/*++ Copyright (c) 1999 Intel Corporation Module Name: EfiRtLib.h Abstract: EFI Runtime library functions Revision History --*/ #include "efi.h" #include "efilib.h" #include "efirtlib.h" #ifndef __GNUC__ #pragma RUNTIME_CODE(RtZeroMem) #endif VOID RUNTIMEFUNCTION RtZeroMem ( IN VOID *Buffer, IN UINTN Size ) { INT8 *pt; pt = Buffer; while (Size--) { *(pt++) = 0; } } #ifndef __GNUC__ #pragma RUNTIME_CODE(RtSetMem) #endif VOID RUNTIMEFUNCTION RtSetMem ( IN VOID *Buffer, IN UINTN Size, IN UINT8 Value ) { INT8 *pt; pt = Buffer; while (Size--) { *(pt++) = Value; } } #ifndef __GNUC__ #pragma RUNTIME_CODE(RtCopyMem) #endif VOID RUNTIMEFUNCTION RtCopyMem ( IN VOID *Dest, IN CONST VOID *Src, IN UINTN len ) { CHAR8 *d = (CHAR8*)Dest; CHAR8 *s = (CHAR8*)Src; if (d == NULL || s == NULL || s == d) return; // If the beginning of the destination range overlaps with the end of // the source range, make sure to start the copy from the end so that // we don't end up overwriting source data that we need for the copy. if ((d > s) && (d < s + len)) { for (d += len, s += len; len--; ) *--d = *--s; } else { while (len--) *d++ = *s++; } } #ifndef __GNUC__ #pragma RUNTIME_CODE(RtCompareMem) #endif INTN RUNTIMEFUNCTION RtCompareMem ( IN CONST VOID *Dest, IN CONST VOID *Src, IN UINTN len ) { CONST CHAR8 *d = Dest, *s = Src; while (len--) { if (*d != *s) { return *d - *s; } d += 1; s += 1; } return 0; } #ifndef __GNUC__ #pragma RUNTIME_CODE(RtCompareGuid) #endif INTN RUNTIMEFUNCTION RtCompareGuid ( IN EFI_GUID *Guid1, IN EFI_GUID *Guid2 ) /*++ Routine Description: Compares to GUIDs Arguments: Guid1 - guid to compare Guid2 - guid to compare Returns: = 0 if Guid1 == Guid2 --*/ { INT32 *g1, *g2, r; // // Compare 32 bits at a time // g1 = (INT32 *) Guid1; g2 = (INT32 *) Guid2; r = g1[0] - g2[0]; r |= g1[1] - g2[1]; r |= g1[2] - g2[2]; r |= g1[3] - g2[3]; return r; }