Some things are mentioned here to help any potential gnutls coder. The rules here are not always used, although we try to stick to them. *** File names: All file names are usually prefixed with "gnutls_", "auth_", or "x509_", or something else that indicates the part of gnutls where this file refers to. The suffix should be more specific. I.e., "gnutls_record.c" refers to the TLS library and, more specifically, to the TLS record protocol. "auth_rsa.c" is the implementation of the RSA certificate authentication method. Another way to distinguish files might be using different subdirectories. Use the lib/x509/ directory, which contains all the X.509 certificate and crl stuff. *** Function names: All the function names use underscore "_", to separate words, functions like gnutlsDoThat are not used. The function names usually start with "gnutls_" prefix, and the words that follow specify the exact part of gnutls that this function refers to. E.g. "gnutls_x509_crt_get_dn", refers to the X.509 certificate parsing part of gnutls. Currently used prefixes are: "gnutls_x509_crt_" for the X.509 certificate part "gnutls_openpgp_key_" for the openpgp key part "gnutls_session_" for the TLS session part (but this may be omited) "gnutls_handshake_" for the TLS handshake part "gnutls_record_" for the TLS record protocol part "gnutls_alert_" for the TLS alert protocol part "gnutls_credentials_" for the credentials structures "gnutls_global_" for the global structures handling and probably more. Internal functions -- that are not exported in the API -- should be prefixed with an underscore. E.g. _gnutls_handshake_begin() All exported functions must be listed in gnutls.sym and gnutls-extra.sym in order to be exported. [this is not true for now] *** Constructed types: The constructed types in gnutls always have the "gnutls_" prefix. Definitions, value defaults and enumerated values should be in capitals. E.g. GNUTLS_CIPHER_3DES_CBC Structures should have the '_st' suffix in their name even if they are a typedef. One can use the sizeof() on types with '_st' as suffix. Other constructed types should have the '_t' suffix. A pointer to a structure also has the '_t' suffix. *** Function parameters: The gnutls functions accept parameters in the order: 1. Input parameters 2. Output parameters When data and size is expected, a gnutls_datum structure should be used (or more precisely a pointer to the structure). *** Callback function parameters: Callback functions should be avoided, if this is possible. Callbacks that refer to a TLS session should include the current session as a parameter, in order for the called function to be able to retrieve the data associated with the session. This is not always done though -- see the push/pull callbacks. *** Return values: Functions in gnutls return an int type, when possible. In that case 0 should be returned in case of success, or maybe a positive value, if some other indication is needed. A negative value always indicates failure. All the available error codes are defined in gnutls_errors_int.h and a description is available in gnutls_errors.c