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-<a name="Session-resumption"></a>
-<div class="header">
-Next: <a href="Certificate-verification.html#Certificate-verification" accesskey="n" rel="next">Certificate verification</a>, Up: <a href="Advanced-topics.html#Advanced-topics" accesskey="u" rel="up">Advanced topics</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Function-and-Data-Index.html#Function-and-Data-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
-<a name="Session-resumption-1"></a>
-<h4 class="subsection">6.12.1 Session resumption</h4>
-<a name="index-resuming-sessions-1"></a>
-<a name="index-session-resumption-1"></a>
-<a name="Client-side-1"></a>
-<h4 class="subsubheading">Client side</h4>
-<p>To reduce time and roundtrips spent in a handshake the client can
-request session resumption from a server that previously shared
-a session with the client. For that the client has to retrieve and store
-the session parameters. Before establishing a new session to the same
-server the parameters must be re-associated with the GnuTLS session
-using <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005fsession_005fset_005fdata">gnutls_session_set_data</a>.
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt><code><var>int</var> <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005fsession_005fget_005fdata2">gnutls_session_get_data2</a> (gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, gnutls_datum_t * <var>data</var>)</code></dt>
-<dt><code><var>int</var> <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005fsession_005fget_005fid2">gnutls_session_get_id2</a> (gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, gnutls_datum_t * <var>session_id</var>)</code></dt>
-<dt><code><var>int</var> <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005fsession_005fset_005fdata">gnutls_session_set_data</a> (gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, const void * <var>session_data</var>, size_t <var>session_data_size</var>)</code></dt>
-<p>Keep in mind that sessions will be expired after some time, depending
-on the server, and a server may choose not to resume a session
-even when requested to. The expiration is to prevent temporal session keys
-from becoming long-term keys. Also note that as a client you must enable,
-using the priority functions, at least the algorithms used in the last session.
-<dt><a name="index-gnutls_005fsession_005fis_005fresumed"></a>Function: <em>int</em> <strong>gnutls_session_is_resumed</strong> <em>(gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>)</em></dt>
-<dd><p><var>session</var>: is a <code>gnutls_session_t</code> type.
-<p>Check whether session is resumed or not.
-<p><strong>Returns:</strong> non zero if this session is resumed, or a zero if this is
-a new session.
-<a name="Server-side-1"></a>
-<h4 class="subsubheading">Server side</h4>
-<p>In order to support resumption a server can store
-the session security parameters in a local database or by using session
-tickets (see <a href="Session-tickets.html#Session-tickets">Session tickets</a>) to delegate storage to the client. Because
-session tickets might not be supported by all clients, servers
-could combine the two methods.
-<p>A storing server needs to specify callback functions to store, retrieve and delete session data. These can be
-registered with the functions below. The stored sessions in the database can be checked using <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005fdb_005fcheck_005fentry">gnutls_db_check_entry</a>
-for expiration.
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt><code><var>void</var> <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005fdb_005fset_005fretrieve_005ffunction">gnutls_db_set_retrieve_function</a> (gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, gnutls_db_retr_func <var>retr_func</var>)</code></dt>
-<dt><code><var>void</var> <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005fdb_005fset_005fstore_005ffunction">gnutls_db_set_store_function</a> (gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, gnutls_db_store_func <var>store_func</var>)</code></dt>
-<dt><code><var>void</var> <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005fdb_005fset_005fptr">gnutls_db_set_ptr</a> (gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, void * <var>ptr</var>)</code></dt>
-<dt><code><var>void</var> <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005fdb_005fset_005fremove_005ffunction">gnutls_db_set_remove_function</a> (gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, gnutls_db_remove_func <var>rem_func</var>)</code></dt>
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt><code><var>int</var> <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005fdb_005fcheck_005fentry">gnutls_db_check_entry</a> (gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, gnutls_datum_t <var>session_entry</var>)</code></dt>
-<p>A server utilizing tickets should generate ticket encryption
-and authentication keys using <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005fsession_005fticket_005fkey_005fgenerate">gnutls_session_ticket_key_generate</a>.
-Those keys should be associated with the GnuTLS session using
-<a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005fsession_005fticket_005fenable_005fserver">gnutls_session_ticket_enable_server</a>, and should be rotated regularly
-(e.g., every few hours), to prevent them from becoming long-term keys which
-if revealed could be used to decrypt all previous sessions.
-<dt><a name="index-gnutls_005fsession_005fticket_005fenable_005fserver"></a>Function: <em>int</em> <strong>gnutls_session_ticket_enable_server</strong> <em>(gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, const gnutls_datum_t * <var>key</var>)</em></dt>
-<dd><p><var>session</var>: is a <code>gnutls_session_t</code> type.
-<p><var>key</var>: key to encrypt session parameters.
-<p>Request that the server should attempt session resumption using
-SessionTicket. <code>key</code> must be initialized with
-<code>gnutls_session_ticket_key_generate()</code> , and should be overwritten
-using <code>gnutls_memset()</code> before being released.
-<p><strong>Returns:</strong> On success, <code>GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS</code> (0) is returned, or an
-error code.
-<p><strong>Since:</strong> 2.10.0
-<dt><a name="index-gnutls_005fsession_005fticket_005fkey_005fgenerate"></a>Function: <em>int</em> <strong>gnutls_session_ticket_key_generate</strong> <em>(gnutls_datum_t * <var>key</var>)</em></dt>
-<dd><p><var>key</var>: is a pointer to a <code>gnutls_datum_t</code> which will contain a newly
-created key.
-<p>Generate a random key to encrypt security parameters within
-<p><strong>Returns:</strong> On success, <code>GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS</code> (0) is returned, or an
-error code.
-<p><strong>Since:</strong> 2.10.0
-<dt><a name="index-gnutls_005fsession_005fresumption_005frequested"></a>Function: <em>int</em> <strong>gnutls_session_resumption_requested</strong> <em>(gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>)</em></dt>
-<dd><p><var>session</var>: is a <code>gnutls_session_t</code> type.
-<p>Check whether the client has asked for session resumption.
-This function is valid only on server side.
-<p><strong>Returns:</strong> non zero if session resumption was asked, or a zero if not.
-<p>A server enabling both session tickets and a storage for session data
-would use session tickets when clients support it and the storage otherwise.
-<div class="header">
-Next: <a href="Certificate-verification.html#Certificate-verification" accesskey="n" rel="next">Certificate verification</a>, Up: <a href="Advanced-topics.html#Advanced-topics" accesskey="u" rel="up">Advanced topics</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Function-and-Data-Index.html#Function-and-Data-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>