#!/bin/sh # Test with all of stdin, stdout, stderr open. ${CHECKER} ./test-xstdopen${EXEEXT} || exit 1 # The syntax for closed file descriptors in sh scripts is specified by POSIX in # section 2.7.5 of # http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/V3_chap02.html # Test with stdin closed. ${CHECKER} ./test-xstdopen${EXEEXT} <&- || exit 1 # Test with stdout closed. ${CHECKER} ./test-xstdopen${EXEEXT} >&- || exit 1 # Test with stderr closed. ${CHECKER} ./test-xstdopen${EXEEXT} 2>&- || exit 1 # Test with all of stdin, stdout, stderr closed. ${CHECKER} ./test-xstdopen${EXEEXT} <&- >&- 2>&- || exit 1