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authorSimon Josefsson <>2006-11-16 13:34:46 +0000
committerSimon Josefsson <>2006-11-16 13:34:46 +0000
commitf9cf5f59facbe28a5ad086c4dda5286f8d098adc (patch)
parent7e832e237fee58a5908e97e3a5c74c1f5360fea9 (diff)
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-INTERNET-DRAFT A. Melnikov (Ed.)
-Obsoletes: 2831 Isode Ltd.
-Intended category: Standards track November 2006
- Using Digest Authentication as a SASL Mechanism
- draft-ietf-sasl-rfc2831bis-11.txt
-Status of this Memo
- By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any
- applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware
- have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes
- aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.
- Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
- Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
- other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
- Drafts.
- Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
- and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
- time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
- material or to cite them other than as "work in progress".
- The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
- The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
-Copyright Notice
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).
- This specification defines how HTTP Digest Authentication (RFC 2617)
- can be used as a Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL, RFC
- 4422) mechanism for any protocol that has a SASL profile. It is
- intended both as an improvement over CRAM-MD5 (RFC 2195) and as a
- convenient way to support a single authentication mechanism for web,
- mail, LDAP, and other protocols.
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 1]
-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
-Table of Contents
- 1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................3
- 1.1 CONVENTIONS AND NOTATION......................................3
- 1.2 CHANNEL BINDINGS..............................................4
- 2 AUTHENTICATION...................................................5
- 2.1 INITIAL AUTHENTICATION........................................5
- 2.1.1 Step One...................................................5
- 2.1.2 Step Two...................................................9
- 2.1.3 Step Three................................................16
- 2.2 SUBSEQUENT AUTHENTICATION....................................17
- 2.2.1 Step one..................................................17
- 2.2.2 Step Two..................................................17
- 2.3 INTEGRITY PROTECTION.........................................18
- 2.4 CONFIDENTIALITY PROTECTION...................................18
- 3 SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS.........................................21
- 3.3 REPLAY ATTACKS...............................................21
- 3.4 ONLINE DICTIONARY ATTACKS....................................22
- 3.5 OFFLINE DICTIONARY ATTACKS...................................22
- 3.6 MAN IN THE MIDDLE............................................22
- 3.7 CHOSEN PLAINTEXT ATTACKS.....................................22
- 3.8 CBC MODE ATTACKS.............................................
- 3.9 SPOOFING BY COUNTERFEIT SERVERS..............................23
- 3.10 STORING PASSWORDS...........................................23
- 3.11 MULTIPLE REALMS.............................................24
- 3.12 SUMMARY.....................................................24
- 4 EXAMPLE.........................................................24
- 5 REFERENCES......................................................26
- 5.1 NORMATIVE REFERENCES.........................................26
- 5.2 INFORMATIVE REFERENCES.......................................27
- 6 IANA CONSIDERATIONS.............................................28
- 7 ABNF............................................................29
- 7.1 AUGMENTED BNF................................................29
- 7.2 BASIC RULES..................................................31
- 8 SAMPLE CODE.....................................................33
- 9 AUTHORS' ADDRESSES..............................................XX
- 10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS..............................................34
- 11 FULL COPYRIGHT STATEMENT.......................................35
- Appendix A: Changes from 2831.....................................36
- Appendix B: Open Issues...........................................37
- <<Page numbers are all wrong, sorry.
- Section ordering should be changed too>>
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 2]
-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
-1 Introduction
- This specification describes the use of HTTP Digest Access
- Authentication as a SASL mechanism. The authentication type
- associated with the Digest SASL mechanism is "DIGEST-MD5".
- This specification is intended to be upward compatible with the
- "md5-sess" algorithm of HTTP/1.1 Digest Access Authentication
- specified in [Digest]. The only difference in the "md5-sess"
- algorithm is that some directives not needed in a SASL mechanism have
- had their values defaulted.
- There is <<one new feature for use as a SASL mechanism>>: integrity
- and confidentiality protection on application protocol messages after
- an authentication exchange.
- Also, compared to CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5 prevents chosen plaintext
- attacks, and permits the use of third party authentication servers,
- mutual authentication, and optimized reauthentication if a client has
- recently authenticated to a server.
-1.1 Conventions and Notation
- The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
- document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC 2119].
- <<This specification uses the same ABNF notation and lexical
- conventions as HTTP/1.1 specification; see section 7>>.
- Let { a, b, ... } be the concatenation of the octet strings a, b, ...
- Let ** denote the power operation.
- Let H(s) be the 16 octet MD5 hash [RFC 1321] of the octet string s.
- Let KD(k, s) be H({k, ":", s}), i.e., the 16 octet hash of the string
- k, a colon and the string s.
- Let HEX(n) be the representation of the 16 octet MD5 hash n as a
- string of 32 hex digits (with alphabetic characters always in lower
- case, since MD5 is case sensitive).
- Let HMAC(k, s) be the 16 octet HMAC-MD5 [RFC 2104] of the octet
- string s using the octet string k as a key.
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 3]
-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- Let unq(X) be the value of the quoted-string X without the
- surrounding quotes and with all escape characters "\\" removed. For
- example for the quoted-string "Babylon" the value of unq("Babylon")
- is Babylon; for the quoted string "ABC\"123\\" the value of
- unq("ABC\"123\\") is ABC"123\.
- The value of a quoted string constant as an octet string does not
- include any terminating nul (0x00) character.
- Let prep(X) be the value returned by the preparation function (see
- description of "prep" directive in section 2.1.1).
- Other terms like "protocol profile" are defined in RFC4422.
-1.2 Channel Bindings
- "Channel binding" is a concept described in [GSS-API] and which
- refers to the act of cryptographically binding authentication at one
- network layer to a secure channel at another layer and where the end-
- points at both layers are the same entities. In the context of the
- DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism this means ensuring that the challenge and
- response messages include the "channel bindings" of any cryptographic
- channel (e.g. TLS) over which the DIGEST-MD5 exchange is transported,
- and that the inputs to the digest function include the same as well.
- The "channel bindings" of a channel here refer to information which
- securely identifies one instance of such a channel to both endpoints
- such that MITM attacks are detectable. For more discussions of
- channel bindings, and the syntax of the channel binding data for
- various security protocols, see [CHANNEL-BINDINGS].
- Channel bindings are herein added to DIGEST-MD5 by overloading the
- nonce and cnonce fields of the digest-challenge and digest-response
- messages, respectively. Because these nonces are treated as opaque
- octet strings in previous versions of this mechanism such overloading
- is backwards compatible. Because these nonces are used in the
- construction of the response-value (i.e., as input to the digest
- function) using these fields for carrying channel bindings data makes
- the channel binding operation possible without requiring incompatible
- changes to the message formats. The fact that the odds that older
- implementations may select random nonces that resemble actual channel
- bindings data are so low allows new implementations to detect old
- peers and to decide whether to allow such peers or reject them
- according to local policy.
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 4]
-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
-2 Authentication
- DIGEST-MD5 can operate in two modes. Initial authentication (section
- 2.1) is usually used when a client authenticates to a server for the
- first time. If protocol profile supports initial client response
- (see "Protocol profile requirements" in [SASL]) and the client
- supports reauthentication and it has successfully authenticated to
- the server before, the client may be able to use the more efficient
- fast reauthentication mode as described in section 2.2.
- The following sections describe these two modes in details.
-2.1 Initial Authentication
- If the client has not recently authenticated to the server, then it
- must perform "initial authentication", as defined in this section. If
- it has recently authenticated, then a more efficient form is
- available, defined in the next section.
-2.1.1 Step One
- The server starts by sending a challenge. The data encoded in the
- challenge is formatted according to the rules for the "digest-
- challenge" defined as follows:
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 5]
-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- digest-challenge =
- 1#( realm / nonce / qop-options / stale / server_maxbuf /
- charset / prep / algorithm / cipher-opts / auth-param )
- realm = "realm" "=" realm-value
- realm-value = quoted-string
- nonce = "nonce" "=" nonce-value
- nonce-value = quoted-string
- ;; contains data described by "nonce-data"
- qop-options = "qop" "=" DQUOTE qop-list DQUOTE
- qop-list = 1#qop-value
- qop-value = "auth" / "auth-int" / "auth-conf" /
- qop-token
- ;; qop-token is reserved for identifying
- ;; future extensions to DIGEST-MD5
- qop-token = token
- stale = "stale" "=" "true"
- server_maxbuf = "maxbuf" "=" maxbuf-value
- maxbuf-value = 1*DIGIT
- charset = "charset" "=" "utf-8"
- prep = "prep" "=" DQUOTE prep-mechs DQUOTE
- prep-mechs = 1#prep-mech
- prep-mech = "rfc4013"
- algorithm = "algorithm" "=" "md5-sess"
- cipher-opts = "cipher" "=" DQUOTE cipher-list DQUOTE
- cipher-list = 1#cipher-value
- cipher-value = "rc4-40" / "rc4" / "rc4-56" /
- "aes-ctr" / cipher-token
- ;; cipher-token is reserved for
- ;; new ciphersuites
- cipher-token = token
- auth-param = token "=" ( token / quoted-string )
- nonce-data = new-nonce-data / obs-nonce-data
- new-nonce-data = "CB-" channel-type ":" channel-bindings
- ":" qop-list ":" cipher-list
- ":" nonce-octets
- obs-nonce-data = nonce-octets
- ;; nonce value as defined in RFC 2831.
- ;; SHOULD be accepted. MUST NOT be
- ;; generated.
- <<channel-type = "TLS" / channel-type-ext
- ;; Should be taken from
- channel-type-ext = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT)
- ;; for future channel bindings>>
- channel-bindings = 1*TEXTCHAR
- ;; channel binding data as defined by
- ;; the channel type
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 6]
-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- nonce-octets = 1*TEXTCHAR
- The meanings of the values of the directives used above are as
- follows:
- realm
- Mechanistically, a string which enables users to decide which
- username and password to use, in case they have different ones for
- different servers. Conceptually, it is the name of a collection
- of accounts that might include the user's account. This string
- should contain the name of the host performing the authentication
- and might additionally indicate the collection of users who might
- have access. An example might be
- "". Note that the server
- MAY not advertise (hide) some or all realms it supports.
- Other examples:
- 1) "dc=gotham, dc=news, dc=example, dc=com".
- 2) If there are two servers (e.g. and
- that share authentication database, they
- both may advertise "" as the realm.
- A server implementation that uses a fixed string as the advertised
- realm is compliant with this specification, however this is not
- recommended. See also sections 3.10 "Storing passwords" and 3.11
- "Multiple realms" for discussion.
- The value of this directive is case-sensitive. This directive is
- optional; if not present, the client SHOULD solicit it from the
- user or be able to compute a default; a plausible default might be
- the realm supplied by the user when they logged in to the client
- system. Multiple realm directives are allowed, in which case the
- user or client must choose one as the realm for which to supply
- username and password.
- Requirements on UIs: UIs MUST allow users to enter arbitrary user
- names and realm names. In order to achieve this, UIs MAY present
- two separate edit boxes. Alternatively, UIs MAY present a single
- edit box and allow user to enter a special character that
- separates user name from the realm name. In the latter case, UIs
- MUST be able to escape the special character and they need to
- present their escape rules to the user. UIs MUST also present the
- list of realms advertised by the server.
- nonce
- A server-specified string erstwhile intended to add entropy to the
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 7]
-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- challenge. The nonce field may be used to exchange channel
- binding data.
- This directive is required and MUST appear exactly once; if not
- present, or if multiple instances are present, the client should
- abort the authentication exchange.
- Older implementations typically generate some random or pseudo-
- random data and base64 [RFC 4648] or hexadecimally encode it.
- When channel binding is not used the nonce string MUST be
- different each time a digest-challenge is sent as part of initial
- authentication. It is RECOMMENDED that the random data contain at
- least 64 bits of entropy.
- When channel binding is performed, the nonce must be generated
- from: the channel type, the bindings to the channel being bound
- to, copy of the server specified qop-list (*), copy of the server
- specified list of ciphers or empty string if none were specified
- and an actual nonce consisting of 64-bits or more of entropy and
- base64-encoded, and formatted as follows:
- "CB-" <channel type> ":" <channel bindings> ":" <qop-list> ":"
- <cipher-list> ":" <nonce octets>
- See [CHANNEL-BINDINGS] for the syntax of the channel binding data
- for various security protocols.
- An actual nonce is included in order to allow for channel bindings
- to possible future channels with channel bindings data which is
- not necessarily unique for each instance.
- When channel bindings are in use, clients MUST reject challenges
- that contain server nonce values of this form and whose channel
- bindings do not match those of the actual underlying channel as
- observed by the client. Also clients MUST reject challenges that
- contain server nonce values of this form and that contain qop-list
- and/or cipher-list that don't match the values sent in the
- qop/cipher directives respectively.
- (*) - Note that if the server specified multiple "qop" directives,
- this field MUST be constructed by extracting all qop-list values
- (in the order they were specified) and inserting "," between them.
- For example, if the server sent:
- qop="auth",qop="auth-int" this field must have the value
- "auth,auth-int" (with no quotes).
- qop-options
- A quoted string of one or more comma-separated tokens indicating
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 8]
-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- the "quality of protection" values supported by the server. The
- value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int"
- indicates authentication with integrity protection; the value
- "auth-conf" indicates authentication with integrity protection and
- encryption. This directive is optional; if not present it
- defaults to "auth". The client MUST ignore unrecognized options;
- if the client recognizes no option, it MUST abort the
- authentication exchange.
- If this directive is present multiple times the client MUST treat
- it as if it received a single qop directive containing a comma
- separated value from all instances. I.e., 'qop="auth",qop="auth-
- int"' is the same as 'qop="auth,auth-int"'.
- stale
- The "stale" directive is not used in initial authentication. See
- the next section for its use in subsequent authentications. This
- directive may appear at most once; if multiple instances are
- present, the client MUST abort the authentication exchange.
- server_maxbuf ("maximal ciphertext buffer size")
- A number indicating the size of the largest buffer (in bytes) the
- server is able to receive when using "auth-int" or "auth-conf".
- The value MUST be bigger than 16 and smaller or equal to 16777215
- (i.e. 2**24-1). If this directive is missing, the default value is
- 65536. This directive may appear at most once; if multiple
- instances are present, or the value is out of range the client
- MUST abort the authentication exchange.
- Let "maximal cleartext buffer size" (or "maximal sender size") be
- the maximal size of a cleartext buffer that, after being
- transformed by integrity (section 2.3) or confidentiality (section
- 2.4) protection function, will produce a SASL block of the maxbuf
- size. As it should be clear from the name, the sender MUST never
- pass a block of data bigger than the "maximal sender size" through
- the selected protection function. This will guarantee that the
- receiver will never get a block bigger than the maxbuf.
- charset
- This directive, if present, specifies that the server supports
- UTF-8 [UTF-8] encoding for the username, realm and password. If
- present, the username, realm and password are encoded as UTF-8
- [UTF-8]. If not present, the username, realm and password used by
- the client in Step 2 MUST be encoded in ISO 8859-1 [ISO-8859] (of
- which US-ASCII [USASCII] is a subset). The directive is needed for
- backwards compatibility with HTTP Digest<<, which only supports
- ISO 8859-1>>. This directive may appear at most once; if multiple
- instances are present, the client MUST abort the authentication
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 9]
-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- exchange.
- Note, that this directive doesn't affect authorization id
- ("authzid").
- prep
- Servers compliant with this specification MUST include this
- directive.
- If present, it contains a comma separated list of
- username/password preparation algorithms supported by the server.
- That is, if user credentials are stored as one or more "SS" (see
- section values, then the server signals to the client
- which username/password preparation algorithms were used when the
- "SS" value(s) were created. If cleartext user password is stored,
- the server returns "rfc4013" (see below) as the value of this
- directive.
- This document defines only a single value "rfc4013", which means
- that the server supports "SASLPrep" profile [SASLPrep] of the
- "stringprep" algorithm [RFC 3454].
- <<This directive MUST be ignored, unless the "charset" directive
- is also present and contains the value "utf-8".
- <<An alternative: if this directive is present and the charset is
- not, abort authentication exchange.>>
- <<Another alternative: this directive implies charset=utf-8.
- However this would mean that an older client (which doesn't
- recognize the prep directive will think that the server doesn't
- support UTF-8.>> >>
- If this directive is missing, the server doesn't support any
- preparation algorithm, i.e. the server is an RFC 2831 only server.
- If this directive is present multiple times the client MUST treat
- it as if it received a single prep directive containing a comma
- separated value from all instances.
- algorithm
- This directive is required for backwards compatibility with HTTP
- Digest, which supports other algorithms. This directive is
- required and MUST appear exactly once; if not present, or if
- multiple instances are present, the client SHOULD abort the
- authentication exchange.
- cipher-opts
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 10]
-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- A list of ciphers that the server supports. This directive must be
- present exactly once if "auth-conf" is offered in the
- "qop-options" directive, in which case the "aes-ctr" cipher is
- mandatory-to-implement. The client MUST ignore unrecognized
- ciphers; if the client recognizes no cipher, it MUST behave as if
- "auth-conf" qop option wasn't provided by the server. If the
- client recognizes no cipher and the server only advertised "auth-
- conf" in the qop option, the client MUST abort the authentication
- exchange. See section 2.4 for more detailed description of the
- ciphers.
- rc4, rc4-40, rc4-56
- the RC4 cipher with a 128 bit, 40 bit, and 56 bit key,
- respectively.
- aes-ctr
- the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cipher [AES] in counter
- (CTR) mode with a 128 bit key. This mode requires an IV that
- has the same size as the block size.
- auth-param
- This construct allows for future extensions; it may appear more
- than once. The client MUST ignore any unrecognized directives.
- For use as a SASL mechanism, note that the following changes are made
- to "digest-challenge" from HTTP: the following Digest options (called
- "directives" in HTTP terminology) are unused (i.e., MUST NOT be sent,
- and MUST be ignored if received):
- opaque
- domain
- The size of a "digest-challenge" MUST be less than 2048 bytes.
-2.1.2 Step Two
- The client validates "digest-challenge" as described in the previous
- section. In particular, when channel bindings are in use, client MUST
- reject "digest-challenge" that contain server nonce whose channel
- bindings do not match those of the actual underlying channel as
- observed by the client.
- The client makes note of the "digest-challenge" and then responds
- with a string formatted and computed according to the rules for a
- "digest-response" defined as follows:
- digest-response = 1#( username / realm / nonce / cnonce /
- nonce-count / qop / digest-uri / response /
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 11]
-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- response-v2 / client_maxbuf / charset / prep /
- cipher / authzid / auth-param )
- username = "username" "=" username-value
- username-value = quoted-string
- cnonce = "cnonce" "=" cnonce-value
- cnonce-value = nonce-value
- nonce-count = "nc" "=" nc-value
- nc-value = 8LHEX
- client_maxbuf = "maxbuf" "=" maxbuf-value
- qop = "qop" "=" qop-value
- digest-uri = "digest-uri" "="
- DQUOTE digest-uri-value DQUOTE
- digest-uri-value = serv-type "/" host [ "/" serv-name ]
- serv-type = 1*ALPHA
- serv-name = host
- prep = "prep" "=" prep-mech
- response = "response" "=" response-value
- response-v2 = "response-v2" "=" response-value
- response-value = 32LHEX
- LHEX = DIGIT / "a" / "b" /
- "c" / "d" / "e" / "f"
- cipher = "cipher" "=" cipher-value
- authzid = "authzid" "=" authzid-value
- authzid-value = quoted-string
- The 'host' non-terminal is defined in [RFC 3986] as
- host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name
- username
- The user's name in the specified realm, encoded according to the
- value of the "charset" directive. This directive is REQUIRED and
- MUST be present exactly once; otherwise, authentication fails.
- <<If the "charset" directive is also specified (which means that
- the username is encoded as UTF-8) and the "prep" directive is not,
- the server behaves as described in RFC 2831. This mode of
- operation SHOULD be supported for backward compatibility with RFC
- 2831, however it is not required to be compliant with this
- specification.>>
- realm
- The realm containing the user's account, encoded according to the
- value of the "charset" directive. This directive MUST appear at
- most once and SHOULD contain one of the realms provided by the
- server in the "digest-challenge". If the directive is missing,
- "realm-value" will set to the empty string when computing A1 (see
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 12]
-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- below for details).
- <<If the realm value was provided by the client, if the "charset"
- directive is also specified (which means that the realm is encoded
- as UTF-8) and the "prep" directive is not, the server behaves as
- described in RFC 2831. This mode of operation SHOULD be supported
- for backward compatibility with RFC 2831, however it is not
- required to be compliant with this specification.>>
- nonce
- The server-specified data string received in the preceding digest-
- challenge. This directive is required and MUST be present exactly
- once; otherwise, authentication fails.
- cnonce
- A client-specified string erstwhile intended to add entropy to the
- challenge. The cnonce field may be used to exchange channel
- binding data.
- This directive is required and MUST be present exactly once;
- otherwise, authentication fails.
- Older implementations typically generate some random or pseudo-
- random data and base64 [RFC 4648] or hexadecimally encode it.
- When channel binding is not used the cnonce string MUST be
- different each time a digest-challenge is sent as part of initial
- authentication. It is RECOMMENDED that the random data contain at
- least 64 bits of entropy.
- When channel binding is performed, the cnonce must be generated
- from: the channel type, the bindings to the channel being bound
- to, copy of the client selected qop, copy of the client selected
- cipher or cipher="" if none were selected (i.e. for qop=auth or
- qop=auth-int), and an actual nonce consisting of 64-bits or more
- of entropy and base64-encoded, and formatted as follows:
- "CB-" <channel type> ":" <channel bindings> ":" <qop-value> ":"
- [<cipher-value>] ":" <nonce octets>
- See [CHANNEL-BINDINGS] for the syntax of the channel binding data
- for various security protocols.
- An actual nonce is included in order to allow for channel bindings
- to possible future channels with channel bindings data which is
- not necessarily unique for each instance. It is used by both
- client and server to avoid chosen plaintext attacks, and to
- provide mutual authentication.
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-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- When channel bindings are in use, servers MUST reject responses
- that contain client nonce values of this form and whose channel
- bindings do not match those of the actual underlying channel as
- observed by the server. Also servers MUST reject responses that
- contain client nonce values of this form and that contain qop-list
- and/or cipher-list that don't match the values sent in the
- qop/cipher directives respectively.
- <<Add examples>>
- nonce-count
- The nc-value is the hexadecimal count of the number of requests
- (including the current request) that the client has sent with the
- nonce value in this request. For example, in the first request
- sent in response to a given nonce value, the client sends
- "nc=00000001". The purpose of this directive is to allow the
- server to detect request replays by maintaining its own copy of
- this count - if the same nc-value is seen twice, then the request
- is a replay. See the description below of the construction of the
- response value. This directive is required and MUST be present
- exactly once; otherwise, or if the value is 0, authentication
- fails.
- qop
- Indicates what "quality of protection" the client accepted. If
- present, it may appear exactly once and its value MUST be one of
- the alternatives in qop-options. If not present, it defaults to
- "auth". These values affect the computation of the response. Note
- that this is a single token, not a quoted list of alternatives.
- serv-type
- Indicates the type of service, such as "http" for web service,
- "ftp" for FTP service, "smtp" for mail delivery service, etc. The
- service name as defined in the SASL profile for the protocol see
- section 4 of [SASL], registered in the IANA registry of "service"
- elements for the GSSAPI host-based service name form [GSS-API].
- host
- The DNS host name or IP (IPv4 or IPv6) address for the service
- requested. The DNS host name must be the fully-qualified
- canonical name of the host. The DNS host name is the preferred
- form; see notes on server processing of the digest-uri.
- serv-name
- Indicates the name of the service if it is replicated. The service
- is considered to be replicated if the client's service-location
- process involves resolution using standard DNS lookup operations,
- and if these operations involve DNS records (such as SRV [RFC
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- 2782], or MX) which resolve one DNS name into a set of other DNS
- names. In this case, the initial name used by the client is the
- "serv-name", and the final name is the "host" component. For
- example, the incoming mail service for "" may be
- replicated through the use of MX records stored in the DNS, one of
- which points at an SMTP server called ""; it's
- "serv-name" would be "", it's "host" would be
- "". If the service is not replicated, or the
- serv-name is identical to the host, then the serv-name component
- MUST be omitted.
- digest-uri
- Indicates the principal name of the service with which the client
- wishes to connect, formed from the serv-type, host, and serv-name.
- For example, the FTP service on "" would have a
- "digest-uri" value of "ftp/"; the SMTP server from
- the example above would have a "digest-uri" value of
- "SMTP/".
- Servers SHOULD check that the supplied value is correct. This will
- detect accidental connection to the incorrect server, as well as
- some redirection attacks. It is also so that clients will be
- trained to provide values that will work with implementations that
- use a shared back-end authentication service that can provide
- server authentication.
- The serv-type component should match the service being offered.
- The host component should match one of the host names of the host
- on which the service is running, or it's IP address. Servers
- SHOULD NOT normally support the IP address form, because server
- authentication by IP address is not very useful; they should only
- do so if the DNS is unavailable or unreliable. The serv-name
- component should match one of the service's configured service
- names.
- This directive is required and MUST be present exactly once; if
- multiple instances are present, the server MUST abort the
- authentication exchange.
- Note: In the HTTP use of Digest authentication, the digest-uri is
- the URI (usually a URL) of the resource requested -- hence the
- name of the directive.
- response
- A string of 32 hex digits computed as defined below, which proves
- that the user knows a password. This directive is REQUIRED and
- MUST be present exactly once; otherwise, authentication fails.
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- response-v2
- A string of 32 hex digits computed as defined below, which proves
- that the user knows a password. This directive MUST be present at
- most once; if it is present multiple times, then authentication
- fails. If during SS calculation (see section preparation
- of the username and/or the password fails or results in an empty
- string (*), then the client MUST NOT send this directive. Also, if
- none of the values in the server's "prep" directive is recognized,
- then this directive MUST NOT be sent.
- (*) In this case an interactive client can request a repeated
- entry of the username and/or the password.
- client_maxbuf
- A number indicating the size of the largest ciphertext buffer the
- client is able to receive when using "auth-int" or "auth-conf". If
- this directive is missing, the default value is 65536. This
- directive may appear at most once; if multiple instances are
- present, the server MUST abort the authentication exchange. If the
- value is less or equal to 16, or bigger than 16777215 (i.e.
- 2**24-1), the server MUST abort the authentication exchange.
- Upon processing/sending of the client_maxbuf value both the server
- and the client calculate their "maximal ciphertext buffer size" as
- the minimum of the server_maxbuf (Step One) and the client_maxbuf
- (Step Two). The "maximal sender size" can be calculated by
- subtracting 16 from the calculated "maximal ciphertext buffer
- size".
- When sending a block of data the client/server MUST NOT pass more
- than the "maximal sender size" bytes of data to the selected
- protection function (2.3 or 2.4).
- charset
- This directive, if present, specifies that the client has used
- UTF-8 [UTF-8] encoding for the username, realm and password. If
- present, the username, realm and password are encoded as UTF-8
- [UTF-8]. If not present, the username, realm and password MUST be
- encoded in ISO 8859-1 [ISO-8859] (of which US-ASCII [USASCII] is a
- subset). The client should send this directive only if the server
- has indicated that it supports UTF-8 [UTF-8]. The directive is
- needed for backwards compatibility with HTTP Digest<<, which only
- supports ISO 8859-1>>.
- This directive may appear at most once; if multiple instances are
- present, the server MUST abort the authentication exchange.
- Note, that this directive doesn't affect the authorization
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- identity ("authzid").
- prep
- This directive, if present, specifies which username/password
- preparation algorithms has been used by the client when
- calculating response-v2. This directive MUST contain one of the
- values specified in the "prep" directive from the digest-
- challenge, or authentication exchange fails. This document
- defines only a single possible value "rfc4013", which means
- support for [SASLPrep]. Future Standard Track or Experimantal
- documents may define other values for this directive. <<If this
- directive is missing, then the "response-v2" directive MUST be
- absent.>>
- <<This directive MUST be ignored, unless the "charset" directive
- is also present.>>
- <<Alternative: if this directive is present, but the "charset"
- directive is not, then charset=utf-8 is implied. However this
- might be bad when dealing with old (2831) servers which don't
- recognize the "prep" directive.>>
- This directive may appear at most once; if multiple instances are
- present, the server MUST abort the authentication exchange.
- 32 hex digits, where the alphabetic characters MUST be lower case,
- because MD5 is case sensitive.
- cipher
- The cipher chosen by the client. This directive MUST appear
- exactly once if "auth-conf" is negotiated; if required and not
- present, authentication fails. If the cipher chosen by the client
- is not one of the ciphers advertised by the server, authentication
- fails.
- authzid
- The "authorization ID" (authzid) directive may appear at most
- once; if multiple instances are present, the server MUST abort the
- authentication exchange. If present, and the authenticating user
- has sufficient privilege, and the server supports it, then after
- authentication the server will use this identity for making all
- accesses and access checks. If the client specifies it, and the
- server does not support it, then the response-value calculated on
- the server will not match the one calculated on the client and
- authentication will fail.
- The authorization identifier is always in UTF-8, in particular the
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- "charset" directive doesn't affect how this value is encoded.
- The authzid MUST NOT be an empty string.
- Upon the receipt of this value the server verifies its correctness
- according to the used SASL protocol profile.
- The size of a digest-response MUST be less than 4096 bytes.
- Response-value
- The definition of "response-value" above indicates the encoding for
- its value -- 32 lower case hex characters. The following definitions
- show how the value is computed.
- Note that the algorithm described below applies to both "response"
- and "response-v2" options. The only difference between the two is in
- how "SS" value is calculated.
- Although qop-value and components of digest-uri-value may be
- case-insensitive, the case which the client supplies in step two is
- preserved for the purpose of computing and verifying the
- response-value.
- response-value =
- HEX( KD ( HEX(H(A1)),
- { unq(nonce-value), ":" nc-value, ":",
- unq(cnonce-value), ":", qop-value, ":",
- HEX(H(A2)) }))
- If authzid is specified, then A1 is
- A1 = { SS, ":", unq(nonce-value), ":",
- unq(cnonce-value), ":", unq(authzid-value) }
- If authzid is not specified, then A1 is
- A1 = { SS, ":", unq(nonce-value), ":", unq(cnonce-value) }
- where
- password = *OCTET
- For "response" option, SS is calculated as follows:
- SS = H( { unq(username-value), ":",
- unq(realm-value), ":", password } )
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- For "response-v2" option, SS is calculated as follows:
- SS = H( { prep(unq(username-value)), ":",
- unq(realm-value)), ":", prep(password) } )
- where prep(X) is the preparation function described by the "prep"
- directive.
- <<This assumes that both input and result are in UTF-8>>
- <<Note that client/server behavior in absence of the "prep" directive
- is described in RFC 2831. This behavior SHOULD be supported for
- backward compatibility with RFC 2831, however it is not required for
- compliance with this specification.>>
- If the "qop" directive's value is "auth", then A2 is:
- A2 = { "AUTHENTICATE:", digest-uri-value }
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- If the "qop" value is "auth-int" or "auth-conf" then A2 is:
- A2 = { "AUTHENTICATE:", digest-uri-value,
- ":00000000000000000000000000000000" }
- Note that "AUTHENTICATE:" must be in upper case, and the second
- string constant is a string with a colon followed by 32 zeros.
- These apparently strange values of A2 are for compatibility with
- HTTP; they were arrived at by setting "Method" to "AUTHENTICATE" and
- the hash of the entity body to zero in the HTTP digest calculation of
- A2.
- Also, in the HTTP usage of Digest, several directives in the
- "digest-challenge" sent by the server have to be returned by the
- client in the "digest-response". These are:
- opaque
- algorithm
- These directives are not needed when Digest is used as a SASL
- mechanism (i.e., MUST NOT be sent, and MUST be ignored if received).
-2.1.3 Step Three
- The server receives and validates the "digest-response". In
- particular, the server verifies that all required directives are
- present and they don't appear more times than expected. See section
- 2.1.2 for details.
- The server also does the following checks:
- 1) When channel bindings are in use, server MUST reject "digest-
- response" that contain client nonce whose channel bindings do not
- match those of the actual underlying channel as observed by the
- server.
- 2) The server checks that the nonce-count is "00000001". If it
- supports subsequent authentication (see section 2.2), it saves the
- value of the "nonce-octets" part of the nonce and the nonce-count.
- 3) The server verifies the received "response" and "response-v2"
- values. (Note that the "response-v2" might be absent). If either
- one of them matches the corresponding value calculated by the server,
- then the server can assume that the client proved that it knows its
- password.
- 4) If the client sent the "authzid" directive, the server verifies
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- its correctness according to the used SASL protocol profile. If the
- "authzid" directive is not present or its correctness is verified,
- then the server can consider the client to be successfully
- authenticated.
- Upon successful client authentication the server sends a message
- formatted as follows:
- auth-info = 1#( response-auth / response-v2-auth / auth-param )
- response-auth = "rspauth" "=" response-value
- response-v2-auth = "rspauth-v2" "=" response-value
- where response-value is calculated as above (the "rspauth" is
- calculated as client's "response" and the "rspauth-v2" is calculated
- as client's "response-v2"), using the values sent in step two, except
- that if qop is "auth", then A2 is
- A2 = { ":", digest-uri-value }
- And if qop is "auth-int" or "auth-conf" then A2 is
- A2 = { ":", digest-uri-value,
- ":00000000000000000000000000000000" }
- The server sends one of response-auth, response-v2-auth, depending on
- whether it was able to match client's "response" or "response-v2".
- Note that only one occurance of the "response-auth"/"response-
- v2-auth" is allowed. If more than one is found, the client MUST
- treat this as an authentication error.
- Compared to its use in HTTP, the following Digest directives in the
- "auth-info" are unused:
- nextnonce
- qop
- cnonce
- nonce-count
- The size of an auth-info MUST be less than 2048 bytes.
-2.2 Subsequent Authentication
- If the client has previously authenticated to the server, and
- remembers the values of username, realm, nonce, nonce-count, cnonce,
- and qop that it used in that authentication, and the SASL profile for
- a protocol permits an initial client response, then it MAY perform
- "subsequent authentication" (also known as "fast reauthentication"),
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- as defined in this section. Note, that a subsequent authentication
- can be done on a different connection, or on the same connection, if
- the protocol profile also permits multiple authentications.
-2.2.1 Step one
- The client uses the values from the previous authentication and sends
- an initial response with a string formatted and computed according to
- the rules for a "digest-response", as defined in section 2.1.2, after
- applying the following changes:
- 1) the nonce-count value is one greater than used in the last
- "digest-response"
- 2) if nonce/cnonce values contained any channel bindings information,
- it
- MUST be replaced with the channel bindings, qop and cipher lists
- relevant
- for the new connection.
- In other words, only the "nonce-octets" part of nonce/cnonce
- "nonce-data"
- MUST be preserved on reauthentication.
-2.2.2 Step Two
- The server receives the "digest-response". If the server does not
- support subsequent authentication, then it sends a
- "digest-challenge", and authentication proceeds as in initial
- authentication. If the server has no saved nonce, cnone and nonce-
- count from a previous authentication, then it sends a "digest-
- challenge", and authentication proceeds as in initial authentication.
- Otherwise, the server validates the "digest-response"; checks that
- values of the username, the realm, the qop and nonce-octets part of
- the nonce and the cnonce are the same as in the original
- authentication attempt; checks that the nonce-count is one greater
- than that used in the previous authentication using that nonce, and
- saves the new value of nonce-count.
- If the response is invalid, then the server sends a
- "digest-challenge", and authentication proceeds as in initial
- authentication (and should be configurable to log an authentication
- failure in some sort of security audit log, since the failure may be
- a symptom of an attack). The nonce-count MUST NOT be incremented in
- this case: to do so would allow a denial of service attack by sending
- an out-of-order nonce-count.
- If the response is valid, the server MAY choose to deem that
- authentication has succeeded. However, if it has been too long since
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- the previous authentication, or for any other reason, the server MAY
- send a new "digest-challenge" with a new value for nonce. The
- challenge MAY contain a "stale" directive with value "true", which
- says that the client may respond to the challenge using the password
- it used in the previous response; otherwise, the client must solicit
- the password anew from the user. This permits the server to make sure
- that the user has presented their password recently. (The directive
- name refers to the previous nonce being stale, not to the last use of
- the password.) Except for the handling of "stale", after sending the
- "digest-challenge" authentication proceeds as in the case of initial
- authentication.
-2.3 Integrity Protection
- If the server offered "qop=auth-int" and the client responded
- "qop=auth-int", then subsequent messages, up to but not including the
- next subsequent authentication, between the client and the server
- MUST be integrity protected. Using as a base session key the value of
- H(A1), as defined above the client and server calculate a pair of
- message integrity keys as follows.
- The key for integrity protecting messages from client to server is:
- Kic = H({H(A1),
- "Digest session key to client-to-server signing key magic constant"})
- The key for integrity protecting messages from server to client is:
- Kis = H({H(A1),
- "Digest session key to server-to-client signing key magic constant"})
- where MD5 is as specified in [RFC 1321]. If message integrity is
- negotiated, a MAC block for each message is appended to the message.
- The MAC block is 16 bytes: the first 10 bytes of the HMAC-MD5 [RFC
- 2104] of the message, a 2-byte message type number in network byte
- order with value 1, and the 4-byte sequence number in network byte
- order. The message type is to allow for future extensions such as
- rekeying.
- MAC(Ki, SeqNum, msg) = (HMAC(Ki, {SeqNum, msg})[0..9], 0x0001,
- SeqNum)
- where Ki is Kic for messages sent by the client and Kis for those
- sent by the server. The sequence number (SeqNum) is an unsigned
- number initialized to zero after initial or subsequent
- authentication, and incremented by one for each message
- sent/successfully verified. (Note, that there are two independent
- counters for sending and receiving.) The sequence number wraps around
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- to 0 after 2**32-1.
- Upon receipt, MAC(Ki, SeqNum, msg) is computed and compared with the
- received value; the message is discarded if they differ and as the
- result the connection being used MUST be dropped. The receiver's
- sequence counter is incremented if they match.
-2.4 Confidentiality Protection
- If the server sent a "cipher-opts" directive and the client responded
- with a "cipher" directive, then subsequent messages between the
- client and the server MUST be confidentiality protected. Using as a
- base session key the value of H(A1) as defined above the client and
- server calculate a pair of message integrity keys as follows.
- The key for confidentiality protecting messages from client to server
- is:
- Kcc = H({H(A1)[0..n-1],
- "Digest H(A1) to client-to-server sealing key magic constant"})
- The key for confidentiality protecting messages from server to client
- is:
- Kcs = H({H(A1)[0..n-1],
- "Digest H(A1) to server-to-client sealing key magic constant"})
- where MD5 is as specified in [RFC 1321]. For cipher "rc4-40" n is 5;
- for "rc4-56" n is 7; for the rest n is 16. The key for the "rc4-*"
- and "aes-ctr" ciphers is all 16 bytes of Kcc or Kcs.
- "aes-ctr" cipher works as described in section 2.4.1.
- rc4 cipher state MUST NOT be reset before sending/receiving a next
- buffer of protected data.
- If the blocksize of the chosen cipher is not 1 byte, the padding
- prefix is one or more octets each containing the number of padding
- bytes, such that the total length of the encrypted part of the
- message is a multiple of the blocksize.
- The MAC block is 16 bytes formatted as follows: the first 10 bytes of
- the HMAC-MD5 [RFC 2104] of the message, a 2-byte message type number
- in network byte order with value 1, and the 4-byte sequence number in
- network byte order.
- The padding and first 10 bytes of the MAC block are encrypted with
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- the chosen cipher along with the message.
- SEAL(Ki, Kc, SeqNum, msg) = CIPHER(Kc, {msg, pad, MAC})
- MAC(Ki, SeqNum, msg) = {HMAC(Ki, {SeqNum, msg})[0..9],
- packet_type_data, SeqNum}
- packet_type_data = 0x0001
- where CIPHER is the chosen cipher, Ki and Kc are Kic and Kcc for
- messages sent by the client and Kis and Kcs for those sent by the
- server. The sequence number (SeqNum) is an unsigned number
- initialized to zero after initial or subsequent authentication, and
- incremented by one for each message sent/successfully verified.
- (Note, that there are two independent counters for sending and
- receiving.) The sequence number wraps around to 0 after 2**32-1.
- Upon receipt, the message is decrypted, HMAC(Ki, {SeqNum, msg}) is
- computed and compared with the received value; the padding and the
- packet type are verified. The message is discarded if the received
- and the calculated HMACs differ and/or the padding is invalid. See
- also section 3.8 for important information about MAC and padding
- verification. The receiver's sequence counter is then compared with
- the received SeqNum value; the message is discarded if they differ
- and, as the result, the connection being used MUST be dropped. The
- receiver's sequence counter is incremented if they match.
-2.4.1 AES cipher in "stateful-decryption counter" mode ("aes-ctr")
- In stateful-decryption counter mode, both the sender and the receiver
- maintain an internal 128-bit counter CTRBLK.
- The initial value of the CTRLBLK is calculated as follows:
- The counter for the first SASL packet going from the client
- to the server consists of 16 bytes calculated as follows:
- CTRBLK = H({H(A1), "aes-128 counter client-to-server", nc-value})
- The counter for the first SASL packet going from the server
- to the client consists of 16 bytes calculated as follows:
- CTRBLK = H({H(A1), "aes-128 counter server-to-client", nc-value})
- <<An alternative is to add a new option containing 128bit of random
- data, which is sent with successful authentication and is used to
- construct the initial counter.>>
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- For each buffer of cleartext data to be encrypted the sender performs
- the following procedure:
- 1) padding and MAC block are constructed (see section 2.4) and
- appended to the end of the plaintext. After this step the data
- to be encrypted will look like:
- {msg, pad, MAC}
- As the total length of the data will be multiple of AES block size
- (i.e. 128 bit), this can also be represented as
- {P[1], P[2], P[3], ..., P[m]}
- where P[i] is a chunk of data of the length 128 bit.
- 2) Data is encrypted as follows:
- FOR i := 1 to m DO
- E[i] := P[i] XOR CIPHER ( Kc, CTRBLK )
- This will generate ciphertext {E[1], ..., E[m]} to be sent as a
- single
- SASL packet.
- The initial CTRBLK value is constructed as described at the
- beginning of
- this section. The last CTRBLK value produced after encrypting P[m]
- is
- used to encrypt the first 128bit chunk of the next sent SASL
- packet
- (if any), end so on.
- If CTRBLK = (2**128)-1, then "CTRBLK + 1" has the traditional
- semantics of "set CTRBLK to 0."
- The receiver performs the following steps:
- 1) Data is decrypted as follows:
- FOR i := 1 to m DO
- P[i] := E[i] XOR CIPHER ( Kc, CTRBLK )
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- This will generate plaintext {P[1], ..., P[m]}, which is
- {msg, pad, MAC}.
- The initial CTRBLK value is constructed as described at the
- beginning of
- this section. The last CTRBLK value produced after decrypting P[m]
- is used to decrypt the first 128bit chunk of the next received
- SASL packet
- (if any), end so on.
- If CTRBLK = (2**128)-1, then "CTRBLK + 1" has the traditional
- semantics of "set CTRBLK to 0."
- 2) pad and MAC block are verified as described in section 2.4.
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-3 Security Considerations
- General SASL security considerations apply to this mechanism.
- "stringprep" and Unicode security considerations also apply.
- Detailed discussion of other DIGEST-MD5 specific security issues is
- below.
-3.1 Authentication of Clients using Digest Authentication
- Digest Authentication does not provide a strong authentication
- mechanism, when compared to public key based mechanisms, for example.
- However, since it prevents chosen plaintext attacks, it is stronger
- than (e.g.) CRAM-MD5, which has been proposed for use with ACAP [RFC
- 2244], POP and IMAP [RFC 2195]. It is intended to replace the much
- weaker and even more dangerous use of plaintext passwords; however,
- since it is still a password based mechanism it avoids some of the
- potential deployability issues with public-key, OTP or similar
- mechanisms.
- Digest Authentication offers no confidentiality protection beyond
- protecting the actual password. All of the rest of the challenge and
- response are available to an eavesdropper, including the user's name
- and authentication realm.
-3.2 Comparison of Digest with Plaintext Passwords
- The greatest threat to the type of transactions for which these
- protocols are used is network snooping. This kind of transaction
- might involve, for example, online access to a mail service whose use
- is restricted to paying subscribers. With plaintext password
- authentication an eavesdropper can obtain the password of the user.
- This not only permits him to access anything in the database, but,
- often worse, will permit access to anything else the user protects
- with the same password.
-3.3 Replay Attacks
- Replay attacks are defeated if the client or the server chooses a
- fresh nonce for each authentication, as this specification requires.
- As a security precaution, the server, when verifying a response from
- the client, must use the original server nonce ("nonce") it sent, not
- the one returned by the client in the response, as it might have been
- modified by an attacker.
- To prevent some redirection attacks it is recommended that the server
- verifies that the "serv-type" part of the "digest-uri" matches the
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- service name and that the hostname/IP address belongs to the server.
-3.4 Online dictionary attacks
- If the attacker can eavesdrop, then it can test any overheard
- nonce/response pairs against a (potentially very large) list of
- common words. Such a list is usually much smaller than the total
- number of possible passwords. The cost of computing the response for
- each password on the list is paid once for each challenge.
- The server can mitigate this attack by not allowing users to select
- passwords that are in a dictionary.
-3.5 Offline dictionary attacks
- If the attacker can choose the challenge, then it can precompute the
- possible responses to that challenge for a list of common words. Such
- a list is usually much smaller than the total number of possible
- passwords. The cost of computing the response for each password on
- the list is paid just once.
- Offline dictionary attacks are defeated if the client chooses a fresh
- nonce for each authentication, as this specification requires.
-3.6 Man in the Middle
- Digest authentication is vulnerable to "man in the middle" (MITM)
- attacks. Clearly, a MITM would present all the problems of
- eavesdropping. But it also offers some additional opportunities to
- the attacker.
- A possible man-in-the-middle attack would be to substitute a weaker
- qop scheme for the one(s) sent by the server; the server will not be
- able to detect this attack. For this reason, the client should always
- use the strongest scheme that it understands from the choices
- offered, and should never choose a scheme that does not meet its
- minimum requirements.
- A man-in-the-middle attack may also make the client and the server
- that agreed to use confidentiality protection to use different (and
- possibly weaker) cipher's. This is because the chosen cipher is not
- used in the shared secret calculation.
-3.7 Chosen plaintext attacks
- A chosen plaintext attack is where a MITM or a malicious server can
- arbitrarily choose the challenge that the client will use to compute
- the response. The ability to choose the challenge is known to make
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-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- cryptanalysis much easier [MD5].
- However, Digest does not permit the attack to choose the challenge as
- long as the client chooses a fresh nonce for each authentication, as
- this specification requires.
-3.8 Attacks on padding
- In the past, implementations that treated bad padding differently
- from bad MACs during decryption were subject to different attacks.
- Note that such attacks are known for block ciphers in CBC mode, e.g.
- [VAUDENAY]. Even though this document doesn't define any ciphers in
- CBC mode, similar attacks might be used in the future against other
- ciphers.
- In order to mitigate risks of such attacks, it is recommended that
- implementations don't skip MAC verification when bad padding is found
- in order to obtain (nearly) uniform timing of sending failure
- responses.
-3.9 Spoofing by Counterfeit Servers
- If a user can be led to believe that she is connecting to a host
- containing information protected by a password she knows, when in
- fact she is connecting to a hostile server, then the hostile server
- can obtain challenge/response pairs where it was able to partly
- choose the challenge. There is no known way that this can be
- exploited.
-3.10 Storing passwords
- Digest authentication requires that the authenticating agent (usually
- the server) store some data derived from the user's name and password
- in a "password file" associated with a given realm. Normally this
- might contain pairs consisting of username and H({ username-value,
- ":", realm-value, ":", password }), which is adequate to compute
- H(A1) as described above without directly exposing the user's
- password.
- The security implications of this are that if this password file is
- compromised, then an attacker gains immediate access to documents on
- the server using this realm. Unlike, say a standard UNIX password
- file, this information need not be decrypted in order to access
- documents in the server realm associated with this file. On the other
- hand, decryption, or more likely a brute force attack, would be
- necessary to obtain the user's password. This is the reason that the
- realm is part of the digested data stored in the password file. It
- means that if one Digest authentication password file is compromised,
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-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- it does not automatically compromise others with the same username
- and password (though it does expose them to brute force attack).
- There are two important security consequences of this. First the
- password file must be protected as if it contained plaintext
- passwords, because for the purpose of accessing documents in its
- realm, it effectively does.
- A second consequence of this is that the realm string should be
- unique among all realms that any single user is likely to use. In
- particular a realm string should include the name of the host doing
- the authentication.
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-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
-3.11 Multiple realms
- Use of multiple realms may mean both that compromise of a the
- security database for a single realm does not compromise all
- security, and that there are more things to protect in order to keep
- the whole system secure.
-3.11 Summary
- By modern cryptographic standards Digest Authentication is weak,
- compared to (say) public key based mechanisms. But for a large range
- of purposes it is valuable as a replacement for plaintext passwords.
- Its strength may vary depending on the implementation.
-4 Example
- This example shows the use of the Digest SASL mechanism with the
- IMAP4 AUTHENTICATE command [RFC 3501].
- In this example, "C:" and "S:" represent a line sent by the client or
- server respectively including a CRLF at the end. Linebreaks and
- indentation within a "C:" or "S:" are editorial and not part of the
- protocol. The password in this example was "secret". Note that the
- base64 encoding of the challenges and responses is part of the IMAP4
- AUTHENTICATE command, not part of the Digest specification itself.
- S: * OK PMDF IMAP4rev1 V6.0-9
- S: c OK Completed
- S: + cmVhbG09ImVsd29vZC5pbm5vc29mdC5jb20iLG5vbmNlPSJPQTZNRzl0
- RVFHbTJoaCIscW9wPSJhdXRoIixhbGdvcml0aG09bWQ1LXNlc3MsY2hh
- cnNldD11dGYtOA==
- C: Y2hhcnNldD11dGYtOCx1c2VybmFtZT0iY2hyaXMiLHJlYWxtPSJlbHdvb2
- QuaW5ub3NvZnQuY29tIixub25jZT0iT0E2TUc5dEVRR20yaGgiLG5jPTAw
- MDAwMDAxLGNub25jZT0iT0E2TUhYaDZWcVRyUmsiLGRpZ2VzdC11cmk9Im
- ltYXAvZWx3b29kLmlubm9zb2Z0LmNvbSIscmVzcG9uc2U9ZDM4OGRhZDkw
- ZDRiYmQ3NjBhMTUyMzIxZjIxNDNhZjcscW9wPWF1dGg=
- S: + cnNwYXV0aD1lYTQwZjYwMzM1YzQyN2I1NTI3Yjg0ZGJhYmNkZmZmZA==
- C:
- S: a OK User logged in
- ---
- The base64-decoded version of the SASL exchange is:
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-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- S: realm="",nonce="OA6MG9tEQGm2hh",qop="auth",
- algorithm=md5-sess,charset=utf-8
- C: charset=utf-8,username="chris",realm="",
- nonce="OA6MG9tEQGm2hh",nc=00000001,cnonce="OA6MHXh6VqTrRk",
- digest-uri="imap/",
- response=d388dad90d4bbd760a152321f2143af7,qop=auth
- S: rspauth=ea40f60335c427b5527b84dbabcdfffd
- The password in this example was "secret".
- This example shows the use of the Digest SASL mechanism with the
- ACAP, using the same notational conventions and password as in the
- previous example. Note that ACAP does not base64 encode and uses
- fewer round trips that IMAP4.
- S: + {94}
- S: realm="",nonce="OA9BSXrbuRhWay",qop="auth",
- algorithm=md5-sess,charset=utf-8
- C: {206}
- C: charset=utf-8,username="chris",realm="",
- nonce="OA9BSXrbuRhWay",nc=00000001,cnonce="OA9BSuZWMSpW8m",
- digest-uri="acap/",
- response=6084c6db3fede7352c551284490fd0fc,qop=auth
- S: a OK (SASL {40}
- S: rspauth=2f0b3d7c3c2e486600ef710726aa2eae) "AUTHENTICATE
- Completed"
- ---
- The server uses the values of all the directives, plus knowledge of
- the users password (or the hash of the user's name, server's realm
- and the user's password) to verify the computations above. If they
- check, then the user has authenticated.
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-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
-5 References
-5.1 Normative references
- [Digest] Franks, J., et al., "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest
- Access Authentication", RFC 2617, June 1999.
- [ISO-8859] ISO-8859. International Standard--Information Processing--
- 8-bit Single-Byte Coded Graphic Character Sets --
- Part 1: Latin alphabet No. 1, ISO-8859-1:1987.
- Part 2: Latin alphabet No. 2, ISO-8859-2, 1987.
- Part 3: Latin alphabet No. 3, ISO-8859-3, 1988.
- Part 4: Latin alphabet No. 4, ISO-8859-4, 1988.
- Part 5: Latin/Cyrillic alphabet, ISO-8859-5, 1988.
- Part 6: Latin/Arabic alphabet, ISO-8859-6, 1987.
- Part 7: Latin/Greek alphabet, ISO-8859-7, 1987.
- Part 8: Latin/Hebrew alphabet, ISO-8859-8, 1988.
- Part 9: Latin alphabet No. 5, ISO-8859-9, 1990.
- [RFC 1321] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC 1321,
- April 1992.
- [RFC 2104] Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M. and R. Canetti, "HMAC: Keyed-
- Hashing for Message Authentication", RFC 2104, February
- 1997.
- [RFC 2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
- Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
- [SASL] Melnikov, A. (editor) and K. Zeilenga "Simple Authentication
- and Security Layer (SASL)", RFC 4422, June 2006.
- [RFC 3454] Hoffman, P., Blanchet, M., "Preparation of
- Internationalized Strings ("stringprep")", RFC 3454,
- December 2002.
- [Unicode] The Unicode Consortium, "The Unicode Standard, Version
- 3.2.0", defined by: The Unicode Standard, Version 3.0
- (Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley, 2000. ISBN 0-201-61633-5),
- as amended by the Unicode Standard Annex #28: Unicode 3.2
- (
- [UTF-8] Yergeau, "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646",
- STD 63, RFC 3629, November 2003.
- [USASCII] US-ASCII. Coded Character Set - 7-Bit American Standard
- Code for Information Interchange. Standard ANSI X3.4-1986,
- ANSI, 1986.
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 34]
-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- [SASLPrep] Zeilenga, K., "SASLprep: Stringprep profile for user names
- and passwords", RFC 4013, February 2005.
- [RFC 3986] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R. and L. Masinter, "Uniform
- Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", RFC 3986,
- January 2005.
- [AES] Daemen, J., Rijmen, V., "The Rijndael Block Cipher",
- 3rd September 1999.
- [GSS-API] Linn, J., "Generic Security Service Application Program
- Interface Version 2, Update 1", RFC 2743, January 2000.
- [ABNF] Crocker, D. (Ed.) and P. Overell , "Augmented BNF for Syntax
- Specifications: ABNF", RFC 4234, October 2005.
- [CHANNEL-BINDINGS] Williams, N., "On the Use of Channel Bindings to
- Secure Channels", work in progress, draft-williams-on-
- channel-binding-00.txt.
-5.2 Informative references
- [RFC 2782] Gulbrandsen, A., Vixie, P. and L. Esibov, "A DNS RR for
- specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)", RFC 2782,
- February 2000.
- [RFC 2195] Klensin, J., Catoe, R. and P. Krumviede, "IMAP/POP
- AUTHorize Extension for Simple Challenge/Response", RFC
- 2195, September 1997.
- [MD5] Kaliski, B.,Robshaw, M., "Message Authentication with
- MD5", CryptoBytes, Sping 1995, RSA Inc,
- (
- [RFC 3501] Crispin, M., "Internet Message Access Protocol - Version
- 4rev1", RFC 3501, March 2003.
- [RFC 2244] Newman, C., Myers, J., "ACAP -- Application Configuration
- Access Protocol", RFC 2244, November 1997.
- [RFC 2616] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H.,
- Masinter, L., Leach, P., Berners-Lee, T., "Hypertext
- Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC 2616, June 1999.
- [VAUDENAY] Serge Vaudenay, "Security Flaws Induced by CBC Padding -
- Applications to SSL, IPSEC, WTLS ...". L.R. Knudsen (Ed.):
- EUROCRYPT 2002, LNCS 2332, pp. 534-545, 2002.
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 35]
-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- [RFC 4648] Josefsson, S., "The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data
- Encodings", RFC 4648, October 2006.
- mechanisms>.
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-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
-6 IANA Considerations
- It is requested that the SASL Mechanism registry [IANA-SASL] entry
- for the DIGEST-MD5 mechanism be updated to reflect that this document
- now provides its technical specification.
- To:
- Subject: Updated Registration of SASL mechanism DIGEST-MD5
- Family of SASL mechanisms: NO
- SASL mechanism name: DIGEST-MD5
- Security considerations: See RFC XXXX.
- Published specification (optional, recommended): RFC XXXX
- Person & email address to contact for further information:
- Alexey Melnikov <>
- Intended usage: COMMON
- Author/Change controller: IESG <>
- Note: Updates existing entry for DIGEST-MD5
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-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- <<What follows is the definition of the notation as is used in the
- HTTP/1.1 specification [RFC 2616] and the HTTP authentication
- specification [Digest]; it is reproduced here for ease of reference.
- Since it is intended that a single Digest implementation can support
- both HTTP and SASL-based protocols, the same notation is used in both
- to facilitate comparison and prevention of unwanted differences.
- Since it is cut-and-paste from the HTTP specifications, not all
- productions may be used in this specification.>>
-7.1 Augmented BNF
- All of the mechanisms specified in this document are described in
- both prose and an Augmented Backus-Naur Form (BNF) which is a
- superset of the ABNF defined in [ABNF]. The Augmented BNF used by
- this document defines the following extra syntactic rule:
- #rule
- A construct "#" is defined, similar to "*", for defining lists of
- elements. The full form is "<n>#<m>element" indicating at least
- <n> and at most <m> elements, each separated by one or more commas
- (",") and OPTIONAL linear white space (LWSP). This makes the usual
- form of lists very easy; a rule such as
- ( LWSP element *( LWSP "," LWSP element ) LWSP )
- can be shown as
- 1#element
- Wherever this construct is used, null elements are allowed, but do
- not contribute to the count of elements present. That is,
- "(element), , (element) " is permitted, but counts as only two
- elements. Therefore, where at least one element is required, at
- least one non-null element MUST be present. Default values are 0
- and infinity so that "#element" allows any number, including zero;
- "1#element" requires at least one; and "1#2element" allows one or
- two.
- Other differences from [ABNF]:
- implied LWSP
- The grammar described by this specification is word-based. Except
- where noted otherwise, linear white space (LWSP) can be included
- between any two adjacent words (token or quoted-string), and
- between adjacent words and separators, without changing the
- interpretation of a field. At least one delimiter (LWSP and/or
- separators) MUST exist between any two tokens (for the definition
- of "token" below), since they would otherwise be interpreted as a
- single token.
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-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
-7.2 Basic Rules
- The following rules are used throughout this specification to
- describe basic parsing constructs. The US-ASCII coded character set
- is defined by ANSI X3.4-1986 [USASCII]. Non-terminals not defined in
- this document can be found in [ABNF].
- TEXTCHAR = <any OCTET except CTLs, but including HTAB>
- All linear white space, including folding, has the same semantics as
- SP. A recipient MAY replace any linear white space with a single SP
- before interpreting the field value or forwarding the message
- downstream.
- The TEXT rule is only used for descriptive field contents and values
- that are not intended to be interpreted by the message parser. Words
- of TEXT contains characters either from ISO-8859-1 [ISO-8859]
- character set or UTF-8 [UTF-8].
- TEXT = <any *OCTET except CTLs,
- but including LWSP>
- A CRLF is allowed in the definition of TEXT only as part of a header
- field continuation. It is expected that the folding LWSP will be
- replaced with a single SP before interpretation of the TEXT value.
- Many HTTP/1.1 header field values consist of words separated by LWSP
- or special characters. These special characters MUST be in a quoted
- string to be used within a parameter value.
- token = 1*TOKENCHAR
- ; character
- separators = "(" / ")" / "<" / ">" / "@"
- / "," / ";" / ":" / BACKSLASH / DQUOTE
- / "/" / "[" / "]" / "?" / "="
- / "{" / "}" / SP / HTAB
- TOKENCHAR = <any CHAR except CTLs or separators>
- A string of text is parsed as a single word if it is quoted using
- double-quote marks.
- quoted-string = DQUOTE qdstr-val DQUOTE
- qdstr-val = *( qdtext / quoted-pair )
- qdtext = <any TEXTCHAR except DQUOTE and BACKSLASH>
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- Note that LWSP is NOT implicit between the double-quote marks
- (DQUOTE) surrounding a qdstr-val and the qdstr-val; any LWSP will be
- considered part of the qdstr-val. This is also the case for
- quotation marks surrounding any other construct.
- The backslash character (BACKSLASH) MAY be used as a single-character
- quoting mechanism only within qdstr-val and comment constructs.
- quoted-pair = BACKSLASH CHAR
- The value of this construct is CHAR. Note that an effect of this rule
- is that backslash itself MUST be quoted.
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-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
-8 Authors' Addresses
- Paul Leach
- Microsoft
- 1 Microsoft Way
- Redmond, WA 98052, USA
- EMail:
- Chris Newman
- Sun Microsystems
- 1050 Lakes Drive
- West Covina, CA 91790, USA
- EMail: Chris.Newman@Sun.COM
- Alexey Melnikov
- Isode Ltd.
- 5 Castle Business Village,
- 36 Station Road,
- Hampton,
- Middlesex,
- TW12 2BX,
- United Kingdom
- Email:
-9 Acknowledgements
- The following people had substantial contributions to the development
- and/or refinement of this document:
- Lawrence Greenfield
- John Gardiner Myers
- Simon Josefsson
- RL Bob Morgan
- Jeff Hodges
- Claus Assmann
- Tony Hansen
- Ken Murchison
- Sam Hartman
- Kurt D. Zeilenga
- Hallvard B. Furuseth
- Abhijit Menon-Sen
- Nicolas Williams
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 41]
-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- Jeffrey Hutzelman
- Tom Yu
- Dave Cridland
- Frank Ellermann
- as well as other members of the SASL mailing list.
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-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
-10 Full Copyright Statement
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).
- This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
- contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
- retain all their rights.
- This document and the information contained herein are provided on an
- Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
- Internet Society.
-11 Intellectual Property
- The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
- Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
- pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
- this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
- might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
- made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information
- on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
- found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.
- Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
- assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
- attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
- such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
- specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at
- The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
- copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
- rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
- this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-
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-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
-Appendix A: Changes from 2831
- 1). Fixed various typos in formulas.
- 2). Tighten ABNF. Fixed some bugs.
- 3). Replace RFC 822 ABNF with [ABNF].
- 4). Clarified nc-value verification and which side is aborting
- exchange.
- 5). Removed downconversion to ISO-8859-1.
- 6). Clarified that unquoted version of the username, etc. used in A1
- calculation.
- 7). Various cleanup to References section. Split all references into
- Normative and Informative.
- 8). Added minimal and maximal limits on maxbuf. Clarified how to
- calculate "maximal sender size".
- 9). Change ABNF for host to allow for IPv6 addresses. ABNF now
- references RFC 3986.
- 10). Added man-in-the-middle considerations for ciphers.
- 11). Clarified how sequence counters are updated.
- 12). Addition warnings about preventing reply/redirection attacks.
- 13). Specified that "charset" directive affects "realm" and doesn't
- affect "authzid".
- 14). Removed text that described that "authzid" is in Unicode in
- Normalization Form KC, encoded as UTF-8.
- 15). Clarified that rc4 state is not reset between two consecutive
- sent/received buffers of protected data.
- 16). Allow for extensibility in step 3. Use "auth-info" as in RFC
- 2617.
- 17). Prohibit an empty authzid, as this caused interoperability
- problems.
- 18). Clarified that 'qop="auth",qop="auth-int"' is the same as
- 'qop="auth,auth-int"'.
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-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- 19). Clarified client behavior, if it recognizes no ciphers.
- 20). Clarified that the server is not required to advertise all
- realms it supports.
- 21). Clarified how UIs should present realms.
- 22). Changed some informative text to normative MUST/SHOULDs.
- 23). Changed nonce/cnonce to allow for channel bindings.
- 24). Added new "prep" directive, that allows to specify preparation
- algorithms for username/password. Defined a single preparation
- mechanism - SASLPrep [SASLPrep].
- Added another directive (response-v2) confirming that a user
- knows
- its password. A corresponding directive (rspauth-v2) was added
- for
- the server.
- 25). Cleaned up Confidentiality protection section.
- 26). Added AES cipher defined in "AES Ciphersuite for DIGEST-MD5 SASL
- mechanism" document (expired draft-ietf-sasl-digest-aes-00.txt).
- Use aes cipher in CTR mode ("aes-ctr").
- 27). Dropped DES as mandatory to implement cipher (aes-ctr is
- mandatory to
- implement). Removed "des" and "3des" ciphers because of known
- interoperability problems and vulnerability to CBC mode attack.
- And other minor text clarifications.
-Appendix B: Differences between HTTP Digest and DIGEST-MD5
- <<The following list is probably not complete>>
- 1) On reauthentication, DIGEST-MD5 requires that cnonce is to be the
- same, while HTTP Digest doesn't have this restriction
- 2) Integrity and confidentiality security layers are very specific to
- 3) HTTP Digest doesn't support channel bindings
- 4) HTTP Digest doesn't have the "charset" and the "prep" options
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 45]
-INTERNET DRAFT DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism November 2006
- 5) DIGEST-MD5 doesn't use the following HTTP Digest options in
- "digest-challenge": "opaque" and "domain"
- 6) DIGEST-MD5 doesn't use the following HTTP Digest options in
- "digest-response": "opaque" and "algorithm"
- 7) DIGEST-MD5 doesn't use the following HTTP Digest options in "auth-
- info": "nextnonce", "qop", "cnonce" and "nonce-count"
- 8) A second directive (response-v2) confirming that a user knows its
- password
- is added. A corresponding directive (rspauth-v2) was added for the
- server.
-Appendix C: Open Issues/ToDo List
- 1). Normative vs. Informative references must be carefully rechecked.
- 2). The charset directive is kind of optional, but in practice it is
- not.
- Should it just be made mandatory?
- 3). Need to clarify behaviour when the prep directive is present,
- but the charset directive is not.
- 4). Update example to match the updated draft, in particular need
- to add channel binding, qop & cipher lists into nonce/cnonce.
- 5). Need to clarify backward compatibility with RFC 2831 in several
- places.
-Melnikov (Ed.) Expires: May 2007 [Page 46]