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-<!-- This manual is last updated 4 March 2015 for version
-3.5.4 of GnuTLS.
-Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\\
-Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos
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-<title>GnuTLS 3.5.4: srptool Invocation</title>
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-<body lang="en">
-<a name="srptool-Invocation"></a>
-<div class="header">
-Previous: <a href="Authentication-using-SRP.html#Authentication-using-SRP" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Authentication using SRP</a>, Up: <a href="SRP-authentication.html#SRP-authentication" accesskey="u" rel="up">SRP authentication</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Function-and-Data-Index.html#Function-and-Data-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
-<a name="Invoking-srptool"></a>
-<h4 class="subsubsection"> Invoking srptool</h4>
-<a name="index-srptool"></a>
-<p>Simple program that emulates the programs in the Stanford SRP (Secure
-Remote Password) libraries using GnuTLS. It is intended for use in places
-where you don&rsquo;t expect SRP authentication to be the used for system users.
-<p>In brief, to use SRP you need to create two files. These are the password
-file that holds the users and the verifiers associated with them and the
-configuration file to hold the group parameters (called tpasswd.conf).
-<p>This section was generated by <strong>AutoGen</strong>,
-using the <code>agtexi-cmd</code> template and the option descriptions for the <code>srptool</code> program.
-This software is released under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later.
-<a name="srptool-usage"></a><a name="srptool-help_002fusage-_0028_002d_002dhelp_0029"></a>
-<h4 class="subsubheading">srptool help/usage (<samp>--help</samp>)</h4>
-<a name="index-srptool-help"></a>
-<p>This is the automatically generated usage text for srptool.
-<p>The text printed is the same whether selected with the <code>help</code> option
-(<samp>--help</samp>) or the <code>more-help</code> option (<samp>--more-help</samp>). <code>more-help</code> will print
-the usage text by passing it through a pager program.
-<code>more-help</code> is disabled on platforms without a working
-<code>fork(2)</code> function. The <code>PAGER</code> environment variable is
-used to select the program, defaulting to <samp>more</samp>. Both will exit
-with a status code of 0.
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">srptool - GnuTLS SRP tool
-Usage: srptool [ -&lt;flag&gt; [&lt;val&gt;] | --&lt;name&gt;[{=| }&lt;val&gt;] ]...
- -d, --debug=num Enable debugging
- - it must be in the range:
- 0 to 9999
- -i, --index=num specify the index of the group parameters in tpasswd.conf to use
- -u, --username=str specify a username
- -p, --passwd=str specify a password file
- -s, --salt=num specify salt size
- --verify just verify the password.
- -v, --passwd-conf=str specify a password conf file.
- --create-conf=str Generate a password configuration file.
- -v, --version[=arg] output version information and exit
- -h, --help display extended usage information and exit
- -!, --more-help extended usage information passed thru pager
-Options are specified by doubled hyphens and their name or by a single
-hyphen and the flag character.
-Simple program that emulates the programs in the Stanford SRP (Secure
-Remote Password) libraries using GnuTLS. It is intended for use in places
-where you don't expect SRP authentication to be the used for system users.
-In brief, to use SRP you need to create two files. These are the password
-file that holds the users and the verifiers associated with them and the
-configuration file to hold the group parameters (called tpasswd.conf).
-<a name="srptool-debug"></a><a name="debug-option-_0028_002dd_0029-4"></a>
-<h4 class="subsubheading">debug option (-d)</h4>
-<p>This is the &ldquo;enable debugging&rdquo; option.
-This option takes a number argument.
-Specifies the debug level.
-<a name="srptool-verify"></a></p><a name="verify-option-1"></a>
-<h4 class="subsubheading">verify option</h4>
-<p>This is the &ldquo;just verify the password.&rdquo; option.
-Verifies the password provided against the password file.
-<a name="srptool-passwd_002dconf"></a></p><a name="passwd_002dconf-option-_0028_002dv_0029"></a>
-<h4 class="subsubheading">passwd-conf option (-v)</h4>
-<p>This is the &ldquo;specify a password conf file.&rdquo; option.
-This option takes a string argument.
-Specify a filename or a PKCS #11 URL to read the CAs from.
-<a name="srptool-create_002dconf"></a></p><a name="create_002dconf-option"></a>
-<h4 class="subsubheading">create-conf option</h4>
-<p>This is the &ldquo;generate a password configuration file.&rdquo; option.
-This option takes a string argument.
-This generates a password configuration file (tpasswd.conf)
-containing the required for TLS parameters.
-<a name="srptool-exit-status"></a></p><a name="srptool-exit-status-1"></a>
-<h4 class="subsubheading">srptool exit status</h4>
-<p>One of the following exit values will be returned:
-</p><dl compact="compact">
-<dt>&lsquo;<samp>0 (EXIT_SUCCESS)</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Successful program execution.
-<dt>&lsquo;<samp>1 (EXIT_FAILURE)</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.
-<a name="srptool-See-Also"></a><a name="srptool-See-Also-1"></a>
-<h4 class="subsubheading">srptool See Also</h4>
-<p>gnutls-cli-debug (1), gnutls-serv (1), srptool (1), psktool (1), certtool (1)
-<a name="srptool-Examples"></a></p><a name="srptool-Examples-1"></a>
-<h4 class="subsubheading">srptool Examples</h4>
-<p>To create <samp>tpasswd.conf</samp> which holds the g and n values for SRP protocol
-(generator and a large prime), run:
-</p><div class="example">
-<pre class="example">$ srptool --create-conf /etc/tpasswd.conf
-<p>This command will create <samp>/etc/tpasswd</samp> and will add user &rsquo;test&rsquo; (you
-will also be prompted for a password). Verifiers are stored by default
-in the way libsrp expects.
-</p><div class="example">
-<pre class="example">$ srptool --passwd /etc/tpasswd --passwd-conf /etc/tpasswd.conf -u test
-<p>This command will check against a password. If the password matches
-the one in <samp>/etc/tpasswd</samp> you will get an ok.
-</p><div class="example">
-<pre class="example">$ srptool --passwd /etc/tpasswd --passwd\-conf /etc/tpasswd.conf --verify -u test
-<div class="header">
-Previous: <a href="Authentication-using-SRP.html#Authentication-using-SRP" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Authentication using SRP</a>, Up: <a href="SRP-authentication.html#SRP-authentication" accesskey="u" rel="up">SRP authentication</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Function-and-Data-Index.html#Function-and-Data-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>