@node sys/stat.h @section @file{sys/stat.h} POSIX specification:@* @url{http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/sys_stat.h.html} Gnulib module: sys_stat Portability problems fixed by Gnulib module @code{sys_stat}: @itemize @item The type @code{mode_t} is not defined on some platforms: MSVC 14. @item Some macros, such as @code{S_IFMT} or @code{S_IFIFO}, are missing on some platforms. @item The macros @code{S_ISBLK}, @code{S_ISCHR}, @code{S_ISDIR}, @code{S_ISFIFO}, @code{S_ISLNK}, @code{S_ISREG}, @code{S_ISSOCK} are broken on some platforms. @item Some platforms define macros, such as @code{S_ISDOOR}, that are not defined on other platforms. @item The functions @code{lstat} and @code{mkdir} are not declared on some platforms: mingw, MSVC 14. @item The macros @code{UTIME_NOW} and @code{UTIME_OMIT} are missing on some platforms. @item On some platforms, @code{struct stat} does not include @code{st_atim}, @code{st_mtim}, or @code{st_ctim} members. Use the gnulib module @samp{stat-time} for accessors to portably get at subsecond resolution. @end itemize Portability problems fixed by Gnulib module @code{sys_stat}, together with module @code{windows-stat-inodes}: @itemize @item On Windows platforms (excluding Cygwin), @code{st_ino} is always 0. @end itemize Portability problems not fixed by Gnulib: @itemize @item The macro @code{S_IFBLK} is missing on some platforms: MSVC 14. @item On OpenVMS, @code{st_ino} is an array of three @code{ino_t} values, not a single value. @item To partially work around the previous two problems, you can test for nonzero @code{st_ino} and use the Gnulib @code{same-inode} module to compare nonzero values. For example, @code{SAME_INODE (a, b)} is true if the @code{struct stat} values @code{a} and @code{b} are known to represent the same file, @code{(a.st_ino && !SAME_INODE (a, b))} is true if they are known to represent different files, and @code{!a.st_ino} is true if it is not known whether they represent different files. @item On some platforms, two different files may have the same @code{st_dev} and @code{st_ino} values, even when @code{st_ino} is nonzero: @itemize @item GNU/Linux NFS servers that export all local file systems as a single NFS file system, if a local @code{st_dev} exceeds 255, or if a local @code{st_ino} exceeds 16777215. @item Network Appliance NFS servers in snapshot directories; see Network Appliance bug #195. @item ClearCase MVFS; see bug id ATRia04618. @end itemize One partial workaround is to compare other file metadata such as @code{st_mode} and @code{st_mtime} to detect this bug, but this approach does not work on files whose metadata are being changed by other programs. @item On some file systems, @code{st_size} contains bogus information for symlinks; use the Gnulib module @code{areadlink-with-size} for a better way to get symlink contents. @end itemize