// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build wasip1 package runtime // wasm has no support for threads yet. There is no preemption. // See proposal: https://github.com/WebAssembly/threads // Waiting for a mutex or timeout is implemented as a busy loop // while allowing other goroutines to run. const ( mutex_unlocked = 0 mutex_locked = 1 active_spin = 4 active_spin_cnt = 30 ) func lock(l *mutex) { lockWithRank(l, getLockRank(l)) } func lock2(l *mutex) { if l.key == mutex_locked { // wasm is single-threaded so we should never // observe this. throw("self deadlock") } gp := getg() if gp.m.locks < 0 { throw("lock count") } gp.m.locks++ l.key = mutex_locked } func unlock(l *mutex) { unlockWithRank(l) } func unlock2(l *mutex) { if l.key == mutex_unlocked { throw("unlock of unlocked lock") } gp := getg() gp.m.locks-- if gp.m.locks < 0 { throw("lock count") } l.key = mutex_unlocked } // One-time notifications. func noteclear(n *note) { n.key = 0 } func notewakeup(n *note) { if n.key != 0 { print("notewakeup - double wakeup (", n.key, ")\n") throw("notewakeup - double wakeup") } n.key = 1 } func notesleep(n *note) { throw("notesleep not supported by wasi") } func notetsleep(n *note, ns int64) bool { throw("notetsleep not supported by wasi") return false } // same as runtimeĀ·notetsleep, but called on user g (not g0) func notetsleepg(n *note, ns int64) bool { gp := getg() if gp == gp.m.g0 { throw("notetsleepg on g0") } deadline := nanotime() + ns for { if n.key != 0 { return true } if sched_yield() != 0 { throw("sched_yield failed") } Gosched() if ns >= 0 && nanotime() >= deadline { return false } } } func beforeIdle(int64, int64) (*g, bool) { return nil, false } func checkTimeouts() {} //go:wasmimport wasi_snapshot_preview1 sched_yield func sched_yield() errno