AutoGen Definitions options; prog-name = gnutls-cli; prog-title = "GnuTLS client"; prog-desc = "Simple client program to set up a TLS connection."; help-value = "h"; short-usage = "Usage: gnutls-cli [options] hostname\ngnutls-cli --help for usage instructions.\n"; prog-group = "GnuTLS"; explain = ""; detail = "Simple client program to set up a TLS connection to some other computer. It sets up a TLS connection and forwards data from the standard input to the secured socket and vice versa."; gnu-usage; no-misuse-usage; disable-save; reorder-args; no-xlate = opt; argument = "[hostname]"; long-opts; config-header = 'config.h'; export = '#include '; copyright = { date = "2000-2012"; owner = "Free Software Foundation"; author = "Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos, Simon Josefsson and others; see /usr/share/doc/gnutls-bin/AUTHORS for a complete list."; eaddr = ""; type = gpl; }; version = "@VERSION@"; flag = { name = debug; value = d; arg-type = number; arg-range = "0 -> 9999"; descrip = "Enable debugging"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = resume; value = r; descrip = "Connect, establish a session. Connect again and resume this session"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = rehandshake; value = e; descrip = "Connect, establish a session and rehandshake immediately"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = noticket; descrip = "Don't accept session tickets"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = starttls; value = s; descrip = "Connect, establish a plain session and start TLS when EOF or a SIGALRM is received"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = udp; value = u; descrip = "Use DTLS (datagram TLS) over UDP"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = mtu; arg-type = number; arg-range = "0->17000"; descrip = "Set MTU for datagram TLS"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = crlf; descrip = "Send CR LF instead of LF"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = x509fmtder; descrip = "Use DER format for certificates to read from"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = fingerprint; value = f; descrip = "Send the openpgp fingerprint, instead of the key"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = disable-extensions; descrip = "Disable all the TLS extensions"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = print-cert; descrip = "Print peer's certificate in PEM format"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = recordsize; arg-type = number; arg-range = "0->4096"; descrip = "The maximum record size to advertize"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = verbose; value = V; max = NOLIMIT; descrip = "More verbose output"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = priority; arg-type = string; descrip = "Priorities string"; doc = "TLS algorithms and protocols to enable. You can use predefined sets of ciphersuites such as PERFORMANCE, NORMAL, SECURE128, SECURE256. Check the GnuTLS manual on section ``Priority strings'' for more information on allowed keywords"; }; flag = { name = x509cafile; arg-type = string; descrip = "Certificate file or PKCS #11 URL to use"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = x509crlfile; arg-type = file; file-exists = yes; descrip = "CRL file to use"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = pgpkeyfile; arg-type = file; file-exists = yes; descrip = "PGP Key file to use"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = pgpkeyring; arg-type = file; file-exists = yes; descrip = "PGP Key ring file to use"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = pgpcertfile; arg-type = file; file-exists = yes; descrip = "PGP Public Key (certificate) file to use"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = x509keyfile; arg-type = string; descrip = "X.509 key file or PKCS #11 URL to use"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = x509certfile; arg-type = string; descrip = "X.509 Certificate file or PKCS #11 URL to use"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = pgpsubkey; arg-type = string; descrip = "PGP subkey to use (hex or auto)"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = srpusername; arg-type = string; descrip = "SRP username to use"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = srppasswd; arg-type = string; descrip = "SRP password to use"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = pskusername; arg-type = string; descrip = "PSK username to use"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = pskkey; arg-type = string; descrip = "PSK key (in hex) to use"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = port; value = p; arg-type = string; descrip = "The port to connect to"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = insecure; descrip = "Don't abort program if server certificate can't be validated"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = benchmark-ciphers; descrip = "Benchmark individual ciphers"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = benchmark-soft-ciphers; descrip = "Benchmark individual software ciphers (no hw acceleration)"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = benchmark-tls; descrip = "Benchmark ciphers and key exchange methods in TLS"; doc = ""; }; flag = { name = list; value = l; descrip = "Print a list of the supported algorithms and modes"; doc = "Print a list of the supported algorithms and modes. If a priority string is given then only the enabled ciphersuites are shown."; }; doc-section = { ds-type = 'SEE ALSO'; // or anything else ds-format = 'texi'; // or texi or mdoc format ds-text = <<-_EOF_ gnutls-cli-debug(1), gnutls-serv(1) _EOF_; }; doc-section = { ds-type = 'EXAMPLES'; ds-format = 'texi'; ds-text = <<-_EOF_ To connect to a server using PSK authentication, you need to enable the choice of PSK by using a cipher priority parameter such as in the example below. @example $ ./gnutls-cli -p 5556 localhost --pskusername psk_identity \ --pskkey 88f3824b3e5659f52d00e959bacab954b6540344 \ --priority NORMAL:-KX-ALL:+ECDHE-PSK:+DHE-PSK:+PSK Resolving 'localhost'... Connecting to ''... - PSK authentication. - Version: TLS1.1 - Key Exchange: PSK - Cipher: AES-128-CBC - MAC: SHA1 - Compression: NULL - Handshake was completed - Simple Client Mode: @end example By keeping the --pskusername parameter and removing the --pskkey parameter, it will query only for the password during the handshake. To list the ciphersuites in a priority string: @example $ ./gnutls-cli --priority SECURE192 -l Cipher suites for SECURE192 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 0xc0, 0x24 TLS1.2 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 0xc0, 0x2e TLS1.2 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 0xc0, 0x30 TLS1.2 TLS_DHE_RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 0x00, 0x6b TLS1.2 TLS_DHE_DSS_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 0x00, 0x6a TLS1.2 TLS_RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 0x00, 0x3d TLS1.2 @end example _EOF_; };