[ { "meta": { "explain": "", "prog-title": "GnuTLS OCSP tool", "desc": "", "prog-name": "ocsptool", "detail": "ocsptool is a program that can parse and print information about\nOCSP requests/responses, generate requests and verify responses. Unlike\nother GnuTLS applications it outputs DER encoded structures by default\nunless the '--outpem' option is specified.", "short-usage": "ocsptool [options]\nocsptool --help for usage instructions.\n", "prog-desc": "Program to handle OCSP request/responses." }, "options": [ { "arg-type": "number", "arg-min": "0 ", "desc": "Enable debugging", "detail": "Specifies the debug level.", "short-option": "d", "arg-max": " 9999", "long-option": "debug" }, { "desc": "More verbose output", "detail": "", "short-option": "V", "long-option": "verbose", "disabled": "", "max": "NOLIMIT" }, { "long-option": "infile", "arg-type": "file", "desc": "Input file", "file-exists": "yes", "detail": "" }, { "arg-type": "string", "long-option": "outfile", "desc": "Output file", "detail": "" }, { "arg-type": "string", "detail": "Connects to the specified HTTP OCSP server and queries on the validity of the loaded certificate.\nIts argument can be a URL or a plain server name. It can be combined with --load-chain, where it checks\nall certificates in the provided chain, or with --load-cert and\n--load-issuer options. The latter checks the provided certificate\nagainst its specified issuer certificate.", "long-option": "ask", "arg-name": "server name|url", "arg-optional": "", "desc": "Ask an OCSP/HTTP server on a certificate validity" }, { "long-option": "verify-response", "desc": "Verify response", "detail": "Verifies the provided OCSP response against the system trust\nanchors (unless --load-trust is provided). It requires the --load-signer\nor --load-chain options to obtain the signer of the OCSP response.", "short-option": "e" }, { "long-option": "request-info", "short-option": "i", "desc": "Print information on a OCSP request", "detail": "Display detailed information on the provided OCSP request." }, { "desc": "Print information on a OCSP response", "detail": "Display detailed information on the provided OCSP response.", "short-option": "j", "long-option": "response-info" }, { "detail": "", "desc": "Generates an OCSP request", "short-option": "q", "long-option": "generate-request" }, { "disabled": "yes", "detail": "", "long-option": "nonce", "disable-prefix": "no-", "desc": "Use (or not) a nonce to OCSP request" }, { "file-exists": "yes", "desc": "Reads a set of certificates forming a chain from file", "detail": "", "arg-type": "file", "long-option": "load-chain" }, { "desc": "Reads issuer's certificate from file", "long-option": "load-issuer", "detail": "", "file-exists": "yes", "arg-type": "file" }, { "desc": "Reads the certificate to check from file", "file-exists": "yes", "arg-type": "file", "detail": "", "long-option": "load-cert" }, { "long-option": "load-trust", "detail": "When verifying an OCSP response read the trust anchors from the\nprovided file. When this is not provided, the system's trust anchors will be\nused.", "arg-type": "file", "file-exists": "yes", "desc": "Read OCSP trust anchors from file", "conflicts": "load-signer" }, { "long-option": "load-signer", "arg-type": "file", "file-exists": "yes", "conflicts": "load-trust", "detail": "", "desc": "Reads the OCSP response signer from file" }, { "long-option": "inder", "disable-prefix": "no-", "detail": "", "desc": "Use DER format for input certificates and private keys", "disabled": "" }, { "detail": "The output will be in DER encoded format. Unlike other GnuTLS tools, this is the default for this tool", "long-option": "outder", "desc": "Use DER format for output of responses (this is the default)" }, { "long-option": "outpem", "desc": "Use PEM format for output of responses", "detail": "The output will be in PEM format." }, { "file-exists": "yes", "detail": "", "short-option": "Q", "arg-type": "file", "long-option": "load-request", "desc": "Reads the DER encoded OCSP request from file" }, { "detail": "", "file-exists": "yes", "long-option": "load-response", "arg-type": "file", "short-option": "S", "desc": "Reads the DER encoded OCSP response from file" }, { "desc": "Ignore any verification errors", "long-option": "ignore-errors", "detail": "" }, { "detail": "This can be combined with --verify-response.", "long-option": "verify-allow-broken", "desc": "Allow broken algorithms, such as MD5 for verification" } ] } ]