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4.3 Importing OpenPGP Keys Guile Example

The following example provides a simple way of importing “ASCII-armored” OpenPGP keys from files, using the import-openpgp-certificate and import-openpgp-private-key procedures.

(use-modules (srfi srfi-4)

(define (import-key-from-file import-proc file)
  ;; Import OpenPGP key from FILE using IMPORT-PROC.

  ;; Prepare a u8vector large enough to hold the raw
  ;; key contents.
  (let* ((size (stat:size (stat path)))
         (raw  (make-u8vector size)))

    ;; Fill in the u8vector with the contents of FILE.
    (uniform-vector-read! raw (open-input-file file))

    ;; Pass the u8vector to the import procedure.
    (import-proc raw openpgp-certificate-format/base64)))

(define (import-public-key-from-file file)
  (import-key-from-file import-openpgp-certificate file))

(define (import-private-key-from-file file)
  (import-key-from-file import-openpgp-private-key file))

The procedures import-public-key-from-file and import-private-key-from-file can be passed a file name. They return an OpenPGP public key and private key object, respectively (see OpenPGP key objects).