diff options
authorSimon Josefsson <>2007-08-08 11:51:14 +0200
committerSimon Josefsson <>2007-08-08 11:51:14 +0200
commit1c071080deed753c0f6580a5bfd53bd2649f7520 (patch)
parent0910c20a27a79a5749710610d3e12fd5d46463d2 (diff)
Sync with TP.
2 files changed, 381 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po
index d7e8b30cc1..0bc79b6f43 100644
--- a/po/pl.po
+++ b/po/pl.po
@@ -5,377 +5,509 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: gnutls-1.7.7\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: gnutls-1.7.15\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-22 09:18+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-26 20:22+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-07-02 16:29+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-07-23 23:37+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Jakub Bogusz <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:53
msgid "Success."
msgstr "Sukces."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:54
msgid "Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite."
msgstr "Nie uda³o siê wynegocjowaæ obs³ugiwanego zestawu certyfikatów."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:56
msgid "The cipher type is unsupported."
msgstr "Ten typ certyfikatu nie jest obs³ugiwany."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:58
msgid "The certificate and the given key do not match."
msgstr "Certyfikat i dany klucz nie pasuj± do siebie."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:60
msgid "Could not negotiate a supported compression method."
msgstr "Nie uda³o siê wynegocjowaæ obs³ugiwanej metody kompresji."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:62
msgid "An unknown public key algorithm was encountered."
msgstr "Napotkano nieznany algorytm klucza publicznego."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:65
msgid "An algorithm that is not enabled was negotiated."
msgstr "Wynegocjowano algorytm, który nie zosta³ w³±czony."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:67
msgid "A large TLS record packet was received."
msgstr "Odebrano du¿y pakiet rekordu TLS."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:69
msgid "A record packet with illegal version was received."
msgstr "Odebrano pakiet rekordu o niedozwolonej wersji."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:71
msgid "The Diffie Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough)."
msgstr "Liczba pierwsza Diffie Hellmana wys³ana przez serwer jest nieakceptowalna (zbyt ma³a)."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:73
msgid "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received."
msgstr "Odebrano pakiet TLS o nieoczekiwanej d³ugo¶ci."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:75
msgid "The specified session has been invalidated for some reason."
msgstr "Podana sesja zosta³a z jakiego¶ powodu uniewa¿niona."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:78
msgid "GnuTLS internal error."
msgstr "B³±d wewnêtrzny GnuTLS."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:79
msgid "An illegal TLS extension was received."
msgstr "Odebrano niedozwolone rozszerzenie TLS."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:81
msgid "A TLS fatal alert has been received."
msgstr "Odebrano krytyczny alarm TLS."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:83
msgid "An unexpected TLS packet was received."
msgstr "Odebrano nieoczekiwany pakiet TLS."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:85
msgid "A TLS warning alert has been received."
msgstr "Odebrano ostrzegawczy alarm TLS."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:87
msgid "An error was encountered at the TLS Finished packet calculation."
msgstr "Wykryto b³±d przy obliczaniu pakietu TLS Finished."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:89
msgid "The peer did not send any certificate."
msgstr "Druga strona nie wys³a³a ¿adnego certyfikatu."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:92
msgid "No temporary RSA parameters were found."
msgstr "Nie znaleziono parametrów tymczasowych RSA."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:94
msgid "No temporary DH parameters were found."
msgstr "Nie znaleziono parametrów tymczasowych DH."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:96
msgid "An unexpected TLS handshake packet was received."
msgstr "Odebrano nieoczekiwany pakiet nawi±zania TLS."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:98
msgid "The scanning of a large integer has failed."
msgstr "Poszukiwanie du¿ej liczby ca³kowitej nie powiod³o siê."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:100
msgid "Could not export a large integer."
msgstr "Nie uda³o siê wyeksportowaæ du¿ej liczby ca³kowitej."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:102
msgid "Decryption has failed."
msgstr "Odszyfrowywanie nie powiod³o siê."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:103
msgid "Encryption has failed."
msgstr "Szyfrowanie nie powiod³o siê."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:104
msgid "Public key decryption has failed."
msgstr "Odszyfrowywanie z kluczem publicznym nie powiod³o siê."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:106
msgid "Public key encryption has failed."
msgstr "Szyfrowanie z kluczem publicznym nie powiod³o siê."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:108
msgid "Public key signing has failed."
msgstr "Podpisywanie z kluczem publicznym nie powiod³o siê."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:110
msgid "Public key signature verification has failed."
msgstr "Sprawdzenie podpisu z kluczem publicznym nie powiod³o siê."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:112
msgid "Decompression of the TLS record packet has failed."
msgstr "Dekompresja pakietu rekordu TLS nie powiod³a siê."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:114
msgid "Compression of the TLS record packet has failed."
msgstr "Kompresja pakietu rekordu TLS nie powiod³a siê."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:117
msgid "Internal error in memory allocation."
msgstr "B³±d wewnêtrzny przy przydzielaniu pamiêci."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:119
msgid "An unimplemented or disabled feature has been requested."
msgstr "Za¿±dano niezaimplementowanej lub wy³±czonej opcji."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:121
msgid "Insufficient credentials for that request."
msgstr "Niewystarczaj±ce uprawnienia dla tego ¿±dania."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:123
msgid "Error in password file."
msgstr "B³±d w pliku hase³."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:124
msgid "Wrong padding in PKCS1 packet."
msgstr "B³êdne wyrównanie w pakiecie PKCS1."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:126
msgid "The requested session has expired."
msgstr "¯±dana sesja wygas³a."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:127
msgid "Hashing has failed."
msgstr "Funkcja skrótu nie powiod³a siê."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:128
msgid "Base64 decoding error."
msgstr "B³±d dekodowania base64."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:130
msgid "Base64 encoding error."
msgstr "B³±d kodowania base64."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:132
msgid "Parsing error in password file."
msgstr "B³±d przetwarzania pliku hase³."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:134
msgid "The requested data were not available."
msgstr "¯±dane dane nie by³y dostêpne."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:136
msgid "Error in the pull function."
msgstr "B³±d w funkcji pull."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:137
msgid "Error in the push function."
msgstr "B³±d w funkcji push."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:138
msgid "The upper limit of record packet sequence numbers has been reached. Wow!"
msgstr "Osi±gniêto górne ograniczenie numerów sekwencyjnych pakietów rekordów. Wow!"
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:140
msgid "Error in the certificate."
msgstr "B³±d w certyfikacie."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:142
msgid "Unknown Subject Alternative name in X.509 certificate."
msgstr "Nieznana nazwa Subject Alternative w certyfikacie X.509."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:145
msgid "Unsupported critical extension in X.509 certificate."
msgstr "Nieobs³ugiwane rozszerzenie krytyczne w certyfikacie X.509."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:147
msgid "Key usage violation in certificate has been detected."
msgstr "Wykryto naruszenie u¿ycia klucza w certyfikacie."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:149 lib/gnutls_errors.c:150
msgid "Function was interrupted."
msgstr "Funkcja zosta³a przerwana."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:151
msgid "Rehandshake was requested by the peer."
msgstr "Druga strona za¿±da³a ponownego nawi±zania sesji."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:153
msgid "TLS Application data were received, while expecting handshake data."
msgstr "Odebrano dane aplikacji TLS, ale oczekiwano na nawi±zanie sesji."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:155
msgid "Error in Database backend."
msgstr "B³±d w backendzie bazy danych."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:156
msgid "The certificate type is not supported."
msgstr "Ten typ certyfikatu nie jest obs³ugiwany."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:158
msgid "The given memory buffer is too short to hold parameters."
msgstr "Przekazany bufor pamiêci jest zbyt ma³y do przechowania parametrów."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:160
msgid "The request is invalid."
msgstr "¯±danie jest nieprawid³owe."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:161
msgid "An illegal parameter has been received."
msgstr "Odebrano niedozwolony parametr."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:163
msgid "Error while reading file."
msgstr "B³±d podczas odczytu pliku."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:165
msgid "ASN1 parser: Element was not found."
msgstr "Analiza ASN1: Nie znaleziono elementu."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:167
msgid "ASN1 parser: Identifier was not found"
msgstr "Analiza ASN1: Nie znaleziono identyfikatora."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:169
msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in DER parsing."
msgstr "Analiza ASN1: B³±d przy analizie DER."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:171
msgid "ASN1 parser: Value was not found."
msgstr "Analiza ASN1: Nie znaleziono warto¶ci."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:173
msgid "ASN1 parser: Generic parsing error."
msgstr "Analiza ASN1: Ogólny b³±d przetwarzania."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:175
msgid "ASN1 parser: Value is not valid."
msgstr "Analiza ASN1: Warto¶æ nie jest prawid³owa."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:177
msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in TAG."
msgstr "Analiza ASN1: B³±d w znaczniku."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:178
msgid "ASN1 parser: error in implicit tag"
msgstr "Analiza ASN1: b³±d w domy¶lnym znaczniku."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:180
msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in type 'ANY'."
msgstr "Analiza ASN1: B³±d w typie 'ANY'."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:182
msgid "ASN1 parser: Syntax error."
msgstr "Analiza ASN1: B³±d sk³adni."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:184
msgid "ASN1 parser: Overflow in DER parsing."
msgstr "Analiza ASN1: Przepe³nienie przy analizie DER."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:187
msgid "Too many empty record packets have been received."
msgstr "Odebrano zbyt du¿o pustych pakietów rekordów."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:189
msgid "The initialization of GnuTLS-extra has failed."
msgstr "Inicjalizacja GnuTLS-extra nie powiod³a siê."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:191
msgid "The GnuTLS library version does not match the GnuTLS-extra library version."
msgstr "Wersja biblioteki GnuTLS nie zgadza siê z wersj± biblioteki GnuTLS-extra."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:193
msgid "The gcrypt library version is too old."
msgstr "Wersja biblioteki gcrypt jest zbyt stara."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:196
msgid "The tasn1 library version is too old."
msgstr "Wersja biblioteki tasn1 jest zbyt stara."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:198
msgid "The specified GnuPG TrustDB version is not supported. TrustDB v4 is supported."
msgstr "Podana wersja GnuPG TrustDB nie jest obs³ugiwana. Obs³ugiwana jest TrustDB v4."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:201
msgid "Error loading the keyring."
msgstr "B³±d przy wczytywaniu zbioru kluczy."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:203
msgid "The initialization of LZO has failed."
msgstr "Inicjalizacja LZO nie powiod³a siê."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:205
msgid "No supported compression algorithms have been found."
msgstr "Nie znaleziono obs³ugiwanego algorytmu kompresji."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:207
msgid "No supported cipher suites have been found."
msgstr "Nie znaleziono obs³ugiwanego zestawu certyfikatów."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:209
msgid "Could not get OpenPGP key."
msgstr "Nie uda³o siê uzyskaæ klucza OpenPGP."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:212
msgid "The SRP username supplied is illegal."
msgstr "Podana nazwa u¿ytkownika SRP nie jest dozwolona."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:215
msgid "The OpenPGP fingerprint is not supported."
msgstr "Odcisk klucza OpenPGP nie jest obs³ugiwany."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:217
msgid "The certificate has unsupported attributes."
msgstr "Certyfikat ma nieobs³ugiwane atrybuty."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:219
msgid "The OID is not supported."
msgstr "OID nie jest obs³ugiwany."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:221
msgid "The hash algorithm is unknown."
msgstr "Algorytm skrótu jest nieznany."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:223
msgid "The PKCS structure's content type is unknown."
msgstr "Typ zawarto¶ci struktury PKCS jest nieznany."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:225
msgid "The PKCS structure's bag type is unknown."
msgstr "Typ opakowania struktury PKCS jest nieznany."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:227
msgid "The given password contains invalid characters."
msgstr "Podane has³o zawiera nieprawid³owe znaki."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:229
msgid "The Message Authentication Code verification failed."
msgstr "Sprawdzenie kodu autentyczno¶ci wiadomo¶ci (MAC) nie powiod³o siê."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:231
msgid "Some constraint limits were reached."
msgstr "Osi±gniêto niektóre ograniczenia."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:233
msgid "Failed to acquire random data."
msgstr "Nie uda³o siê pozyskaæ danych losowych."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:236
msgid "Received a TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished message"
msgstr "Odebrano wiadomo¶æ TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished"
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:238
msgid "Received a TLS/IA Final Phase Finished message"
msgstr "Odebrano wiadomo¶æ TLS/IA Final Phase Finished"
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:240
msgid "Verifying TLS/IA phase checksum failed"
msgstr "Sprawdzenie sumy kontrolnej frazy TLS/IA nie powiod³o siê"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:112 lib/x509/output.c:383
#, c-format
msgid "\t\t\tPath Length Constraint: %d\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tOgraniczenie d³ugo¶ci ¶cie¿ki: %d\n"
-msgid "\t\t\tPolicy Language: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tJêzyk polityki: "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:113
#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tPolicy Language: %.*s\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tJêzyk polityki: %.*s\n"
+msgid "\t\t\tPolicy Language: %s"
+msgstr "\t\t\tJêzyk polityki: %s"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:122
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\t\tASCII: "
+msgstr ""
+"\t\t\tASCII: "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:124
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\t\tHexdump: "
+msgstr ""
+"\t\t\t\tZrzut hex: "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:216
msgid "\t\t\tDigital signature.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tPodpis cyfrowy.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:218
msgid "\t\t\tNon repudiation.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tBez odmowy.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:220
msgid "\t\t\tKey encipherment.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tSzyfrowanie klucza.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:222
msgid "\t\t\tData encipherment.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tSzyfrowanie danych.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:224
msgid "\t\t\tKey agreement.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tUzgodnienie klucza.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:226
msgid "\t\t\tCertificate signing.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tPodpisanie certyfikatu.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:228
msgid "\t\t\tCRL signing.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tPodpisanie CRL.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:230
msgid "\t\t\tKey encipher only.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tTylko szyfrowanie klucza.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:232
msgid "\t\t\tKey decipher only.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tTylko deszyfrowanie klucza.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:344
msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Server.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tSerwer WWW TLS.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:346
msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Client.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tKlient WWW TLS.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:348
msgid "\t\t\tCode signing.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tPodpisywanie kodu.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:350
msgid "\t\t\tEmail protection.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tOchrona poczty elektronicznej.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:352
msgid "\t\t\tTime stamping.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tOznaczanie czasu.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:354
msgid "\t\t\tOCSP signing.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tPodpisywanie OCSP.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:356
msgid "\t\t\tAny purpose.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tDowolne zastosowanie.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:378
msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): FALSE\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tCA: NIE\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:380
msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): TRUE\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tCA: TAK\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:483
#, c-format
msgid "\t\t\tXMPP Address: %.*s\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tAdres XMPP: %.*s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:486
#, c-format
msgid "\t\t\totherName OID: %.*s\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tOID otherName: %.*s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:487
msgid "\t\t\totherName DER: "
msgstr "\t\t\tDER otherName: "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:489
msgid ""
"\t\t\totherName ASCII: "
@@ -383,117 +515,153 @@ msgstr ""
"\t\t\tASCII otherName: "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:515 lib/x509/output.c:1179
#, c-format
msgid "\tVersion: %d\n"
msgstr "\tWersja: %d\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:529
msgid "\tSerial Number (hex): "
msgstr "\tNumer seryjny (hex): "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:546 lib/x509/output.c:1193
#, c-format
msgid "\tIssuer: %s\n"
msgstr "\tWystawca: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:553
msgid "\tValidity:\n"
msgstr "\tWa¿no¶æ:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:566
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tNot Before: %s\n"
msgstr "\t\tNie wcze¶niej ni¿: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:580
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tNot After: %s\n"
msgstr "\t\tNie pó¼niej ni¿: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:594
#, c-format
msgid "\tSubject: %s\n"
msgstr "\tPrzedmiot: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:611
#, c-format
msgid "\tSubject Public Key Algorithm: %s\n"
msgstr "\tAlgorytm klucza publicznego: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:624
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tModulus (bits %d):\n"
msgstr "\t\tReszta (bitów: %d):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:626
msgid "\t\tExponent:\n"
msgstr "\t\tWyk³adnik:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:645
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tPublic key (bits %d):\n"
msgstr "\t\tKlucz publiczny (bitów: %d):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:647
msgid "\t\tP:\n"
msgstr "\t\tP:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:649
msgid "\t\tQ:\n"
msgstr "\t\tQ:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:651
msgid "\t\tG:\n"
msgstr "\t\tG:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:696
msgid "\tExtensions:\n"
msgstr "\tRozszerzenia:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:706
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tBasic Constraints (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tOgraniczenia podstawowe (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:707 lib/x509/output.c:722 lib/x509/output.c:737
+#: lib/x509/output.c:752 lib/x509/output.c:767 lib/x509/output.c:782
+#: lib/x509/output.c:797 lib/x509/output.c:812 lib/x509/output.c:824
msgid "critical"
msgstr "krytyczny"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:707 lib/x509/output.c:722 lib/x509/output.c:737
+#: lib/x509/output.c:752 lib/x509/output.c:767 lib/x509/output.c:782
+#: lib/x509/output.c:797 lib/x509/output.c:812 lib/x509/output.c:824
msgid "not critical"
msgstr "niekrytyczny"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:721
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tSubject Key Identifier (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tIdentyfikator klucza przedmiotu (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:736
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tAuthority Key Identifier (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tIdentyfikator klucza autorytetu (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:751
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tKey Usage (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tU¿ycie klucza (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:766
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tKey Purpose (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tPrzeznaczenie klucza (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:781
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tSubject Alternative Name (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tAlternatywna nazwa przedmiotu (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:796
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tCRL Distribution points (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tPunkty rozproszenia CRL (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:811
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tProxy Certificate Information (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tInformacja o certyfikacie proxy (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tUnknown extension %s (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tNieznane rozszerzenie %s (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:852
msgid "\t\t\tASCII: "
msgstr "\t\t\tASCII: "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:856
msgid "\t\t\tHexdump: "
msgstr "\t\t\tZrzut hex: "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:881 lib/x509/output.c:1290
#, c-format
msgid "\tSignature Algorithm: %s\n"
msgstr "\tAlgorytm podpisu: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:885 lib/x509/output.c:1294
msgid "warning: signed using a broken signature algorithm that can be forged.\n"
msgstr "uwaga: podpisano z³amanym algorytmem podpisu, który mo¿e byæ podrobiony.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:910 lib/x509/output.c:1319
msgid "\tSignature:\n"
msgstr "\tPodpis:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:933
msgid ""
"\tMD5 fingerprint:\n"
@@ -501,6 +669,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tOdcisk MD5:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:935
msgid ""
"\tSHA-1 fingerprint:\n"
@@ -508,6 +677,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tOdcisk SHA-1:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:969
msgid ""
"\tPublic Key Id:\n"
@@ -515,39 +685,50 @@ msgstr ""
"\tIdentyfikator klucza publicznego:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1135
msgid "X.509 Certificate Information:\n"
msgstr "Informacja o certyfikacie X.509:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1139
msgid "Other Information:\n"
msgstr "Inne informacje:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1175
msgid "\tVersion: 1 (default)\n"
msgstr "\tWersja: 1 (domy¶lna)\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1200
msgid "\tUpdate dates:\n"
msgstr "\tDaty uaktualnieñ:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1213
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tIssued: %s\n"
msgstr "\t\tWystawiono: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1229
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tNext at: %s\n"
msgstr "\t\tNastêpnie: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1239
#, c-format
msgid "\tRevoked certificates (%d):\n"
msgstr "\tUniewa¿nione certyfikaty (%d):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1241
msgid "\tNo revoked certificates.\n"
msgstr "\tBrak uniewa¿nionych certyfikatów.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1260
msgid "\t\tSerial Number (hex): "
msgstr "\t\tNumer seryjny (hex): "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1269
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tRevoked at: %s\n"
msgstr "\t\tUniewa¿niono: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1349
msgid "X.509 Certificate Revocation List Information:\n"
msgstr "Informacja o li¶cie uniewa¿nieñ certyfikatów X.509:\n"
diff --git a/po/sv.po b/po/sv.po
index c9d2126290..f950d55211 100644
--- a/po/sv.po
+++ b/po/sv.po
@@ -5,381 +5,513 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: gnutls 1.7.7\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: gnutls 1.7.15\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-22 09:18+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-26 22:08+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-07-02 16:29+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-07-24 00:22+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Daniel Nylander <>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:53
msgid "Success."
msgstr "Lyckades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:54
msgid "Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite."
msgstr "Kunde inte förhandla fram en stödd krypteringssvit."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:56
msgid "The cipher type is unsupported."
msgstr "Krypteringstypen stöds inte."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:58
msgid "The certificate and the given key do not match."
msgstr "Certifikatet och den angivna nyckeln stämmer inte överens."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:60
msgid "Could not negotiate a supported compression method."
msgstr "Kunde inte förhandla fram en stödd komprimeringsmetod."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:62
msgid "An unknown public key algorithm was encountered."
msgstr "En okänd publik nyckelalgoritm påträffades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:65
msgid "An algorithm that is not enabled was negotiated."
msgstr "En algoritm som inte är aktiverad blev förhandlad."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:67
msgid "A large TLS record packet was received."
msgstr "Ett stort TLS-journalpaket togs emot."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:69
msgid "A record packet with illegal version was received."
msgstr "Ett journalpaket med otillåten version togs emot."
# Stort?
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:71
msgid "The Diffie Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough)."
msgstr "Diffie Hellman-primtalet som skickades av servern är inte acceptabelt (inte tillräckligt långt)."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:73
msgid "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received."
msgstr "Ett TLS-paket med oväntad längd togs emot."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:75
msgid "The specified session has been invalidated for some reason."
msgstr "Angiven session har av någon anledning blivit ogiltigförklarad."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:78
msgid "GnuTLS internal error."
msgstr "Internt fel i GnuTLS."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:79
msgid "An illegal TLS extension was received."
msgstr "En otillåten TLS-utökning togs emot."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:81
msgid "A TLS fatal alert has been received."
msgstr "Ett ödesdigert TLS-larm togs emot."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:83
msgid "An unexpected TLS packet was received."
msgstr "Ett oväntat TLS-paket togs emot."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:85
msgid "A TLS warning alert has been received."
msgstr "En TLS-varning har tagits emot."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:87
msgid "An error was encountered at the TLS Finished packet calculation."
msgstr "Ett fel påträffades vid beräkning av TLS Finished-paketet."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:89
msgid "The peer did not send any certificate."
msgstr "Motparten skickade inget certifikat."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:92
msgid "No temporary RSA parameters were found."
msgstr "Inga temporära RSA-parametrar hittades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:94
msgid "No temporary DH parameters were found."
msgstr "Inga temporära DH-parametrar hittades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:96
msgid "An unexpected TLS handshake packet was received."
msgstr "Ett oväntat TLS-handskakningspaket togs emot."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:98
msgid "The scanning of a large integer has failed."
msgstr "Avsökningen av ett stort heltal misslyckades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:100
msgid "Could not export a large integer."
msgstr "Kunde inte exportera ett stort heltal."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:102
msgid "Decryption has failed."
msgstr "Dekryptering misslyckades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:103
msgid "Encryption has failed."
msgstr "Kryptering misslyckades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:104
msgid "Public key decryption has failed."
msgstr "Dekryptering av publik nyckel misslyckades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:106
msgid "Public key encryption has failed."
msgstr "Kryptering av publik nyckel misslyckades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:108
msgid "Public key signing has failed."
msgstr "Signering av publik nyckel misslyckades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:110
msgid "Public key signature verification has failed."
msgstr "Validering av av publika nyckelns signatur misslyckades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:112
msgid "Decompression of the TLS record packet has failed."
msgstr "Dekomprimering av TLS-journalpaketet har misslyckades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:114
msgid "Compression of the TLS record packet has failed."
msgstr "Komprimering av TLS-journalpaketet har misslyckades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:117
msgid "Internal error in memory allocation."
msgstr "Internt fel i minnesallokering."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:119
msgid "An unimplemented or disabled feature has been requested."
msgstr "En icke implementerad eller inaktiverad funktion begärdes."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:121
msgid "Insufficient credentials for that request."
msgstr "Otillräckliga rättigheter för begäran."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:123
msgid "Error in password file."
msgstr "Fel i lösenordsfil."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:124
msgid "Wrong padding in PKCS1 packet."
msgstr "Fel utfyllnad i PKCS1-paket."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:126
msgid "The requested session has expired."
msgstr "Den begärda sessionen har tagit slut."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:127
msgid "Hashing has failed."
msgstr "Hashning misslyckades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:128
msgid "Base64 decoding error."
msgstr "Base64-avkodningsfel."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:130
msgid "Base64 encoding error."
msgstr "Base64-kodningsfel."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:132
msgid "Parsing error in password file."
msgstr "Tolkningsfel i lösenordsfil."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:134
msgid "The requested data were not available."
msgstr "Begärt data var inte tillgängligt."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:136
msgid "Error in the pull function."
msgstr "Fel i inhämtningsfunktionen."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:137
msgid "Error in the push function."
msgstr "Fel i utsändningsfunktionen."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:138
msgid "The upper limit of record packet sequence numbers has been reached. Wow!"
msgstr "Den övre gränsen för sekvensnummer för journalpaket har nåtts. Wow!"
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:140
msgid "Error in the certificate."
msgstr "Fel i certifikatet."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:142
msgid "Unknown Subject Alternative name in X.509 certificate."
msgstr "Okänt alternativt namn för innehavare i X.509-certifikat."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:145
msgid "Unsupported critical extension in X.509 certificate."
msgstr "Icke stödd kritisk utökning i X.509-certifikat."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:147
msgid "Key usage violation in certificate has been detected."
msgstr "Överträdelse av nyckelanvändning i certifikat har upptäckts."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:149 lib/gnutls_errors.c:150
msgid "Function was interrupted."
msgstr "Funktionen avbröts."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:151
msgid "Rehandshake was requested by the peer."
msgstr "Upprepad handskakning begärdes av motparten."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:153
msgid "TLS Application data were received, while expecting handshake data."
msgstr "TLS-programdata togs emot när handskakningsdata förväntades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:155
msgid "Error in Database backend."
msgstr "Fel i databasbakänden."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:156
msgid "The certificate type is not supported."
msgstr "Certifikattypen stöds inte."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:158
msgid "The given memory buffer is too short to hold parameters."
msgstr "Den angivna minnesbufferten är för liten för att lagra parametrar."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:160
msgid "The request is invalid."
msgstr "Begäran är ogiltig."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:161
msgid "An illegal parameter has been received."
msgstr "En otillåten parameter har tagits emot."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:163
msgid "Error while reading file."
msgstr "Fel vid läsning av fil."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:165
msgid "ASN1 parser: Element was not found."
msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Elementet hittades inte."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:167
msgid "ASN1 parser: Identifier was not found"
msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Identifieraren hittades inte"
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:169
msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in DER parsing."
msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Fel i DER-tolkning."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:171
msgid "ASN1 parser: Value was not found."
msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Värdet hittades inte."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:173
msgid "ASN1 parser: Generic parsing error."
msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Allmänt tolkningsfel."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:175
msgid "ASN1 parser: Value is not valid."
msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Värdet är inte giltigt."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:177
msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in TAG."
msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Fel i TAG."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:178
msgid "ASN1 parser: error in implicit tag"
msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: fel i implicit tag"
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:180
msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in type 'ANY'."
msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Fel i typen \"ANY\"."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:182
msgid "ASN1 parser: Syntax error."
msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Syntaxfel."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:184
msgid "ASN1 parser: Overflow in DER parsing."
msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Överflöde i DER-tolkning."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:187
msgid "Too many empty record packets have been received."
msgstr "För många tom journalpaket har tagits emot."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:189
msgid "The initialization of GnuTLS-extra has failed."
msgstr "Initieringen av GnuTLS-extra har misslyckats."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:191
msgid "The GnuTLS library version does not match the GnuTLS-extra library version."
msgstr "Versionen av GnuTLS-biblioteket stämmer inte överens med versionen av GnuTLS-extra-biblioteket."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:193
msgid "The gcrypt library version is too old."
msgstr "Versionen av gcrypt-biblioteket är för gammal."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:196
msgid "The tasn1 library version is too old."
msgstr "Versionen av tasn1-biblioteket är för gammal."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:198
msgid "The specified GnuPG TrustDB version is not supported. TrustDB v4 is supported."
msgstr "Den angivna GnuPG TrustDB-versionen stöds inte. TrustDB v4 stöds."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:201
msgid "Error loading the keyring."
msgstr "Fel vid inläsning av nyckelringen."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:203
msgid "The initialization of LZO has failed."
msgstr "Initiering av LZO misslyckades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:205
msgid "No supported compression algorithms have been found."
msgstr "Inga stödda komprimeringsalgoritmer har hittats."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:207
msgid "No supported cipher suites have been found."
msgstr "Inga stödda krypteringssviter har hittats."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:209
msgid "Could not get OpenPGP key."
msgstr "Kunde inte hämta OpenPGP-nyckel."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:212
msgid "The SRP username supplied is illegal."
msgstr "Det angivna SRP-användarnamnet är inte tillåtet."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:215
msgid "The OpenPGP fingerprint is not supported."
msgstr "OpenPGP-fingeravtrycket stöds inte."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:217
msgid "The certificate has unsupported attributes."
msgstr "Certifikatet har attribut som inte stöds."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:219
msgid "The OID is not supported."
msgstr "OID:n stöds inte."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:221
msgid "The hash algorithm is unknown."
msgstr "Hashalgoritmen är okänd."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:223
msgid "The PKCS structure's content type is unknown."
msgstr "PKCS-strukturens innehållstyp är okänd."
# Hjälp!
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:225
msgid "The PKCS structure's bag type is unknown."
msgstr "PKCS-strukturens väsktyp är okänd."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:227
msgid "The given password contains invalid characters."
msgstr "Det angivna lösenordet innehåller ogiltiga tecken."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:229
msgid "The Message Authentication Code verification failed."
msgstr "Validering av meddelandeautentiseringskoden (MAC) misslyckades."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:231
msgid "Some constraint limits were reached."
msgstr "Vissa begränsningar nåddes."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:233
msgid "Failed to acquire random data."
msgstr "Misslyckades med att få tag på slumpmässigt data."
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:236
msgid "Received a TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished message"
msgstr "Tog emot ett TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished-meddelande"
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:238
msgid "Received a TLS/IA Final Phase Finished message"
msgstr "Tog emot ett TLS/IA Final Phase Finished-meddelande"
+#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:240
msgid "Verifying TLS/IA phase checksum failed"
msgstr "Validering av kontrollsumma för TLS/IA-fas misslyckades"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:112 lib/x509/output.c:383
#, c-format
msgid "\t\t\tPath Length Constraint: %d\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tRestriktion för sökvägslängd: %d\n"
-msgid "\t\t\tPolicy Language: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tPolicyspråk: "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:113
#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tPolicy Language: %.*s\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPolicyspråk: %.*s\n"
+msgid "\t\t\tPolicy Language: %s"
+msgstr "\t\t\tPolicyspråk: %s"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:122
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\t\tASCII: "
+msgstr ""
+"\t\t\t\tASCII: "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:124
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\t\tHexdump: "
+msgstr ""
+"\t\t\t\tHexdump: "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:216
msgid "\t\t\tDigital signature.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tDigital signatur.\n"
# Klassisk term inom digitala certifikat.
+#: lib/x509/output.c:218
msgid "\t\t\tNon repudiation.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tOförnekbarhet.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:220
msgid "\t\t\tKey encipherment.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tNyckelkryptering.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:222
msgid "\t\t\tData encipherment.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tDatakryptering.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:224
msgid "\t\t\tKey agreement.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tNyckelförhandling.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:226
msgid "\t\t\tCertificate signing.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tCertifikatsignering.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:228
msgid "\t\t\tCRL signing.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tCRL-signering.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:230
msgid "\t\t\tKey encipher only.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tEndast nyckelkryptering.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:232
msgid "\t\t\tKey decipher only.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tEndast nyckeldekryptering.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:344
msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Server.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tTLS-webbserver.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:346
msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Client.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tTLS-webbklient.\n"
# Källkodssignering?
+#: lib/x509/output.c:348
msgid "\t\t\tCode signing.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tKodsignering.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:350
msgid "\t\t\tEmail protection.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tE-postskydd.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:352
msgid "\t\t\tTime stamping.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tTidsstämpling.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:354
msgid "\t\t\tOCSP signing.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tOCSP-signering.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:356
msgid "\t\t\tAny purpose.\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tValfritt syfte.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:378
msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): FALSE\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tCertifikatutfärdare (CA): FALSKT\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:380
msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): TRUE\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tCertifikatutfärdare (CA): SANT\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:483
#, c-format
msgid "\t\t\tXMPP Address: %.*s\n"
msgstr "\t\t\tXMPP-adress: %.*s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:486
#, c-format
msgid "\t\t\totherName OID: %.*s\n"
msgstr "\t\t\totherName OID: %.*s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:487
msgid "\t\t\totherName DER: "
msgstr "\t\t\totherName DER: "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:489
msgid ""
"\t\t\totherName ASCII: "
@@ -387,117 +519,153 @@ msgstr ""
"\t\t\totherName ASCII: "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:515 lib/x509/output.c:1179
#, c-format
msgid "\tVersion: %d\n"
msgstr "\tVersion: %d\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:529
msgid "\tSerial Number (hex): "
msgstr "\tSerienummer (hex): "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:546 lib/x509/output.c:1193
#, c-format
msgid "\tIssuer: %s\n"
msgstr "\tUtfärdare: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:553
msgid "\tValidity:\n"
msgstr "\tGiltighet:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:566
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tNot Before: %s\n"
msgstr "\t\tInte före: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:580
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tNot After: %s\n"
msgstr "\t\tInte efter: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:594
#, c-format
msgid "\tSubject: %s\n"
msgstr "\tInnehavare: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:611
#, c-format
msgid "\tSubject Public Key Algorithm: %s\n"
msgstr "\tAlgoritm för innehavarens publika nyckel: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:624
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tModulus (bits %d):\n"
msgstr "\t\tModulus (bitar %d):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:626
msgid "\t\tExponent:\n"
msgstr "\t\tExponent:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:645
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tPublic key (bits %d):\n"
msgstr "\t\tPublik nyckel (bitar %d):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:647
msgid "\t\tP:\n"
msgstr "\t\tP:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:649
msgid "\t\tQ:\n"
msgstr "\t\tQ:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:651
msgid "\t\tG:\n"
msgstr "\t\tG:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:696
msgid "\tExtensions:\n"
msgstr "\tTillägg:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:706
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tBasic Constraints (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tAllmänna restriktioner (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:707 lib/x509/output.c:722 lib/x509/output.c:737
+#: lib/x509/output.c:752 lib/x509/output.c:767 lib/x509/output.c:782
+#: lib/x509/output.c:797 lib/x509/output.c:812 lib/x509/output.c:824
msgid "critical"
msgstr "kritisk"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:707 lib/x509/output.c:722 lib/x509/output.c:737
+#: lib/x509/output.c:752 lib/x509/output.c:767 lib/x509/output.c:782
+#: lib/x509/output.c:797 lib/x509/output.c:812 lib/x509/output.c:824
msgid "not critical"
msgstr "ej kritisk"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:721
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tSubject Key Identifier (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tInnehavarens nyckelidentifierare (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:736
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tAuthority Key Identifier (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tUtfärdarens nyckelidentifierare (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:751
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tKey Usage (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tNyckelanvändning (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:766
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tKey Purpose (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tNyckelsyfte (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:781
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tSubject Alternative Name (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tInnehavarens alternativa namn (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:796
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tCRL Distribution points (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tCRL-distributionspunkter (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:811
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tProxy Certificate Information (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tInformation om proxycertifikat (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tUnknown extension %s (%s):\n"
msgstr "\t\tOkänt tillägg %s (%s):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:852
msgid "\t\t\tASCII: "
msgstr "\t\t\tASCII: "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:856
msgid "\t\t\tHexdump: "
msgstr "\t\t\tHexdump: "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:881 lib/x509/output.c:1290
#, c-format
msgid "\tSignature Algorithm: %s\n"
msgstr "\tSignaturalgoritm: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:885 lib/x509/output.c:1294
msgid "warning: signed using a broken signature algorithm that can be forged.\n"
msgstr "varning: signerad med en trasig signaturalgoritm som kan förfalskas.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:910 lib/x509/output.c:1319
msgid "\tSignature:\n"
msgstr "\tSignatur:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:933
msgid ""
"\tMD5 fingerprint:\n"
@@ -505,6 +673,7 @@ msgstr ""
+#: lib/x509/output.c:935
msgid ""
"\tSHA-1 fingerprint:\n"
@@ -512,6 +681,7 @@ msgstr ""
+#: lib/x509/output.c:969
msgid ""
"\tPublic Key Id:\n"
@@ -519,39 +689,53 @@ msgstr ""
"\tPublik nyckel-identitet:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1135
msgid "X.509 Certificate Information:\n"
msgstr "Information om X.509-certifikat:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1139
msgid "Other Information:\n"
msgstr "Övrig information:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1175
msgid "\tVersion: 1 (default)\n"
msgstr "\tVersion: 1 (standard)\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1200
msgid "\tUpdate dates:\n"
msgstr "\tUppdateringsdatum:\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1213
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tIssued: %s\n"
msgstr "\t\tUtfärdat: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1229
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tNext at: %s\n"
msgstr "\t\tNästa den: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1239
#, c-format
msgid "\tRevoked certificates (%d):\n"
msgstr "\tSpärrade certifikat (%d):\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1241
msgid "\tNo revoked certificates.\n"
msgstr "\tInga spärrade certifikat.\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1260
msgid "\t\tSerial Number (hex): "
msgstr "\t\tSerienummer (hex): "
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1269
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tRevoked at: %s\n"
msgstr "\t\tSpärrat den: %s\n"
+#: lib/x509/output.c:1349
msgid "X.509 Certificate Revocation List Information:\n"
msgstr "Information om spärrlista för X.509-certifikat:\n"
+#~ msgid "\t\t\tPolicy Language: %.*s\n"
+#~ msgstr "\t\t\tPolicyspråk: %.*s\n"