[ { "meta": { "explain": "", "desc": "", "prog-name": "psktool", "prog-desc": "Program to create PSK parameters.\n", "detail": "Program that generates random keys for use with TLS-PSK. The\nkeys are stored in hexadecimal format in a key file.", "prog-title": "GnuTLS PSK tool", "short-usage": "psktool [options]\npsktool --help for usage instructions.\n" }, "options": [ { "desc": "Enable debugging", "detail": "Specifies the debug level.", "arg-min": "0 ", "arg-max": " 9999", "arg-type": "number", "short-option": "d", "long-option": "debug" }, { "long-option": "keysize", "desc": "Specify the key size in bytes (default is 32-bytes or 256-bits)", "short-option": "s", "arg-type": "number", "detail": "", "arg-min": "0 ", "arg-max": " 512" }, { "long-option": "username", "desc": "Specify the username to use", "arg-type": "string", "detail": "", "short-option": "u" }, { "long-option": "pskfile", "detail": "This option will specify the pre-shared key file to store the generated keys.", "short-option": "p", "arg-type": "string", "desc": "Specify a pre-shared key file" }, { "deprecated": "", "desc": "Specify a pre-shared key file", "aliases": "pskfile", "long-option": "passwd" } ] } ]