/* Test of POSIX and GNU compatible vsnprintf() and snprintf() functions. Copyright (C) 2007-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Written by Bruno Haible , 2023. */ static void test_function (int (*my_snprintf) (char *, size_t, const char *, ...)) { char result[5000]; /* Test the support of the 'B' conversion specifier for binary output of integers. */ { /* Zero. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%B %d", 0, 33, 44, 55); ASSERT (strcmp (result, "0 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* A positive number. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%B %d", 12345, 33, 44, 55); ASSERT (strcmp (result, "11000000111001 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* A large positive number. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%B %d", 0xFFFFFFFEU, 33, 44, 55); ASSERT (strcmp (result, "11111111111111111111111111111110 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* Width. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%20B %d", 12345, 33, 44, 55); ASSERT (strcmp (result, " 11000000111001 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* Width given as argument. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%*B %d", 20, 12345, 33, 44, 55); ASSERT (strcmp (result, " 11000000111001 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* Negative width given as argument (cf. FLAG_LEFT below). */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%*B %d", -20, 12345, 33, 44, 55); ASSERT (strcmp (result, "11000000111001 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* Precision. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%.20B %d", 12345, 33, 44, 55); ASSERT (strcmp (result, "00000011000000111001 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* Zero precision and a positive number. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%.0B %d", 12345, 33, 44, 55); ASSERT (strcmp (result, "11000000111001 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* Zero precision and a zero number. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%.0B %d", 0, 33, 44, 55); /* ISO C and POSIX specify that "The result of converting a zero value with a precision of zero is no characters." */ ASSERT (strcmp (result, " 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* Width and precision. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%25.20B %d", 12345, 33, 44, 55); ASSERT (strcmp (result, " 00000011000000111001 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* Padding and precision. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%025.20B %d", 12345, 33, 44, 55); /* Neither ISO C nor POSIX specify that the '0' flag is ignored when a width and a precision are both present. But implementations do so. */ ASSERT (strcmp (result, " 00000011000000111001 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* FLAG_LEFT. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%-20B %d", 12345, 33, 44, 55); ASSERT (strcmp (result, "11000000111001 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* FLAG_ALT with zero. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%#B %d", 0, 33, 44, 55); ASSERT (strcmp (result, "0 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* FLAG_ALT with a positive number. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%#B %d", 12345, 33, 44, 55); ASSERT (strcmp (result, "0B11000000111001 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* FLAG_ALT with a positive number and width. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%#20B %d", 12345, 33, 44, 55); ASSERT (strcmp (result, " 0B11000000111001 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* FLAG_ALT with a positive number and padding. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%0#20B %d", 12345, 33, 44, 55); ASSERT (strcmp (result, "0B000011000000111001 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* FLAG_ALT with a positive number and precision. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%0#.20B %d", 12345, 33, 44, 55); ASSERT (strcmp (result, "0B00000011000000111001 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* FLAG_ALT with a positive number and width and precision. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%#25.20B %d", 12345, 33, 44, 55); ASSERT (strcmp (result, " 0B00000011000000111001 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* FLAG_ALT with a positive number and padding and precision. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%0#25.20B %d", 12345, 33, 44, 55); /* Neither ISO C nor POSIX specify that the '0' flag is ignored when a width and a precision are both present. But implementations do so. */ ASSERT (strcmp (result, " 0B00000011000000111001 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } { /* FLAG_ALT with a zero precision and a zero number. */ int retval = my_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%#.0B %d", 0, 33, 44, 55); /* ISO C and POSIX specify that "The result of converting a zero value with a precision of zero is no characters.", and the prefix is added only for non-zero values. */ ASSERT (strcmp (result, " 33") == 0); ASSERT (retval == strlen (result)); } }