// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include "go.h" #include "opnames.h" // // Format conversions // %L int Line numbers // // %E int etype values (aka 'Kind') // // %O int Node Opcodes // Flags: "%#O": print go syntax. (automatic unless fmtmode == FDbg) // // %J Node* Node details // Flags: "%hJ" suppresses things not relevant until walk. // // %V Val* Constant values // // %S Sym* Symbols // Flags: +,- #: mode (see below) // "%hS" unqualified identifier in any mode // "%hhS" in export mode: unqualified identifier if exported, qualified if not // // %T Type* Types // Flags: +,- #: mode (see below) // 'l' definition instead of name. // 'h' omit "func" and receiver in function types // 'u' (only in -/Sym mode) print type identifiers wit package name instead of prefix. // // %N Node* Nodes // Flags: +,- #: mode (see below) // 'h' (only in +/debug mode) suppress recursion // 'l' (only in Error mode) print "foo (type Bar)" // // %H NodeList* NodeLists // Flags: those of %N // ',' separate items with ',' instead of ';' // // %Z Strlit* String literals // // In mparith1.c: // %B Mpint* Big integers // %F Mpflt* Big floats // // %S, %T and %N obey use the following flags to set the format mode: enum { FErr, // error mode (default) FDbg, // "%+N" debug mode FExp, // "%#N" export mode FTypeId, // "%-N" turning-types-into-symbols-mode: identical types give identical strings }; static int fmtmode; static int fmtpkgpfx; // %uT stickyness // // E.g. for %S: %+S %#S %-S print an identifier properly qualified for debug/export/internal mode. // // The mode flags +, - and # are sticky, meaning they persist through // recursions of %N, %T and %S, but not the h and l flags. The u flag is // sticky only on %T recursions and only used in %-/Sym mode. // // Useful format combinations: // // %+N %+H multiline recursive debug dump of node/nodelist // %+hN %+hH non recursive debug dump // // %#N %#T export format // %#lT type definition instead of name // %#hT omit"func" and receiver in function signature // // %lN "foo (type Bar)" for error messages // // %-T type identifiers // %-hT type identifiers without "func" and arg names in type signatures (methodsym) // %-uT type identifiers with package name instead of prefix (typesym, dcommontype, typehash) // static int setfmode(unsigned long *flags) { int fm; fm = fmtmode; if(*flags & FmtSign) fmtmode = FDbg; else if(*flags & FmtSharp) fmtmode = FExp; else if(*flags & FmtLeft) fmtmode = FTypeId; *flags &= ~(FmtSharp|FmtLeft|FmtSign); return fm; } // Fmt "%L": Linenumbers static int Lconv(Fmt *fp) { return linklinefmt(ctxt, fp); } static char* goopnames[] = { [OADDR] = "&", [OADD] = "+", [OADDSTR] = "+", [OANDAND] = "&&", [OANDNOT] = "&^", [OAND] = "&", [OAPPEND] = "append", [OAS] = "=", [OAS2] = "=", [OBREAK] = "break", [OCALL] = "function call", // not actual syntax [OCAP] = "cap", [OCASE] = "case", [OCLOSE] = "close", [OCOMPLEX] = "complex", [OCOM] = "^", [OCONTINUE] = "continue", [OCOPY] = "copy", [ODEC] = "--", [ODELETE] = "delete", [ODEFER] = "defer", [ODIV] = "/", [OEQ] = "==", [OFALL] = "fallthrough", [OFOR] = "for", [OGE] = ">=", [OGOTO] = "goto", [OGT] = ">", [OIF] = "if", [OIMAG] = "imag", [OINC] = "++", [OIND] = "*", [OLEN] = "len", [OLE] = "<=", [OLSH] = "<<", [OLT] = "<", [OMAKE] = "make", [OMINUS] = "-", [OMOD] = "%", [OMUL] = "*", [ONEW] = "new", [ONE] = "!=", [ONOT] = "!", [OOROR] = "||", [OOR] = "|", [OPANIC] = "panic", [OPLUS] = "+", [OPRINTN] = "println", [OPRINT] = "print", [ORANGE] = "range", [OREAL] = "real", [ORECV] = "<-", [ORECOVER] = "recover", [ORETURN] = "return", [ORSH] = ">>", [OSELECT] = "select", [OSEND] = "<-", [OSUB] = "-", [OSWITCH] = "switch", [OXOR] = "^", }; // Fmt "%O": Node opcodes static int Oconv(Fmt *fp) { int o; o = va_arg(fp->args, int); if((fp->flags & FmtSharp) || fmtmode != FDbg) if(o >= 0 && o < nelem(goopnames) && goopnames[o] != nil) return fmtstrcpy(fp, goopnames[o]); if(o >= 0 && o < nelem(opnames) && opnames[o] != nil) return fmtstrcpy(fp, opnames[o]); return fmtprint(fp, "O-%d", o); } static const char* classnames[] = { "Pxxx", "PEXTERN", "PAUTO", "PPARAM", "PPARAMOUT", "PPARAMREF", "PFUNC", }; // Fmt "%J": Node details. static int Jconv(Fmt *fp) { Node *n; char *s; int c; n = va_arg(fp->args, Node*); c = fp->flags&FmtShort; if(!c && n->ullman != 0) fmtprint(fp, " u(%d)", n->ullman); if(!c && n->addable != 0) fmtprint(fp, " a(%d)", n->addable); if(!c && n->vargen != 0) fmtprint(fp, " g(%d)", n->vargen); if(n->lineno != 0) fmtprint(fp, " l(%d)", n->lineno); if(!c && n->xoffset != BADWIDTH) fmtprint(fp, " x(%lld%+lld)", n->xoffset, n->stkdelta); if(n->class != 0) { s = ""; if(n->class & PHEAP) s = ",heap"; if((n->class & ~PHEAP) < nelem(classnames)) fmtprint(fp, " class(%s%s)", classnames[n->class&~PHEAP], s); else fmtprint(fp, " class(%d?%s)", n->class&~PHEAP, s); } if(n->colas != 0) fmtprint(fp, " colas(%d)", n->colas); if(n->funcdepth != 0) fmtprint(fp, " f(%d)", n->funcdepth); switch(n->esc) { case EscUnknown: break; case EscHeap: fmtprint(fp, " esc(h)"); break; case EscScope: fmtprint(fp, " esc(s)"); break; case EscNone: fmtprint(fp, " esc(no)"); break; case EscNever: if(!c) fmtprint(fp, " esc(N)"); break; default: fmtprint(fp, " esc(%d)", n->esc); break; } if(n->escloopdepth) fmtprint(fp, " ld(%d)", n->escloopdepth); if(!c && n->typecheck != 0) fmtprint(fp, " tc(%d)", n->typecheck); if(!c && n->dodata != 0) fmtprint(fp, " dd(%d)", n->dodata); if(n->isddd != 0) fmtprint(fp, " isddd(%d)", n->isddd); if(n->implicit != 0) fmtprint(fp, " implicit(%d)", n->implicit); if(n->embedded != 0) fmtprint(fp, " embedded(%d)", n->embedded); if(!c && n->used != 0) fmtprint(fp, " used(%d)", n->used); return 0; } // Fmt "%V": Values static int Vconv(Fmt *fp) { Val *v; vlong x; v = va_arg(fp->args, Val*); switch(v->ctype) { case CTINT: if((fp->flags & FmtSharp) || fmtmode == FExp) return fmtprint(fp, "%#B", v->u.xval); return fmtprint(fp, "%B", v->u.xval); case CTRUNE: x = mpgetfix(v->u.xval); if(' ' <= x && x < 0x80 && x != '\\' && x != '\'') return fmtprint(fp, "'%c'", (int)x); if(0 <= x && x < (1<<16)) return fmtprint(fp, "'\\u%04ux'", (int)x); if(0 <= x && x <= Runemax) return fmtprint(fp, "'\\U%08llux'", x); return fmtprint(fp, "('\\x00' + %B)", v->u.xval); case CTFLT: if((fp->flags & FmtSharp) || fmtmode == FExp) return fmtprint(fp, "%F", v->u.fval); return fmtprint(fp, "%#F", v->u.fval); case CTCPLX: if((fp->flags & FmtSharp) || fmtmode == FExp) return fmtprint(fp, "(%F+%Fi)", &v->u.cval->real, &v->u.cval->imag); if(mpcmpfltc(&v->u.cval->real, 0) == 0) return fmtprint(fp, "%#Fi", &v->u.cval->imag); if(mpcmpfltc(&v->u.cval->imag, 0) == 0) return fmtprint(fp, "%#F", &v->u.cval->real); if(mpcmpfltc(&v->u.cval->imag, 0) < 0) return fmtprint(fp, "(%#F%#Fi)", &v->u.cval->real, &v->u.cval->imag); return fmtprint(fp, "(%#F+%#Fi)", &v->u.cval->real, &v->u.cval->imag); case CTSTR: return fmtprint(fp, "\"%Z\"", v->u.sval); case CTBOOL: if( v->u.bval) return fmtstrcpy(fp, "true"); return fmtstrcpy(fp, "false"); case CTNIL: return fmtstrcpy(fp, "nil"); } return fmtprint(fp, "", v->ctype); } // Fmt "%Z": escaped string literals static int Zconv(Fmt *fp) { Rune r; Strlit *sp; char *s, *se; int n; sp = va_arg(fp->args, Strlit*); if(sp == nil) return fmtstrcpy(fp, ""); s = sp->s; se = s + sp->len; // NOTE: Keep in sync with ../ld/go.c:/^Zconv. while(s < se) { n = chartorune(&r, s); s += n; switch(r) { case Runeerror: if(n == 1) { fmtprint(fp, "\\x%02x", (uchar)*(s-1)); break; } // fall through default: if(r < ' ') { fmtprint(fp, "\\x%02x", r); break; } fmtrune(fp, r); break; case '\t': fmtstrcpy(fp, "\\t"); break; case '\n': fmtstrcpy(fp, "\\n"); break; case '\"': case '\\': fmtrune(fp, '\\'); fmtrune(fp, r); break; case 0xFEFF: // BOM, basically disallowed in source code fmtstrcpy(fp, "\\uFEFF"); break; } } return 0; } /* s%,%,\n%g s%\n+%\n%g s%^[ ]*T%%g s%,.*%%g s%.+% [T&] = "&",%g s%^ ........*\]%&~%g s%~ %%g */ static char* etnames[] = { [TINT] = "INT", [TUINT] = "UINT", [TINT8] = "INT8", [TUINT8] = "UINT8", [TINT16] = "INT16", [TUINT16] = "UINT16", [TINT32] = "INT32", [TUINT32] = "UINT32", [TINT64] = "INT64", [TUINT64] = "UINT64", [TUINTPTR] = "UINTPTR", [TFLOAT32] = "FLOAT32", [TFLOAT64] = "FLOAT64", [TCOMPLEX64] = "COMPLEX64", [TCOMPLEX128] = "COMPLEX128", [TBOOL] = "BOOL", [TPTR32] = "PTR32", [TPTR64] = "PTR64", [TFUNC] = "FUNC", [TARRAY] = "ARRAY", [TSTRUCT] = "STRUCT", [TCHAN] = "CHAN", [TMAP] = "MAP", [TINTER] = "INTER", [TFORW] = "FORW", [TFIELD] = "FIELD", [TSTRING] = "STRING", [TANY] = "ANY", }; // Fmt "%E": etype static int Econv(Fmt *fp) { int et; et = va_arg(fp->args, int); if(et >= 0 && et < nelem(etnames) && etnames[et] != nil) return fmtstrcpy(fp, etnames[et]); return fmtprint(fp, "E-%d", et); } // Fmt "%S": syms static int symfmt(Fmt *fp, Sym *s) { char *p; if(s->pkg && !(fp->flags&FmtShort)) { switch(fmtmode) { case FErr: // This is for the user if(s->pkg == localpkg) return fmtstrcpy(fp, s->name); // If the name was used by multiple packages, display the full path, if(s->pkg->name && pkglookup(s->pkg->name, nil)->npkg > 1) return fmtprint(fp, "\"%Z\".%s", s->pkg->path, s->name); return fmtprint(fp, "%s.%s", s->pkg->name, s->name); case FDbg: return fmtprint(fp, "%s.%s", s->pkg->name, s->name); case FTypeId: if(fp->flags&FmtUnsigned) return fmtprint(fp, "%s.%s", s->pkg->name, s->name); // dcommontype, typehash return fmtprint(fp, "%s.%s", s->pkg->prefix, s->name); // (methodsym), typesym, weaksym case FExp: if(s->name && s->name[0] == '.') fatal("exporting synthetic symbol %s", s->name); if(s->pkg != builtinpkg) return fmtprint(fp, "@\"%Z\".%s", s->pkg->path, s->name); } } if(fp->flags&FmtByte) { // FmtByte (hh) implies FmtShort (h) // skip leading "type." in method name p = utfrrune(s->name, '.'); if(p) p++; else p = s->name; // exportname needs to see the name without the prefix too. if((fmtmode == FExp && !exportname(p)) || fmtmode == FDbg) return fmtprint(fp, "@\"%Z\".%s", s->pkg->path, p); return fmtstrcpy(fp, p); } return fmtstrcpy(fp, s->name); } static char* basicnames[] = { [TINT] = "int", [TUINT] = "uint", [TINT8] = "int8", [TUINT8] = "uint8", [TINT16] = "int16", [TUINT16] = "uint16", [TINT32] = "int32", [TUINT32] = "uint32", [TINT64] = "int64", [TUINT64] = "uint64", [TUINTPTR] = "uintptr", [TFLOAT32] = "float32", [TFLOAT64] = "float64", [TCOMPLEX64] = "complex64", [TCOMPLEX128] = "complex128", [TBOOL] = "bool", [TANY] = "any", [TSTRING] = "string", [TNIL] = "nil", [TIDEAL] = "untyped number", [TBLANK] = "blank", }; static int typefmt(Fmt *fp, Type *t) { Type *t1; Sym *s; if(t == T) return fmtstrcpy(fp, ""); if (t == bytetype || t == runetype) { // in %-T mode collapse rune and byte with their originals. if(fmtmode != FTypeId) return fmtprint(fp, "%hS", t->sym); t = types[t->etype]; } if(t == errortype) return fmtstrcpy(fp, "error"); // Unless the 'l' flag was specified, if the type has a name, just print that name. if(!(fp->flags&FmtLong) && t->sym && t->etype != TFIELD && t != types[t->etype]) { switch(fmtmode) { case FTypeId: if(fp->flags&FmtShort) { if(t->vargen) return fmtprint(fp, "%hS·%d", t->sym, t->vargen); return fmtprint(fp, "%hS", t->sym); } if(fp->flags&FmtUnsigned) return fmtprint(fp, "%uS", t->sym); // fallthrough case FExp: if(t->sym->pkg == localpkg && t->vargen) return fmtprint(fp, "%S·%d", t->sym, t->vargen); break; } return fmtprint(fp, "%S", t->sym); } if(t->etype < nelem(basicnames) && basicnames[t->etype] != nil) { if(fmtmode == FErr && (t == idealbool || t == idealstring)) fmtstrcpy(fp, "untyped "); return fmtstrcpy(fp, basicnames[t->etype]); } if(fmtmode == FDbg) fmtprint(fp, "%E-", t->etype); switch(t->etype) { case TPTR32: case TPTR64: if(fmtmode == FTypeId && (fp->flags&FmtShort)) return fmtprint(fp, "*%hT", t->type); return fmtprint(fp, "*%T", t->type); case TARRAY: if(t->bound >= 0) return fmtprint(fp, "[%lld]%T", t->bound, t->type); if(t->bound == -100) return fmtprint(fp, "[...]%T", t->type); return fmtprint(fp, "[]%T", t->type); case TCHAN: switch(t->chan) { case Crecv: return fmtprint(fp, "<-chan %T", t->type); case Csend: return fmtprint(fp, "chan<- %T", t->type); } if(t->type != T && t->type->etype == TCHAN && t->type->sym == S && t->type->chan == Crecv) return fmtprint(fp, "chan (%T)", t->type); return fmtprint(fp, "chan %T", t->type); case TMAP: return fmtprint(fp, "map[%T]%T", t->down, t->type); case TINTER: fmtstrcpy(fp, "interface {"); for(t1=t->type; t1!=T; t1=t1->down) if(exportname(t1->sym->name)) { if(t1->down) fmtprint(fp, " %hS%hT;", t1->sym, t1->type); else fmtprint(fp, " %hS%hT ", t1->sym, t1->type); } else { // non-exported method names must be qualified if(t1->down) fmtprint(fp, " %uS%hT;", t1->sym, t1->type); else fmtprint(fp, " %uS%hT ", t1->sym, t1->type); } fmtstrcpy(fp, "}"); return 0; case TFUNC: if(fp->flags & FmtShort) { fmtprint(fp, "%T", getinargx(t)); } else { if(t->thistuple) fmtprint(fp, "method%T func%T", getthisx(t), getinargx(t)); else fmtprint(fp, "func%T", getinargx(t)); } switch(t->outtuple) { case 0: break; case 1: if(fmtmode != FExp) { fmtprint(fp, " %T", getoutargx(t)->type->type); // struct->field->field's type break; } default: fmtprint(fp, " %T", getoutargx(t)); break; } return 0; case TSTRUCT: // Format the bucket struct for map[x]y as map.bucket[x]y. // This avoids a recursive print that generates very long names. if(t->map != T) { if(t->map->bucket == t) { return fmtprint(fp, "map.bucket[%T]%T", t->map->down, t->map->type); } if(t->map->hmap == t) { return fmtprint(fp, "map.hdr[%T]%T", t->map->down, t->map->type); } if(t->map->hiter == t) { return fmtprint(fp, "map.iter[%T]%T", t->map->down, t->map->type); } yyerror("unknown internal map type"); } if(t->funarg) { fmtstrcpy(fp, "("); if(fmtmode == FTypeId || fmtmode == FErr) { // no argument names on function signature, and no "noescape"/"nosplit" tags for(t1=t->type; t1!=T; t1=t1->down) if(t1->down) fmtprint(fp, "%hT, ", t1); else fmtprint(fp, "%hT", t1); } else { for(t1=t->type; t1!=T; t1=t1->down) if(t1->down) fmtprint(fp, "%T, ", t1); else fmtprint(fp, "%T", t1); } fmtstrcpy(fp, ")"); } else { fmtstrcpy(fp, "struct {"); for(t1=t->type; t1!=T; t1=t1->down) if(t1->down) fmtprint(fp, " %lT;", t1); else fmtprint(fp, " %lT ", t1); fmtstrcpy(fp, "}"); } return 0; case TFIELD: if(!(fp->flags&FmtShort)) { s = t->sym; // Take the name from the original, lest we substituted it with ~r%d or ~b%d. // ~r%d is a (formerly) unnamed result. if ((fmtmode == FErr || fmtmode == FExp) && t->nname != N) { if(t->nname->orig != N) { s = t->nname->orig->sym; if(s != S && s->name[0] == '~') { if(s->name[1] == 'r') // originally an unnamed result s = S; else if(s->name[1] == 'b') // originally the blank identifier _ s = lookup("_"); } } else s = S; } if(s != S && !t->embedded) { if(t->funarg) fmtprint(fp, "%N ", t->nname); else if(fp->flags&FmtLong) fmtprint(fp, "%hhS ", s); // qualify non-exported names (used on structs, not on funarg) else fmtprint(fp, "%S ", s); } else if(fmtmode == FExp) { // TODO(rsc) this breaks on the eliding of unused arguments in the backend // when this is fixed, the special case in dcl.c checkarglist can go. //if(t->funarg) // fmtstrcpy(fp, "_ "); //else if(t->embedded && s->pkg != nil && s->pkg->path->len > 0) fmtprint(fp, "@\"%Z\".? ", s->pkg->path); else fmtstrcpy(fp, "? "); } } if(t->isddd) fmtprint(fp, "...%T", t->type->type); else fmtprint(fp, "%T", t->type); if(!(fp->flags&FmtShort) && t->note) fmtprint(fp, " \"%Z\"", t->note); return 0; case TFORW: if(t->sym) return fmtprint(fp, "undefined %S", t->sym); return fmtstrcpy(fp, "undefined"); case TUNSAFEPTR: if(fmtmode == FExp) return fmtprint(fp, "@\"unsafe\".Pointer"); return fmtprint(fp, "unsafe.Pointer"); } if(fmtmode == FExp) fatal("missing %E case during export", t->etype); // Don't know how to handle - fall back to detailed prints. return fmtprint(fp, "%E <%S> %T", t->etype, t->sym, t->type); } // Statements which may be rendered with a simplestmt as init. static int stmtwithinit(int op) { switch(op) { case OIF: case OFOR: case OSWITCH: return 1; } return 0; } static int stmtfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n) { int complexinit, simpleinit, extrablock; // some statements allow for an init, but at most one, // but we may have an arbitrary number added, eg by typecheck // and inlining. If it doesn't fit the syntax, emit an enclosing // block starting with the init statements. // if we can just say "for" n->ninit; ... then do so simpleinit = n->ninit && !n->ninit->next && !n->ninit->n->ninit && stmtwithinit(n->op); // otherwise, print the inits as separate statements complexinit = n->ninit && !simpleinit && (fmtmode != FErr); // but if it was for if/for/switch, put in an extra surrounding block to limit the scope extrablock = complexinit && stmtwithinit(n->op); if(extrablock) fmtstrcpy(f, "{"); if(complexinit) fmtprint(f, " %H; ", n->ninit); switch(n->op){ case ODCL: if(fmtmode == FExp) { switch(n->left->class&~PHEAP) { case PPARAM: case PPARAMOUT: case PAUTO: fmtprint(f, "var %N %T", n->left, n->left->type); goto ret; } } fmtprint(f, "var %S %T", n->left->sym, n->left->type); break; case ODCLFIELD: if(n->left) fmtprint(f, "%N %N", n->left, n->right); else fmtprint(f, "%N", n->right); break; case OAS: // Don't export "v = " initializing statements, hope they're always // preceded by the DCL which will be re-parsed and typecheck to reproduce // the "v = " again. if(fmtmode == FExp && n->right == N) break; if(n->colas && !complexinit) fmtprint(f, "%N := %N", n->left, n->right); else fmtprint(f, "%N = %N", n->left, n->right); break; case OASOP: fmtprint(f, "%N %#O= %N", n->left, n->etype, n->right); break; case OAS2: if(n->colas && !complexinit) { fmtprint(f, "%,H := %,H", n->list, n->rlist); break; } // fallthrough case OAS2DOTTYPE: case OAS2FUNC: case OAS2MAPR: case OAS2RECV: fmtprint(f, "%,H = %,H", n->list, n->rlist); break; case ORETURN: fmtprint(f, "return %,H", n->list); break; case ORETJMP: fmtprint(f, "retjmp %S", n->sym); break; case OPROC: fmtprint(f, "go %N", n->left); break; case ODEFER: fmtprint(f, "defer %N", n->left); break; case OIF: if(simpleinit) fmtprint(f, "if %N; %N { %H }", n->ninit->n, n->ntest, n->nbody); else fmtprint(f, "if %N { %H }", n->ntest, n->nbody); if(n->nelse) fmtprint(f, " else { %H }", n->nelse); break; case OFOR: if(fmtmode == FErr) { // TODO maybe only if FmtShort, same below fmtstrcpy(f, "for loop"); break; } fmtstrcpy(f, "for"); if(simpleinit) fmtprint(f, " %N;", n->ninit->n); else if(n->nincr) fmtstrcpy(f, " ;"); if(n->ntest) fmtprint(f, " %N", n->ntest); if(n->nincr) fmtprint(f, "; %N", n->nincr); else if(simpleinit) fmtstrcpy(f, ";"); fmtprint(f, " { %H }", n->nbody); break; case ORANGE: if(fmtmode == FErr) { fmtstrcpy(f, "for loop"); break; } if(n->list == nil) { fmtprint(f, "for range %N { %H }", n->right, n->nbody); break; } fmtprint(f, "for %,H = range %N { %H }", n->list, n->right, n->nbody); break; case OSELECT: case OSWITCH: if(fmtmode == FErr) { fmtprint(f, "%O statement", n->op); break; } fmtprint(f, "%#O", n->op); if(simpleinit) fmtprint(f, " %N;", n->ninit->n); if(n->ntest) fmtprint(f, "%N", n->ntest); fmtprint(f, " { %H }", n->list); break; case OCASE: case OXCASE: if(n->list) fmtprint(f, "case %,H: %H", n->list, n->nbody); else fmtprint(f, "default: %H", n->nbody); break; case OBREAK: case OCONTINUE: case OGOTO: case OFALL: case OXFALL: if(n->left) fmtprint(f, "%#O %N", n->op, n->left); else fmtprint(f, "%#O", n->op); break; case OEMPTY: break; case OLABEL: fmtprint(f, "%N: ", n->left); break; } ret: if(extrablock) fmtstrcpy(f, "}"); return 0; } static int opprec[] = { [OAPPEND] = 8, [OARRAYBYTESTR] = 8, [OARRAYLIT] = 8, [OARRAYRUNESTR] = 8, [OCALLFUNC] = 8, [OCALLINTER] = 8, [OCALLMETH] = 8, [OCALL] = 8, [OCAP] = 8, [OCLOSE] = 8, [OCONVIFACE] = 8, [OCONVNOP] = 8, [OCONV] = 8, [OCOPY] = 8, [ODELETE] = 8, [OLEN] = 8, [OLITERAL] = 8, [OMAKESLICE] = 8, [OMAKE] = 8, [OMAPLIT] = 8, [ONAME] = 8, [ONEW] = 8, [ONONAME] = 8, [OPACK] = 8, [OPANIC] = 8, [OPAREN] = 8, [OPRINTN] = 8, [OPRINT] = 8, [ORUNESTR] = 8, [OSTRARRAYBYTE] = 8, [OSTRARRAYRUNE] = 8, [OSTRUCTLIT] = 8, [OTARRAY] = 8, [OTCHAN] = 8, [OTFUNC] = 8, [OTINTER] = 8, [OTMAP] = 8, [OTSTRUCT] = 8, [OINDEXMAP] = 8, [OINDEX] = 8, [OSLICE] = 8, [OSLICESTR] = 8, [OSLICEARR] = 8, [OSLICE3] = 8, [OSLICE3ARR] = 8, [ODOTINTER] = 8, [ODOTMETH] = 8, [ODOTPTR] = 8, [ODOTTYPE2] = 8, [ODOTTYPE] = 8, [ODOT] = 8, [OXDOT] = 8, [OCALLPART] = 8, [OPLUS] = 7, [ONOT] = 7, [OCOM] = 7, [OMINUS] = 7, [OADDR] = 7, [OIND] = 7, [ORECV] = 7, [OMUL] = 6, [ODIV] = 6, [OMOD] = 6, [OLSH] = 6, [ORSH] = 6, [OAND] = 6, [OANDNOT] = 6, [OADD] = 5, [OSUB] = 5, [OOR] = 5, [OXOR] = 5, [OEQ] = 4, [OLT] = 4, [OLE] = 4, [OGE] = 4, [OGT] = 4, [ONE] = 4, [OCMPSTR] = 4, [OCMPIFACE] = 4, [OSEND] = 3, [OANDAND] = 2, [OOROR] = 1, // Statements handled by stmtfmt [OAS] = -1, [OAS2] = -1, [OAS2DOTTYPE] = -1, [OAS2FUNC] = -1, [OAS2MAPR] = -1, [OAS2RECV] = -1, [OASOP] = -1, [OBREAK] = -1, [OCASE] = -1, [OCONTINUE] = -1, [ODCL] = -1, [ODCLFIELD] = -1, [ODEFER] = -1, [OEMPTY] = -1, [OFALL] = -1, [OFOR] = -1, [OGOTO] = -1, [OIF] = -1, [OLABEL] = -1, [OPROC] = -1, [ORANGE] = -1, [ORETURN] = -1, [OSELECT] = -1, [OSWITCH] = -1, [OXCASE] = -1, [OXFALL] = -1, [OEND] = 0 }; static int exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec) { int nprec; int ptrlit; NodeList *l; while(n && n->implicit && (n->op == OIND || n->op == OADDR)) n = n->left; if(n == N) return fmtstrcpy(f, ""); nprec = opprec[n->op]; if(n->op == OTYPE && n->sym != S) nprec = 8; if(prec > nprec) return fmtprint(f, "(%N)", n); switch(n->op) { case OPAREN: return fmtprint(f, "(%N)", n->left); case ODDDARG: return fmtprint(f, "... argument"); case OREGISTER: return fmtprint(f, "%R", n->val.u.reg); case OLITERAL: // this is a bit of a mess if(fmtmode == FErr && n->sym != S) return fmtprint(f, "%S", n->sym); if(n->val.ctype == CTNIL && n->orig != N && n->orig != n) return exprfmt(f, n->orig, prec); if(n->type != T && n->type != types[n->type->etype] && n->type != idealbool && n->type != idealstring) { // Need parens when type begins with what might // be misinterpreted as a unary operator: * or <-. if(isptr[n->type->etype] || (n->type->etype == TCHAN && n->type->chan == Crecv)) return fmtprint(f, "(%T)(%V)", n->type, &n->val); else return fmtprint(f, "%T(%V)", n->type, &n->val); } return fmtprint(f, "%V", &n->val); case ONAME: // Special case: name used as local variable in export. switch(n->class&~PHEAP){ case PAUTO: case PPARAM: case PPARAMOUT: // _ becomes ~b%d internally; print as _ for export if(fmtmode == FExp && n->sym && n->sym->name[0] == '~' && n->sym->name[1] == 'b') return fmtprint(f, "_"); if(fmtmode == FExp && n->sym && !isblank(n) && n->vargen > 0) return fmtprint(f, "%S·%d", n->sym, n->vargen); } // Special case: explicit name of func (*T) method(...) is turned into pkg.(*T).method, // but for export, this should be rendered as (*pkg.T).meth. // These nodes have the special property that they are names with a left OTYPE and a right ONAME. if(fmtmode == FExp && n->left && n->left->op == OTYPE && n->right && n->right->op == ONAME) { if(isptr[n->left->type->etype]) return fmtprint(f, "(%T).%hhS", n->left->type, n->right->sym); else return fmtprint(f, "%T.%hhS", n->left->type, n->right->sym); } //fallthrough case OPACK: case ONONAME: return fmtprint(f, "%S", n->sym); case OTYPE: if(n->type == T && n->sym != S) return fmtprint(f, "%S", n->sym); return fmtprint(f, "%T", n->type); case OTARRAY: if(n->left) return fmtprint(f, "[]%N", n->left); return fmtprint(f, "[]%N", n->right); // happens before typecheck case OTMAP: return fmtprint(f, "map[%N]%N", n->left, n->right); case OTCHAN: switch(n->etype) { case Crecv: return fmtprint(f, "<-chan %N", n->left); case Csend: return fmtprint(f, "chan<- %N", n->left); default: if(n->left != N && n->left->op == OTCHAN && n->left->sym == S && n->left->etype == Crecv) return fmtprint(f, "chan (%N)", n->left); else return fmtprint(f, "chan %N", n->left); } case OTSTRUCT: return fmtprint(f, ""); case OTINTER: return fmtprint(f, ""); case OTFUNC: return fmtprint(f, ""); case OCLOSURE: if(fmtmode == FErr) return fmtstrcpy(f, "func literal"); if(n->nbody) return fmtprint(f, "%T { %H }", n->type, n->nbody); return fmtprint(f, "%T { %H }", n->type, n->closure->nbody); case OCOMPLIT: ptrlit = n->right != N && n->right->implicit && n->right->type && isptr[n->right->type->etype]; if(fmtmode == FErr) { if(n->right != N && n->right->type != T && !n->implicit) { if(ptrlit) return fmtprint(f, "&%T literal", n->right->type->type); else return fmtprint(f, "%T literal", n->right->type); } return fmtstrcpy(f, "composite literal"); } if(fmtmode == FExp && ptrlit) // typecheck has overwritten OIND by OTYPE with pointer type. return fmtprint(f, "(&%T{ %,H })", n->right->type->type, n->list); return fmtprint(f, "(%N{ %,H })", n->right, n->list); case OPTRLIT: if(fmtmode == FExp && n->left->implicit) return fmtprint(f, "%N", n->left); return fmtprint(f, "&%N", n->left); case OSTRUCTLIT: if(fmtmode == FExp) { // requires special handling of field names if(n->implicit) fmtstrcpy(f, "{"); else fmtprint(f, "(%T{", n->type); for(l=n->list; l; l=l->next) { fmtprint(f, " %hhS:%N", l->n->left->sym, l->n->right); if(l->next) fmtstrcpy(f, ","); else fmtstrcpy(f, " "); } if(!n->implicit) return fmtstrcpy(f, "})"); return fmtstrcpy(f, "}"); } // fallthrough case OARRAYLIT: case OMAPLIT: if(fmtmode == FErr) return fmtprint(f, "%T literal", n->type); if(fmtmode == FExp && n->implicit) return fmtprint(f, "{ %,H }", n->list); return fmtprint(f, "(%T{ %,H })", n->type, n->list); case OKEY: if(n->left && n->right) { if(fmtmode == FExp && n->left->type && n->left->type->etype == TFIELD) { // requires special handling of field names return fmtprint(f, "%hhS:%N", n->left->sym, n->right); } else return fmtprint(f, "%N:%N", n->left, n->right); } if(!n->left && n->right) return fmtprint(f, ":%N", n->right); if(n->left && !n->right) return fmtprint(f, "%N:", n->left); return fmtstrcpy(f, ":"); case OXDOT: case ODOT: case ODOTPTR: case ODOTINTER: case ODOTMETH: case OCALLPART: exprfmt(f, n->left, nprec); if(n->right == N || n->right->sym == S) return fmtstrcpy(f, "."); return fmtprint(f, ".%hhS", n->right->sym); case ODOTTYPE: case ODOTTYPE2: exprfmt(f, n->left, nprec); if(n->right != N) return fmtprint(f, ".(%N)", n->right); return fmtprint(f, ".(%T)", n->type); case OINDEX: case OINDEXMAP: case OSLICE: case OSLICESTR: case OSLICEARR: case OSLICE3: case OSLICE3ARR: exprfmt(f, n->left, nprec); return fmtprint(f, "[%N]", n->right); case OCOPY: case OCOMPLEX: return fmtprint(f, "%#O(%N, %N)", n->op, n->left, n->right); case OCONV: case OCONVIFACE: case OCONVNOP: case OARRAYBYTESTR: case OARRAYRUNESTR: case OSTRARRAYBYTE: case OSTRARRAYRUNE: case ORUNESTR: if(n->type == T || n->type->sym == S) return fmtprint(f, "(%T)(%N)", n->type, n->left); if(n->left) return fmtprint(f, "%T(%N)", n->type, n->left); return fmtprint(f, "%T(%,H)", n->type, n->list); case OREAL: case OIMAG: case OAPPEND: case OCAP: case OCLOSE: case ODELETE: case OLEN: case OMAKE: case ONEW: case OPANIC: case ORECOVER: case OPRINT: case OPRINTN: if(n->left) return fmtprint(f, "%#O(%N)", n->op, n->left); if(n->isddd) return fmtprint(f, "%#O(%,H...)", n->op, n->list); return fmtprint(f, "%#O(%,H)", n->op, n->list); case OCALL: case OCALLFUNC: case OCALLINTER: case OCALLMETH: exprfmt(f, n->left, nprec); if(n->isddd) return fmtprint(f, "(%,H...)", n->list); return fmtprint(f, "(%,H)", n->list); case OMAKEMAP: case OMAKECHAN: case OMAKESLICE: if(n->list) // pre-typecheck return fmtprint(f, "make(%T, %,H)", n->type, n->list); if(n->right) return fmtprint(f, "make(%T, %N, %N)", n->type, n->left, n->right); if(n->left) return fmtprint(f, "make(%T, %N)", n->type, n->left); return fmtprint(f, "make(%T)", n->type); // Unary case OPLUS: case OMINUS: case OADDR: case OCOM: case OIND: case ONOT: case ORECV: if(n->left->op == n->op) fmtprint(f, "%#O ", n->op); else fmtprint(f, "%#O", n->op); return exprfmt(f, n->left, nprec+1); // Binary case OADD: case OAND: case OANDAND: case OANDNOT: case ODIV: case OEQ: case OGE: case OGT: case OLE: case OLT: case OLSH: case OMOD: case OMUL: case ONE: case OOR: case OOROR: case ORSH: case OSEND: case OSUB: case OXOR: exprfmt(f, n->left, nprec); fmtprint(f, " %#O ", n->op); exprfmt(f, n->right, nprec+1); return 0; case OADDSTR: for(l=n->list; l; l=l->next) { if(l != n->list) fmtprint(f, " + "); exprfmt(f, l->n, nprec); } return 0; case OCMPSTR: case OCMPIFACE: exprfmt(f, n->left, nprec); fmtprint(f, " %#O ", n->etype); exprfmt(f, n->right, nprec+1); return 0; } return fmtprint(f, "", n->op); } static int nodefmt(Fmt *f, Node *n) { Type *t; t = n->type; // we almost always want the original, except in export mode for literals // this saves the importer some work, and avoids us having to redo some // special casing for package unsafe if((fmtmode != FExp || n->op != OLITERAL) && n->orig != N) n = n->orig; if(f->flags&FmtLong && t != T) { if(t->etype == TNIL) return fmtprint(f, "nil"); else return fmtprint(f, "%N (type %T)", n, t); } // TODO inlining produces expressions with ninits. we can't print these yet. if(opprec[n->op] < 0) return stmtfmt(f, n); return exprfmt(f, n, 0); } static int dumpdepth; static void indent(Fmt *fp) { int i; fmtstrcpy(fp, "\n"); for(i = 0; i < dumpdepth; ++i) fmtstrcpy(fp, ". "); } static int nodedump(Fmt *fp, Node *n) { int recur; if(n == N) return 0; recur = !(fp->flags&FmtShort); if(recur) { indent(fp); if(dumpdepth > 10) return fmtstrcpy(fp, "..."); if(n->ninit != nil) { fmtprint(fp, "%O-init%H", n->op, n->ninit); indent(fp); } } // fmtprint(fp, "[%p]", n); switch(n->op) { default: fmtprint(fp, "%O%J", n->op, n); break; case OREGISTER: case OINDREG: fmtprint(fp, "%O-%R%J", n->op, n->val.u.reg, n); break; case OLITERAL: fmtprint(fp, "%O-%V%J", n->op, &n->val, n); break; case ONAME: case ONONAME: if(n->sym != S) fmtprint(fp, "%O-%S%J", n->op, n->sym, n); else fmtprint(fp, "%O%J", n->op, n); if(recur && n->type == T && n->ntype) { indent(fp); fmtprint(fp, "%O-ntype%N", n->op, n->ntype); } break; case OASOP: fmtprint(fp, "%O-%O%J", n->op, n->etype, n); break; case OTYPE: fmtprint(fp, "%O %S%J type=%T", n->op, n->sym, n, n->type); if(recur && n->type == T && n->ntype) { indent(fp); fmtprint(fp, "%O-ntype%N", n->op, n->ntype); } break; } if(n->sym != S && n->op != ONAME) fmtprint(fp, " %S G%d", n->sym, n->vargen); if(n->type != T) fmtprint(fp, " %T", n->type); if(recur) { if(n->left) fmtprint(fp, "%N", n->left); if(n->right) fmtprint(fp, "%N", n->right); if(n->list) { indent(fp); fmtprint(fp, "%O-list%H", n->op, n->list); } if(n->rlist) { indent(fp); fmtprint(fp, "%O-rlist%H", n->op, n->rlist); } if(n->ntest) { indent(fp); fmtprint(fp, "%O-test%N", n->op, n->ntest); } if(n->nbody) { indent(fp); fmtprint(fp, "%O-body%H", n->op, n->nbody); } if(n->nelse) { indent(fp); fmtprint(fp, "%O-else%H", n->op, n->nelse); } if(n->nincr) { indent(fp); fmtprint(fp, "%O-incr%N", n->op, n->nincr); } } return 0; } // Fmt "%S": syms // Flags: "%hS" suppresses qualifying with package static int Sconv(Fmt *fp) { Sym *s; int r, sm; unsigned long sf; if(fp->flags&FmtLong) return linksymfmt(fp); s = va_arg(fp->args, Sym*); if(s == S) return fmtstrcpy(fp, ""); if(s->name && s->name[0] == '_' && s->name[1] == '\0') return fmtstrcpy(fp, "_"); sf = fp->flags; sm = setfmode(&fp->flags); r = symfmt(fp, s); fp->flags = sf; fmtmode = sm; return r; } // Fmt "%T": types. // Flags: 'l' print definition, not name // 'h' omit 'func' and receiver from function types, short type names // 'u' package name, not prefix (FTypeId mode, sticky) static int Tconv(Fmt *fp) { Type *t; int r, sm; unsigned long sf; t = va_arg(fp->args, Type*); if(t == T) return fmtstrcpy(fp, ""); if(t->trecur > 4) return fmtstrcpy(fp, "<...>"); t->trecur++; sf = fp->flags; sm = setfmode(&fp->flags); if(fmtmode == FTypeId && (sf&FmtUnsigned)) fmtpkgpfx++; if(fmtpkgpfx) fp->flags |= FmtUnsigned; r = typefmt(fp, t); if(fmtmode == FTypeId && (sf&FmtUnsigned)) fmtpkgpfx--; fp->flags = sf; fmtmode = sm; t->trecur--; return r; } // Fmt '%N': Nodes. // Flags: 'l' suffix with "(type %T)" where possible // '+h' in debug mode, don't recurse, no multiline output static int Nconv(Fmt *fp) { Node *n; int r, sm; unsigned long sf; n = va_arg(fp->args, Node*); if(n == N) return fmtstrcpy(fp, ""); sf = fp->flags; sm = setfmode(&fp->flags); r = -1; switch(fmtmode) { case FErr: case FExp: r = nodefmt(fp, n); break; case FDbg: dumpdepth++; r = nodedump(fp, n); dumpdepth--; break; default: fatal("unhandled %%N mode"); } fp->flags = sf; fmtmode = sm; return r; } // Fmt '%H': NodeList. // Flags: all those of %N plus ',': separate with comma's instead of semicolons. static int Hconv(Fmt *fp) { NodeList *l; int r, sm; unsigned long sf; char *sep; l = va_arg(fp->args, NodeList*); if(l == nil && fmtmode == FDbg) return fmtstrcpy(fp, ""); sf = fp->flags; sm = setfmode(&fp->flags); r = 0; sep = "; "; if(fmtmode == FDbg) sep = "\n"; else if(fp->flags & FmtComma) sep = ", "; for(;l; l=l->next) { r += fmtprint(fp, "%N", l->n); if(l->next) r += fmtstrcpy(fp, sep); } fp->flags = sf; fmtmode = sm; return r; } void fmtinstallgo(void) { fmtmode = FErr; fmtinstall('E', Econv); // etype opcodes fmtinstall('J', Jconv); // all the node flags fmtinstall('H', Hconv); // node lists fmtinstall('L', Lconv); // line number fmtinstall('N', Nconv); // node pointer fmtinstall('O', Oconv); // node opcodes fmtinstall('S', Sconv); // sym pointer fmtinstall('T', Tconv); // type pointer fmtinstall('V', Vconv); // val pointer fmtinstall('Z', Zconv); // escaped string // These are in mparith1.c fmtinstall('B', Bconv); // big numbers fmtinstall('F', Fconv); // big float numbers } void dumplist(char *s, NodeList *l) { print("%s%+H\n", s, l); } void dump(char *s, Node *n) { print("%s [%p]%+N\n", s, n, n); }