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-<a name="Setting-up-the-transport-layer"></a>
-<div class="header">
-Next: <a href="TLS-handshake.html#TLS-handshake" accesskey="n" rel="next">TLS handshake</a>, Previous: <a href="Associating-the-credentials.html#Associating-the-credentials" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Associating the credentials</a>, Up: <a href="How-to-use-GnuTLS-in-applications.html#How-to-use-GnuTLS-in-applications" accesskey="u" rel="up">How to use GnuTLS in applications</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Function-and-Data-Index.html#Function-and-Data-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
-<a name="Setting-up-the-transport-layer-1"></a>
-<h3 class="section">6.5 Setting up the transport layer</h3>
-<p>The next step is to setup the underlying transport layer details. The
-Berkeley sockets are implicitly used by GnuTLS, thus a
-call to <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005ftransport_005fset_005fint">gnutls_transport_set_int</a> would be sufficient to
-specify the socket descriptor.
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt><code><var>void</var> <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005ftransport_005fset_005fint">gnutls_transport_set_int</a> (gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, int <var>fd</var>)</code></dt>
-<dt><code><var>void</var> <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005ftransport_005fset_005fint2">gnutls_transport_set_int2</a> (gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, int <var>recv_fd</var>, int <var>send_fd</var>)</code></dt>
-<p>If however another transport layer than TCP is selected, then
-a pointer should be used instead to express the parameter to be
-passed to custom functions. In that case the following functions should
-be used instead.
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt><code><var>void</var> <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005ftransport_005fset_005fptr">gnutls_transport_set_ptr</a> (gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, gnutls_transport_ptr_t <var>ptr</var>)</code></dt>
-<dt><code><var>void</var> <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005ftransport_005fset_005fptr2">gnutls_transport_set_ptr2</a> (gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, gnutls_transport_ptr_t <var>recv_ptr</var>, gnutls_transport_ptr_t <var>send_ptr</var>)</code></dt>
-<p>Moreover all of the following push and pull callbacks should be set.
-<dt><a name="index-gnutls_005ftransport_005fset_005fpush_005ffunction"></a>Function: <em>void</em> <strong>gnutls_transport_set_push_function</strong> <em>(gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, gnutls_push_func <var>push_func</var>)</em></dt>
-<dd><p><var>session</var>: is a <code>gnutls_session_t</code> type.
-<p><var>push_func</var>: a callback function similar to <code>write()</code>
-<p>This is the function where you set a push function for gnutls to
-use in order to send data. If you are going to use berkeley style
-sockets, you do not need to use this function since the default
-send(2) will probably be ok. Otherwise you should specify this
-function for gnutls to be able to send data.
-The callback should return a positive number indicating the
-bytes sent, and -1 on error.
-<p><code>push_func</code> is of the form,
-ssize_t (*gnutls_push_func)(gnutls_transport_ptr_t, const void*, size_t);
-<dt><a name="index-gnutls_005ftransport_005fset_005fvec_005fpush_005ffunction"></a>Function: <em>void</em> <strong>gnutls_transport_set_vec_push_function</strong> <em>(gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, gnutls_vec_push_func <var>vec_func</var>)</em></dt>
-<dd><p><var>session</var>: is a <code>gnutls_session_t</code> type.
-<p><var>vec_func</var>: a callback function similar to <code>writev()</code>
-<p>Using this function you can override the default writev(2)
-function for gnutls to send data. Setting this callback
-instead of <code>gnutls_transport_set_push_function()</code> is recommended
-since it introduces less overhead in the TLS handshake process.
-<p><code>vec_func</code> is of the form,
-ssize_t (*gnutls_vec_push_func) (gnutls_transport_ptr_t, const giovec_t * iov, int iovcnt);
-<p><strong>Since:</strong> 2.12.0
-<dt><a name="index-gnutls_005ftransport_005fset_005fpull_005ffunction"></a>Function: <em>void</em> <strong>gnutls_transport_set_pull_function</strong> <em>(gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, gnutls_pull_func <var>pull_func</var>)</em></dt>
-<dd><p><var>session</var>: is a <code>gnutls_session_t</code> type.
-<p><var>pull_func</var>: a callback function similar to <code>read()</code>
-<p>This is the function where you set a function for gnutls to receive
-data. Normally, if you use berkeley style sockets, do not need to
-use this function since the default recv(2) will probably be ok.
-The callback should return 0 on connection termination, a positive
-number indicating the number of bytes received, and -1 on error.
-<p><code>gnutls_pull_func</code> is of the form,
-ssize_t (*gnutls_pull_func)(gnutls_transport_ptr_t, void*, size_t);
-<dt><a name="index-gnutls_005ftransport_005fset_005fpull_005ftimeout_005ffunction"></a>Function: <em>void</em> <strong>gnutls_transport_set_pull_timeout_function</strong> <em>(gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, gnutls_pull_timeout_func <var>func</var>)</em></dt>
-<dd><p><var>session</var>: is a <code>gnutls_session_t</code> type.
-<p><var>func</var>: a callback function
-<p>This is the function where you set a function for gnutls to know
-whether data are ready to be received. It should wait for data a
-given time frame in milliseconds. The callback should return 0 on
-timeout, a positive number if data can be received, and -1 on error.
-You&rsquo;ll need to override this function if <code>select()</code> is not suitable
-for the provided transport calls.
-<p>As with <code>select()</code> , if the timeout value is zero the callback should return
-zero if no data are immediately available. The special value
-<code>GNUTLS_INDEFINITE_TIMEOUT</code> indicates that the callback should wait indefinitely
-for data.
-<p><code>gnutls_pull_timeout_func</code> is of the form,
-int (*gnutls_pull_timeout_func)(gnutls_transport_ptr_t, unsigned int ms);
-<p>This callback is necessary when <code>gnutls_handshake_set_timeout()</code> or
-<code>gnutls_record_set_timeout()</code> are set. It will not be used when
-non-blocking sockets are in use. That is, this function will
-not operate when <code>GNUTLS_NONBLOCK</code> is specified in <code>gnutls_init()</code> ,
-or a custom pull function is registered without updating the
-pull timeout function.
-<p>The helper function <code>gnutls_system_recv_timeout()</code> is provided to
-simplify writing callbacks.
-<p><strong>Since:</strong> 3.0
-<p>The functions above accept a callback function which
-should return the number of bytes written, or -1 on
-error and should set <code>errno</code> appropriately.
-In some environments, setting <code>errno</code> is unreliable. For example
-Windows have several errno variables in different CRTs, or in other
-systems it may be a non thread-local variable. If this is a concern to
-you, call <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005ftransport_005fset_005ferrno">gnutls_transport_set_errno</a> with the intended errno
-value instead of setting <code>errno</code> directly.
-<dt><a name="index-gnutls_005ftransport_005fset_005ferrno"></a>Function: <em>void</em> <strong>gnutls_transport_set_errno</strong> <em>(gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, int <var>err</var>)</em></dt>
-<dd><p><var>session</var>: is a <code>gnutls_session_t</code> type.
-<p><var>err</var>: error value to store in session-specific errno variable.
-<p>Store <code>err</code> in the session-specific errno variable. Useful values
-for <code>err</code> are EINTR, EAGAIN and EMSGSIZE, other values are treated will be
-treated as real errors in the push/pull function.
-<p>This function is useful in replacement push and pull functions set by
-<code>gnutls_transport_set_push_function()</code> and
-<code>gnutls_transport_set_pull_function()</code> under Windows, where the
-replacements may not have access to the same <code>errno</code> variable that is used by GnuTLS (e.g., the application is linked to
-msvcr71.dll and gnutls is linked to msvcrt.dll).
-<p><acronym>GnuTLS</acronym> currently only interprets the EINTR, EAGAIN and EMSGSIZE errno
-values and returns the corresponding <acronym>GnuTLS</acronym> error codes:
-<li> <code>GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED</code>
-</li><li> <code>GNUTLS_E_AGAIN</code>
-</li><li> <code>GNUTLS_E_LARGE_PACKET</code>
-<p>The EINTR and EAGAIN values are returned by interrupted system calls,
-or when non blocking IO is used. All <acronym>GnuTLS</acronym> functions can be
-resumed (called again), if any of the above error codes is returned. The
-EMSGSIZE value is returned when attempting to send a large datagram.
-<p>In the case of DTLS it is also desirable to override the generic
-transport functions with functions that emulate the operation
-of <code>recvfrom</code> and <code>sendto</code>. In addition
-<acronym>DTLS</acronym> requires timers during the receive of a handshake
-message, set using the <a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005ftransport_005fset_005fpull_005ftimeout_005ffunction">gnutls_transport_set_pull_timeout_function</a>
-function. To check the retransmission timers the function
-<a href="Datagram-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005fdtls_005fget_005ftimeout">gnutls_dtls_get_timeout</a> is provided, which returns the time
-remaining until the next retransmission, or better the time until
-<a href="Core-TLS-API.html#gnutls_005fhandshake">gnutls_handshake</a> should be called again.
-<dt><a name="index-gnutls_005ftransport_005fset_005fpull_005ftimeout_005ffunction-1"></a>Function: <em>void</em> <strong>gnutls_transport_set_pull_timeout_function</strong> <em>(gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>, gnutls_pull_timeout_func <var>func</var>)</em></dt>
-<dd><p><var>session</var>: is a <code>gnutls_session_t</code> type.
-<p><var>func</var>: a callback function
-<p>This is the function where you set a function for gnutls to know
-whether data are ready to be received. It should wait for data a
-given time frame in milliseconds. The callback should return 0 on
-timeout, a positive number if data can be received, and -1 on error.
-You&rsquo;ll need to override this function if <code>select()</code> is not suitable
-for the provided transport calls.
-<p>As with <code>select()</code> , if the timeout value is zero the callback should return
-zero if no data are immediately available. The special value
-<code>GNUTLS_INDEFINITE_TIMEOUT</code> indicates that the callback should wait indefinitely
-for data.
-<p><code>gnutls_pull_timeout_func</code> is of the form,
-int (*gnutls_pull_timeout_func)(gnutls_transport_ptr_t, unsigned int ms);
-<p>This callback is necessary when <code>gnutls_handshake_set_timeout()</code> or
-<code>gnutls_record_set_timeout()</code> are set. It will not be used when
-non-blocking sockets are in use. That is, this function will
-not operate when <code>GNUTLS_NONBLOCK</code> is specified in <code>gnutls_init()</code> ,
-or a custom pull function is registered without updating the
-pull timeout function.
-<p>The helper function <code>gnutls_system_recv_timeout()</code> is provided to
-simplify writing callbacks.
-<p><strong>Since:</strong> 3.0
-<dt><a name="index-gnutls_005fdtls_005fget_005ftimeout"></a>Function: <em>unsigned int</em> <strong>gnutls_dtls_get_timeout</strong> <em>(gnutls_session_t <var>session</var>)</em></dt>
-<dd><p><var>session</var>: is a <code>gnutls_session_t</code> type.
-<p>This function will return the milliseconds remaining
-for a retransmission of the previously sent handshake
-message. This function is useful when DTLS is used in
-non-blocking mode, to estimate when to call <code>gnutls_handshake()</code>
-if no packets have been received.
-<p><strong>Returns:</strong> the remaining time in milliseconds.
-<p><strong>Since:</strong> 3.0
-<table class="menu" border="0" cellspacing="0">
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="Asynchronous-operation.html#Asynchronous-operation" accesskey="1">Asynchronous operation</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="Reducing-round_002dtrips.html#Reducing-round_002dtrips" accesskey="2">Reducing round-trips</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="DTLS-sessions.html#DTLS-sessions" accesskey="3">DTLS sessions</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="DTLS-and-SCTP.html#DTLS-and-SCTP" accesskey="4">DTLS and SCTP</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
-<div class="header">
-Next: <a href="TLS-handshake.html#TLS-handshake" accesskey="n" rel="next">TLS handshake</a>, Previous: <a href="Associating-the-credentials.html#Associating-the-credentials" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Associating the credentials</a>, Up: <a href="How-to-use-GnuTLS-in-applications.html#How-to-use-GnuTLS-in-applications" accesskey="u" rel="up">How to use GnuTLS in applications</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Function-and-Data-Index.html#Function-and-Data-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>