"\n"); fprintf(f,"\n",work_filename, work_node); } #endif /* start of everything after html header */ void start_html_content( FILE *f ) { fprintf(f,"\n"); } /* we want to put links to next, prev, and up nodes */ void make_nav_links( FILE *f, NODE *node ) { #if 0 fprintf(f,"
  write_node_link_html( f, node->filename, "Next:", node->next );
  write_node_link_html( f, node->filename, "Prev:", node->prev );
  write_node_link_html( f, node->filename, "Up:", node->up );
\n"); #else fprintf(f,"\n"); fprintf(f,"\n"); fprintf(f,"\t\n"); fprintf(f,"\t\n"); fprintf(f,"\t\n"); fprintf(f,"\n
\n\t"); write_node_link_html( f, node->filename, "Next:", node->next ); fprintf(f,"\t\n\t"); write_node_link_html( f, node->filename, "Prev:", node->prev ); fprintf(f,"\t\n\t"); write_node_link_html( f, node->filename, "Up:", node->up ); fprintf(f,"\t
\n"); #endif } /* s is error message */ /* p is start of offending line */ /* q is end of offending line */ void html_error( char *s, char *p, char *q ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%s\n",work_filename, work_node); fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n",s); fprintf(stderr, "\tOffending line is:\n\t|"); fwrite(p, 1, q-p, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "|\n"); } /******************************************************************** * here is what we expect in contents of a node: * * headers: These are identified as a line of text * followed by a row of '---' or '###' normally. * These get mapped to

for now. * * body text: Format this between
statements. * Catch any *Note and *note and make into * links to other documents. Also try to catch * URLs as well. * * menus: Starts with a '* Menu' line. Goes until the * end of the node, or until the next line which * starts with something other than a '* ' or '\n'. * * end of node: The INFO_FF and INFO_COOKIE mark the end of a node. * Hitting EOF also marks the end of a node. ********************************************************************/ void dump_html_for_node( NODE *node ) { /* char *destdir; */ /* char *destfile; */ char *escaped_nodename; /* char *converted_nodename; */ char *contents_start, *contents_end; char *header_name; char *p, *q, *r, *skippnt; char *end_menu_entry; int menu_open, body_open; int seen_menu; int prev_was_blank, next_is_blank, current_is_blank; int seen_first_header; int last_output_was_header; int nskip; int we_are_in_dir_node; int i; FILE *f; /* msf - used to write each node to a separate file - now we're going */ /* to just output HTML to stdout. */ /* Each node will just be concantentated to previous */ #if 0 destdir = (char *) g_malloc ( strlen(node->filename) + strlen(HTML_ROOT) + strlen(node->filename) + 2); strcpy(destdir, HTML_ROOT); strcat(destdir, "/"); strcat(destdir, node->filename); strcat(destdir, "/"); /* check that the dir for info file exists */ make_info_dir( destdir ); /* ok, we made the dir, lets go */ destfile = (char *) g_malloc( strlen(destdir) + strlen(node->nodename) + 10); strcpy(destfile, destdir); converted_nodename = g_strdup( node->nodename ); map_spaces_to_underscores( converted_nodename ); strcat(destfile, converted_nodename); strcat(destfile, ".html"); g_free(converted_nodename); if (!(f=fopen(destfile, "w"))) { fprintf(f,"Couldnt create node html file %s\n",destfile); perror("Error was"); exit(1); } #endif /* hack - just dump to stdout for now */ f = stdout; /* see if this is THE dir node */ we_are_in_dir_node = !strcmp("Top", node->nodename) && !strcmp("dir", node->filename); #if 0 /* try and make a link between 'index.html' and 'Top.html' */ if (!strcmp("Top", node->nodename)) make_Top_link( destdir, destfile ); #endif #if 0 /* do the html header first */ write_html_header( f, node->filename, node->nodename ); #endif #if 0 /* now for the body */ start_html_content( f ); #endif /* make an anchor */ escaped_nodename = escape_html_chars( node->nodename ); map_spaces_to_underscores( escaped_nodename ); fprintf(f, "\n",escaped_nodename); g_free(escaped_nodename); /* links to other immediate nodes */ make_nav_links( f, node ); /* setup pointers to textual content of current node */ contents_start = node->contents; contents_end = node->contents+node->contlen; /* scan through all of contents and generate html on the fly */ /* p points at start of current line */ /* q points at the end of current line (at '\n' actually) */ /* r points at the start of next line */ /* we do this to catch headers */ /* scan for a header at the top of the contents */ /* if we see a '\n***'3 '*' in a row i */ /* then take previous line as a header */ header_name = NULL; p = contents_start = node->contents; q = memchr(p, '\n', contents_end - p); r=q+1; /* we have several states we could be in */ next_is_blank = 0; prev_was_blank = 0; current_is_blank = 0; seen_first_header = 0; seen_menu = 0; menu_open = 0; body_open = 0; last_output_was_header = 0; for (; q && r <= contents_end; ) { nskip = 1; skippnt = NULL; next_is_blank = (*r == '\n'); current_is_blank = (*p == '\n'); /* test some easy things first */ if (!strncmp(p, MENU_START, strlen(MENU_START))) { if (we_are_in_dir_node && !seen_menu) { if (body_open) { close_body_text_html(f); body_open = 0; } fprintf(f,"

Main Info File Directory

\n"); open_body_text_html(f); body_open = 1; fprintf(f,"This is the main directory of available info files.\n"); } if (body_open) { close_body_text_html(f); body_open = 0; } else if (seen_menu) html_error("Warning:saw new menu start and already in menu!", p, q); if (menu_open) close_menu_html( f ); if (last_output_was_header) open_menu_html( f, "" ); else open_menu_html( f, "Contents" ); seen_menu = 1; menu_open = 1; last_output_was_header = 0; } else if (we_are_in_dir_node && !seen_menu) { /* do nothing */ } else if (seen_menu) { /* if current line is blank ignore it */ if (current_is_blank) { /* do nothing */ } /* first see if its a menu line */ else if (!strncmp(p, MENU_ENTRY, strlen(MENU_ENTRY))) { if (!seen_menu) html_error("Have seen menu start and hit a menu line!", p, q); else { if (body_open) { if (menu_open) html_error("Hit a menu line, and body and menu are opened!", p, q); close_body_text_html( f ); body_open = 0; open_menu_html( f, "" ); menu_open = 1; } if (!menu_open) { open_menu_html( f, "" ); menu_open = 1; } write_menu_entry_html( f, p, node->filename, &end_menu_entry ); if (end_menu_entry != NULL) skippnt = end_menu_entry; last_output_was_header = 0; } } /* maybe its a header line */ /* man this is getting ridiculous, its like teaching a child */ /* to read! */ else if (is_a_hdr_line(r) || (*p != '*' && *r == '*' && *(r+1) == ' ') || (*p != '*' && seen_menu && (*p != ' ' && *(p+1) != ' ') && !current_is_blank && prev_was_blank && next_is_blank)) { header_name = (char *) g_malloc( q-p+2 ); memcpy(header_name, p, q-p); *(header_name + (q - p) ) = '\000'; /* if we were writing a particular component, close it */ if (menu_open) { close_menu_html( f ); menu_open = 0; } if (body_open) { close_body_text_html( f ); body_open = 0; } if (seen_first_header) write_header_html( f, header_name, HEADER_SIZE_2 ); else { seen_first_header = 1; write_header_html( f, header_name, HEADER_SIZE_1 ); } g_free(header_name); /* jump ahead another line */ if (!(*r == '*' && *(r+1) == ' ') && !next_is_blank) nskip++; last_output_was_header = 1; } /* well, has to be body text then */ else { if (menu_open) { close_menu_html( f ); menu_open = 0; write_html_horiz_rule ( f ); } if (!body_open) { open_body_text_html( f ); body_open = 1; } if (*p != '\n' && !last_output_was_header) { skippnt=write_body_text_html( f, p, q, node->filename ); last_output_was_header = 0; } } } /* otherwise, no menu seen so things are easier */ else { if (is_a_hdr_line(r)) { header_name = (char *) g_malloc( q-p+2 ); memcpy(header_name, p, q-p); *(header_name + (q - p) ) = '\000'; /* if we were writing a particular component, close it */ if (body_open) { close_body_text_html( f ); body_open = 0; } if (seen_first_header) write_header_html( f, header_name, HEADER_SIZE_2 ); else { seen_first_header = 1; write_header_html( f, header_name, HEADER_SIZE_1 ); } g_free(header_name); /* jump ahead another line */ if (!(*r == '*' && *(r+1) == ' ') && !next_is_blank) nskip++; last_output_was_header = 1; } /* well, has to be body text then */ else { if (!body_open) { open_body_text_html( f ); body_open = 1; } if (!(*p == '\n' && last_output_was_header)) { skippnt=write_body_text_html( f, p, q, node->filename ); last_output_was_header = 0; } } } /* end of cases, move to next line in contents */ prev_was_blank = (*p == '\n'); if (skippnt) { p = skippnt; q = memchr(p, '\n', contents_end - p); r = q+1; skippnt = NULL; } else for (i=0; i< nskip; i++) { p = r; q = memchr(p, '\n', contents_end - p); r = q+1; } } /* thats all folks */ if (menu_open) close_menu_html( f ); else if (body_open) close_body_text_html( f ); /* put nav links at the bottom */ make_nav_links(f, node); #if 0 fprintf(f,"\n\n"); #endif /* clean up */ #if 0 g_free(destdir); g_free(destfile); #endif } void write_header_html( FILE *f, char *p, char *hdr ) { fprintf(f,"<%s> %s \n",hdr,p,hdr); } void open_body_text_html( FILE *f ) { fprintf(f, "

void close_body_text_html( FILE *f )
  fprintf(f, "
\n"); } /* we have to handle '*note' and '*Note' links in body text */ /* p is ptr to start of current line */ /* q is ptr to '\n' at end of current line */ char *write_body_text_html( FILE *f, char *p, char *q, char *nodefile ) { int curlen; int ref_exists; char *tmp; char *ptr; char *match1; char *note_ptr; char *converted_nodename; char *escaped_refname; char *escaped_refnode; char *escaped_seg; char *refname, *reffile, *refnode, *end; char *href; curlen = q - p; tmp = (char *) g_malloc( curlen + 1 ); memcpy( tmp, p, curlen ); *(tmp+curlen) = '\000'; /* see if there is a reference in current line */ /* and make sure this isnt a '*Note*' instead ! */ ref_exists = 0; if ((note_ptr=strstr(tmp, "*Note")) || (note_ptr=strstr(tmp, "*note"))) if (*(note_ptr+6) != '*') ref_exists = 1; if (ref_exists) { /* find the start of the link */ note_ptr = (note_ptr - tmp) + p; match1 = note_ptr + 4; /* not needed any more */ g_free(tmp); for (; 1; ) if (*(match1+1) == ' ' || *(match1+1) == '\n') match1++; else break; /* find end of the link */ if (parse_note_ref( match1, &refname, &reffile, &refnode, &end, 1)) { html_error( "Corrupt *Note link found!", p, q ); return NULL; } /* now we assume that parse_note_ref left control chars in ref* */ /* if both null, we had a '::' and have to set both */ if (reffile == NULL && refnode == NULL) { reffile = g_strdup(nodefile); refnode = g_strdup(refname); } /* otherwise we had (file)., and we set node to 'Top' */ else if (refnode == NULL) refnode = g_strdup("Top"); /* otherwise we had :nodename., and we set node to 'Top' */ else if (reffile == NULL) reffile = g_strdup(nodefile); /* Here we need to escape everything up to Note. * One caveat: The "*Note*" itself isn't escaped. Currently we know this is * okay ("*Note" has no characters needing escapes.) but.... */ curlen = note_ptr - p; tmp = (char *) g_malloc (curlen + 1); memcpy (tmp, p, curlen); *(tmp + curlen) = '\000'; escaped_seg = escape_html_chars (tmp); g_free (tmp); /* write out stuff up to Note */ fprintf(f, "%s", escaped_seg); fprintf(f, ""); fwrite(note_ptr, 1, match1 - note_ptr, f); fprintf(f, " "); /* we need a nice nodename -> filename translation */ /* so we convert newlines to spaces */ converted_nodename = g_strdup( refnode ); convert_newlines_to_spaces( converted_nodename ); /* we don't want two spaces in a row */ strip_dupspaces( converted_nodename ); map_spaces_to_underscores( converted_nodename ); /* escape HTML chars */ escaped_refname = escape_html_chars( refname ); escaped_refnode = escape_html_chars( refnode ); /* now output the link to html doc */ #if 0 fprintf(f,"", reffile, converted_nodename); #endif href = form_info_tag_href(reffile, converted_nodename); fprintf(f,"", href); for (ptr=escaped_refname; *ptr; ptr++) if (*ptr == '\n') { fprintf(f,"\n"); fprintf(f,"", href); } else fprintf(f,"%c", *ptr); if (strcmp(refname, refnode)) { fprintf(f,": "); for (ptr=escaped_refnode; *ptr; ptr++) if (*ptr == '\n') { fprintf(f,"\n"); fprintf(f,"", href); } else fprintf(f,"%c", *ptr); fprintf(f,""); if (end > q && !(strchr(refnode, '\n'))) fprintf(f,"\n"); } else fprintf(f,""); if (href) g_free(href); if (escaped_refnode) g_free(escaped_refnode); if (escaped_refname) g_free(escaped_refname); if (converted_nodename) g_free(converted_nodename); g_free(escaped_seg); g_free(refname); g_free(reffile); g_free(refnode); /* write out stuff at end */ if (end < q) { /* Escape up to the end of line. */ curlen = q - (end+1); tmp = (char *) g_malloc (curlen + 1); memcpy (tmp, end+1, curlen); *(tmp+curlen) = '\000'; escaped_seg = escape_html_chars (tmp); g_free (tmp); fprintf (f, "%s", escaped_seg); fprintf (f, "\n"); g_free (escaped_seg); return NULL; } else return end+1; } else { /* Escape the whole thing. */ escaped_seg = escape_html_chars (tmp); fprintf (f, "%s", escaped_seg); fprintf (f, "\n"); /* not needed any more */ g_free(tmp); g_free (escaped_seg); return NULL; } } void open_menu_html( FILE *f, char *p ) { if (*p != '\000') fprintf(f, "


\n",p); /* fprintf(f, "
    \n"); */ #if 0 fprintf(f, "
    \n"); #else if (inTable) fprintf(stderr, "In a table and starting new one!\n"); inTable = 1; fprintf(f, "\n"); #endif } void close_menu_html( FILE *f ) { /* fprintf(f, "\n"); */ #if 0 fprintf(f, "\n"); #else if (!inTable) fprintf(stderr, "Not in a table and closing one!\n"); inTable = 0; fprintf(f, "
    \n"); #endif } /* writes menu entry contained in string p */ /* nodename and nodefile apply to the node which menu entry is in */ void write_menu_entry_html( FILE *f, char *p, char *nodefile, char **menu_end ) { char *refname; char *reffile; char *refnode; char *end; char *realend; char *converted_nodename; char *escaped_refnode; char *escaped_refname; char *href; int i, done; /* skip over the '* ' at the start of the line */ if (parse_menu_line( p+2, &refname, &reffile, &refnode, &end, 0 )) { html_error("Error parsing menu", p, memchr(p, '\n', 80)); return; } /* if both null, we had a '::' and have to set both */ if (reffile == NULL && refnode == NULL) { reffile = g_strdup(nodefile); refnode = g_strdup(refname); } /* otherwise we had (file)., and we set node to 'Top' */ else if (refnode == NULL) refnode = g_strdup("Top"); else if (reffile == NULL) reffile = g_strdup(nodefile); /* now find the end of the right hand text for this menu line */ /* it can continue for several lines */ done = 0; for (realend = end+1; !done; realend++) { if (*realend == '\n') { if (*(realend+1) == '\n') { done = 1; continue; } for (i=1; i<4; i++) if (!isspace(*(realend+i)) && *(realend+i) != '\n') { done = 1; break; } } } *menu_end = realend; converted_nodename = g_strdup( refnode ); map_spaces_to_underscores( converted_nodename ); escaped_refnode = escape_html_chars( refnode ); escaped_refname = escape_html_chars( refname ); #if 0 fprintf(f,"
    %s\n", reffile, converted_nodename, escaped_refname); #endif href = form_info_tag_href( reffile, converted_nodename ); #if 0 fprintf(f,"
    %s\n", href, escaped_refname ); fprintf(f,"
    "); if (*end == '.' && *(end+1) == '\n') fprintf(f,"%s.\n",escaped_refnode); else fwrite(end+1, 1, *menu_end - end - 1, f); #else fprintf(f,"\n\t\n\t\t%s\n\t\n" "\t\n\t\t", href, escaped_refname ); if (*end == '.' && *(end+1) == '\n') fprintf(f,"%s.\n",escaped_refnode); else fwrite(end+1, 1, *menu_end - end - 1, f); fprintf(f,"\n\t\n\n"); #endif if (href) g_free(href); if (escaped_refname) g_free(escaped_refname); if (escaped_refnode) g_free(escaped_refnode); if (converted_nodename) g_free(converted_nodename); g_free(refname); g_free(reffile); g_free(refnode); } void write_html_horiz_rule( FILE *f ) { fprintf(f, "
    \n"); }