/* rijndael-api-fst.c --- Rijndael cipher implementation. * Copyright (C) 2005-2006, 2009-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this file; if not, see . * */ /* Adapted for gnulib by Simon Josefsson. * * Based on public domain "Optimised C code" retrieved from (SHA1 * 7c8e4b00d06685d1dbc6724a9e0d502353de339e): * https://web.archive.org/web/20060618010435/http://www.iaik.tu-graz.ac.at/research/krypto/AES/old/~rijmen/rijndael/rijndael-fst-3.0.zip */ #include /** * rijndael-api-fst.c * * @version 2.9 (December 2000) * * Optimised ANSI C code for the Rijndael cipher (now AES) * * @author Vincent Rijmen * @author Antoon Bosselaers * @author Paulo Barreto * * This code is hereby placed in the public domain. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Acknowledgements: * * We are deeply indebted to the following people for their bug reports, * fixes, and improvement suggestions to this implementation. Though we * tried to list all contributions, we apologise in advance for any * missing reference. * * Andrew Bales * Markus Friedl * John Skodon */ #include "rijndael-alg-fst.h" #include "rijndael-api-fst.h" #include #include #include rijndael_rc rijndaelMakeKey (rijndaelKeyInstance *key, rijndael_direction direction, size_t keyLen, const char *keyMaterial) { size_t i; char *keyMat; char cipherKey[RIJNDAEL_MAXKB]; if (key == NULL) { return RIJNDAEL_BAD_KEY_INSTANCE; } if ((direction == RIJNDAEL_DIR_ENCRYPT) || (direction == RIJNDAEL_DIR_DECRYPT)) { key->direction = direction; } else { return RIJNDAEL_BAD_KEY_DIR; } if ((keyLen == 128) || (keyLen == 192) || (keyLen == 256)) { key->keyLen = keyLen; } else { return RIJNDAEL_BAD_KEY_MAT; } if (keyMaterial != NULL) { strncpy (key->keyMaterial, keyMaterial, keyLen / 4); } /* initialize key schedule: */ keyMat = key->keyMaterial; for (i = 0; i < key->keyLen / 8; i++) { char t, v; t = *keyMat++; if ((t >= '0') && (t <= '9')) v = (t - '0') << 4; else if ((t >= 'a') && (t <= 'f')) v = (t - 'a' + 10) << 4; else if ((t >= 'A') && (t <= 'F')) v = (t - 'A' + 10) << 4; else return RIJNDAEL_BAD_KEY_MAT; t = *keyMat++; if ((t >= '0') && (t <= '9')) v ^= (t - '0'); else if ((t >= 'a') && (t <= 'f')) v ^= (t - 'a' + 10); else if ((t >= 'A') && (t <= 'F')) v ^= (t - 'A' + 10); else return RIJNDAEL_BAD_KEY_MAT; cipherKey[i] = v; } if (direction == RIJNDAEL_DIR_ENCRYPT) { key->Nr = rijndaelKeySetupEnc (key->rk, cipherKey, keyLen); } else { key->Nr = rijndaelKeySetupDec (key->rk, cipherKey, keyLen); } rijndaelKeySetupEnc (key->ek, cipherKey, keyLen); return 0; } rijndael_rc rijndaelCipherInit (rijndaelCipherInstance *cipher, rijndael_mode mode, const char *IV) { if ((mode == RIJNDAEL_MODE_ECB) || (mode == RIJNDAEL_MODE_CBC) || (mode == RIJNDAEL_MODE_CFB1)) { cipher->mode = mode; } else { return RIJNDAEL_BAD_CIPHER_MODE; } if (IV != NULL) { int i; for (i = 0; i < RIJNDAEL_MAX_IV_SIZE; i++) { int t, j; t = IV[2 * i]; if ((t >= '0') && (t <= '9')) j = (t - '0') << 4; else if ((t >= 'a') && (t <= 'f')) j = (t - 'a' + 10) << 4; else if ((t >= 'A') && (t <= 'F')) j = (t - 'A' + 10) << 4; else return RIJNDAEL_BAD_CIPHER_INSTANCE; t = IV[2 * i + 1]; if ((t >= '0') && (t <= '9')) j ^= (t - '0'); else if ((t >= 'a') && (t <= 'f')) j ^= (t - 'a' + 10); else if ((t >= 'A') && (t <= 'F')) j ^= (t - 'A' + 10); else return RIJNDAEL_BAD_CIPHER_INSTANCE; cipher->IV[i] = (uint8_t) j; } } else { memset (cipher->IV, 0, RIJNDAEL_MAX_IV_SIZE); } return 0; } int rijndaelBlockEncrypt (rijndaelCipherInstance *cipher, const rijndaelKeyInstance *key, const char *input, size_t inputLen, char *outBuffer) { size_t i, k, t, numBlocks; union { char bytes[16]; uint32_t words[4]; } block; char *iv; if (cipher == NULL || key == NULL || key->direction == RIJNDAEL_DIR_DECRYPT) { return RIJNDAEL_BAD_CIPHER_STATE; } if (input == NULL || inputLen <= 0) { return 0; /* nothing to do */ } numBlocks = inputLen / 128; switch (cipher->mode) { case RIJNDAEL_MODE_ECB: for (i = numBlocks; i > 0; i--) { rijndaelEncrypt (key->rk, key->Nr, input, outBuffer); input += 16; outBuffer += 16; } break; case RIJNDAEL_MODE_CBC: iv = cipher->IV; for (i = numBlocks; i > 0; i--) { block.words[0] = ((uint32_t *) input)[0] ^ ((uint32_t *) iv)[0]; block.words[1] = ((uint32_t *) input)[1] ^ ((uint32_t *) iv)[1]; block.words[2] = ((uint32_t *) input)[2] ^ ((uint32_t *) iv)[2]; block.words[3] = ((uint32_t *) input)[3] ^ ((uint32_t *) iv)[3]; rijndaelEncrypt (key->rk, key->Nr, block.bytes, outBuffer); memcpy (cipher->IV, outBuffer, 16); input += 16; outBuffer += 16; } break; case RIJNDAEL_MODE_CFB1: iv = cipher->IV; for (i = numBlocks; i > 0; i--) { memcpy (outBuffer, input, 16); for (k = 0; k < 128; k++) { rijndaelEncrypt (key->ek, key->Nr, iv, block.bytes); outBuffer[k >> 3] ^= (block.bytes[0] & 0x80U) >> (k & 7); for (t = 0; t < 15; t++) { iv[t] = (iv[t] << 1) | (iv[t + 1] >> 7); } iv[15] = (iv[15] << 1) | ((outBuffer[k >> 3] >> (7 - (k & 7))) & 1); } outBuffer += 16; input += 16; } break; default: return RIJNDAEL_BAD_CIPHER_STATE; } return 128 * numBlocks; } int rijndaelPadEncrypt (rijndaelCipherInstance *cipher, const rijndaelKeyInstance *key, const char *input, size_t inputOctets, char *outBuffer) { size_t i, numBlocks, padLen; union { char bytes[16]; uint32_t words[4]; } block; char *iv; if (cipher == NULL || key == NULL || key->direction == RIJNDAEL_DIR_DECRYPT) { return RIJNDAEL_BAD_CIPHER_STATE; } if (input == NULL || inputOctets <= 0) { return 0; /* nothing to do */ } numBlocks = inputOctets / 16; switch (cipher->mode) { case RIJNDAEL_MODE_ECB: for (i = numBlocks; i > 0; i--) { rijndaelEncrypt (key->rk, key->Nr, input, outBuffer); input += 16; outBuffer += 16; } padLen = 16 - (inputOctets - 16 * numBlocks); assert (padLen > 0 && padLen <= 16); memcpy (block.bytes, input, 16 - padLen); memset (block.bytes + 16 - padLen, padLen, padLen); rijndaelEncrypt (key->rk, key->Nr, block.bytes, outBuffer); break; case RIJNDAEL_MODE_CBC: iv = cipher->IV; for (i = numBlocks; i > 0; i--) { block.words[0] = ((uint32_t *) input)[0] ^ ((uint32_t *) iv)[0]; block.words[1] = ((uint32_t *) input)[1] ^ ((uint32_t *) iv)[1]; block.words[2] = ((uint32_t *) input)[2] ^ ((uint32_t *) iv)[2]; block.words[3] = ((uint32_t *) input)[3] ^ ((uint32_t *) iv)[3]; rijndaelEncrypt (key->rk, key->Nr, block.bytes, outBuffer); memcpy (cipher->IV, outBuffer, 16); input += 16; outBuffer += 16; } padLen = 16 - (inputOctets - 16 * numBlocks); assert (padLen > 0 && padLen <= 16); for (i = 0; i < 16 - padLen; i++) { block.bytes[i] = input[i] ^ iv[i]; } for (i = 16 - padLen; i < 16; i++) { block.bytes[i] = (char) padLen ^ iv[i]; } rijndaelEncrypt (key->rk, key->Nr, block.bytes, outBuffer); memcpy (cipher->IV, outBuffer, 16); break; default: return RIJNDAEL_BAD_CIPHER_STATE; } return 16 * (numBlocks + 1); } int rijndaelBlockDecrypt (rijndaelCipherInstance *cipher, const rijndaelKeyInstance *key, const char *input, size_t inputLen, char *outBuffer) { size_t i, k, t, numBlocks; union { char bytes[16]; uint32_t words[4]; } block; char *iv; if (cipher == NULL || key == NULL || (cipher->mode != RIJNDAEL_MODE_CFB1 && key->direction == RIJNDAEL_DIR_ENCRYPT)) { return RIJNDAEL_BAD_CIPHER_STATE; } if (input == NULL || inputLen <= 0) { return 0; /* nothing to do */ } numBlocks = inputLen / 128; switch (cipher->mode) { case RIJNDAEL_MODE_ECB: for (i = numBlocks; i > 0; i--) { rijndaelDecrypt (key->rk, key->Nr, input, outBuffer); input += 16; outBuffer += 16; } break; case RIJNDAEL_MODE_CBC: iv = cipher->IV; for (i = numBlocks; i > 0; i--) { rijndaelDecrypt (key->rk, key->Nr, input, block.bytes); block.words[0] ^= ((uint32_t *) iv)[0]; block.words[1] ^= ((uint32_t *) iv)[1]; block.words[2] ^= ((uint32_t *) iv)[2]; block.words[3] ^= ((uint32_t *) iv)[3]; memcpy (cipher->IV, input, 16); memcpy (outBuffer, block.bytes, 16); input += 16; outBuffer += 16; } break; case RIJNDAEL_MODE_CFB1: iv = cipher->IV; for (i = numBlocks; i > 0; i--) { memcpy (outBuffer, input, 16); for (k = 0; k < 128; k++) { rijndaelEncrypt (key->ek, key->Nr, iv, block.bytes); for (t = 0; t < 15; t++) { iv[t] = (iv[t] << 1) | (iv[t + 1] >> 7); } iv[15] = (iv[15] << 1) | ((input[k >> 3] >> (7 - (k & 7))) & 1); outBuffer[k >> 3] ^= (block.bytes[0] & 0x80U) >> (k & 7); } outBuffer += 16; input += 16; } break; default: return RIJNDAEL_BAD_CIPHER_STATE; } return 128 * numBlocks; } int rijndaelPadDecrypt (rijndaelCipherInstance *cipher, const rijndaelKeyInstance *key, const char *input, size_t inputOctets, char *outBuffer) { size_t i, numBlocks, padLen; union { char bytes[16]; uint32_t words[4]; } block; char *iv; if (cipher == NULL || key == NULL || key->direction == RIJNDAEL_DIR_ENCRYPT) { return RIJNDAEL_BAD_CIPHER_STATE; } if (input == NULL || inputOctets <= 0) { return 0; /* nothing to do */ } if (inputOctets % 16 != 0) { return RIJNDAEL_BAD_DATA; } numBlocks = inputOctets / 16; switch (cipher->mode) { case RIJNDAEL_MODE_ECB: /* all blocks but last */ for (i = numBlocks - 1; i > 0; i--) { rijndaelDecrypt (key->rk, key->Nr, input, outBuffer); input += 16; outBuffer += 16; } /* last block */ rijndaelDecrypt (key->rk, key->Nr, input, block.bytes); padLen = block.bytes[15]; if (padLen >= 16) { return RIJNDAEL_BAD_DATA; } for (i = 16 - padLen; i < 16; i++) { if (block.bytes[i] != padLen) { return RIJNDAEL_BAD_DATA; } } memcpy (outBuffer, block.bytes, 16 - padLen); break; case RIJNDAEL_MODE_CBC: iv = cipher->IV; /* all blocks but last */ for (i = numBlocks - 1; i > 0; i--) { rijndaelDecrypt (key->rk, key->Nr, input, block.bytes); block.words[0] ^= ((uint32_t *) iv)[0]; block.words[1] ^= ((uint32_t *) iv)[1]; block.words[2] ^= ((uint32_t *) iv)[2]; block.words[3] ^= ((uint32_t *) iv)[3]; memcpy (iv, input, 16); memcpy (outBuffer, block.bytes, 16); input += 16; outBuffer += 16; } /* last block */ rijndaelDecrypt (key->rk, key->Nr, input, block.bytes); block.words[0] ^= ((uint32_t *) iv)[0]; block.words[1] ^= ((uint32_t *) iv)[1]; block.words[2] ^= ((uint32_t *) iv)[2]; block.words[3] ^= ((uint32_t *) iv)[3]; padLen = block.bytes[15]; if (padLen <= 0 || padLen > 16) { return RIJNDAEL_BAD_DATA; } for (i = 16 - padLen; i < 16; i++) { if (block.bytes[i] != padLen) { return RIJNDAEL_BAD_DATA; } } memcpy (outBuffer, block.bytes, 16 - padLen); break; default: return RIJNDAEL_BAD_CIPHER_STATE; } return 16 * numBlocks - padLen; }