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authorNikos Mavrogiannopoulos <>2001-12-16 09:09:51 +0000
committerNikos Mavrogiannopoulos <>2001-12-16 09:09:51 +0000
commitad17375b4df9b2bd76302871ad2d6f0659d52c41 (patch)
parent25893fb786ebaf2ece243a2c0b4594a2f4fc97c6 (diff)
removed ASN1.readme.txt
2 files changed, 1 insertions, 378 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ASN1.readme.txt b/doc/ASN1.readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 78105320fd..0000000000
--- a/doc/ASN1.readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
--- Readme file for ASN1 parser --
--- --
--- Originator: Fabio Fiorina --
--- e-mail: --
-This file describes the forth version of ASN.1 parser I developed.
-The main difference from the first version is the use of pointers and the
-possibility to save/get ASN1 definitions in/from a C vector.
-Other differences are:
-- write_value function for type ANY
-- the introduction of ENUMERATED type,
-- negative integer are allowed in ASN.1 syntax files,
-- PKIX1Implicit88.txt instead of Certificate.txt for the Certificate description
-- functions naming
-- an easier way to set INTEGER and get OBJECT IDENTFIER
-ASN.readme.txt this file
-cert_ASN.y bison input file bison output file
-CertificateExample.c example based on Appendix D.1 of rfc2459
-CrlExample.c example based on Appendix D.4 of rfc2459
-PkixTabExample.c the program used to create pkix_asn1_tab.c
-cert_asn1.c functions for ASN1 parser and for reading and setting elements' value
-cert_asn1.h contains constants for the gnutls_asn1.c. Must be included in files
- that use ASN1 parser.
-cert_der.c functions for der encoding creation and analysis
-cert_der.h contains constants for the gnutls_der.c. Must be included in files
- that use ASN1 parser.
-pkix.asn certificate and CRL structures
-pkix_asn1_tab.c C vector to use with 'asn1_create_tree' function.
- It was created from pkix.asn file.
-The parser is case sensitive. The comments begin with "-- " and end at the end of line.
-An example is in "Certificate.txt" file.
-The ASN.1 declarations must have this form:
- object_name {<object definition>}
- <type and constants definitions>
-The token "::=" must be separate from others elements, so this is a wrong declaration:
- Version ::=INTEGER
-the correct one is : Version ::= INTEGER
-Here is the list of types that the parser can manage:
- UTCTime
- GeneralizedTime
-This version doesn't manage REAL type. It also not allow the use of
-"EXPORT" and "IMPORT" sections.
-The SIZE constraints are allowed but no check is done on them.
-If you have this definitions:
- Example { 1 2 3 4 }
- Group ::= SEQUENCE {
- value Value
- }
- Value ::= SEQUENCE {
- value1 INTEGER,
- value2 BOOLEAN
- }
-to identify the type 'Group' you have to use the null terminated string "Example.Group".
-Others examples:
-Field 'id' in 'Group' type : ""
-Field 'value1' in filed 'value' in type 'Group': "Example.Group.value.value1"
-These strings are used in functions that are described below.
-Elements of structured types that don't have a name, receve the name "?1","?2", and so on.
-The name "?LAST" indicates the last element of a SET_OF or SEQUENCE_OF.
- int asn1_parser_asn1(char *file_name,node_asn **pointer);
- --------------------------------
-Creates the structures needed to manage the definitions included in *FILE_NAME file.
-Input Parameter:
- char *file_name: specify the path and the name of file that contains ASN.1 declarations.
-Output Parameter:
- node_asn **pointer : return the pointer to the structure created from
- "file_name" ASN.1 declarations.
-Return Value:
- ASN_OK: the file has a correct syntax and every identifier is known.
- ASN_FILE_NOT_FOUND: an error occured while opening FILE_NAME.
- ASN_SYNTAX_ERROR: the syntax is not correct.
- ASN_IDENTIFIER_NOT_FOUND: in the file there is an identifier that is not defined.
- int asn1_parser_asn1_file_c(char *file_name);
- --------------------------------------------
-Creates a file containing a C vector to use to manage the definitions included in
-*FILE_NAME file. If *FILE_NAME is "/aa/bb/xx.yy" the file created is "/aa/bb/xx_asn1_tab.c",
-and the vector is "xx_asn1_tab".
-Input Parameter:
- char *file_name: specify the path and the name of file that contains ASN.1 declarations.
-Return Value:
- ASN_OK: the file has a correct syntax and every identifier is known.
- ASN_FILE_NOT_FOUND: an error occured while opening FILE_NAME.
- ASN_SYNTAX_ERROR: the syntax is not correct.
- ASN_IDENTIFIER_NOT_FOUND: in the file there is an identifier that is not defined.
- int asn1_create_tree(static_asn *root,node_asn **pointer);
- ---------------------------------------------------------
-Creates the structures needed to manage the ASN1 definitions. ROOT is a vector created by
-'asn1_parser_asn1_file_c' function.
-Input Parameter:
- static_asn *root: specify vector that contains ASN.1 declarations.
-Output Parameter:
- node_asn **pointer : return the pointer to the structure created by *ROOT ASN.1 declarations.
-Return Value:
- ASN_OK: structure created correctly.
- ASN_GENERIC_ERROR: an error occured while structure creation.
- int asn1_create_structure(node_asn *p_structure,char *source_name,node_asn **pointer,
- char *dest_name,);
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Creates a structure called DEST_NAME of type SOURCE_NAME.
-Input Parameters:
- node_asn *p_structure: pointer to the structure returned by "parser_asn1" function
- char *source_name: the name of the type of the new structure (must be inside p_structure).
- char *dest_name: the name of the new structure.
-Output Parameter:
- node_asn **pointer : pointer to the structure created.
-Return Value:
- ASN_OK: creation OK
-Example: using "pkix.asn"
- result=asn1_create_structure(cert_def,"PKIX1Implicit88.Certificate",&cert,"certificate1");
- int asn1_write_value(node_asn *pointer,char *name,unsigned char *value,int len);
- --------------------------------------------------------
-Set the value of one element inside a structure.
-Input Parameters:
- node_asn *pointer: pointer to a structure
- char *name: the name of the element inside the structure that you want to set.
- unsigned char *value: vector used to specify the value to set. If len is >0,
- *VALUE must be a two's complement form integer.
- if len=0 *VALUE must be a null terminated string with an integer value.
- int len: number of bytes of *value to use to set the value: value[0]..value[len-1]
- or 0 if value is a null terminated string
-Return Value:
- ASN_OK: set value OK
- ASN_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND: NAME is not a valid element.
- ASN_VALUE_NOT_VALID: VALUE has a wrong format.
-Examples: description for each type
- INTEGER: VALUE must contain a two's complement form integer.
- value[0]=0xFF , len=1 -> integer=-1
- value[0]=0xFF value[1]=0xFF , len=2 -> integer=-1
- value[0]=0x01 , len=1 -> integer= 1
- value[0]=0x00 value[1]=0x01 , len=2 -> integer= 1
- value="123" , len=0 -> integer= 123
- ENUMERATED: as INTEGER (but only with not negative numbers)
- BOOLEAN: VALUE must be the null terminated string "TRUE" or "FALSE" and LEN != 0
- value="TRUE" , len=1 -> boolean=TRUE
- value="FALSE" , len=1 -> boolean=FALSE
- OBJECT IDENTIFIER: VALUE must be a null terminated string with each number separated by
- a blank (e.g. "1 2 3 543 1").
- LEN != 0
- value="1 2 840 10040 4 3" , len=1 -> OID=dsa-with-sha
- UTCTime: VALUE must be a null terminated string in one of these formats:
- "YYMMDDhhmmssZ" "YYMMDDhhmmssZ" "YYMMDDhhmmss+hh'mm'" "YYMMDDhhmmss-hh'mm'"
- "YYMMDDhhmm+hh'mm'" "YYMMDDhhmm-hh'mm'".
- LEN != 0
- value="9801011200Z" , len=1 -> time=Jannuary 1st, 1998 at 12h 00m Greenwich Mean Time
- GeneralizedTime: VALUE must be in one of this format:
- "YYYYMMDDhhmmss.sZ" "YYYYMMDDhhmmss.sZ" "YYYYMMDDhhmmss.s+hh'mm'"
- "YYYYMMDDhhmmss.s-hh'mm'" "YYYYMMDDhhmm+hh'mm'" "YYYYMMDDhhmm-hh'mm'"
- where ss.s indicates the seconds with any precision like "10.1" or "01.02".
- LEN != 0
- value="2001010112001.12-0700" , len=1 -> time=Jannuary 1st, 2001 at 12h 00m 01.12s
- Pacific Daylight Time
- OCTET STRING: VALUE contains the octet string and LEN is the number of octet.
- value="\x01\x02\x03" , len=3 -> three bytes octet string
- BIT STRING: VALUE contains the bit string organized by bytes and LEN is the number of bits.
- value="\xCF" , len=6 -> bit string="110011" (six bits)
- CHOICE: if NAME indicates a choice type, VALUE must specify one of the alternatives with a
- null terminated string. LEN != 0
- Using "pkix.asn":
- result=asn1_write_value(cert,"certificate1.tbsCertificate.subject","rdnSequence",1);
- ANY: VALUE indicates the der encoding of a structure.
- LEN != 0
- SEQUENCE OF: VALUE must be the null terminated string "NEW" and LEN != 0. With this
- instruction another element is appended in the sequence. The name of this
- element will be "?1" if it's the first one, "?2" for the second and so on.
- Using "pkix.asn":
- result=asn1_write_value(cert,"certificate1.tbsCertificate.subject.rdnSequence","NEW",1);
- SET OF: the same as SEQUENCE OF.
- Using "pkix.asn":
- result=asn1_write_value(cert,"certificate1.tbsCertificate.subject.rdnSequence.?LAST","NEW",1);
-If an element is OPTIONAL and you want to delete it, you must use the value=NULL and len=0.
- Using "pkix.asn":
- result=asn1_write_value(cert,"certificate1.tbsCertificate.issuerUniqueID",NULL,0);
- int asn1_read_value(node_asn *pointer,char *name,unsigned char *value,int *len);
- --------------------------------------------------------
-Returns the value of one element inside a structure.
-Input Parameters:
- node_asn *pointer: pointer to a structure
- char *name: the name of the element inside a structure that you want to read.
-Output Parameters:
- unsigned char *value: vector that will contain the element's content.
- VALUE must be a pointer to memory cells already allocated.
- int *len: number of bytes of *value: value[0]..value[len-1]
-Return Value:
- ASN_OK: set value OK
- ASN_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND: NAME is not a valid element.
- ASN_VALUE_NOT_FOUND: there isn't any value for the element selected.
-Examples: a description for each type
- INTEGER: VALUE will contain a two's complement form integer.
- integer=-1 -> value[0]=0xFF , len=1
- integer=1 -> value[0]=0x01 , len=1
- ENUMERATED: as INTEGER (but only with not negative numbers)
- BOOLEAN: VALUE will be the null terminated string "TRUE" or "FALSE" and LEN=5 or LEN=6
- OBJECT IDENTIFIER: VALUE will be a null terminated string with each number separated by
- a blank (i.e. "1 2 3 543 1").
- LEN = strlen(VALUE)+1
- UTCTime: VALUE will be a null terminated string in one of these formats:
- "YYMMDDhhmmss+hh'mm'" or "YYMMDDhhmmss-hh'mm'"
- LEN=strlen(VALUE)+1
- GeneralizedTime: VALUE will be a null terminated string in the same format used to set
- the value
- OCTET STRING: VALUE will contain the octet string and LEN will be the number of octet.
- BIT STRING: VALUE will contain the bit string organized by bytes and LEN will be the
- number of bits.
- CHOICE: if NAME indicates a choice type, VALUE will specify the alternative selected
- ANY: if NAME indicates an any type, VALUE will indicate the DER encoding of the structure
- actually used.
-If an element is OPTIONAL and the function "read_value" returns ASN_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND, it
-means that this element wasn't present in the der encoding that created the structure.
-The first element of a SEQUENCE_OF or SET_OF is named "?1". The second one "?2" and so on.
- int asn1_create_der(node_asn *pointer,char *name,unsigned char *der,int *len);
- ------------------------------------------------------
-Creates the DER encoding for the NAME structure (inside *POINTER structure).
-Input Parameters:
- node_asn *pointer: pointer to a structure
- char *name: the name of the structure you want to encode (it must be inside *POINTER).
-Output Parameters:
- unsigned char *der: vector that will contain the DER encoding.
- DER must be a pointer to memory cells already allocated.
- int *len: number of bytes of *der: der[0]..der[len-1]
-Return Value:
- ASN_OK: DER encoding OK
- ASN_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND: NAME is not a valid element.
- ASN_VALUE_NOT_FOUND: there is an element without a value.
- int asn1_get_der(node_asn *pointer,char *name,unsigned char *der,int len);
- --------------------------------------------------
-Fill the structure *POINTER with values of a DER encoding string. The sructure must just be
-created with function 'create_stucture'.
-Input Parameters:
- node_asn *pointer: pointer to the structure that you want to fill.
- unsigned char *der: vector that contains the DER encoding.
- int len: number of bytes of *der: der[0]..der[len-1]
-Return Value:
- ASN_OK: DER encoding OK
- ASN_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND: NAME is not a valid element.
- ASN_DER_OVERFLOW: the buffer DER contains a NOT valid encoding: one ASN.1
- element's length overflows the buffer.
- ASN_TAG_ERROR, ASN_DER_ERROR: the der encoding doesn't match the structure NAME.
- int asn1_get_start_end_der(node_asn *pointer,unsigned char *der,int len,char *name_element,int *start, int *end);
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Find the start and end point of an element in a DER encoding string. I mean that if you
-have a der encoding and you have already used the function "get_der" to fill a structure, it may
-happen that you want to find the piece of string concerning an element of the structure.
-Example: the sequence "tbsCertificate" inside an X509 certificate.
-Input Parameters:
- node_asn *pointer: the pointer to the structure that is already setted with DER string.
- unsigned char *der: vector that contains the DER encoding.
- int len: number of bytes of *der: der[0]..der[len-1]
- char *name_element: an element of NAME structure.
-Output Parameters:
- int *start: the position of the first byte of NAME_ELEMENT decoding (der[*start])
- int *end: the position of the last byte of NAME_ELEMENT decoding (der[*end])
-Return Value:
- ASN_OK: DER encoding OK
- ASN_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND: NAME or NAME_ELEMENT is not a valid element.
- ASN_TAG_ERROR, ASN_DER_ERROR: the der encoding doesn't match the structure NAME.
- int asn1_delete_structure(node_asn *pointer);
- ---------------------------------
-Deletes the structure *POINTER.
-Input Parameters:
- node_asn *pointer: pointer to the structure that you want to delete.
-Return Value:
- ASN_OK: everything OK
- void asn1_visit_tree(node_asn *pointer,char *name);
- ---------------------------
-Prints on the standard output the structure's tree starting from the NAME element inside
-the structure *POINTER.
-1. type REAL
-2. improve the error signaling with strings that give you more details.
- Examples: in case of ASN1 syntax error you will have the line number where the error is,
- if creating a der encoding the result is ASN_VALUE_NOT_FOUND you will have the
- name of the element without the value.
-3. improve the 'visit_tree' function and change the output from stdout to a null terminated
- string.
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--- a/doc/
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SUBDIRS = tex scripts