path: root/src/runtime/runtime.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1151 deletions
diff --git a/src/runtime/runtime.h b/src/runtime/runtime.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 330ed429b..000000000
--- a/src/runtime/runtime.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1151 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- * basic types
- */
-typedef signed char int8;
-typedef unsigned char uint8;
-typedef signed short int16;
-typedef unsigned short uint16;
-typedef signed int int32;
-typedef unsigned int uint32;
-typedef signed long long int int64;
-typedef unsigned long long int uint64;
-typedef float float32;
-typedef double float64;
-#ifdef _64BIT
-typedef uint64 uintptr;
-typedef int64 intptr;
-typedef int64 intgo; // Go's int
-typedef uint64 uintgo; // Go's uint
-typedef uint32 uintptr;
-typedef int32 intptr;
-typedef int32 intgo; // Go's int
-typedef uint32 uintgo; // Go's uint
-#ifdef _64BITREG
-typedef uint64 uintreg;
-typedef uint32 uintreg;
- * get rid of C types
- * the / / / forces a syntax error immediately,
- * which will show "last name: XXunsigned".
- */
-#define unsigned XXunsigned / / /
-#define signed XXsigned / / /
-#define char XXchar / / /
-#define short XXshort / / /
-#define int XXint / / /
-#define long XXlong / / /
-#define float XXfloat / / /
-#define double XXdouble / / /
- * defined types
- */
-typedef uint8 bool;
-typedef uint8 byte;
-typedef struct Func Func;
-typedef struct G G;
-typedef struct Gobuf Gobuf;
-typedef struct SudoG SudoG;
-typedef struct Mutex Mutex;
-typedef struct M M;
-typedef struct P P;
-typedef struct SchedT SchedT;
-typedef struct Note Note;
-typedef struct Slice Slice;
-typedef struct String String;
-typedef struct FuncVal FuncVal;
-typedef struct SigTab SigTab;
-typedef struct MCache MCache;
-typedef struct FixAlloc FixAlloc;
-typedef struct Iface Iface;
-typedef struct Itab Itab;
-typedef struct InterfaceType InterfaceType;
-typedef struct Eface Eface;
-typedef struct Type Type;
-typedef struct PtrType PtrType;
-typedef struct ChanType ChanType;
-typedef struct MapType MapType;
-typedef struct Defer Defer;
-typedef struct Panic Panic;
-typedef struct Hmap Hmap;
-typedef struct Hiter Hiter;
-typedef struct Hchan Hchan;
-typedef struct Complex64 Complex64;
-typedef struct Complex128 Complex128;
-typedef struct LibCall LibCall;
-typedef struct WinCallbackContext WinCallbackContext;
-typedef struct GCStats GCStats;
-typedef struct LFNode LFNode;
-typedef struct ParFor ParFor;
-typedef struct ParForThread ParForThread;
-typedef struct CgoMal CgoMal;
-typedef struct PollDesc PollDesc;
-typedef struct DebugVars DebugVars;
-typedef struct ForceGCState ForceGCState;
-typedef struct Stack Stack;
-typedef struct Workbuf Workbuf;
- * Per-CPU declaration.
- *
- * "extern register" is a special storage class implemented by 6c, 8c, etc.
- * On the ARM, it is an actual register; elsewhere it is a slot in thread-
- * local storage indexed by a pseudo-register TLS. See zasmhdr in
- * src/cmd/dist/buildruntime.c for details, and be aware that the linker may
- * make further OS-specific changes to the compiler's output. For example,
- * 6l/linux rewrites 0(TLS) as -8(FS).
- *
- * Every C file linked into a Go program must include runtime.h so that the
- * C compiler (6c, 8c, etc.) knows to avoid other uses of these dedicated
- * registers. The Go compiler (6g, 8g, etc.) knows to avoid them.
- */
-extern register G* g;
- * defined constants
- */
- // G status
- //
- // If you add to this list, add to the list
- // of "okay during garbage collection" status
- // in mgc0.c too.
- Gidle, // 0
- Grunnable, // 1 runnable and on a run queue
- Grunning, // 2
- Gsyscall, // 3
- Gwaiting, // 4
- Gmoribund_unused, // 5 currently unused, but hardcoded in gdb scripts
- Gdead, // 6
- Genqueue, // 7 Only the Gscanenqueue is used.
- Gcopystack, // 8 in this state when newstack is moving the stack
- // the following encode that the GC is scanning the stack and what to do when it is done
- Gscan = 0x1000, // atomicstatus&~Gscan = the non-scan state,
- // Gscanidle = Gscan + Gidle, // Not used. Gidle only used with newly malloced gs
- Gscanrunnable = Gscan + Grunnable, // 0x1001 When scanning complets make Grunnable (it is already on run queue)
- Gscanrunning = Gscan + Grunning, // 0x1002 Used to tell preemption newstack routine to scan preempted stack.
- Gscansyscall = Gscan + Gsyscall, // 0x1003 When scanning completes make is Gsyscall
- Gscanwaiting = Gscan + Gwaiting, // 0x1004 When scanning completes make it Gwaiting
- // Gscanmoribund_unused, // not possible
- // Gscandead, // not possible
- Gscanenqueue = Gscan + Genqueue, // When scanning completes make it Grunnable and put on runqueue
- // P status
- Pidle,
- Prunning,
- Psyscall,
- Pgcstop,
- Pdead,
- true = 1,
- false = 0,
- PtrSize = sizeof(void*),
- * structures
- */
-struct Mutex
- // Futex-based impl treats it as uint32 key,
- // while sema-based impl as M* waitm.
- // Used to be a union, but unions break precise GC.
- uintptr key;
-struct Note
- // Futex-based impl treats it as uint32 key,
- // while sema-based impl as M* waitm.
- // Used to be a union, but unions break precise GC.
- uintptr key;
-struct String
- byte* str;
- intgo len;
-struct FuncVal
- void (*fn)(void);
- // variable-size, fn-specific data here
-struct Iface
- Itab* tab;
- void* data;
-struct Eface
- Type* type;
- void* data;
-struct Complex64
- float32 real;
- float32 imag;
-struct Complex128
- float64 real;
- float64 imag;
-struct Slice
-{ // must not move anything
- byte* array; // actual data
- uintgo len; // number of elements
- uintgo cap; // allocated number of elements
-struct Gobuf
- // The offsets of sp, pc, and g are known to (hard-coded in) libmach.
- uintptr sp;
- uintptr pc;
- G* g;
- void* ctxt; // this has to be a pointer so that GC scans it
- uintreg ret;
- uintptr lr;
-// Known to compiler.
-// Changes here must also be made in src/cmd/gc/select.c's selecttype.
-struct SudoG
- G* g;
- uint32* selectdone;
- SudoG* next;
- SudoG* prev;
- void* elem; // data element
- int64 releasetime;
- int32 nrelease; // -1 for acquire
- SudoG* waitlink; // G.waiting list
-struct GCStats
- // the struct must consist of only uint64's,
- // because it is casted to uint64[].
- uint64 nhandoff;
- uint64 nhandoffcnt;
- uint64 nprocyield;
- uint64 nosyield;
- uint64 nsleep;
-struct LibCall
- uintptr fn;
- uintptr n; // number of parameters
- uintptr args; // parameters
- uintptr r1; // return values
- uintptr r2;
- uintptr err; // error number
-// describes how to handle callback
-struct WinCallbackContext
- void* gobody; // Go function to call
- uintptr argsize; // callback arguments size (in bytes)
- uintptr restorestack; // adjust stack on return by (in bytes) (386 only)
- bool cleanstack;
-// Stack describes a Go execution stack.
-// The bounds of the stack are exactly [lo, hi),
-// with no implicit data structures on either side.
-struct Stack
- uintptr lo;
- uintptr hi;
-struct G
- // Stack parameters.
- // stack describes the actual stack memory: [stack.lo, stack.hi).
- // stackguard0 is the stack pointer compared in the Go stack growth prologue.
- // It is stack.lo+StackGuard normally, but can be StackPreempt to trigger a preemption.
- // stackguard1 is the stack pointer compared in the C stack growth prologue.
- // It is stack.lo+StackGuard on g0 and gsignal stacks.
- // It is ~0 on other goroutine stacks, to trigger a call to morestackc (and crash).
- Stack stack; // offset known to runtime/cgo
- uintptr stackguard0; // offset known to liblink
- uintptr stackguard1; // offset known to liblink
- Panic* panic; // innermost panic - offset known to liblink
- Defer* defer; // innermost defer
- Gobuf sched;
- uintptr syscallsp; // if status==Gsyscall, syscallsp = sched.sp to use during gc
- uintptr syscallpc; // if status==Gsyscall, syscallpc = sched.pc to use during gc
- void* param; // passed parameter on wakeup
- uint32 atomicstatus;
- int64 goid;
- int64 waitsince; // approx time when the G become blocked
- String waitreason; // if status==Gwaiting
- G* schedlink;
- bool issystem; // do not output in stack dump, ignore in deadlock detector
- bool preempt; // preemption signal, duplicates stackguard0 = StackPreempt
- bool paniconfault; // panic (instead of crash) on unexpected fault address
- bool preemptscan; // preempted g does scan for GC
- bool gcworkdone; // debug: cleared at begining of gc work phase cycle, set by gcphasework, tested at end of cycle
- bool throwsplit; // must not split stack
- int8 raceignore; // ignore race detection events
- M* m; // for debuggers, but offset not hard-coded
- M* lockedm;
- int32 sig;
- Slice writebuf;
- uintptr sigcode0;
- uintptr sigcode1;
- uintptr sigpc;
- uintptr gopc; // pc of go statement that created this goroutine
- uintptr racectx;
- SudoG* waiting; // sudog structures this G is waiting on (that have a valid elem ptr)
- uintptr end[];
-struct M
- G* g0; // goroutine with scheduling stack
- Gobuf morebuf; // gobuf arg to morestack
- // Fields not known to debuggers.
- uint64 procid; // for debuggers, but offset not hard-coded
- G* gsignal; // signal-handling G
- uintptr tls[4]; // thread-local storage (for x86 extern register)
- void (*mstartfn)(void);
- G* curg; // current running goroutine
- G* caughtsig; // goroutine running during fatal signal
- P* p; // attached P for executing Go code (nil if not executing Go code)
- P* nextp;
- int32 id;
- int32 mallocing;
- int32 throwing;
- int32 gcing;
- int32 locks;
- int32 softfloat;
- int32 dying;
- int32 profilehz;
- int32 helpgc;
- bool spinning; // M is out of work and is actively looking for work
- bool blocked; // M is blocked on a Note
- bool inwb; // M is executing a write barrier
- int8 printlock;
- uint32 fastrand;
- uint64 ncgocall; // number of cgo calls in total
- int32 ncgo; // number of cgo calls currently in progress
- CgoMal* cgomal;
- Note park;
- M* alllink; // on allm
- M* schedlink;
- uint32 machport; // Return address for Mach IPC (OS X)
- MCache* mcache;
- G* lockedg;
- uintptr createstack[32];// Stack that created this thread.
- uint32 freglo[16]; // D[i] lsb and F[i]
- uint32 freghi[16]; // D[i] msb and F[i+16]
- uint32 fflag; // floating point compare flags
- uint32 locked; // tracking for LockOSThread
- M* nextwaitm; // next M waiting for lock
- uintptr waitsema; // semaphore for parking on locks
- uint32 waitsemacount;
- uint32 waitsemalock;
- GCStats gcstats;
- bool needextram;
- uint8 traceback;
- bool (*waitunlockf)(G*, void*);
- void* waitlock;
- uintptr scalararg[4]; // scalar argument/return for mcall
- void* ptrarg[4]; // pointer argument/return for mcall
-#ifdef GOOS_windows
- uintptr thread; // thread handle
- // these are here because they are too large to be on the stack
- // of low-level NOSPLIT functions.
- LibCall libcall;
- uintptr libcallpc; // for cpu profiler
- uintptr libcallsp;
- G* libcallg;
-#ifdef GOOS_solaris
- int32* perrno; // pointer to TLS errno
- // these are here because they are too large to be on the stack
- // of low-level NOSPLIT functions.
- LibCall libcall;
- struct MTs {
- int64 tv_sec;
- int64 tv_nsec;
- } ts;
- struct MScratch {
- uintptr v[6];
- } scratch;
-#ifdef GOOS_plan9
- int8* notesig;
- byte* errstr;
- uintptr end[];
-struct P
- Mutex lock;
- int32 id;
- uint32 status; // one of Pidle/Prunning/...
- P* link;
- uint32 schedtick; // incremented on every scheduler call
- uint32 syscalltick; // incremented on every system call
- M* m; // back-link to associated M (nil if idle)
- MCache* mcache;
- Defer* deferpool[5]; // pool of available Defer structs of different sizes (see panic.c)
- // Cache of goroutine ids, amortizes accesses to runtime·sched.goidgen.
- uint64 goidcache;
- uint64 goidcacheend;
- // Queue of runnable goroutines.
- uint32 runqhead;
- uint32 runqtail;
- G* runq[256];
- // Available G's (status == Gdead)
- G* gfree;
- int32 gfreecnt;
- byte pad[64];
-enum {
- // The max value of GOMAXPROCS.
- // There are no fundamental restrictions on the value.
- MaxGomaxprocs = 1<<8,
-struct SchedT
- Mutex lock;
- uint64 goidgen;
- M* midle; // idle m's waiting for work
- int32 nmidle; // number of idle m's waiting for work
- int32 nmidlelocked; // number of locked m's waiting for work
- int32 mcount; // number of m's that have been created
- int32 maxmcount; // maximum number of m's allowed (or die)
- P* pidle; // idle P's
- uint32 npidle;
- uint32 nmspinning;
- // Global runnable queue.
- G* runqhead;
- G* runqtail;
- int32 runqsize;
- // Global cache of dead G's.
- Mutex gflock;
- G* gfree;
- int32 ngfree;
- uint32 gcwaiting; // gc is waiting to run
- int32 stopwait;
- Note stopnote;
- uint32 sysmonwait;
- Note sysmonnote;
- uint64 lastpoll;
- int32 profilehz; // cpu profiling rate
-// The m->locked word holds two pieces of state counting active calls to LockOSThread/lockOSThread.
-// The low bit (LockExternal) is a boolean reporting whether any LockOSThread call is active.
-// External locks are not recursive; a second lock is silently ignored.
-// The upper bits of m->lockedcount record the nesting depth of calls to lockOSThread
-// (counting up by LockInternal), popped by unlockOSThread (counting down by LockInternal).
-// Internal locks can be recursive. For instance, a lock for cgo can occur while the main
-// goroutine is holding the lock during the initialization phase.
- LockExternal = 1,
- LockInternal = 2,
-struct SigTab
- int32 flags;
- int8 *name;
- SigNotify = 1<<0, // let signal.Notify have signal, even if from kernel
- SigKill = 1<<1, // if signal.Notify doesn't take it, exit quietly
- SigThrow = 1<<2, // if signal.Notify doesn't take it, exit loudly
- SigPanic = 1<<3, // if the signal is from the kernel, panic
- SigDefault = 1<<4, // if the signal isn't explicitly requested, don't monitor it
- SigHandling = 1<<5, // our signal handler is registered
- SigIgnored = 1<<6, // the signal was ignored before we registered for it
- SigGoExit = 1<<7, // cause all runtime procs to exit (only used on Plan 9).
-// Layout of in-memory per-function information prepared by linker
-// See
-// Keep in sync with linker and with ../../libmach/sym.c
-// and with package debug/gosym and with symtab.go in package runtime.
-struct Func
- uintptr entry; // start pc
- int32 nameoff;// function name
- int32 args; // in/out args size
- int32 frame; // legacy frame size; use pcsp if possible
- int32 pcsp;
- int32 pcfile;
- int32 pcln;
- int32 npcdata;
- int32 nfuncdata;
-// layout of Itab known to compilers
-// allocated in non-garbage-collected memory
-struct Itab
- InterfaceType* inter;
- Type* type;
- Itab* link;
- int32 bad;
- int32 unused;
- void (*fun[])(void);
-#ifdef GOOS_nacl
-enum {
- NaCl = 1,
-enum {
- NaCl = 0,
-#ifdef GOOS_windows
-enum {
- Windows = 1
-enum {
- Windows = 0
-#ifdef GOOS_solaris
-enum {
- Solaris = 1
-enum {
- Solaris = 0
-#ifdef GOOS_plan9
-enum {
- Plan9 = 1
-enum {
- Plan9 = 0
-// Lock-free stack node.
-// Also known to export_test.go.
-struct LFNode
- uint64 next;
- uintptr pushcnt;
-// Parallel for descriptor.
-struct ParFor
- void (*body)(ParFor*, uint32); // executed for each element
- uint32 done; // number of idle threads
- uint32 nthr; // total number of threads
- uint32 nthrmax; // maximum number of threads
- uint32 thrseq; // thread id sequencer
- uint32 cnt; // iteration space [0, cnt)
- void *ctx; // arbitrary user context
- bool wait; // if true, wait while all threads finish processing,
- // otherwise parfor may return while other threads are still working
- ParForThread *thr; // array of thread descriptors
- uint32 pad; // to align ParForThread.pos for 64-bit atomic operations
- // stats
- uint64 nsteal;
- uint64 nstealcnt;
- uint64 nprocyield;
- uint64 nosyield;
- uint64 nsleep;
-enum {
- WorkbufSize = 4*1024,
-struct Workbuf
- LFNode node; // must be first
- uintptr nobj;
- byte* obj[(WorkbufSize-sizeof(LFNode)-sizeof(uintptr))/PtrSize];
-// Track memory allocated by code not written in Go during a cgo call,
-// so that the garbage collector can see them.
-struct CgoMal
- CgoMal *next;
- void *alloc;
-// Holds variables parsed from GODEBUG env var.
-struct DebugVars
- int32 allocfreetrace;
- int32 efence;
- int32 gctrace;
- int32 gcdead;
- int32 scheddetail;
- int32 schedtrace;
- int32 scavenge;
-// Indicates to write barrier and sychronization task to preform.
-{ // Action WB installation
- GCoff = 0, // stop and start no wb
- GCquiesce, // stop and start no wb
- GCstw, // stop the ps nop
- GCscan, // scan the stacks prior to marking
- GCmark, // mark use wbufs from GCscan and globals, scan the stacks, then go to GCtermination
- GCmarktermination, // mark termination detection. Allocate black, Ps help out GC
- GCsweep, // stop and start nop
-struct ForceGCState
- Mutex lock;
- G* g;
- uint32 idle;
-extern uint32 runtime·gcphase;
-extern Mutex runtime·allglock;
- * defined macros
- * you need super-gopher-guru privilege
- * to add this list.
- */
-#define nelem(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
-#define nil ((void*)0)
-#define offsetof(s,m) (uint32)(&(((s*)0)->m))
-#define ROUND(x, n) (((x)+(n)-1)&~(uintptr)((n)-1)) /* all-caps to mark as macro: it evaluates n twice */
- * known to compiler
- */
-enum {
- Structrnd = sizeof(uintreg),
-byte* runtime·startup_random_data;
-uint32 runtime·startup_random_data_len;
-int32 runtime·invalidptr;
-enum {
- // hashinit wants this many random bytes
- HashRandomBytes = 32
-uint32 runtime·readgstatus(G*);
-void runtime·casgstatus(G*, uint32, uint32);
-bool runtime·castogscanstatus(G*, uint32, uint32);
-void runtime·quiesce(G*);
-bool runtime·stopg(G*);
-void runtime·restartg(G*);
-void runtime·gcphasework(G*);
- * deferred subroutine calls
- */
-struct Defer
- int32 siz;
- bool started;
- uintptr argp; // where args were copied from
- uintptr pc;
- FuncVal* fn;
- Panic* panic; // panic that is running defer
- Defer* link;
-// argp used in Defer structs when there is no argp.
-#define NoArgs ((uintptr)-1)
- * panics
- */
-struct Panic
- void* argp; // pointer to arguments of deferred call run during panic; cannot move - known to liblink
- Eface arg; // argument to panic
- Panic* link; // link to earlier panic
- bool recovered; // whether this panic is over
- bool aborted; // the panic was aborted
- * stack traces
- */
-typedef struct Stkframe Stkframe;
-typedef struct BitVector BitVector;
-struct Stkframe
- Func* fn; // function being run
- uintptr pc; // program counter within fn
- uintptr continpc; // program counter where execution can continue, or 0 if not
- uintptr lr; // program counter at caller aka link register
- uintptr sp; // stack pointer at pc
- uintptr fp; // stack pointer at caller aka frame pointer
- uintptr varp; // top of local variables
- uintptr argp; // pointer to function arguments
- uintptr arglen; // number of bytes at argp
- BitVector* argmap; // force use of this argmap
- TraceRuntimeFrames = 1<<0, // include frames for internal runtime functions.
- TraceTrap = 1<<1, // the initial PC, SP are from a trap, not a return PC from a call
-intgo runtime·gentraceback(uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, G*, intgo, uintptr*, intgo, bool(**)(Stkframe*, void*), void*, uintgo);
-void runtime·tracebackdefers(G*, bool(**)(Stkframe*, void*), void*);
-void runtime·traceback(uintptr pc, uintptr sp, uintptr lr, G* gp);
-void runtime·tracebacktrap(uintptr pc, uintptr sp, uintptr lr, G* gp);
-void runtime·tracebackothers(G*);
-bool runtime·haszeroargs(uintptr pc);
-bool runtime·topofstack(Func*);
- // The maximum number of frames we print for a traceback
- TracebackMaxFrames = 100,
- * external data
- */
-extern String runtime·emptystring;
-extern G** runtime·allg;
-extern Slice runtime·allgs; // []*G
-extern uintptr runtime·allglen;
-extern G* runtime·lastg;
-extern M* runtime·allm;
-extern P* runtime·allp[MaxGomaxprocs+1];
-extern int32 runtime·gomaxprocs;
-extern uint32 runtime·needextram;
-extern uint32 runtime·panicking;
-extern int8* runtime·goos;
-extern int32 runtime·ncpu;
-extern bool runtime·iscgo;
-extern void (*runtime·sysargs)(int32, uint8**);
-extern uintptr runtime·maxstring;
-extern uint32 runtime·cpuid_ecx;
-extern uint32 runtime·cpuid_edx;
-extern DebugVars runtime·debug;
-extern uintptr runtime·maxstacksize;
-extern Note runtime·signote;
-extern ForceGCState runtime·forcegc;
-extern SchedT runtime·sched;
-extern int32 runtime·newprocs;
- * common functions and data
- */
-int32 runtime·strcmp(byte*, byte*);
-int32 runtime·strncmp(byte*, byte*, uintptr);
-byte* runtime·strstr(byte*, byte*);
-intgo runtime·findnull(byte*);
-intgo runtime·findnullw(uint16*);
-void runtime·dump(byte*, int32);
-int32 runtime·runetochar(byte*, int32);
-int32 runtime·charntorune(int32*, uint8*, int32);
- * This macro is used when writing C functions
- * called as if they were Go functions.
- * Passed the address of a result before a return statement,
- * it makes sure the result has been flushed to memory
- * before the return.
- *
- * It is difficult to write such functions portably, because
- * of the varying requirements on the alignment of the
- * first output value. Almost all code should write such
- * functions in .goc files, where goc2c (part of cmd/dist)
- * can arrange the correct alignment for the target system.
- * Goc2c also takes care of conveying to the garbage collector
- * which parts of the argument list are inputs vs outputs.
- *
- * Therefore, do NOT use this macro if at all possible.
- */
-#define FLUSH(x) USED(x)
- * GoOutput is a type with the same alignment requirements as the
- * initial output argument from a Go function. Only for use in cases
- * where using goc2c is not possible. See comment on FLUSH above.
- */
-typedef uint64 GoOutput;
-void runtime·gogo(Gobuf*);
-void runtime·gostartcall(Gobuf*, void(*)(void), void*);
-void runtime·gostartcallfn(Gobuf*, FuncVal*);
-void runtime·gosave(Gobuf*);
-void runtime·goargs(void);
-void runtime·goenvs(void);
-void runtime·goenvs_unix(void);
-void* runtime·getu(void);
-void runtime·throw(int8*);
-bool runtime·canpanic(G*);
-void runtime·prints(int8*);
-void runtime·printf(int8*, ...);
-void runtime·snprintf(byte*, int32, int8*, ...);
-byte* runtime·mchr(byte*, byte, byte*);
-int32 runtime·mcmp(byte*, byte*, uintptr);
-void runtime·memmove(void*, void*, uintptr);
-String runtime·catstring(String, String);
-String runtime·gostring(byte*);
-Slice runtime·makeStringSlice(intgo);
-String runtime·gostringn(byte*, intgo);
-Slice runtime·gobytes(byte*, intgo);
-String runtime·gostringnocopy(byte*);
-String runtime·gostringw(uint16*);
-void runtime·initsig(void);
-void runtime·sigenable(uint32 sig);
-void runtime·sigdisable(uint32 sig);
-int32 runtime·gotraceback(bool *crash);
-void runtime·goroutineheader(G*);
-int32 runtime·open(int8*, int32, int32);
-int32 runtime·read(int32, void*, int32);
-int32 runtime·write(uintptr, void*, int32); // use uintptr to accommodate windows.
-int32 runtime·close(int32);
-int32 runtime·mincore(void*, uintptr, byte*);
-void runtime·jmpdefer(FuncVal*, uintptr);
-void runtime·exit1(int32);
-void runtime·ready(G*);
-byte* runtime·getenv(int8*);
-int32 runtime·atoi(byte*);
-void runtime·newosproc(M *mp, void *stk);
-void runtime·mstart(void);
-G* runtime·malg(int32);
-void runtime·asminit(void);
-void runtime·mpreinit(M*);
-void runtime·minit(void);
-void runtime·unminit(void);
-void runtime·signalstack(byte*, int32);
-void runtime·tracebackinit(void);
-void runtime·symtabinit(void);
-Func* runtime·findfunc(uintptr);
-int32 runtime·funcline(Func*, uintptr, String*);
-int32 runtime·funcspdelta(Func*, uintptr);
-int8* runtime·funcname(Func*);
-int32 runtime·pcdatavalue(Func*, int32, uintptr);
-void runtime·stackinit(void);
-Stack runtime·stackalloc(uint32);
-void runtime·stackfree(Stack);
-void runtime·shrinkstack(G*);
-void runtime·shrinkfinish(void);
-MCache* runtime·allocmcache(void);
-void runtime·freemcache(MCache*);
-void runtime·mallocinit(void);
-void runtime·gcinit(void);
-void* runtime·mallocgc(uintptr size, Type* typ, uint32 flag);
-void runtime·runpanic(Panic*);
-uintptr runtime·getcallersp(void*);
-int32 runtime·mcount(void);
-int32 runtime·gcount(void);
-void runtime·mcall(void(**)(G*));
-void runtime·onM(void(**)(void));
-void runtime·onMsignal(void(**)(void));
-uint32 runtime·fastrand1(void);
-void runtime·rewindmorestack(Gobuf*);
-int32 runtime·timediv(int64, int32, int32*);
-int32 runtime·round2(int32 x); // round x up to a power of 2.
-// atomic operations
-bool runtime·cas(uint32*, uint32, uint32);
-bool runtime·cas64(uint64*, uint64, uint64);
-bool runtime·casp(void**, void*, void*);
-bool runtime·casuintptr(uintptr*, uintptr, uintptr);
-// Don't confuse with XADD x86 instruction,
-// this one is actually 'addx', that is, add-and-fetch.
-uint32 runtime·xadd(uint32 volatile*, int32);
-uint64 runtime·xadd64(uint64 volatile*, int64);
-uint32 runtime·xchg(uint32 volatile*, uint32);
-uint64 runtime·xchg64(uint64 volatile*, uint64);
-void* runtime·xchgp(void* volatile*, void*);
-uint32 runtime·atomicload(uint32 volatile*);
-void runtime·atomicstore(uint32 volatile*, uint32);
-void runtime·atomicstore64(uint64 volatile*, uint64);
-uint64 runtime·atomicload64(uint64 volatile*);
-void* runtime·atomicloadp(void* volatile*);
-uintptr runtime·atomicloaduintptr(uintptr volatile*);
-void runtime·atomicstorep(void* volatile*, void*);
-void runtime·atomicstoreuintptr(uintptr volatile*, uintptr);
-void runtime·atomicor8(byte volatile*, byte);
-void runtime·setg(G*);
-void runtime·newextram(void);
-void runtime·exit(int32);
-void runtime·breakpoint(void);
-void runtime·gosched_m(G*);
-void runtime·schedtrace(bool);
-void runtime·park(bool(*)(G*, void*), void*, String);
-void runtime·parkunlock(Mutex*, String);
-void runtime·tsleep(int64, String);
-M* runtime·newm(void);
-void runtime·goexit(void);
-void runtime·asmcgocall(void (*fn)(void*), void*);
-int32 runtime·asmcgocall_errno(void (*fn)(void*), void*);
-void runtime·entersyscall(void);
-void runtime·reentersyscall(uintptr, uintptr);
-void runtime·entersyscallblock(void);
-void runtime·exitsyscall(void);
-G* runtime·newproc1(FuncVal*, byte*, int32, int32, void*);
-bool runtime·sigsend(int32 sig);
-intgo runtime·callers(intgo, uintptr*, intgo);
-intgo runtime·gcallers(G*, intgo, uintptr*, intgo);
-int64 runtime·nanotime(void); // monotonic time
-int64 runtime·unixnanotime(void); // real time, can skip
-void runtime·dopanic(int32);
-void runtime·startpanic(void);
-void runtime·freezetheworld(void);
-void runtime·sigprof(uint8 *pc, uint8 *sp, uint8 *lr, G *gp, M *mp);
-void runtime·resetcpuprofiler(int32);
-void runtime·setcpuprofilerate(int32);
-void runtime·usleep(uint32);
-int64 runtime·cputicks(void);
-int64 runtime·tickspersecond(void);
-void runtime·blockevent(int64, intgo);
-G* runtime·netpoll(bool);
-void runtime·netpollready(G**, PollDesc*, int32);
-uintptr runtime·netpollfd(PollDesc*);
-void** runtime·netpolluser(PollDesc*);
-bool runtime·netpollclosing(PollDesc*);
-void runtime·netpolllock(PollDesc*);
-void runtime·netpollunlock(PollDesc*);
-void runtime·crash(void);
-void runtime·parsedebugvars(void);
-void* runtime·funcdata(Func*, int32);
-void runtime·setmaxthreads_m(void);
-G* runtime·timejump(void);
-void runtime·iterate_itabs(void (**callback)(Itab*));
-void runtime·iterate_finq(void (*callback)(FuncVal*, byte*, uintptr, Type*, PtrType*));
-#pragma varargck argpos runtime·printf 1
-#pragma varargck type "c" int32
-#pragma varargck type "d" int32
-#pragma varargck type "d" uint32
-#pragma varargck type "D" int64
-#pragma varargck type "D" uint64
-#pragma varargck type "x" int32
-#pragma varargck type "x" uint32
-#pragma varargck type "X" int64
-#pragma varargck type "X" uint64
-#pragma varargck type "p" void*
-#pragma varargck type "p" uintptr
-#pragma varargck type "s" int8*
-#pragma varargck type "s" uint8*
-#pragma varargck type "S" String
-void runtime·stoptheworld(void);
-void runtime·starttheworld(void);
-extern uint32 runtime·worldsema;
- * mutual exclusion locks. in the uncontended case,
- * as fast as spin locks (just a few user-level instructions),
- * but on the contention path they sleep in the kernel.
- * a zeroed Mutex is unlocked (no need to initialize each lock).
- */
-void runtime·lock(Mutex*);
-void runtime·unlock(Mutex*);
- * sleep and wakeup on one-time events.
- * before any calls to notesleep or notewakeup,
- * must call noteclear to initialize the Note.
- * then, exactly one thread can call notesleep
- * and exactly one thread can call notewakeup (once).
- * once notewakeup has been called, the notesleep
- * will return. future notesleep will return immediately.
- * subsequent noteclear must be called only after
- * previous notesleep has returned, e.g. it's disallowed
- * to call noteclear straight after notewakeup.
- *
- * notetsleep is like notesleep but wakes up after
- * a given number of nanoseconds even if the event
- * has not yet happened. if a goroutine uses notetsleep to
- * wake up early, it must wait to call noteclear until it
- * can be sure that no other goroutine is calling
- * notewakeup.
- *
- * notesleep/notetsleep are generally called on g0,
- * notetsleepg is similar to notetsleep but is called on user g.
- */
-void runtime·noteclear(Note*);
-void runtime·notesleep(Note*);
-void runtime·notewakeup(Note*);
-bool runtime·notetsleep(Note*, int64); // false - timeout
-bool runtime·notetsleepg(Note*, int64); // false - timeout
- * low-level synchronization for implementing the above
- */
-uintptr runtime·semacreate(void);
-int32 runtime·semasleep(int64);
-void runtime·semawakeup(M*);
-// or
-void runtime·futexsleep(uint32*, uint32, int64);
-void runtime·futexwakeup(uint32*, uint32);
- * Mutex-free stack.
- * Initialize uint64 head to 0, compare with 0 to test for emptiness.
- * The stack does not keep pointers to nodes,
- * so they can be garbage collected if there are no other pointers to nodes.
- */
-void runtime·lfstackpush(uint64 *head, LFNode *node);
-LFNode* runtime·lfstackpop(uint64 *head);
- * Parallel for over [0, n).
- * body() is executed for each iteration.
- * nthr - total number of worker threads.
- * ctx - arbitrary user context.
- * if wait=true, threads return from parfor() when all work is done;
- * otherwise, threads can return while other threads are still finishing processing.
- */
-ParFor* runtime·parforalloc(uint32 nthrmax);
-void runtime·parforsetup(ParFor *desc, uint32 nthr, uint32 n, void *ctx, bool wait, void (*body)(ParFor*, uint32));
-void runtime·parfordo(ParFor *desc);
-void runtime·parforiters(ParFor*, uintptr, uintptr*, uintptr*);
- * low level C-called
- */
-// for mmap, we only pass the lower 32 bits of file offset to the
-// assembly routine; the higher bits (if required), should be provided
-// by the assembly routine as 0.
-uint8* runtime·mmap(byte*, uintptr, int32, int32, int32, uint32);
-void runtime·munmap(byte*, uintptr);
-void runtime·madvise(byte*, uintptr, int32);
-void runtime·memclr(byte*, uintptr);
-void runtime·setcallerpc(void*, void*);
-void* runtime·getcallerpc(void*);
-void runtime·printbool(bool);
-void runtime·printbyte(int8);
-void runtime·printfloat(float64);
-void runtime·printint(int64);
-void runtime·printiface(Iface);
-void runtime·printeface(Eface);
-void runtime·printstring(String);
-void runtime·printpc(void*);
-void runtime·printpointer(void*);
-void runtime·printuint(uint64);
-void runtime·printhex(uint64);
-void runtime·printslice(Slice);
-void runtime·printcomplex(Complex128);
- * runtime go-called
- */
-void runtime·gopanic(Eface);
-void runtime·panicindex(void);
-void runtime·panicslice(void);
-void runtime·panicdivide(void);
- * runtime c-called (but written in Go)
- */
-void runtime·printany(Eface);
-void runtime·newTypeAssertionError(String*, String*, String*, String*, Eface*);
-void runtime·fadd64c(uint64, uint64, uint64*);
-void runtime·fsub64c(uint64, uint64, uint64*);
-void runtime·fmul64c(uint64, uint64, uint64*);
-void runtime·fdiv64c(uint64, uint64, uint64*);
-void runtime·fneg64c(uint64, uint64*);
-void runtime·f32to64c(uint32, uint64*);
-void runtime·f64to32c(uint64, uint32*);
-void runtime·fcmp64c(uint64, uint64, int32*, bool*);
-void runtime·fintto64c(int64, uint64*);
-void runtime·f64tointc(uint64, int64*, bool*);
- * wrapped for go users
- */
-float64 runtime·Inf(int32 sign);
-float64 runtime·NaN(void);
-float32 runtime·float32frombits(uint32 i);
-uint32 runtime·float32tobits(float32 f);
-float64 runtime·float64frombits(uint64 i);
-uint64 runtime·float64tobits(float64 f);
-float64 runtime·frexp(float64 d, int32 *ep);
-bool runtime·isInf(float64 f, int32 sign);
-bool runtime·isNaN(float64 f);
-float64 runtime·ldexp(float64 d, int32 e);
-float64 runtime·modf(float64 d, float64 *ip);
-void runtime·semacquire(uint32*, bool);
-void runtime·semrelease(uint32*);
-int32 runtime·gomaxprocsfunc(int32 n);
-void runtime·procyield(uint32);
-void runtime·osyield(void);
-void runtime·lockOSThread(void);
-void runtime·unlockOSThread(void);
-void runtime·writebarrierptr_nostore(void*, void*);
-bool runtime·showframe(Func*, G*);
-void runtime·printcreatedby(G*);
-void runtime·ifaceE2I(InterfaceType*, Eface, Iface*);
-bool runtime·ifaceE2I2(InterfaceType*, Eface, Iface*);
-uintptr runtime·memlimit(void);
-// float.c
-extern float64 runtime·nan;
-extern float64 runtime·posinf;
-extern float64 runtime·neginf;
-extern uint64 ·nan;
-extern uint64 ·posinf;
-extern uint64 ·neginf;
-#define ISNAN(f) ((f) != (f))
- UseSpanType = 1,