// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Parallel for algorithm. #include "runtime.h" #include "arch_GOARCH.h" #include "malloc.h" struct ParForThread { // the thread's iteration space [32lsb, 32msb) uint64 pos; // stats uint64 nsteal; uint64 nstealcnt; uint64 nprocyield; uint64 nosyield; uint64 nsleep; byte pad[CacheLineSize]; }; void runtime·parforsetup(ParFor *desc, uint32 nthr, uint32 n, void *ctx, bool wait, void (*body)(ParFor*, uint32)) { uint32 i, begin, end; uint64 *pos; if(desc == nil || nthr == 0 || nthr > desc->nthrmax || body == nil) { runtime·printf("desc=%p nthr=%d count=%d body=%p\n", desc, nthr, n, body); runtime·throw("parfor: invalid args"); } desc->body = body; desc->done = 0; desc->nthr = nthr; desc->thrseq = 0; desc->cnt = n; desc->ctx = ctx; desc->wait = wait; desc->nsteal = 0; desc->nstealcnt = 0; desc->nprocyield = 0; desc->nosyield = 0; desc->nsleep = 0; for(i=0; ithr[i].pos; if(((uintptr)pos & 7) != 0) runtime·throw("parforsetup: pos is not aligned"); *pos = (uint64)begin | (((uint64)end)<<32); } } void runtime·parfordo(ParFor *desc) { ParForThread *me; uint32 tid, begin, end, begin2, try, victim, i; uint64 *mypos, *victimpos, pos, newpos; void (*body)(ParFor*, uint32); bool idle; // Obtain 0-based thread index. tid = runtime·xadd(&desc->thrseq, 1) - 1; if(tid >= desc->nthr) { runtime·printf("tid=%d nthr=%d\n", tid, desc->nthr); runtime·throw("parfor: invalid tid"); } // If single-threaded, just execute the for serially. if(desc->nthr==1) { for(i=0; icnt; i++) desc->body(desc, i); return; } body = desc->body; me = &desc->thr[tid]; mypos = &me->pos; for(;;) { for(;;) { // While there is local work, // bump low index and execute the iteration. pos = runtime·xadd64(mypos, 1); begin = (uint32)pos-1; end = (uint32)(pos>>32); if(begin < end) { body(desc, begin); continue; } break; } // Out of work, need to steal something. idle = false; for(try=0;; try++) { // If we don't see any work for long enough, // increment the done counter... if(try > desc->nthr*4 && !idle) { idle = true; runtime·xadd(&desc->done, 1); } // ...if all threads have incremented the counter, // we are done. if(desc->done + !idle == desc->nthr) { if(!idle) runtime·xadd(&desc->done, 1); goto exit; } // Choose a random victim for stealing. victim = runtime·fastrand1() % (desc->nthr-1); if(victim >= tid) victim++; victimpos = &desc->thr[victim].pos; for(;;) { // See if it has any work. pos = runtime·atomicload64(victimpos); begin = (uint32)pos; end = (uint32)(pos>>32); if(begin+1 >= end) { begin = end = 0; break; } if(idle) { runtime·xadd(&desc->done, -1); idle = false; } begin2 = begin + (end-begin)/2; newpos = (uint64)begin | (uint64)begin2<<32; if(runtime·cas64(victimpos, pos, newpos)) { begin = begin2; break; } } if(begin < end) { // Has successfully stolen some work. if(idle) runtime·throw("parfor: should not be idle"); runtime·atomicstore64(mypos, (uint64)begin | (uint64)end<<32); me->nsteal++; me->nstealcnt += end-begin; break; } // Backoff. if(try < desc->nthr) { // nothing } else if (try < 4*desc->nthr) { me->nprocyield++; runtime·procyield(20); // If a caller asked not to wait for the others, exit now // (assume that most work is already done at this point). } else if (!desc->wait) { if(!idle) runtime·xadd(&desc->done, 1); goto exit; } else if (try < 6*desc->nthr) { me->nosyield++; runtime·osyield(); } else { me->nsleep++; runtime·usleep(1); } } } exit: runtime·xadd64(&desc->nsteal, me->nsteal); runtime·xadd64(&desc->nstealcnt, me->nstealcnt); runtime·xadd64(&desc->nprocyield, me->nprocyield); runtime·xadd64(&desc->nosyield, me->nosyield); runtime·xadd64(&desc->nsleep, me->nsleep); me->nsteal = 0; me->nstealcnt = 0; me->nprocyield = 0; me->nosyield = 0; me->nsleep = 0; } // For testing from Go. void runtime·newparfor_m(void) { g->m->ptrarg[0] = runtime·parforalloc(g->m->scalararg[0]); } void runtime·parforsetup_m(void) { ParFor *desc; void *ctx; void (*body)(ParFor*, uint32); desc = g->m->ptrarg[0]; g->m->ptrarg[0] = nil; ctx = g->m->ptrarg[1]; g->m->ptrarg[1] = nil; body = g->m->ptrarg[2]; g->m->ptrarg[2] = nil; runtime·parforsetup(desc, g->m->scalararg[0], g->m->scalararg[1], ctx, g->m->scalararg[2], body); } void runtime·parfordo_m(void) { ParFor *desc; desc = g->m->ptrarg[0]; g->m->ptrarg[0] = nil; runtime·parfordo(desc); } void runtime·parforiters_m(void) { ParFor *desc; uintptr tid; desc = g->m->ptrarg[0]; g->m->ptrarg[0] = nil; tid = g->m->scalararg[0]; g->m->scalararg[0] = desc->thr[tid].pos; g->m->scalararg[1] = desc->thr[tid].pos>>32; }