/* Test of persistent hash array mapped trie implementation. Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Written by Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen , 2021. */ #include #include "hamt.h" #include "macros.h" #include "xalloc.h" typedef struct { Hamt_entry entry; int val; } Element; static int entry_value (const void *elt) { return ((Element *) elt)->val; } static size_t hash_element (const void *elt) { return entry_value (elt) & ~3; /* We drop the last bits so that we can test hash collisions. */ } static bool compare_element (const void *elt1, const void *elt2) { return entry_value (elt1) == entry_value (elt2); } static void free_element (Hamt_entry *elt) { free (elt); } static Hamt_entry * make_element (int n) { Element *elt = XMALLOC (Element); elt->val = n; return hamt_element (&elt->entry); } static Hamt * test_hamt_create (void) { return hamt_create (hash_element, compare_element, free_element); } static int sum = 0; static int flag; static bool proc (Hamt_entry *elt, void *data) { if (data == &flag) { sum += entry_value (elt); return true; } if (sum > 0) { sum = 0; return true; } return false; } static void test_general (void) { Hamt *hamt = test_hamt_create (); Hamt_entry *x5 = make_element (5); Hamt_entry *p = x5; Hamt *hamt1 = hamt_insert (hamt, &p); ASSERT (hamt1 != hamt); ASSERT (hamt_lookup (hamt, x5) == NULL); ASSERT (hamt_lookup (hamt1, x5) == x5); hamt_free (hamt); Hamt_entry *y5 = make_element (5); p = y5; Hamt *hamt2 = hamt_insert (hamt1, &p); ASSERT (hamt2 == hamt1); ASSERT (p == x5); ASSERT (hamt_lookup (hamt1, y5) == x5); p = y5; hamt = hamt_replace (hamt1, &p); ASSERT (p == x5); ASSERT (hamt_lookup (hamt, y5) == y5); hamt_free (hamt); y5 = make_element (5); Hamt_entry *z37 = make_element (37); p = z37; hamt2 = hamt_insert (hamt1, &p); ASSERT (hamt2 != hamt1); ASSERT (p == z37); ASSERT (hamt_lookup (hamt1, z37) == NULL); ASSERT (hamt_lookup (hamt2, z37) == z37); hamt_free (hamt1); ASSERT (hamt_lookup (hamt2, x5) == x5); ASSERT (hamt_lookup (hamt2, z37) == z37); ASSERT (hamt_do_while (hamt2, proc, &flag) == 2); ASSERT (sum == 42); ASSERT (hamt_do_while (hamt2, proc, NULL) == 1); ASSERT (sum == 0); p = y5; hamt1 = hamt_remove (hamt2, &p); ASSERT (hamt1 != hamt2); ASSERT (p == x5); ASSERT (hamt_lookup (hamt1, x5) == NULL); ASSERT (hamt_lookup (hamt2, x5) == x5); hamt_free (hamt1); Hamt_entry *x4 = make_element (4); hamt1 = hamt_insert (hamt2, &x4); hamt_free (hamt2); Hamt_entry *x6 = make_element (6); hamt2 = hamt_insert (hamt1, &x6); hamt_free (hamt1); ASSERT (hamt_do_while (hamt2, proc, &flag) == 4); ASSERT (sum == 52); hamt1 = hamt_remove (hamt2, &x4); sum = 0; ASSERT (hamt_do_while (hamt2, proc, &flag) == 4); ASSERT (sum == 52); sum = 0; ASSERT (hamt_do_while (hamt1, proc, &flag) == 3); ASSERT (sum == 48); hamt_free (hamt1); hamt_free (hamt2); free_element (y5); } static bool true_processor (_GL_ATTRIBUTE_MAYBE_UNUSED Hamt_entry *elt, _GL_ATTRIBUTE_MAYBE_UNUSED void *data) { return true; } static size_t element_count (Hamt *hamt) { return hamt_do_while (hamt, true_processor, NULL); } struct find_values_context { size_t n; int *elts; bool *found; }; static bool find_values_processor (Hamt_entry *entry, void *data) { struct find_values_context *ctx = data; int val = entry_value (entry); for (size_t i = 0; i < ctx->n; ++i) if (ctx->elts [i] == val && !ctx->found [i]) { ctx->found [i] = true; return true; } return false; } static bool find_values (Hamt *hamt, size_t n, int *elts) { bool *found = XCALLOC (n, bool); struct find_values_context ctx = {n, elts, found}; bool res = hamt_do_while (hamt, find_values_processor, &ctx) == n; free (found); return res; } static size_t insert_values (Hamt **hamt, size_t n, int *elts, bool destructive) { size_t cnt = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Hamt_entry *p = make_element (elts [i]); Hamt_entry *q = p; if (destructive) { if (hamt_insert_x (*hamt, &p)) ++cnt; else free_element (q); } else { Hamt *new_hamt = hamt_insert (*hamt, &p); if (new_hamt != *hamt) { hamt_free (*hamt); *hamt = new_hamt; ++cnt; } else { free_element (q); } } } return cnt; } static size_t replace_values (Hamt **hamt, size_t n, int *elts, bool destructive) { size_t cnt = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Hamt_entry *p = make_element (elts [i]); if (destructive) { if (hamt_replace_x (*hamt, p)) ++cnt; } else { Hamt *new_hamt = hamt_replace (*hamt, &p); hamt_free (*hamt); *hamt = new_hamt; if (p != NULL) ++cnt; } } return cnt; } static size_t remove_values (Hamt **hamt, size_t n, int *elts, bool destructive) { size_t cnt = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Hamt_entry *p = make_element (elts [i]); Hamt_entry *q = p; if (destructive) { if (hamt_remove_x (*hamt, p)) ++cnt; } else { Hamt *new_hamt = hamt_remove (*hamt, &p); if (new_hamt != *hamt) { hamt_free (*hamt); *hamt = new_hamt; ++cnt; } } free (q); } return cnt; } static int val_array1 [10] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 33, 34, 35, 36, 1024, 1025}; static int val_array2 [10] = {1, 2, 34, 36, 1025, 32768, 32769, 32770, 32771, 32772}; static void test_functional_update (void) { Hamt *hamt = test_hamt_create (); ASSERT (insert_values (&hamt, 10, val_array1, false) == 10); ASSERT (element_count (hamt) == 10); ASSERT (find_values (hamt, 10, val_array1)); ASSERT (insert_values (&hamt, 10, val_array2, false) == 5); ASSERT (element_count (hamt) == 15); ASSERT (remove_values (&hamt, 10, val_array1, false) == 10); ASSERT (element_count (hamt) == 5); ASSERT (remove_values (&hamt, 10, val_array2, false) == 5); ASSERT (element_count (hamt) == 0); ASSERT (replace_values (&hamt, 10, val_array1, false) == 0); ASSERT (element_count (hamt) == 10); ASSERT (find_values (hamt, 10, val_array1)); ASSERT (replace_values (&hamt, 10, val_array2, false) == 5); ASSERT (element_count (hamt) == 15); hamt_free (hamt); } static void test_destructive_update (void) { Hamt *hamt = test_hamt_create (); ASSERT (insert_values (&hamt, 10, val_array1, true) == 10); ASSERT (element_count (hamt) == 10); ASSERT (find_values (hamt, 10, val_array1)); ASSERT (insert_values (&hamt, 10, val_array2, true) == 5); ASSERT (element_count (hamt) == 15); ASSERT (remove_values (&hamt, 10, val_array1, true) == 10); ASSERT (element_count (hamt) == 5); ASSERT (remove_values (&hamt, 10, val_array2, true) == 5); ASSERT (element_count (hamt) == 0); ASSERT (replace_values (&hamt, 10, val_array1, true) == 0); ASSERT (element_count (hamt) == 10); ASSERT (find_values (hamt, 10, val_array1)); ASSERT (replace_values (&hamt, 10, val_array2, true) == 5); ASSERT (element_count (hamt) == 15); hamt_free (hamt); } static void test_iterator (void) { Hamt *hamt = test_hamt_create (); ASSERT (insert_values (&hamt, 10, val_array1, true) == 10); Hamt_iterator iter[1]; iter[0] = hamt_iterator (hamt); size_t cnt = 0; bool found [10] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; Hamt_entry *p; while (hamt_iterator_next (iter, &p)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) if (val_array1 [i] == entry_value (p)) { ASSERT (!found [i]); found [i] = true; ++cnt; break; } } ASSERT (cnt == 10); hamt_iterator_free (iter); hamt_free (hamt); } int main (void) { test_general (); test_functional_update (); test_destructive_update (); test_iterator (); }