#{ #include #include void serv_version(void); #} helpnode "GnuTLS test server\nUsage: gnutls-serv [options]\n\n" #int debug; option (d, debug) INT "integer" { $debug = $1 } "Enable debugging" #int generate; option (g, generate) { $generate = 1 } "Generate Diffie-Hellman and RSA-EXPORT Parameters." #int port; option (p, port) INT "integer" { $port = $1 } "The port to connect to." #int quiet; option (q, quiet) { $quiet = 1 } "Suppress some messages." #int nodb; option (nodb) { $nodb = 1 } "Does not use the resume database." #int noticket; option (noticket) { $noticket = 1 } "Does not issue session tickets." #int http; option (http) { $http = 1 } "Act as an HTTP Server." option (echo) { $http = 0 } "Act as an Echo Server." #int udp; option (udp) { $udp = 1 } "Enable UDP server instead of TCP." #int mtu; option (mtu) INT "integer" { $mtu = $1 } "Set MTU for datagram TLS." #char *dh_params_file; option (dhparams) STR "FILE" { $dh_params_file = $1 } "DH params file to use." #int fmtder; option (x509fmtder) { $fmtder = 1 } "Use DER format for certificates" #char *x509_cafile; option (x509cafile) STR "FILE" { $x509_cafile = $1 } "Certificate file or PKCS #11 URL to use." #char *x509_crlfile; option (x509crlfile) STR "FILE" { $x509_crlfile = $1 } "CRL file to use." #char *pgp_keyring; option (pgpkeyring) STR "FILE" { $pgp_keyring = $1 } "PGP Key ring file to use." #char *pgp_keyfile; option (pgpkeyfile) STR "FILE" { $pgp_keyfile = $1 } "PGP Key file to use." #char *pgp_certfile; option (pgpcertfile) STR "FILE" { $pgp_certfile = $1 } "PGP Public Key (certificate) file to use." #char *pgp_subkey; option (pgpsubkey) STR "HEX|auto" { $pgp_subkey = $1 } "PGP subkey to use." #char *x509_keyfile; option (x509keyfile) STR "FILE" { $x509_keyfile = $1 } "X.509 key file or PKCS #11 URL to use." #char *x509_certfile; option (x509certfile) STR "FILE" { $x509_certfile = $1 } "X.509 Certificate file or PKCS #11 URL to use." #char *x509_dsakeyfile; option (x509dsakeyfile) STR "FILE" { $x509_dsakeyfile = $1 } "Alternative X.509 key file to use." #char *x509_dsacertfile; option (x509dsacertfile) STR "FILE" { $x509_dsacertfile = $1 } "Alternative X.509 certificate file to use." #char *x509_ecckeyfile; option (x509ecckeyfile) STR "FILE" { $x509_ecckeyfile = $1 } "Alternative X.509 key file to use." #char *x509_ecccertfile; option (x509ecccertfile) STR "FILE" { $x509_ecccertfile = $1 } "Alternative X.509 certificate file to use." #int require_cert; option (r, require-cert) { $require_cert = 1 } "Require a valid certificate." #int disable_client_cert; option (a, disable-client-cert) { $disable_client_cert = 1 } "Disable request for a client certificate." #char *psk_passwd; option (pskpasswd) STR "FILE" { $psk_passwd = $1 } "PSK password file to use." #char *psk_hint; option (pskhint) STR "HINT" { $psk_hint = $1 } "PSK identity hint to use." #char *srp_passwd; option (srppasswd) STR "FILE" { $srp_passwd = $1 } "SRP password file to use." #char *srp_passwd_conf; option (srppasswdconf) STR "FILE" { $srp_passwd_conf = $1 } "SRP password conf file to use." #char *priorities; option (priority) STR "PRIORITY STRING" { $priorities = $1 } "Priorities string." option (l, list) { print_list(0); exit(0); } "Print a list of the supported algorithms and modes." option (h, help) { gaa_help(); exit(0); } "prints this help" option (v, version) { serv_version(); exit(0); } "prints the program's version number" INCOMP ra init { $generate=0; $port=5556; $http=0; $nodb = 0; $noticket = 0; $x509_cafile = NULL; $pgp_keyfile=NULL; $pgp_certfile=NULL; $x509_keyfile=NULL; $x509_certfile=NULL; $x509_crlfile = NULL; $x509_dsakeyfile=NULL; $x509_dsacertfile=NULL; $x509_ecckeyfile=NULL; $x509_ecccertfile=NULL; $srp_passwd=NULL; $srp_passwd_conf=NULL; $quiet = 0; $pgp_keyring=NULL; $fmtder = 0; $disable_client_cert = 0; $priorities = NULL; $dh_params_file=NULL; $debug=0; $require_cert = 0; $psk_passwd = 0; $pgp_subkey = NULL; $udp = 0; $mtu = 1300; }