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authorNikos Mavrogiannopoulos <>2001-06-24 18:30:48 +0000
committerNikos Mavrogiannopoulos <>2001-06-24 18:30:48 +0000
commitca9f9a941cb1407ff976e36a6a15784195e49a8d (patch)
tree2656f139bd1568978689b7b4c5c421005486a38c /doc
parent840e1d61f7cee3945631a1e7da87907964c7322f (diff)
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diff --git a/doc/protocol/draft-ietf-tls-ecc-01.txt b/doc/protocol/draft-ietf-tls-ecc-01.txt
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+TLS Working Group Simon Blake-Wilson
+Expires: September 14, 2001 Chris Hawk
+ Certicom Corp.
+ 15 March 2001
+ ECC Cipher Suites for TLS
+ <draft-ietf-tls-ecc-01.txt>
+ Status of this Memo
+ This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with all
+ provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026. Internet-Drafts are working
+ documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas,
+ and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute
+ working documents as Internet-Drafts.
+ Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
+ and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
+ time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material
+ or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
+ The list of current Internet-Drafts may be found at
+ The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories may be found at
+ Abstract
+ This document describes additions to TLS to support Elliptic Curve
+ Cryptography (ECC). In particular it defines new key exchange
+ algorithms which use the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
+ (ECDSA) and the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Scheme
+ (ECDH), and it defines how to perform client authentication with ECDSA
+ and ECDH.
+ The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
+ document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [MUST].
+ Please send comments on this document to the TLS mailing list.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 1]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+ Table of Contents
+ 1. Introduction ................................................. 2
+ 2. Elliptic Curve Key Exchange Algorithms ....................... 4
+ 2.1. ECDH_ECDSA ................................................... 5
+ 2.2. ECDH_ECDSA_EXPORT ............................................ 5
+ 2.3. ECDH_RSA ..................................................... 6
+ 2.4. ECDH_RSA_EXPORT .............................................. 6
+ 2.5. ECDH_anon .................................................... 6
+ 2.6. ECDH_anon_EXPORT ............................................. 6
+ 3. ECC Client Authentication .................................... 7
+ 3.1. ECDSA_sign ................................................... 7
+ 3.2. ECDSA_fixed_ECDH ............................................. 8
+ 3.3. RSA_fixed_ECDH ............................................... 9
+ 4. Data Structures and Computations ............................. 9
+ 4.1. Server Certificate .......................................... 10
+ 4.2. Server Key Exchange ......................................... 11
+ 4.3. Certificate Request ......................................... 15
+ 4.4. Client Certificate .......................................... 15
+ 4.5. Client Key Exchange ......................................... 16
+ 4.6. Certificate Verify .......................................... 18
+ 4.7. Computing the Master Secret ................................. 19
+ 5. Cipher Suites ............................................... 19
+ 6. Security Considerations ..................................... 20
+ 7. Intellectual Property Rights ................................ 20
+ 8. Acknowledgments ............................................. 21
+ 9. References .................................................. 21
+ 10. Authors' Addresses .......................................... 22
+1. Introduction
+This document describes additions to TLS to support Elliptic Curve
+Cryptography (ECC). In particular, it defines:
+- new key exchange algorithms which use the Elliptic Curve Digital
+ Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), and the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman
+ Key Agreement Scheme (ECDH); and
+- new client authentication methods which use ECDSA and ECDH.
+In order to enable the use of these features within TLS, the document
+defines enhanced data structures to convey the information that the
+mechanisms need to exchange, the computational procedures involved in
+the operation of the mechanisms, and new cipher suites based on the
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 2]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+Use of ECC within TLS may provide both bandwidth and computational
+savings compared to other public-key cryptographic techniques.
+Furthermore, the efficiencies provided by ECC may increase as security
+requirements increase based on Moore's law - this is illustrated by the
+following table, based on [LEN], which gives approximate comparable key
+sizes for symmetric systems, ECC systems, and DH/DSA/RSA systems based
+on the running times of the best algorithms known today.
+ Symmetric | ECC | DH/DSA/RSA
+ 80 | 163 | 1024
+ 128 | 283 | 3072
+ 192 | 409 | 7680
+ 256 | 571 | 15360
+ Table 1: Comparable key sizes (in bits)
+The savings that ECC may offer are likely to become increasingly
+desirable with the widespread use of TLS by wireless devices -
+discussed, for example, in [TLS-EXT].
+This document assumes the reader is familiar with both ECC and TLS. ECC
+is described in ANSI X9.62 [ANSIX962], FIPS 186-2 [FIPS186-2], IEEE
+1363 [IEEE1363], and SEC 1 [SEC1]. TLS is described in RFC 2246 [TLS].
+The choice of mechanisms included in this document was motivated by a
+desire to provide mechanisms which are secure, which are as efficient
+as possible, and which are capable of replicating all of the
+functionality and operating modes found in the existing TLS mechanisms
+based on integer factorization and discrete logarithm cryptographic
+systems. TLS includes a substantial variety of functionality and
+operating modes in consideration of the variety of applications with
+which TLS is used.
+The desire described above led to the inclusion of a substantial number
+of ECC-based mechanisms. In order to encourage interoperability, a
+small subset of the mechanisms are identified as "recommended" - these
+mechanisms are capable of meeting the requirements of many
+applications and they should therefore be used unless an application
+profile of this document states otherwise, or unless in a particular
+environment considerations such as export regulations mandate
+The remainder of this document is organized as follows. Section 2
+specifies key exchange algorithms for TLS using ECC. Section 3
+specifies how client authentication is performed using ECC. Section 4
+describes the TLS-specific data structures and computations involved in
+the operation of the ECC mechanisms. Section 5 defines cipher suites
+based on the ECC key exchange algorithms. Sections 6-8 discuss security
+considerations, intellectual property rights, and acknowledgements
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 3]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+respectively. Section 9 supplies references cited elsewhere in the
+document, and Section 10 gives the authors' contact details.
+2. Elliptic Curve Key Exchange Algorithms
+This document defines six new key exchange algorithms based on ECC for
+use within TLS.
+The table below summarizes the new key exchange algorithms.
+ Key
+ Exchange
+ Algorithm Description Key size limit
+ ECDH_ECDSA ECDH with ECDSA signatures None
+ ECDH_ECDSA_EXPORT ECDH with ECDSA signatures ECDH=163 bits,
+ ECDSA=none
+ ECDH_RSA ECDH with RSA signatures None
+ ECDH_RSA_EXPORT ECDH with RSA signatures ECDH=163 bits,
+ RSA = none
+ ECDH_anon Anonymous ECDH, no signatures None
+ ECDH_anon_EXPORT Anonymous ECDH, no signatures ECDH=163 bits
+ Table 2: Key exchange algorithms
+Note that the key exchange algorithms marked "anon" do not provide
+authentication of the server or the client, and, like other "anon" TLS
+key exchange algorithms, may be subject to man-in-the-middle attacks.
+Implementations of these algorithms SHOULD provide authentication by
+other means.
+The remainder of this section describes these key exchange algorithms
+in detail. For each key exchange algorithm, this involves specification
+of the contents of the handshake messages related to key exchange -
+server certificate, server key exchange, client certificate, and client
+key exchange - as well as specification of the computations involved in
+the calculation of the master secret.
+ECDH is used to compute the master secret. The server is authenticated
+via a certificate containing an ECDH public key signed with ECDSA.
+Specifically this key exchange algorithm MUST proceed as follows:
+- The server provides a static ECDH public key in the server
+ certificate message using the format described in Section 4.1. The
+ certificate is signed using ECDSA.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 4]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 20 January 2000
+- The server key exchange message is not sent.
+- Unless client authentication using ECDH is performed as specified in
+ Sections 3.2 and 3.3, the client provides an ephemeral ECDH public
+ key in the client key exchange message using the format described in
+ Section 4.5. In this case, the client certificate and certificate
+ verify message are not sent unless client authentication is performed
+ using ECDSA as specified in Section 3.1, or another signature
+ algorithm.
+- If client authentication using ECDH is performed, the client provides
+ a static ECDH public key in the client certificate message using the
+ format described in Section 4.4. In this case an empty client key
+ exchange message is sent using the format described in Section 4.5, and
+ the certificate verify message is not sent.
+- The client and server compute the master secret using their ECDH key
+ pairs as specified in Section 4.7.
+ECDH computations for this key exchange algorithm are performed
+according to IEEE 1363 [IEEE1363] - using the ECKAS-DH1 scheme with the
+ECSVDP-DH secret value derivation primitive, and the KDF1 key
+derivation primitive using SHA-1 [FIPS180-1]. ECDSA computations are
+performed according to ANSI X9.62 [ANSIX962] using the hash function
+SHA-1 [FIPS180-1].
+Export-strength ECDH is used to compute the master secret. The server
+is authenticated via a certificate containing an ECDH public key signed
+with ECDSA.
+This key exchange algorithm MUST proceed in the same way as ECDH_ECDSA,
+except that the key size for ECDH public keys is constrained to 163
+bits or less. Here the key size of an elliptic curve public key refers
+to the size of the underlying finite field over which the elliptic
+curve is defined.
+2.3. ECDH_RSA
+ECDH is used to compute the master secret. The server is authenticated
+via a certificate containing an ECDH public key signed with RSA.
+This key exchange MUST proceed in the same way as ECDH_ECDSA, except
+that the server's certificate is signed with RSA.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 5]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+Export-strength ECDH is used to compute the master secret. The server
+is authenticated via a certificate containing an ECDH public key signed
+with RSA.
+This key exchange algorithm MUST proceed in the same way as ECDH_RSA,
+except that the key size for ECDH public keys is constrained to be 163
+bits or less.
+2.5. ECDH_anon
+Anonymous ECDH is used to compute the master secret.
+Specifically this key exchange algorithm MUST proceed as follows:
+- The server certificate message is not sent.
+- The server provides an ephemeral ECDH public key in the server key
+ exchange message using the format described in Section 4.2.
+- The client certificate message is not sent.
+- The client provides an ephemeral ECDH public key in the client key
+ exchange message using the format described in Section 4.5.
+- The client and server compute the master secret using their ECDH
+ key pairs as specified in Section 4.7.
+ECDH computations for this key exchange algorithm are performed
+according to IEEE 1363 [IEEE1363] - using the ECKAS-DH1 scheme with the
+ECSVDP-DH secret value derivation primitive, and the KDF1 key
+derivation primitive using SHA-1 [FIPS180-1].
+2.6. ECDH_anon_EXPORT
+Export-strength, anonymous ECDH is used to compute the master secret.
+This key exchange algorithm MUST proceed in the same way as ECDH_anon,
+except that the key size for ECDH public keys is constrained to 163
+bits or less.
+3. ECC Client Authentication
+This document defines three new ECC-based client authentication methods
+- ECDSA_sign, ECDSA_fixed_ECDH, and RSA_fixed_ECDH.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 6]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+To encourage interoperability, implementations SHOULD support
+ECDSA_fixed_ECDH. Implementations MAY support any of the other client
+authentication methods.
+The remainder of this section specifies these ECC-based client
+authentication methods. The following information is provided for each
+method: which key exchange algorithms the method may be used with, what
+constraints apply to the method, and the formats of the certificate
+request, client certificate, client key exchange, and certificate
+verify messages.
+3.1. ECDSA_sign
+The client supplies a certificate containing an ECDSA public key, and
+authenticates itself by signing the certificate verify message with its
+ECDSA key pair.
+This client authentication method MUST proceed as follows.
+Applicable key exchange algorithms:
+- This client authentication method is eligible for use with all the
+ non-anonymous ECC-based key exchange algorithms specified in Section
+ 2, and all the existing non-anonymous TLS key exchange algorithms
+ specified in [TLS].
+- In order to perform this method, the client must possess a certified
+ ECDSA public key.
+Message exchange:
+- The server requests use of the ECDSA_sign method by sending a
+ certificate request message containing the value "ecdsa_sign" using
+ the format described in Section 4.3. When the client receives this
+ request, it checks that it possesses an appropriate certificate and
+ that it is willing to proceed.
+- If the client proceeds, it sends its certificate containing its ECDSA
+ public key in the client certificate message using the format
+ described in Section 4.4. It signs the handshake messages exchanged
+ so far with its ECDSA key pair and conveys the resulting signature to
+ the server in the certificate verify message using the format
+ specified in Section 4.6.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 7]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+- (If the client does not proceed, it may perform client authentication
+ using another method suggested by the server in the certificate
+ request message in which case the client certificate and the
+ certificate verify message are sent in accordance with the selected
+ method, or it may proceed with the key exchange without client
+ authentication - in which case the client certificate and certificate
+ verify messages are not sent.)
+ECDSA computations for this client authentication method are performed
+according to ANSI X9.62 [ANSIX962] using the hash function SHA-1
+3.2. ECDSA_fixed_ECDH
+The client supplies an ECDSA-signed certificate containing an ECDH
+public key using the same elliptic curve domain parameters as the
+server's ECDH public key. The client authenticates itself by computing
+the master secret and the finished message. (This achieves
+authentication because these computations can only be performed by a
+party possessing the private key corresponding to one of the ECDH
+public keys exchanged.)
+This client authentication method MUST proceed as follows.
+Applicable key exchange algorithms:
+- This method is eligible for use with all the non-anonymous ECC-based
+ key exchange algorithms specified in Section 2.
+- In order to perform this client authentication method, the client
+ must possess an ECDSA-signed certificate containing an ECDH public
+ key using the same elliptic curve domain parameters as the ECDH
+ public key supplied by the server in the server certificate message.
+Message exchange:
+- The server requests use of the ECDSA_fixed_ECDH method by sending a
+ certificate request message containing the value "ecdsa_fixed_ecdh"
+ using the format described in Section 4.3. When the client receives
+ this request, it checks that it possesses an appropriate certificate
+ and that it is willing to proceed.
+- If the client proceeds, it sends its certificate containing its ECDH
+ public key in the client certificate message using the format
+ described in Section 4.4. It sends an empty client key exchange
+ message using the format described in Section 4.5. It does not send
+ the certificate verify message. It uses its static ECDH key pair,
+ along with the server's ECDH public key) when computing the master
+ secret and finished message.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 8]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+- (If the client does not proceed, it may perform client authentication
+ using another method suggested by the server in the certificate
+ request message, or it may proceed with the key exchange without
+ client authentication - in which case the client certificate and
+ certificate verify messages are not sent.)
+ECDH computations for this key exchange algorithm are performed
+according to IEEE 1363 [IEEE1363] - using the ECKAS-DH1 scheme with the
+ECSVDP-DH secret value derivation primitive, and the KDF1 key
+derivation primitive using SHA-1 [FIPS180-1]. ECDSA computations are
+performed according to ANSI X9.62 [ANSIX962] using the hash function
+SHA-1 [FIPS180-1].
+3.3. RSA_fixed_ECDH
+The client supplies an RSA-signed certificate containing an ECDH
+public key using the same elliptic curve domain parameters as the
+server's ECDH public key. The client authenticates itself by computing
+the master secret and the finished message. (This achieves
+authentication because these computations can only be performed by a
+party possessing the private key corresponding to one of the ECDH
+public keys exchanged.)
+This client authentication method MUST proceed in the same manner as
+the ECDSA_fixed_ECDH method, except that the client's certificate must
+be signed with RSA, and the server requests use of the method by
+sending a certificate request message containing the value
+4. Data Structures and Computations
+This section specifies the data structures and computations used by the
+ECC-based mechanisms specified in Sections 2 and 3. The presentation
+language used here is the same as that used in RFC 2246 [TLS]. Because
+these specifications extend the TLS protocol specification, these
+descriptions should be merged with those in TLS and in any other
+specifications which extend TLS. This means that enum types may not
+specify all the possible values and structures with multiple formats
+chosen with a select() clause may not indicate all the possible cases.
+4.1. Server Certificate
+This message is sent in the following key exchange algorithms:
+All the non-anonymous ECC-based key exchange algorithms specified in
+Section 2.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 9]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+Meaning of this message:
+This message is used to authentically convey the server's static public
+key to the client. The appropriate certificate types are given in the
+following table.
+ Key Exchange Algorithm Certificate Type
+ ECDH_ECDSA ECC public key; the certificate must
+ allow the key to be used for key
+ agreement. The certificate must be
+ signed with ECDSA.
+ ECDH_ECDSA_EXPORT ECC public key which can be used for key
+ agreement; key size must be 163 bits or
+ less. Certificate must be signed with
+ ECDH_RSA ECC public key which can be used for key
+ agreement. Certificate must be signed
+ with RSA.
+ ECDH_RSA_EXPORT ECC public key which can be used for key
+ agreement; key size must be 163 bits or
+ less. Certificate must be signed with
+ RSA.
+ Table 3: Server certificate types
+[PKIX-ALG] specifies how ECC keys and ECDSA signatures are placed in
+X.509 certificates. Servers SHOULD use the elliptic curve domain
+parameters recommended in ANSI X9.62 [ANSIX962], FIPS 186-2
+[FIPS186-2], and SEC 2 [SEC2]. Note that - as with RSA - the same
+identifier is used for all ECC keys in "SubjectPublicKeyInfo". The key
+usage extension may be used to further delimit the use of the key. When
+a key usage extension is present, the "keyAgreement" bit MUST be set
+for ECDH certificates.
+Structure of this message:
+Identical to the TLS Certificate format.
+Actions of the sender:
+The server constructs an appropriate certificate chain and conveys it
+to the client in the Certificate message.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 10]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+Actions of the receiver:
+The client validates the certificate chain, extracts the server's
+public key, and checks that the key is of the correct type for the key
+exchange algorithm.
+4.2. Server Key Exchange
+This message is sent in the following key exchange algorithms:
+Both the anonymous ECC-based key exchange algorithms specified in
+Section 2.
+Meaning of this message:
+This message is used to convey the server's ephemeral ECDH public key
+(and the corresponding elliptic curve domain parameters) to the client.
+Structure of this message:
+The TLS ServerKeyExchange message is extended as follows.
+ enum { ec_diffie_hellman } KeyExchangeAlgorithm;
+Indicates the ServerKeyExchange message is to contain an ECDH public
+ enum { explicit_prime (1), explicit_char2 (2),
+ named_curve (3), (255) } ECCurveType;
+Indicates the elliptic curve domain parameters will be conveyed
+verbosely, and that the underlying finite field is a prime field.
+Indicates the elliptic curve domain parameters will be conveyed
+verbosely, and that the underlying finite field is a characteristic 2
+Indicates that a named curve will be used. The use of this option is
+strongly recommended.
+ struct {
+ opaque a <1..2^8-1>;
+ opaque b <1..2^8-1>;
+ opaque seed <0..2^8-1>;
+ } ECCurve;
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 11]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+a, b
+These parameters specify the coefficients of the elliptic curve. Each
+value contains the byte string representation of a field element
+following the conversion routine in [X9.62], section 4.3.3.
+This is an optional parameter used to derive the coefficients of a
+randomly generated elliptic curve.
+ struct {
+ opaque point <1..2^8-1>;
+ } ECPoint;
+This is the byte string representation of an elliptic curve point
+following the conversion routine in [X9.62], section 4.3.6.
+ enum { ec_basis_trinomial, ec_basis_pentanomial } ECBasisType;
+Indicates representation of a characteristic two field using a
+trinomial basis.
+Indicates representation of a characteristic two field using a
+pentanomial basis.
+ enum {
+ sect163k1 (1), sect163r1 (2), sect163r2 (3),
+ sect193r1 (4), sect193r2 (5), sect233k1 (6),
+ sect233r1 (7), sect239k1 (8), sect283k1 (9),
+ sect283r1 (10), sect409k1 (11), sect409r1 (12),
+ sect571k1 (13), sect571r1 (14), secp160k1 (15),
+ secp160r1 (16), secp160r2 (17), secp192k1 (18),
+ secp192r1 (19), secp224k1 (20), secp224r1 (21),
+ secp256k1 (22), secp256r1 (23), secp384r1 (24),
+ secp521r1 (25), (255)
+ } NamedCurve;
+sect163k1, etc
+Indicates use of the corresponding recommended curve specified in SEC 2
+[SEC2]. Note that many of these curves are also recommended in ANSI
+X9.62 [ANSIX962], and FIPS 186-2 [FIPS186-2].
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 12]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+ struct {
+ ECCurveType curve_type;
+ select (curve_type) {
+ case explicit_prime:
+ opaque prime_p <1..2^8-1>;
+ ECCurve curve;
+ ECPoint base;
+ opaque order <1..2^8-1>;
+ opaque cofactor <1..2^8-1>;
+ case explicit_char2:
+ uint16 m;
+ ECBasisType basis;
+ select (basis) {
+ case ec_trinomial:
+ opaque k <1..2^8-1>;
+ case ec_pentanomial:
+ opaque k1 <1..2^8-1>;
+ opaque k2 <1..2^8-1>;
+ opaque k3 <1..2^8-1>;
+ };
+ ECCurve curve;
+ ECPoint base;
+ opaque order <1..2^8-1>;
+ opaque cofactor <1..2^8-1>;
+ case named_curve:
+ NamedCurve namedcurve;
+ };
+ } ECParameters;
+This identifies the type of the elliptic curve domain parameters.
+This is the odd prime defining the field Fp.
+Specifies the coefficients a and b of the elliptic curve E.
+Specifies the base point G on the elliptic curve.
+Specifies the order n of the base point.
+Specifies the cofactor h = #E(Fq)/n, where #E(Fq) represents the number
+of points on the elliptic curve E defined over the field Fq.
+This is the degree of the characteristic-two field F2^m.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 13]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+The exponent k for the trinomial basis representation x^m+x^k+1.
+k1, k2, k3
+The exponents for the pentanomial representation x^m+x^k3+x^k2+x^k1+1.
+Specifies a recommended set of elliptic curve domain parameters.
+ struct {
+ ECParameters curve_params;
+ ECPoint public;
+ } ServerECDHParams;
+Specifies the elliptic curve domain parameters associated with the
+ECDH public key.
+The ephemeral ECDH public key.
+ select (KeyExchangeAlgorithm) {
+ case ec_diffie_hellman:
+ ServerECDHParams params;
+ Signature signed_params;
+ } ServerKeyExchange;
+Specifies the ECDH public key and associated domain parameters.
+This element is empty for all the key exchange algorithms specified in
+this document.
+Actions of the sender:
+The server selects elliptic curve domain parameters and an ephemeral
+ECDH public key corresponding to these parameters according to the
+ECKAS-DH1 scheme from IEEE 1363 [IEEE1363]. It conveys this information
+to the client in the ServerKeyExchange message using the format defined
+Actions of the recipient:
+The client retrieves the server's elliptic curve domain parameters and
+ephemeral ECDH public key from the ServerKeyExchange message.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 14]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+4.3. Certificate Request
+This message is sent when requesting the following client
+authentication methods:
+Any of the ECC-based client authentication methods specified in
+Section 3.
+Meaning of this message:
+The server uses this message to indicate which client authentication
+methods the server would like to use.
+Structure of this message:
+The TLS CertificateRequest message is extended as follows.
+ enum {
+ ecdsa_sign (5), rsa_fixed_ecdh (6),
+ ecdsa_fixed_ecdh(7), (255)
+ } ClientCertificateType;
+ecdsa_sign, etc
+Indicates that the server would like to use the corresponding client
+authentication method specified in Section 3.
+Actions of the sender:
+The server decides which client authentication methods it would like to
+use, and conveys this information to the client using the format
+defined above.
+Actions of the receiver:
+The client determines whether it has an appropriate certificate for use
+with any of the requested methods, and decides whether or not to
+proceed with client authentication.
+4.4. Client Certificate
+This message is sent in the following client authentication methods:
+All the ECC-based client authentication methods specified in Section 3.
+Meaning of this message:
+This message is used to authentically convey the client's static public
+key to the server. The appropriate certificate types are given in the
+following table.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 15]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+ Client Authentication Certificate Type
+ Method
+ ECDSA_sign ECC public key which can be used for
+ signing.
+ ECDSA_fixed_ECDH ECC public key which can be used for key
+ agreement. Certificate must be signed
+ with ECDSA.
+ RSA_fixed_ECDH ECC public key which can be used for key
+ agreement. Certificate must be signed
+ with RSA.
+ Table 4: Client certificate types
+[PKIX-ALG] specifies how ECC keys and ECDSA signatures are placed in
+X.509 certificates. Clients SHOULD use the elliptic curve domain
+parameters recommended in ANSI X9.62 [ANSIX962], FIPS 186-2
+[FIPS186-2], and SEC 2 [SEC2]. Note that - as with RSA - the same
+identifier is used for all ECC keys in "SubjectPublicKeyInfo". The key
+usage extension may be used to further delimit the use of the key. When
+a key usage extension is present, the "keyAgreement" bit MUST be set
+for ECDH certificates, and the "digitalSignature" bit MUST be set for
+ECDSA certificates.
+Structure of this message:
+Identical to the TLS Certificate format.
+Actions of the sender:
+The client constructs an appropriate certificate chain, and conveys it
+to the server in the Certificate message.
+Actions of the receiver:
+The TLS server validates the certificate chain, extracts the client's
+public key, and checks that the key is of the correct type for the
+client authentication method.
+4.5. Client Key Exchange
+This message is sent in the following key exchange algorithms:
+All the ECC-based key exchange algorithms specified in Section 2. If
+client authentication with fixed ECDH is not being used, the message
+contains the client's ephemeral ECDH public key, otherwise the message
+is empty.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 16]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+Meaning of the message:
+This message is used to convey ephemeral data relating to the key
+exchange belonging to the client (such as its ephemeral ECDH public
+Structure of this message:
+The TLS ClientKeyExchange message is extended as follows.
+ enum { yes, no } EphemeralPublicKey;
+yes, no
+Indicates whether or not the client is providing an ephemeral ECDH
+public key.
+ struct {
+ select (EphemeralPublicKey) {
+ case yes: ECPoint ecdh_Yc;
+ case no: struct { };
+ } ecdh_public;
+ } ClientECDiffieHellmanPublic;
+Contains the client's ephemeral ECDH public key.
+ struct {
+ select (KeyExchangeAlgorithm) {
+ case ec_diffie_hellman: ClientECDiffieHellmanPublic;
+ } exchange_keys;
+ } ClientKeyExchange;
+Actions of the sender:
+The client selects an ephemeral ECDH public key corresponding to the
+parameters it received from the server according to the ECKAS-DH1
+scheme from IEEE 1363 [IEEE1363]. It conveys this information to the
+client in the ClientKeyExchange message using the format defined
+Actions of the recipient:
+The server retrieves the client's ephemeral ECDH public key from the
+ServerKeyExchange message and checks that the public key represents a
+point of the elliptic curve.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 17]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+4.6. Certificate Verify
+This message is sent in the following client authentication methods:
+Meaning of the message:
+This message contains an ECDSA signature on the handshake messages in
+order to authenticate the client to the server.
+Structure of this message:
+The TLS CertificateVerify message is extended as follows.
+ enum { ec_dsa } SignatureAlgorithm;
+ select (SignatureAlgorithm) {
+ case ec_dsa:
+ digitally-signed struct {
+ opaque sha_hash[20];
+ };
+ } Signature;
+In the CertificateVerify message, the signature field contains the
+client's ECDSA signature on the handshake messages exchanged so far.
+According to [ANSIX962], the signature consists of a pair of integers r
+and s. These integers are both converted into byte strings of the same
+length as the curve order n using the conversion routine specified in
+Section 4.3.1 of [ANSIX962], the two byte strings are concatenated, and
+the result is placed in the signature field.
+Actions of the sender:
+The client computes its signature over the handshake messages exchanged
+so far using its ECDSA key pair with ECDSA computations performed as
+specified in [ANSIX962] with the hash function SHA-1 [FIPS186-2]. The
+client conveys its signature to the server in the CertificateVerify
+message using the format defined above.
+Actions of the receiver:
+The server extracts the client's signature from the CertificateVerify
+message, and verifies the signature using the client's ECDSA public key
+that it received in the ClientCertificate message.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 18]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+4.7. Computing the Master Secret
+In all the ECC-based key exchange algorithms specified in Section 2,
+the client and server compute the master key as follows:
+- They both compute a single shared secret K of length 20 bytes using
+ their ECDH key pairs with ECDH computations performed as specified by
+ the ECKAS-DH1 scheme in [IEEE1363] with the ECSVDP-DH secret value
+ derivation primitive, and the KDF1 key derivation primitive using
+ SHA-1 [FIPS180-1].
+- They both use K as the pre_master_secret, and compute the
+ master_secret from the pre_master_secret as specified in [TLS].
+5. Cipher Suites
+The table below defines the cipher suites specified in this document
+for use with the key exchange algorithms specified in Section 2.
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_NULL_SHA = { 0x00, 0x47 }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA = { 0x00, 0x48 }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA = { 0x00, 0x49 }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA = { 0x00, 0x4A }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA = { 0x00, 0x4B }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA = { 0x00, 0x4C }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_SHA = { 0x00, 0x4B }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_56_SHA = { 0x00, 0x4C }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA = { 0x00, 0x4D }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA = { 0x00, 0x4E }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA = { 0x00, 0x4F }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA = { 0x00, 0x50 }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA = { 0x00, 0x51 }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA = { 0x00, 0x52 }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_SHA = { 0x00, 0x53 }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_56_SHA = { 0x00, 0x54 }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_anon_NULL_WITH_SHA = { 0x00, 0x55 }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_SHA = { 0x00, 0x56 }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA = { 0x00, 0x57 }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA = { 0x00, 0x58 }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_anon_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA = { 0x00, 0x59 }
+ CipherSuite TLS_ECDH_anon_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_SHA = { 0x00, 0x5A }
+ Table 5: TLS ECC cipher suites
+The key exchange method, cipher, and hash algorithm for each of these
+cipher suites are easily determined by examining the name. Ciphers
+other than AES ciphers, and hash algorithms are defined in [TLS]. AES
+ciphers are defined in [TLS-AES].
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 19]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+The cipher suites which use the "NULL" cipher or one of the "EXPORT"
+key exchange algorithms are considered to be "exportable" cipher suites
+for the purposes of the TLS protocol.
+Use of the following cipher suites is recommended in general - server
+implementations SHOULD support all of these cipher suites, and client
+implementations SHOULD support at least one of them:
+Implementations MAY support any of the other cipher suites.
+6. Security Considerations
+This document is entirely concerned with security mechanisms.
+This document is based on [TLS], [ANSIX9.62], and [IEEE1363] and the
+appropriate security considerations of those documents apply.
+In addition implementers should take care to ensure that code which
+controls security mechanisms is free of errors which might be exploited
+by attackers.
+7. Intellectual Property Rights
+The IETF has been notified of intellectual property rights claimed in
+regard to the specification contained in this document. For more
+information, consult the online list of claimed rights
+The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
+intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain
+to the implementation or use of the technology described in this
+document or the extent to which any license under such rights might or
+might not be available; neither does it represent that it has made any
+effort to identify any such rights. Information on the IETF's
+procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and
+standards-related documentation can be found in BCP-11. Copies of
+claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances of
+licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to
+obtain a general license or permission for the use of such proprietary
+rights by implementers or users of this specification can be obtained
+from the IETF Secretariat.
+8. Acknowledgments
+The authors wish to thank Bill Anderson, Paul Fahn, Gilles Garon, John
+Kennedy, and Brian Minard for their help preparing this document.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 20]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+9. References
+[ANSIX9.62] ANSI X9.62-1999, "Public Key Cryptography For The Financial
+ Services Industry: The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature
+ Algorithm (ECDSA)", American National Standards Institute,
+ 1998.
+[FIPS180] FIPS 180-1, "Secure Hash Standard", National Institute of
+ Standards and Technology, 1995.
+[FIPS186-2] FIPS 186-2, "Digital Signature Standard", National Institute
+ of Standards and Technology, 2000.
+[IEEE1363] IEEE 1363, "Standard Specifications for Public Key
+ Cryptography", Institute of Electrical and Electronics
+ Engineers, 2000.
+[MUST] S. Bradner, "Key Words for Use in RFCs to Indicate
+ Requirement Levels", RFC 2119, March 1997.
+[PKIX-ALG] L. Bassham, R. Housley and W. Polk, "Algorithms and
+ Identifiers for the Internet X.509 Public Key
+ Infrastructure Certificate and CRL Profile", PKIX Working
+ Group Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-pkix-ipki-pkalgs-02.txt,
+ March 2001.
+[PKIX-CERT] W. Ford, R. Housley, W. Polk and D. Solo, "Internet X.509
+ Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and CRL Profile", PKIX
+ Working Group Internet-Draft,
+ draft-ietf-pkix-new-part1-05.txt, March 2001.
+[SEC1] SEC 1, "Elliptic Curve Cryptography", Standards for Efficient
+ Cryptography Group, 2000.
+[SEC2] SEC 2, "Recommended Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters",
+ Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group, 2000.
+[TLS] T. Dierks and C. Allen, "The TLS Protocol - Version 1.0,"
+ IETF RFC 2246, January 1999.
+[TLS-AES] P. Chown, "AES Ciphersuites for TLS", TLS Working Group
+ Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-tls-ciphersuite-03.txt,
+ January 2001.
+[TLS-EXT] S. Blake-Wilson and M. Nystrom, "Wireless Extensions to TLS",
+ TLS Working Group Internet-Draft,
+ draft-ietf-tls-wireless-00.txt, November 2000.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 21]
+INTERNET-DRAFT 15 March 2001
+10. Authors' Addresses
+Simon Blake-Wilson
+Certicom Corp.
+Tim Dierks
+Certicom Corp.
+Chris Hawk
+Certicom Corp.
+Blake-Wilson, Dierks, Hawk [Page 22]
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-Internet Engineering Task Force Michael Boe
-INTERNET-DRAFT draft-ietf-tn3270e-telnet-tls-05.txt Jeffrey Altman
-expires April 2001
- October 24, 2000
- TLS-based Telnet Security
-Status of this memo
-This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with all
-provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026. Internet-Drafts are working
-documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and
-its working groups. Note that the other groups may also distribute
-working documents as Internet-Drafts.
-Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
-and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time.
-Its is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to
-cite them other than as "work in progress."
-The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
-The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
-Copyright Notice
-Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998 - 2000). All Rights Reserved.
-Telnet service has long been a standard Internet protocol. However, a
-standard way of ensuring privacy and integrity of Telnet sessions has
-been lacking. This document proposes a standard method for Telnet
-servers and clients to use the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol.
-It describes how two Telnet participants can decide whether or not to
-attempt TLS negotiation, and how the two participants should process
-authentication credentials exchanged as a part of TLS startup.
-Changes since -04 Draft
- Incorporated changes submitted by Eric Rescorla and Russ Housley.
- Mostly minor in nature except for an expansion of the text in
- section 4.1.1 on how certificate verification should be performed.
- This section was taken almost verbatim from RFC 2818.
- Minor changes include:
- . change MUST to SHOULD in section 3.2
- . clarification to reference to Kerberos cipher suites in 4.1.1
- . expansion of discussion on mutual authentication via Telnet
- AUTH in section 4.1.3.
- . both client and server should shutdown connection upon error
- detection in section 4.1.3
- . correction to name of PKIX Working Group in section 5.1
- . expansion of discussion of finished message discussion in 5.2.
- . TLS 3.1 replaced by TLS 1.0 in section 6.1
- . removal of "dangerous to encrypt twice" comment from 7.0
- . expansion of references.
-Changes since -03 Draft
- Major changes to sections describing authentication of clients
- and servers.
-Changes since -02 Draft
- o Clarify server actions in response to client initiating the TLS
- negotiation.
- o Replace the parochial term "mainframe" with "application-server."
- o Nuke explicit references to RFC1416, since there's a new RFC in the
- works for this and the reference isn't normative anyway.
- o Use dNSName language similar to that used in the most recent HTTP TLS
- draft.
- o Delete beginning paragraph describing server-authentication in TLS.
- Unclear and possibly wrong.
- o Delete explicit references to SASL, since we don't actually describe
- ways of using SASL.
- o Add section describing interaction between AUTH and STARTTLS option
- negotiations.
-Changes since -01 Draft
- o Drop possibility of a continuing a Telnet session if the TLS
- negotiation fails.
- o Assert that server sending DO STARTTLS must be willing to negotiate
- a TLS session
- o Change SHOULD to MUST with respect to a server requesting a client
- certificate.
- o Add paragraph on commonName to section on check of X.509
- certificate.
- o Sharpen language concerning notification of possible
- server-certificate mismatch.
- o drop place-holder section on Kerberos 5 security; replace with
- section on non-PKI-based authentication (after TLS negotiation).
- o Prohibit fallback to SSL 2.0.
- o Give more details about how authentication-after-TLS-negotiation
- can be achieved.
- o Simplify post-TLS Telnet negotiation state-assumptions by resetting
- them to initial-state.
-Changes since -00 Draft
- o Add local authentication/authorization operational model.
- o Change behavior of Telnet machine to reset at start of TLS
- negotiation.
- o Insert narrative questioning the utility of allowing continuation of
- Telnet session after TLS has ended.
- o change examples to reflect the above changes.
- o Fix several typos.
-1 Introduction
-2 Command Names and Codes (assigned by IANA)
-3 Command Meanings
- 3.1 Usage of commands and interactions with other Telnet options
- 3.2 TLS Negotiation Failure
-4 Authentication and Authorization
- 4.1 Authentication of the Client by the Server
- 4.1.1 PKI-based Authentication via TLS handshake
- 4.1.2 Non-PKI Authentication via TLS handshake
- 4.1.3 Telnet AUTH option
- 4.1.4 Traditional Username and Password
- 4.2 Authentication of the Server by the Client
- 4.2.1 PKI-based Authentication via TLS handshake
- 4.2.2 Non-PKI based authentication via TLS handshake
- 4.2.3 Authentication by Telnet AUTH option
-5 Security
- 5.1 PKI-based certificate processing . . .
- 5.2 Client and Server authentication of anonymous TLS connections
- 5.3 Display of security levels . . . . . .
- 5.4 Trust Relationships and Implications . . . .
- 5.5 Telnet negotation handling
-6 TLS Variants and Options
- 6.1 Support of previous versions of TLS . . . .
- 6.2 Using Kerberos V5 with TLS . . . . . .
-7 Protocol Examples
- 7.1 Successful TLS negotiation . . . . . .
- 7.2 Successful TLS negotiation, variation . . . .
- 7.3 Unsuccessful TLS negotiation . . . . . .
- 7.4 Authentication via Telnet Auth Kerberos 4 after TLS negotiation
-8 References
-9 Authors
-1 Introduction
-This document describes the START_TLS Telnet option. It allows TLS
-to be activated at the beginning of a Telnet connection to provide
-authentication and confidentiality of the Telnet session. This document
-also defines a set of advisory security policy response codes for use
-when negotiating TLS from within Telnet.
-We are interested in addressing the interaction between the Telnet
-client and server that will support this secure requirement with the
-knowledge that this is only a portion of the total end-user to
-application path. Specifically, it is often true that the Telnet server
-does not reside on the target machine (it does not have access to a list
-of identities which are allowed to access to that application-server),
-and it is often true (e.g. 3270 access) that the telnet server can not
-even identify that portion of the emulation stream which contains user
-identification/password information. Additionally, it may be the case
-that the Telnet client is not co-resident with the end user and that it
-also may be unable to identify that portion of the data stream that deals
-with user identity. We make the assumption here that there is a trust
-relationship and appropriate protection to support that relationship
-between the Telnet Server and the ultimate application engine such that
-data on this path is protected and that the application will authenticate
-the end user via the emulation stream as well as use this to control
-access to information. We further make the assumption that the path
-between the end user and the client is protected.
-To hold up the Telnet part of the overall secure path between the user
-and the application-server, the Telnet data stream must appear
-unintelligible to a third party. This is done by creating a shared
-secret between the client and server. This shared secret is used to
-encrypt the flow of data and (just as important) require the client to
-verify that it is talking to correct server (the one that the
-application-server trusts rather than an unintended man-in-the-middle)
-with the knowledge that the emulation stream itself will be used by the
-application-server to verify the identity of the end-user. Rather than
-create a specialized new protocol which accomplishes these goals we
-instead have chosen to use an existing IETF protocol, Transport Layer
-Security (TLS) (formerly known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)).
-The Telnet [TELNET] application protocol can certainly benefit from the
-use of TLS. Since 1992 Telnet has supported over a dozen forms of
-end user authentication and DES encryption via the AUTH and ENCRYPT
-options. Since 1995, TLS (as SSL) has been used to provide privacy and
-integrity protection to Telnet data streams via Telnet AUTH and via
-dedicated IANA assigned port numbers (telnets 992). TLS offers a broad
-range of security levels that allow sites to proceed at an "evolutionary"
-pace in deploying authentication, authorization and confidentiality
-policies, databases and distribution methods.
-This document describes how TLS can be used to provide the following:
- o creation and refresh of a shared secret;
- o negotiation and execution of data encryption and optional
- compressesion;
- o primary negotiation of authentication; and, if chosen
- o execution of public-key or symmetric-key based authentication.
-TLS at most offers only authentication of the peers conducting the TLS
-dialog. In particular, it does not offer the possibility of the client
-providing separate credentials for authorization than were presented for
-authentication. After the establishment of peer to peer trust based
-on TLS, other forms of end user authentication including Telnet AUTH
-may be used to provide credentials for use in determining end user
-Traditional Telnet servers have operated without such early presentation
-of authorization credentials for many reasons (most of which are
-historical). However, recent developments in Telnet server technology
-make it advantageous for the Telnet server to know the authorized
-capabilities of the remote client before choosing a communications link
-(be it `pty' or SNA LU) and link-characteristics to the host system (be
-that "upstream" link local or remote to the server). Thus, we expect to
-see the use of client authorization to become an important element of the
-Telnet evolution. Such authorization methods may require certificates
-presented by the client via TLS, or by the use of Telnet AUTH option, or
-some other as yet unstandardized method.
-This document describes the START_TLS telnet option which allows TLS to
-be activated at the beginning of a Telnet connection using the standard
-"telnet" port (IANA tcp\23). It also defines a set of advisory security-
-policy response codes for use when negotiating TLS over Telnet.
-Conventions Used in this Document
-The key words "REQUIRED", "MUST", "MUST NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT" and
-"MAY" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [KEYWORDS].
-Formal syntax is defined using ABNF [ABNF].
-In examples, "C:" and "S:" indicate lines sent by the the client and
-server, respectively.
-2 Command Names and Codes (assigned by IANA)
- START_TLS 46 (decimal)
- FOLLOWS 1 (decimal)
-3 Command Meanings
- This document makes reference to a "server" and a "client". For the
- purposes of this document, the "server" is the side of the connection
- that did the passive TCP open (TCP LISTEN state), and the "client" is
- the side of the connection that did the active open.
- The sender is either not a server or is not interested in
- negotiating a TLS connection.
- The sender is either not a client or is not interested in
- negotiating a TLS connection.
- The server side of the connection sends this command to indicate
- a desire to negotiate a TLS connection. This command MUST NOT
- be sent by the client and if received by the server MUST be refused
- The client side of the connection sends this command to indicate
- a desire to negotiate a TLS connection. This command MUST NOT
- be sent by the server and if received by the client MUST be refused
- The FOLLOWS sub-command when sent indicates that the next byte of
- data received after this command MUST be a TLS negotiation as
- described in [TLS]. This sub-command is sent by both the client and
- the server. After this sub-command has been sent, the sender MUST NOT
- respond to nor initiate any additional telnet commands or
- sub-commands. When this sub-command has been sent and received the
- TLS negotiation will commence. When sent by a client this sub-
- command will be followed by a TLS ClientHello. When sent by a server
- this sub-command will be followed by a TLS ServerHello.
-3.1 Usage of commands and interactions with other Telnet options
-The START_TLS option is an asymmetric option, with the server side
-allowed to send IAC DO START_TLS and the client allowed to send
-IAC WILL START_TLS. Sub-commands are used to synchronize the link
-in preparation for negotiating TLS. This synchronization takes
-the form of a three-way handshake:
- 1. As per normal Telnet option processing rules, the client MUST
- respond to the server's IAC DO START_TLS with either IAC WONT
- START_TLS or IAC WILL START_TLS (if it hasn't already done so).
- Once the client has sent IAC WILL START_TLS and received
- IAC DO START_TLS, it MUST immediately send a FOLLOWS sub-command
- (IAC SB START_TLS FOLLOWS IAC SE) to indicate it is ready to begin
- a TLS negotiation. Once the FOLLOWS sub-command has been sent, the
- client MUST ignore all telnet negotiations except for the FOLLOWS
- sub-command. When the FOLLOWS sub-command has been received the
- client MUST halt use of the telnet protocol, reset the telnet state
- machine and begin a TLS negotiation by sending a ClientHello message.
- 2. If the client initiates by sending IAC WILL START_TLS, the server
- MUST respond with either IAC DO START_TLS or IAC DONT START_TLS.
- 3. The server SHOULD NOT send additional Telnet data or commands after
- sending IAC DO START_TLS except in response to client Telnet options
- received until after it receives either a negative response from the
- client (IAC WONT START_TLS) or a successful negotiation of TLS has
- occurred. If the client's START_TLS option response is negative, the
- server is free to send additional Telnet data or commands. If the
- client's response is affirmative (IAC WILL START_TLS), then the server
- and await the FOLLOWS sub-command from the client. When the FOLLOWS
- sub-command has been sent and received the server MUST halt use of the
- telnet protocol, reset the telnet state machine, and begin a TLS
- negotiation by sending a TLS ServerHello message.
- 4. If both START_TLS and AUTH [AUTH] are offered, START_TLS SHOULD be sent
- first and MUST take precedence if both are agreed to. AUTH MAY be
- renegotiated after successful establishment of the TLS session if
- end-user authentication via a supported method is desired.
- 5. If a TLS session has been established, the ENCRYPT [ENCRYPT] option
- MUST NOT be negotiated in either direction.
- 6. When the FOLLOWS sub-command has been sent and received the Telnet
- state machine is reset. This means that the state of all telnet
- options is reset to the WONT/DONT state and any data received via
- subcommands is forgotten. After a sucessful TLS negotiation the
- Telnet negotiations will be restarted as if a new connection had
- just been established with one exception. Since TLS is already in
- use, the START_TLS option MUST NOT be negotiated.
-3.2 TLS Negotiation Failure
-The behavior regarding TLS negotiation failure is covered in [TLS], and
-does not indicate that the TCP connection be broken; the semantics are
-that TLS is finished and all state variables cleaned up. The TCP connection
-may be retained.
-However, it's not clear that either side can detect when the last of the
-TLS data has arrived. So if TLS negotiation fails, the TCP connection
-SHOULD be reset and the client MAY reconnect. To avoid infinite loops of
-TLS negotiation failures, the client MUST remember to not negotiate
-START_TLS if reconnecting due to a TLS negotiation failure.
-4 Telnet Authentication and Authorization
-Telnet servers and clients can be implemented in a variety of ways that
-impact how clients and servers authenticate and authorize each other.
-However, most (if not all) the implementations can be abstracted via the
-following four communicating processes:
-SES Server End System. This is an application or machine to which client
- desires a connection. Though not illustrated here, a single Telnet
- connection between client and server could have multiple SES
- terminations.
-Server The Telnet server.
-Client The Telnet client, which may or may not be co-located with the
- CES. The Telnet client in fact be a gateway or proxy for downstream
- clients; it's immaterial.
-CES Client End System. The system communicating with the Telnet Client.
- There may be more than one actual CES communicating to a single
- Telnet Client instance; this is also immaterial to how Client and
- Server can sucessfully exchange authentication and authorization
- details. However, see Section 5.4 for a discussion on trust
- implications.
-What is of interest here is how the Client and Server can exchange
-authentication and authorization details such that these components can
-direct Telnet session traffic to authorized End Systems in a reliable,
-trustworthy fashion.
-What is beyond the scope of this specification are several related
-topics, including:
- o How the Server and SES are connected, and how they exchange data or
- information regarding authorization or authentication (if any).
- o How the Client and CES are connected, and how they exchange data or
- information regarding authorization or authentication (if any).
-System-to-system communications using the Telnet protocol have
-traditionally used no authentication techniques at the Telnet level.
-More recent techniques have used Telnet to transport authentication
-exchanges (RFC 2941). In none of these systems, however, is a remote system
-allowed to assume more than one identity once the Telnet preamble
-negotiation is over and the remote is connected to the application-
-endpoint. The reason for this is that the local party must in some way
-inform the end-system of the remote party's identity (and perhaps
-authorization). This process must take place before the remote party
-starts communicating with the end-system. At that point it's too late
-to change what access a client may have to an server end-system: that
-end-system has been selected, resources have been allocated and
-capability restrictions set.
-This process of authentication, authorization and resource allocation
-can be modeled by the following simple set of states and transitions:
-`unauthenticated' The local party has not received any credentials
- offered by the remote. A new Telnet connection starts in this state.
- The `authenticating' state will be entered from this state if the
- local party initiates the authentication process of the peer. The
- Telnet START_TLS negotiation is considered an initiation of the
- authentication process.
- The `authorizing' state will be entered from this state either if
- the local party decides to begin authorization and resource
- allocation procedures unilaterally...or if the local party has
- received data from the remote party destined for local end-system.
-`authenticating' The local party has received at least some of the
- credentials needed to authenticate its peer, but has not finished
- the process.
- The `authenticated' state will be entered from this state if the
- local party is satisfied with the credentials proferred by the
- client.
- The `unauthenticated' state will be entered from this state if the
- local party cannot verify the credentials proffered by the client or
- if the client has not proffered any credentials. Alternately, the
- local party may terminate the Telnet connection instead of returning
- it to the `unauthenticated' state.
-`authenticated' The local party has authenticated its peer, but has not
- yet authorized the client to connect to any end-system resources.
- The `authenticating' state will be entered from this state if the
- local party decides that further authentication of the client is
- warranted.
- The `authorizing' state will be entered from this state if the local
- party either initiates authorization dialog with the client (or
- engages in some process to authorize and allocate resources on
- behalf of the client), or has received data from the remote party
- destined for a local end-system.
-`authorizing' The local party is in the process of authorizing its peer
- to use end-system resources, or may be in the process of allocating
- or reserving those resources.
- The `transfer-ready' state will be entered when the local party is
- ready to allow data to be passed between the local end-system and
- remote peer.
- The `authenticated' state will be entered if the local party
- determines that the current authorization does not allow any access
- to a local end-system. If the remote peer is not currently
- authenticated, then the `unauthenticated' state will be entered
- instead.
-`transfer-ready' The party may pass data between the local end-system to
- its peer.
- The `authorizing' state will be entered if the local party (perhaps
- due to a request by the remote peer) deallocates the communications
- resources to the local-end system. Alternately, the local party may
- enter the `authenticated' or the `unauthenticated' state.
-In addition to the "orderly" state transitions noted above, some
-extraordinary transitions may also occur:
- 1. The absence of a guarantee on the integrity of the data stream
- between the two Telnet parties also removes the guarantee that the
- remote peer is who the authentication credentials say the peer is.
- Thus, upon being notified that the Telnet session is no longer using
- an integrity layer, the local party must at least deallocate all
- resources associated with a Telnet connection which would not have
- been allocable had the remote party never authenticated itself.
- In practice, this deallocation-of-resources restriction is hard to
- interpret consistently by both Telnet endpoints. Therefore, both
- parties MUST return to the initial Telnet state after negotiation of
- TLS. That is, it is as if the Telnet session had just started.
- This means that the states may transition from whatever the current
- state is to `unauthenticated'. Alternately, the local party may
- break the Telnet connection instead.
- 2. If the local party is notified at any point during the Telnet
- connection that the remote party's authorizations have been reduced
- or revoked, then the local party must treat the remote party as being
- unauthenticated. The local party must deallocate all resources
- associated with a Telnet connection which would not have been
- allocable had the remote party never authenticated itself.
- This too may mean that the states may transition from whatever the
- current state is to `unauthenticated'. Alternately, the local party
- may break the Telnet connection instead.
-The above model explains how each party should handle the authentication
-and authorization information exchanged during the lifetime of a Telnet
-connection. It is deliberately fuzzy as to what constitutes internal
-processes (such as "authorizing") and what is meant by "resources" or
-"end-system" (such as whether an end-system is strictly a single entity
-and communications path to the local party, or multiples of each, etc).
-Here's a state transition diagram, as per [RFC2360]:
- 0 1 2 3 4
-Events | unauth auth'ing auth'ed authorizing trans-ready
-auth-needed| sap/1 sap/1 sap/1 sap/1 der,sap/1
-auth-accept| - ain/2 - - -
-auth-bad | - 0 wa/0 wa,der/0 der,sap/1
-authz-start| szp/3 - szp/3 - -
-data-rcvd | szp/3 qd/1 szp/3 qd/3 pd/4
-authz-ok | - - - 4 -
-authz-bad | - - - der/2 wa,der,szp/3
-Action | Description
-sap | start authentication process
-der | deallocate end-system resources
-ain | authorize if needed
-szp | start authorization process
-qd | queue incoming data
-pd | process data
-wa | wipe authorization info
-Event | Description
-auth-needed | authentication deemed needed by local party
-auth-accept | remote party's authentication creds accepted
-auth-bad | remote party's authentication creds rejected or expired
-authz-start | local or remote party starts authorization proceedings
-data-rcvd | data destined for end-system received from remote party
-authz-ok | authorization and resource allocation succeeded
-authz-bad | authorization or resource allocation failed or expired
-4.1 Authentication of the Server by the Client
-A secure connection requires that the client be able to authenticate the
-identity of the server. How the authentication is performed depends
-upon the TLS cipher agreed upon during the negotiation. As of this
-writing there are three categories of cipher suites supported by TLS:
-ciphers supporting X.509 certificates (PKI), non-PKI ciphers, and
-anonymous ciphers. The following sections detail how Server authentication
-should be performed by the client for each cipher category.
-4.1.1 PKI-based Authentication via TLS handshake
-When a PKI based cipher is negotiated during the TLS negotiation, the
-server will deliver an X.509 certificate to the client. Before the
-certificate MAY be used to determine the identity of the server, the
-certifiicate MUST be validated as per RFC 2459.
-Once validated the identity of the server is confirmed by matching the DNS
-name used to access the host with the name stored in the certificate. If the
-certificate includes the `subjectAltName' extension and it contains a
-`dNSName' object, then the client MUST use this name as the identity of the
-server. Otherwise, the (most specific) commonName field in the Subject field
-if the certificate MUST be used. Note that although the commonName field
-technique is currently in wide use, it is deprecated and Certification
-Authorities are encourage to use the dnsName instead.
-Matching is performed using the matching rules specified by [RFC 2459]. If
-more than one identity of a given type is present in the certificate (e.g.,
-more than one dnsName name, a match in any one of the set is considered
-acceptable.) Names may contain the wildcard character '*' which is considered
-to match any single domain name component or component fragment. E.g.,
-"*" matches "" but not " "f*.com" matches
-"" but not "".
-In some cases, an IP address is used to access the host instead of a DNS name.
- In these cases, a 'subjectAltName' object of type 'iPAddress' MUST be present
-in the certificate and MUST exactly match the IP address provided by the end
-If the hostname does not match the identity in the certificate, user oriented
-clients MUST either notify the user (clients MAY give the user the opportunity
-to continue with the connection in any case) or terminate the connection with
-a bad certificate error. Automated clients MUST log the error to an
-appropriate audit log (if available) and SHOULD terminate the connection (with
-a bad certificate error.) Automated clients MAY provide a configuration
-setting that disables this check, but MUST provide a setting which enables it.
-4.1.2 Non-PKI based authentication via TLS handshake
-As of this writing TLS only supports one class of non-PKI cipher suites
-which are based on Kerberos 5. Regardless, any non-PKI cipher suite
-incorporated into TLS will provide for mutual authentication. Authentication
-of the server is therefore implied by a successful TLS credential exchange.
-4.1.3 Authentication by Telnet AUTH option (RFC 2941)
-If the TLS exchange used an anonymous cipher such as Anonymous-Diffie-
-Hellman (ADH) or if the X.509 certificate could not be validated, then
-the session MUST be protected from a man in the middle attack. This can
-be accomplished by using a Telnet AUTH [AUTH] method that provides for
-mutual authentication(*) of the client and server; and which allows the
-TLS Finished messages sent by the client and the server to be verified.
-A failure to successfully perform a mutual authentication with Finished
-message verification via Telnet AUTH MUST result in termination of the
-connection by both the client and the server.
-(*) The Telnet AUTH option supports both unilateral and mutual authentication
-methods. The distinction being that mutual authentication methods confirm
-the identity of both parties at the end of the negotiation. A unilateral
-authentication method cannot be used to verify the contents of the TLS client
-and server finished messages. It is worth noting that TLS usually
-authenticates the server to the client; whereas, Telnet AUTH usually
-authenticates the client to the server when unilateral methods are used.
-4.2 Authentication of the Client by the Server
-After TLS has been successfully negotiated the server may not have the
-client's identity (verified or not) since the client is not required to
-provide credentials during the TLS exchange. Even when the client does
-provide credentials during the TLS exchange, the server may have a policy
-that prevents their use. Therefore, the server may not have enough
-confidence in the client to move the connection to the authenticated state.
-If further client, server or client-server authentication is going to
-occur after TLS has been negotiated, it MUST occur before any
-non-authentication-related Telnet interactions take place on the link
-after TLS starts. When the first non-authentication-related Telnet
-interaction is received by either participant, then the receiving
-participant MAY drop the connection due to dissatisfaction with the
-level of authentication.
-If the server wishes to request a client certificate after TLS is
-initially started (presumably with no client certificate requested), it
-may do so. However, the server MUST make such a request immediately
-after the initial TLS handshake is complete.
-No TLS negotiation outcome, however trustworthy, will by itself provide
-the server with the authorization identity if that is different from the
-authentication identity of the client.
-The following subsections detail how the client can provide the server
-with authentication and authorization credentials.
-4.2.1 PKI-based Authentication via TLS handshake
-PKI-based authentication is used by the client transmitting an X.509
-certificate to the host during the TLS handshake. There is no standard
-mechanism defined for how a client certificate should be mapped to a
-authorization identity (userid). There are several methods currently
-in wide practice. A telnet server compliant with this document may
-implement zero, one or more than one of them.
-The first method is to use information stored within the certificate
-to determine the authorization identity. If the certificate contains
-an Common Name object then portions of it can be used as the
-authorization identity. If the Common Name contains an UID member,
-then it can be used directly. If the Common Name contains an Email
-member, then it can be used if the specified domain matches the domain
-of the telnet server.
-The second method is to use the entire Subject Name as a entry to
-lookup in a directory. The directory provides a mapping between the
-subject name and the authorization identity.
-The third method is to use the entire certificate as a entry to lookup
-in a directory with the directory providing a mapping between the
-certificate and the authorization identity.
-The first method is only practical if the certificates are being
-issued by certificate authority managed by the same organization as
-the server performing the authorization.
-The second and third methods can be used with certificates issued
-by public certificate authorities provided the certificates are
-delivered to the organization performing the authorization in advance
-via an authenticated method. The second and third methods have the
-added benefit that the certificates, if issued by the authorizing
-organization, do not require that any personal information about the
-subject be included in the certificate. The Subject line could be
-filled only with gibberish to establish its uniqueness in the
-4.2.2 Non-PKI Authentication via TLS handshake
-TLS supports non-PKI authentication methods which can be used for
-securely establishing authentication identities. As of this writing,
-TLS supports only one non-PKI authentication method, Kerberos 5.
-However, it is not unlikely that other authentication methods might be
-incorporated into TLS ciphers in the future.
-4.2.3 Telnet AUTH option
-The Telnet AUTH option implements a variety of authentication methods
-which can be used to establish authentication and authorization
-identities. Some methods (e.g., KERBEROS_IV and KERBEROS_V) allow
-separate authentication and authorization identities to be provided.
-Details on the use of the Telnet AUTH option and its authentication
-methods can be found in RFC1416 (about to be obsoleted) and its related
-documents. For a current list of Telnet AUTH methods see IANA.
-4.2.4 Traditional Username and Password
-When all else fails the authorization identity may be provided over
-the secure TLS connection in the form of a username and password.
-The Username MAY be transmitted to the host via the Telnet New
-Environment option's USER variable.
-5 Security
-Security is discussed throughout this document. Most of this document
-concerns itself with wire protocols and security frameworks. But in this
-section, client and server implementation security issues are in focus.
-5.1 PKI-based certificate processing
-A complete discussion of the proper methods for verifying X.509 certificates
-and their associated certificate chains is beyond the scope of this
-document. The reader is advised to refer to the RFCs issued by the PKIX
-Working Group. However, the verification of a certificate MUST include,
-but isn't limited to, the verification of the signature certificate
-chain to the point where the a signature in that chain uses a known good
-signing certificate in the local key chain. The verification
-SHOULD then continue with a check to see if the fully qualified host name
-which the client connected to appears anywhere in the server's
-certificate subject (DN).
-If the certificate cannot be verified then either:
- o the end user MUST see a display of the server's certificate and be
- asked if he/she is willing to proceed with the session; or,
- o the end user MUST NOT see a display of server's certificate, but the
- certificate details are logged on whatever media is used to log
- other session details. This option may be preferred to the first
- option in environments where the end-user cannot be expected to make
- an informed decision about whether a mismatch is harmful. The
- connection MUST be closed automatically by the client UNLESS the
- client has been configured to explicitly allow all mismatches.
- o the connection MUST be closed on the user's behalf, and an error
- describing the mismatch logged to stable storage.
-If the client side of the service is not interactive with a human
-end-user, the Telnet connection SHOULD be dropped if this host check
-5.2 Client and Server authentication of anonymous-TLS connections
-When authentication is performed after the establishment of a TLS session
-which uses an anonymous cipher, it is imperative that the authentication
-method protect against a man in the middle attack by verifying the
-contents of the client's and server's TLS finished messages. Without
-the verification of both the client and server's TLS finished messages
-it is impossible to confirm that there is not a man in the middle
-listening and perhaps changing all the data transmitted on the
-Verification of the TLS finished messages can be performed as part
-of a Telnet AUTH option mutual authentication exchange (when using the
-ENCRYPT_START_TLS flag.) This can be done at the same time the
-verification of the authentication-type-pair is performed.
-5.3 Display of security levels
-The Telnet client and server MAY, during the TLS protocol negotiation
-phase, choose to use a weak cipher suite due to policy, law or even
-convenience. It is, however, important that the choice of weak cipher
-suite be noted as being commonly known to be vulnerable to attack. In
-particular, both server and client software should note the choice of
-weak cipher-suites in the following ways:
- o If the Telnet endpoint is communicating with a human end-user, the
- user-interface SHOULD display the choice of weak cipher-suite and
- the fact that such a cipher-suite may compromise security.
- o The Telnet endpoints SHOULD log the exact choice of cipher-suite as
- part of whatever logging/accounting mechanism normally used.
-5.4 Trust Relationships and Implications
-Authentication and authorization of the remote Telnet party is useful,
-but can present dangers to the authorizing party even if the connection
-between the client and server is protected by TLS using strong
-encryption and mutual authentication. This is because there are some
-trust-relationships assumed by one or both parties:
- o Each side assumes that the authentication and authentication details
- proferred by the remote party stay constant until explicitly changed
- (or until the TLS session is ended).
- o More stringently, each side trusts the other to send a timely
- notification if authentication or authorization details of the other
- party's end system(s) have changed.
-Either of these assumptions about trust may be false if an intruder has
-breached communications between a client or server and its respective
-end system. And either may be false if a component is badly implemented
-or configured. Implementers should take care in program construction to
-avoid invalidating these trust relationships, and should document to
-configuring-users the proper ways to configure the software to avoid
-invalidation of these relationships.
-5.5 Telnet negotation handling
-There are two aspects to Telnet negotiation handling that affect the
-security of the connection. First, given the asynchronous nature
-of Telnet option negotiations it is possible for a telnet client or
-server to allow private data to be transmitted over a non-secure
-link. It is especially important that implementors of this telnet
-option ensure that no telnet option subnegotiations other than those
-related to authentication and establishment of security take place over
-an insecure connection.
-The second item is related to the most common error when implementing
-a telnet protocol state machine. Most telnet implementations do not
-check to ensure that the peer responds to all outstanding requests
-to change states: WILL, DO, WONT, DONT. It is important that all
-telnet implementations ensure that requests for state changes are
-responded to.
-6 TLS Variants and Options
-TLS has different versions and different cipher suites that can be
-supported by client or server implementations. The following
-subsections detail what TLS extensions and options are mandatory. The
-subsections also address how TLS variations can be accommodated.
-6.1 Support of previous versions of TLS
-TLS has its roots in SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0. Server and client
-implementations may wish to support for SSL 3.0 as a fallback in case TLS
-1.0 or higher is not supported. This is permissible; however, client
-implementations which negotiate SSL3.0 MUST still follow the rules in
-Section 5.3 concerning disclosure to the end-user of transport-level
-security characteristics.
-Negotiating the use of SSL 3.0 is done as part of the TLS negotiation; it
-is detailed in [TLS]. SSL 2.0 MUST NOT be negotiated.
-6.2 Using Kerberos V5 with TLS
-If the client and server are both amenable to using Kerberos V5, then
-using non-PKI authentication techniques within the confines of TLS may
-be acceptable (see [TLSKERB]). Note that clients and servers are under
-no obligation to support anything but the cipher-suite(s) mandated in
-[TLS]. However, if implementations do implement the KRB5 authentication
-as a part of TLS ciphersuite, then these implementations SHOULD support
-at least the TLS_KRB5_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA ciphersuite.
-7 Protocol Examples
-The following sections provide skeletal examples of how Telnet clients
-and servers can negotiate TLS.
-7.1 Successful TLS negotiation
-The following protocol exchange is the typical sequence that starts TLS:
-// typical successful opening exchange
-// server now readies input stream for non-Telnet, TLS-level negotiation
- C: [starts TLS-level negotiations with a ClientHello]
- [TLS transport-level negotiation ensues]
- [TLS transport-level negotiation completes with a Finished exchanged]
-// either side now able to send further Telnet data or commands
-7.2 Successful TLS negotiation, variation
-The following protocol exchange is the typical sequence that starts TLS,
-but with the twist that the (TN3270E) server is willing but not
-aggressive about doing TLS; the client strongly desires doing TLS.
-// typical successful opening exchange
- S: IAC DO TN3270E
-// server now readies input stream for non-Telnet, TLS-level negotiation
- C: [starts TLS-level negotiations with a ClientHello]
- [TLS transport-level negotiation ensues]
- [TLS transport-level negotiation completes with a Finished
- exchanged]
-// note that server retries negotiation of TN3270E after TLS
-// is done.
- S: IAC DO TN3270E
-// TN3270E dialog continues....
-7.3 Unsuccessful TLS negotiation
-This example assumes that the server does not wish to allow the Telnet
-session to proceed without TLS security; however, the client's version
-of TLS does not interoperate with the server's.
-//typical unsuccessful opening exchange
-// server now readies input stream for non-Telnet, TLS-level negotiation
- C: [starts TLS-level negotiations with a ClientHello]
- [TLS transport-level negotiation ensues]
- [TLS transport-level negotiation fails with server sending
- ErrorAlert message]
- S: [TCP level disconnect]
-// server (or both) initiate TCP session disconnection
-This example assumes that the server wants to do TLS, but is willing to
-allow the session to proceed without TLS security; however, the client's
-version of TLS does not interoperate with the server's.
-//typical unsuccessful opening exchange
-// server now readies input stream for non-Telnet, TLS-level negotiation
- C: [starts TLS-level negotiations with a ClientHello]
- [TLS transport-level negotiation ensues]
- [TLS transport-level negotiation fails with server sending
- ErrorAlert message]
- S: [TCP level disconnect]
-// session is dropped
-7.4 Authentication via Kerberos 4 after TLS negotiation
-Here's an implementation example of using Kerberos 4 to authenticate the
-client after encrypting the session with TLS. Note the following
- o The client strictly enforces a security policy of proposing Telnet
- AUTH first, but accepting TLS. This has the effect of producing a
- rather verbose pre-TLS negotiation sequence; however, the
- end-result is correct. A more efficient pre-TLS sequence can be
- obtained by changing the client security policy to be the same as the
- server's for this connection (and implementing policy-aware
- negotiation code in the Telnet part of the client).
- A similar efficient result can be obtained even in the absence of a
- clear client security policy if the client has cached server
- security preferences from a previous Telnet session to the same
- server.
- o The server strictly enforces a security policy of proposing TLS
- first, but falling back to Telnet AUTH.
- [TLS - handshake starting]
- [TLS - OK]
- <wait for outstanding negotiations>
- 04 07 0B "CC.COLUMBIA.EDU" 00 "8(" 0D 9E 9F AB A0 "L" 15 8F A6
- ED "x" 19 F8 0C "wa" CA "z`" 1A E2 B8 "Y" B0 8E "KkK" C6 AA "<" FF
- FF 98 89 "|" 90 AC DF 13 "2" FC 8E 97 F7 BD AE "e" 07 82 "n" 19 "v"
- 7F 10 C1 12 B0 C6 "|" FA BB "s1Y" FF FF 10 B5 14 B3 "(" BC 86 "`"
- D2 "z" AB "Qp" C4 "7" AB "]8" 8A 83 B7 "j" E6 "IK" DE "|YIVN"
- C: IAC SB NAWS 162 49 IAC SE
-Here are several things to note about the above example:
- o After TLS is successfully negotiated, all non-TLS Telnet settings
- are forgotten and must be renegotiated.
- o After TLS is successfully negotiated, the server offers all
- authentication types that are appropriate for a session using TLS.
- Note that the server, post TLS-negotiation, isn't offering Telnet
- ENCRYPT or AUTH SSL, since (a) it's useless to encrypt twice, and
- (b) TLS and/or SSL can be applied only once to a Telnet session.
-8 References
-[ANBF] D. Crocker, Ed., P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
- Specifications: ABNF", RFC2235, November 1997.
-[AUTH] T.Ts'o, Ed,. J. Altman, "Telnet Authentication Option",
- RFC2941, September 2000.
-[ENCRYPT] T.Ts'o, "Telnet Encryption Option", RFC2946, September 2000.
-[KEYWORDS] Bradner, S. "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
- Requirement Levels", RFC2119, March 1997.
-[RFC927] Brian A. Anderson. "TACACS User Identification Telnet
- Option", RFC927, December 1984
-[RFC2360] G. Scott, Editor. "Guide for Internet Standard Writers",
- RFC2360, June 1998.
-[RFC2459] Housley, R., Ford, W., Polk, W. and D.Solo, "Internet
- Public Key Infrastructure: Part I: X.509 Certificate and
- CRL Profile", RFC2459, January 1999.
-[TELNET] J. Postel, J. Reynolds. "Telnet Protocol Specifications",
- RFC854, May 1983.
-[TLS] Tim Dierks, C. Allen. "The TLS Protocol", RFC2246, January
- 1999.
-[TLSKERB] Ari Medvinsky, Matthew Hur. "Addition of Kerberos Cipher
- Suites to Transport Layer Security (TLS)", RFC2712, October
- 1999.
-9 Authors
- Michael Boe Jeffrey Altman
- Cisco Systems Inc. Columbia University
- 170 West Tasman Drive 612 West 115th Street
- San Jose CA 95134 USA New York NY 10025 USA
- Email:
-10 Mailing list
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-Copyright (c) The Internet Society (1998, 2000). All Rights Reserved.
-This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
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-Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
-Internet Society.
- Jeffrey Altman * Sr.Software Designer
- The Kermit Project * Columbia University
- 612 West 115th St * New York, NY * 10025 * USA
- *