/* * Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * Author: Simon Josefsson * * This file is part of GnuTLS. * * GnuTLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GnuTLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GnuTLS; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /* * Small code to reproduce the CVE-2009-1415 double-free problem. * * Build it using: * * gcc -o cve-2009-1415 cve-2009-1415.c -lgnutls * * If your gnutls library is OK then running it will just print 'success!'. * * If your gnutls library is buggy, then running it will crash like this: * * ** glibc detected *** ./cve-2009-1415: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer: 0xb7f80a9c *** * ======= Backtrace: ========= * ... */ #include #include #include #include #include static char dsa_cert[] = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" "MIIDbzCCAtqgAwIBAgIERiYdRTALBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUwGTEXMBUGA1UEAxMOR251\n" "VExTIHRlc3QgQ0EwHhcNMDcwNDE4MTMyOTQxWhcNMDgwNDE3MTMyOTQxWjA3MRsw\n" "GQYDVQQKExJHbnVUTFMgdGVzdCBzZXJ2ZXIxGDAWBgNVBAMTD3Rlc3QuZ251dGxz\n" "Lm9yZzCCAbQwggEpBgcqhkjOOAQBMIIBHAKBgLmE9VqBvhoNxYpzjwybL5u2DkvD\n" "dBp/ZK2d8yjFoEe8m1dW8ZfVfjcD6fJM9OOLfzCjXS+7oaI3wuo1jx+xX6aiXwHx\n" "IzYr5E8vLd2d1TqmOa96UXzSJY6XdM8exXtLdkOBBx8GFLhuWBLhkOI3b9Ib7GjF\n" "WOLmMOBqXixjeOwHAhSfVoxIZC/+jap6bZbbBF0W7wilcQKBgGIGfuRcdgi3Rhpd\n" "15fUKiH7HzHJ0vT6Odgn0Zv8J12nCqca/FPBL0PCN8iFfz1Mq12BMvsdXh5UERYg\n" "xoBa2YybQ/Dda6D0w/KKnDnSHHsP7/ook4/SoSLr3OCKi60oDs/vCYXpNr2LelDV\n" "e/clDWxgEcTvcJDP1hvru47GPjqXA4GEAAKBgA+Kh1fy0cLcrN9Liw+Luin34QPk\n" "VfqymAfW/RKxgLz1urRQ1H+gDkPnn8l4EV/l5Awsa2qkNdy9VOVgNpox0YpZbmsc\n" "ur0uuut8h+/ayN2h66SD5out+vqOW9c3yDI+lsI+9EPafZECD7e8+O+P90EAXpbf\n" "DwiW3Oqy6QaCr9Ivo4GTMIGQMAwGA1UdEwEB/wQCMAAwGgYDVR0RBBMwEYIPdGVz\n" "dC5nbnV0bHMub3JnMBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMBMA8GA1UdDwEB/wQFAwMH\n" "gAAwHQYDVR0OBBYEFL/su87Y6HtwVuzz0SuS1tSZClvzMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFOk8\n" "HPutkm7mBqRWLKLhwFMnyPKVMAsGCSqGSIb3DQEBBQOBgQBCsrnfD1xzh8/Eih1f\n" "x+M0lPoX1Re5L2ElHI6DJpHYOBPwf9glwxnet2+avzgUQDUFwUSxOhodpyeaACXD\n" "o0gGVpcH8sOBTQ+aTdM37hGkPxoXjtIkR/LgG5nP2H2JRd5TkW8l13JdM4MJFB4W\n" "QcDzQ8REwidsfh9uKAluk1c/KQ==\n" "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"; const gnutls_datum_t dsa_cert_dat = { dsa_cert, sizeof (dsa_cert) }; int main (void) { gnutls_x509_crt_t crt; gnutls_datum_t data = { (char *) "foo", 3 }; gnutls_datum_t sig = { (char *) "bar", 3 }; int ret; gnutls_global_init (); ret = gnutls_x509_crt_init (&crt); if (ret < 0) return 1; ret = gnutls_x509_crt_import (crt, &dsa_cert_dat, GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM); if (ret < 0) return 1; ret = gnutls_x509_crt_verify_data (crt, 0, &data, &sig); if (ret < 0 && ret != GNUTLS_E_PK_SIG_VERIFY_FAILED) return 1; //printf ("success!\n"); gnutls_x509_crt_deinit (crt); gnutls_global_deinit (); return 0; }