/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation * * Author: Martin Storsjo * * This file is part of GnuTLS. * * The GnuTLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see * */ #include "gnutls_int.h" #include "gnutls_auth.h" #include "gnutls_errors.h" #include "gnutls_num.h" #include static int _gnutls_srtp_recv_params (gnutls_session_t session, const uint8_t * data, size_t data_size); static int _gnutls_srtp_send_params (gnutls_session_t session, gnutls_buffer_st* extdata); static int _gnutls_srtp_unpack (gnutls_buffer_st * ps, extension_priv_data_t * _priv); static int _gnutls_srtp_pack (extension_priv_data_t _priv, gnutls_buffer_st * ps); static void _gnutls_srtp_deinit_data (extension_priv_data_t priv); extension_entry_st ext_mod_srtp = { .name = "SRTP", .type = GNUTLS_EXTENSION_SRTP, .parse_type = GNUTLS_EXT_APPLICATION, .recv_func = _gnutls_srtp_recv_params, .send_func = _gnutls_srtp_send_params, .pack_func = _gnutls_srtp_pack, .unpack_func = _gnutls_srtp_unpack, .deinit_func = _gnutls_srtp_deinit_data, }; typedef struct { const char *name; gnutls_srtp_profile_t id; unsigned int key_length; unsigned int salt_length; } srtp_profile_st; static const srtp_profile_st profile_names[] = { { "SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80", GNUTLS_SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80, 16,14 }, { "SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_32", GNUTLS_SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_32, 16,14 }, { "SRTP_NULL_HMAC_SHA1_80", GNUTLS_SRTP_NULL_HMAC_SHA1_80, 16,14 }, { "SRTP_NULL_SHA1_32", GNUTLS_SRTP_NULL_HMAC_SHA1_32, 16,14 }, { NULL, 0,0,0 } }; static const srtp_profile_st *get_profile (gnutls_srtp_profile_t profile) { const srtp_profile_st *p = profile_names; while (p->name != NULL) { if (p->id == profile) return p; p++; } return NULL; } static gnutls_srtp_profile_t find_profile (const char *str, const char *end) { const srtp_profile_st *prof = profile_names; unsigned int len; if (end != NULL) { len = end - str; } else { len = strlen (str); } while (prof->name != NULL) { if (strlen (prof->name) == len && !strncmp (str, prof->name, len)) { return prof->id; } prof++; } return 0; } /** * gnutls_srtp_get_profile_id * @name: The name of the profile to look up * @profile: Will hold the profile id * * This function allows you to look up a profile based on a string. * * Returns: On success, %GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS (0) is returned, * otherwise a negative error code is returned. * * Since 3.1.4 **/ int gnutls_srtp_get_profile_id (const char *name, gnutls_srtp_profile_t *profile) { *profile = find_profile (name, NULL); if (*profile == 0) { return GNUTLS_E_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER; } return 0; } #define MAX_PROFILES_IN_SRTP_EXTENSION 256 /** * gnutls_srtp_get_profile_name * @profile: The profile to look up a string for * * This function allows you to get the corresponding name for a * SRTP protection profile. * * Returns: On success, the name of a SRTP profile as a string, * otherwise NULL. * * Since 3.1.4 **/ const char *gnutls_srtp_get_profile_name (gnutls_srtp_profile_t profile) { const srtp_profile_st *p = get_profile(profile); if (p != NULL) return p->name; return NULL; } static int _gnutls_srtp_recv_params (gnutls_session_t session, const uint8_t *data, size_t _data_size) { unsigned int i; int ret; const uint8_t *p = data; int len; ssize_t data_size = _data_size; srtp_ext_st *priv; extension_priv_data_t epriv; uint16_t profile; ret = _gnutls_ext_get_session_data (session, GNUTLS_EXTENSION_SRTP, &epriv); if (ret < 0) return 0; priv = epriv.ptr; DECR_LENGTH_RET (data_size, 2, 0); len = _gnutls_read_uint16 (p); p += 2; if (len+1 > data_size) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_UNEXPECTED_PACKET_LENGTH); if (session->security_parameters.entity == GNUTLS_SERVER) { if (len > MAX_PROFILES_IN_SRTP_EXTENSION*2) return 0; } else { if (len != 2) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_UNEXPECTED_PACKET_LENGTH); } priv->selected_profile = 0; while (len > 0) { DECR_LEN (data_size, 2); profile = _gnutls_read_uint16 (p); for (i = 0; i < priv->profiles_size && priv->selected_profile == 0; i++) { if (priv->profiles[i] == profile) { priv->selected_profile = profile; break; } } p += 2; len -= 2; } DECR_LEN (data_size, 1); priv->mki_size = *p; p++; if (priv->mki_size > 0) { DECR_LEN (data_size, priv->mki_size); memcpy(priv->mki, p, priv->mki_size); priv->mki_received = 1; } return 0; } static int _gnutls_srtp_send_params (gnutls_session_t session, gnutls_buffer_st* extdata) { unsigned i; int total_size = 0, ret; srtp_ext_st *priv; extension_priv_data_t epriv; ret = _gnutls_ext_get_session_data (session, GNUTLS_EXTENSION_SRTP, &epriv); if (ret < 0) return 0; priv = epriv.ptr; if (priv->profiles_size == 0) return 0; if (session->security_parameters.entity == GNUTLS_SERVER) { /* Don't send anything if no matching profile was found */ if (priv->selected_profile == 0) return 0; ret = _gnutls_buffer_append_prefix(extdata, 16, 2); if (ret < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); ret = _gnutls_buffer_append_prefix(extdata, 16, priv->selected_profile); if (ret < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); total_size = 4; } else { ret = _gnutls_buffer_append_prefix(extdata, 16, 2 * priv->profiles_size); if (ret < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); for (i = 0; i < priv->profiles_size; i++) { ret = _gnutls_buffer_append_prefix(extdata, 16, priv->profiles[i]); if (ret < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); } total_size = 2 + 2 * priv->profiles_size; } /* use_mki */ ret = _gnutls_buffer_append_data_prefix(extdata, 8, priv->mki, priv->mki_size); if (ret < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); total_size += 1 + priv->mki_size; return total_size; } /** * gnutls_srtp_get_selected_profile: * @session: is a #gnutls_session_t structure. * @profile: will hold the profile * * This function allows you to get the negotiated SRTP profile. * * Returns: On success, %GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS (0) is returned, * otherwise a negative error code is returned. * * Since 3.1.4 **/ int gnutls_srtp_get_selected_profile (gnutls_session_t session, gnutls_srtp_profile_t *profile) { srtp_ext_st *priv; int ret; extension_priv_data_t epriv; ret = _gnutls_ext_get_session_data (session, GNUTLS_EXTENSION_SRTP, &epriv); if (ret < 0) { gnutls_assert (); return GNUTLS_E_REQUESTED_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE; } priv = epriv.ptr; if (priv->selected_profile == 0) { return GNUTLS_E_REQUESTED_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE; } *profile = priv->selected_profile; return 0; } /** * gnutls_srtp_get_mki: * @session: is a #gnutls_session_t structure. * @mki: will hold the MKI * * This function exports the negotiated Master Key Identifier, * received by the peer if any. The returned value in @mki should be * treated as constant and valid only during the session's lifetime. * * Returns: On success, %GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS (0) is returned, * otherwise a negative error code is returned. * * Since 3.1.4 **/ int gnutls_srtp_get_mki (gnutls_session_t session, gnutls_datum_t *mki) { srtp_ext_st *priv; int ret; extension_priv_data_t epriv; ret = _gnutls_ext_get_session_data (session, GNUTLS_EXTENSION_SRTP, &epriv); if (ret < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_REQUESTED_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE); priv = epriv.ptr; if (priv->mki_received == 0) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_REQUESTED_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE); mki->data = priv->mki; mki->size = priv->mki_size; return 0; } /** * gnutls_srtp_set_mki: * @session: is a #gnutls_session_t structure. * @mki: holds the MKI * * This function sets the Master Key Identifier, to be * used by this session (if any). * * Returns: On success, %GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS (0) is returned, * otherwise a negative error code is returned. * * Since 3.1.4 **/ int gnutls_srtp_set_mki (gnutls_session_t session, const gnutls_datum_t *mki) { int ret; srtp_ext_st *priv; extension_priv_data_t epriv; ret = _gnutls_ext_get_session_data (session, GNUTLS_EXTENSION_SRTP, &epriv); if (ret < 0) { priv = gnutls_calloc (1, sizeof (*priv)); if (priv == NULL) { gnutls_assert (); return GNUTLS_E_MEMORY_ERROR; } epriv.ptr = priv; _gnutls_ext_set_session_data (session, GNUTLS_EXTENSION_SRTP, epriv); } else priv = epriv.ptr; if (mki->size > 0 && mki->size <= sizeof(priv->mki)) { priv->mki_size = mki->size; memcpy(priv->mki, mki->data, mki->size); } else return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_INVALID_REQUEST); return 0; } /** * gnutls_srtp_set_profile: * @session: is a #gnutls_session_t structure. * @profile: is the profile id to add. * * This function is to be used by both clients and servers, to declare * what SRTP profiles they support, to negotiate with the peer. * * Returns: On success, %GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS (0) is returned, * otherwise a negative error code is returned. * * Since 3.1.4 **/ int gnutls_srtp_set_profile (gnutls_session_t session, gnutls_srtp_profile_t profile) { int ret; srtp_ext_st *priv; extension_priv_data_t epriv; ret = _gnutls_ext_get_session_data (session, GNUTLS_EXTENSION_SRTP, &epriv); if (ret < 0) { priv = gnutls_calloc (1, sizeof (*priv)); if (priv == NULL) { gnutls_assert (); return GNUTLS_E_MEMORY_ERROR; } epriv.ptr = priv; _gnutls_ext_set_session_data (session, GNUTLS_EXTENSION_SRTP, epriv); } else priv = epriv.ptr; if (priv->profiles_size < MAX_SRTP_PROFILES) priv->profiles_size++; priv->profiles[priv->profiles_size - 1] = profile; return 0; } /** * gnutls_srtp_set_profile_direct: * @session: is a #gnutls_session_t structure. * @profiles: is a string that contains the supported SRTP profiles, * separated by colons. * @err_pos: In case of an error this will have the position in the string the error occured, may be NULL. * * This function is to be used by both clients and servers, to declare * what SRTP profiles they support, to negotiate with the peer. * * Returns: On syntax error %GNUTLS_E_INVALID_REQUEST is returned, * %GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS on success, or an error code. * * Since 3.1.4 **/ int gnutls_srtp_set_profile_direct (gnutls_session_t session, const char *profiles, const char **err_pos) { int ret; srtp_ext_st *priv; extension_priv_data_t epriv; int set = 0; const char *col; gnutls_srtp_profile_t id; ret = _gnutls_ext_get_session_data (session, GNUTLS_EXTENSION_SRTP, &epriv); if (ret < 0) { set = 1; priv = gnutls_calloc (1, sizeof (*priv)); if (priv == NULL) { if (err_pos != NULL) *err_pos = profiles; gnutls_assert (); return GNUTLS_E_MEMORY_ERROR; } epriv.ptr = priv; } else priv = epriv.ptr; do { col = strchr (profiles, ':'); id = find_profile (profiles, col); if (id == 0) { if (set != 0) gnutls_free (priv); if (err_pos != NULL) *err_pos = profiles; return GNUTLS_E_INVALID_REQUEST; } if (priv->profiles_size < MAX_SRTP_PROFILES) { priv->profiles_size++; } priv->profiles[priv->profiles_size - 1] = id; profiles = col + 1; } while (col != NULL); if (set != 0) _gnutls_ext_set_session_data (session, GNUTLS_EXTENSION_SRTP, epriv); return 0; } /** * gnutls_srtp_get_keys: * @session: is a #gnutls_session_t structure. * @key_material: Space to hold the generated key material * @key_material_size: The maximum size of the key material * @client_key: The master client write key, pointing inside the key material * @server_key: The master server write key, pointing inside the key material * @client_salt: The master client write salt, pointing inside the key material * @server_salt: The master server write salt, pointing inside the key material * * This is a helper function to generate the keying material for SRTP. * It requires the space of the key material to be pre-allocated (should be at least * 2x the maximum key size and salt size). The @client_key, @client_salt, @server_key * and @server_salt are convenience datums that point inside the key material. They may * be %NULL. * * Returns: On success the size of the key material is returned, * otherwise, %GNUTLS_E_SHORT_MEMORY_BUFFER if the buffer given is not * sufficient, or a negative error code. * * Since 3.1.4 **/ int gnutls_srtp_get_keys (gnutls_session_t session, void *key_material, unsigned int key_material_size, gnutls_datum_t *client_key, gnutls_datum_t *client_salt, gnutls_datum_t *server_key, gnutls_datum_t *server_salt) { int ret; const srtp_profile_st *p; gnutls_srtp_profile_t profile; unsigned int msize; uint8_t *km = key_material; ret = gnutls_srtp_get_selected_profile (session, &profile); if (ret < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); p = get_profile(profile); if (p == NULL) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_UNKNOWN_ALGORITHM); msize = 2*(p->key_length+p->salt_length); if (msize > key_material_size) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_SHORT_MEMORY_BUFFER); if (msize == 0) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_INVALID_REQUEST); ret = gnutls_prf(session, sizeof("EXTRACTOR-dtls_srtp")-1, "EXTRACTOR-dtls_srtp", 0, 0, NULL, msize, key_material); if (ret < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); if (client_key) { client_key->data = km; client_key->size = p->key_length; } if (server_key) { server_key->data = km + p->key_length; server_key->size = p->key_length; } if (client_salt) { client_salt->data = km + 2*p->key_length; client_salt->size = p->salt_length; } if (server_salt) { server_salt->data = km + 2*p->key_length + p->salt_length; server_salt->size = p->salt_length; } return msize; } static void _gnutls_srtp_deinit_data (extension_priv_data_t priv) { gnutls_free (priv.ptr); } static int _gnutls_srtp_pack (extension_priv_data_t epriv, gnutls_buffer_st * ps) { srtp_ext_st *priv = epriv.ptr; unsigned int i; int ret; BUFFER_APPEND_NUM (ps, priv->profiles_size); for (i = 0; i < priv->profiles_size; i++) { BUFFER_APPEND_NUM (ps, priv->profiles[i]); } BUFFER_APPEND_NUM (ps, priv->mki_received); if (priv->mki_received) { BUFFER_APPEND_NUM (ps, priv->selected_profile); BUFFER_APPEND_PFX4 (ps, priv->mki, priv->mki_size); } return 0; } static int _gnutls_srtp_unpack (gnutls_buffer_st * ps, extension_priv_data_t * _priv) { srtp_ext_st *priv; unsigned int i; int ret; extension_priv_data_t epriv; priv = gnutls_calloc (1, sizeof (*priv)); if (priv == NULL) { gnutls_assert (); return GNUTLS_E_MEMORY_ERROR; } BUFFER_POP_NUM (ps, priv->profiles_size); for (i = 0; i < priv->profiles_size; i++) { BUFFER_POP_NUM (ps, priv->profiles[i]); } BUFFER_POP_NUM (ps, priv->selected_profile); BUFFER_POP_NUM (ps, priv->mki_received); if (priv->mki_received) { BUFFER_POP_NUM (ps, priv->mki_size); BUFFER_POP (ps, priv->mki, priv->mki_size); } epriv.ptr = priv; *_priv = epriv; return 0; error: gnutls_free (priv); return ret; }