diff options
authorStef Walter <>2011-05-14 21:49:53 +0200
committerColin Walters <>2011-08-10 10:39:59 -0400
commit7f178ddeadd99ee82ec0da6ff963392b44d223c3 (patch)
parent37213bcbf7dde51bf955501c709d0b940722d32a (diff)
Fix symbols being reported in invalid files
* Due to the way that flex/bison works, the symbols were being added to the scanner after additional lines are parsed. * If these lines are #line directives, then scanner->current_filename can change between when the symbol is parsed and when it's added. * Change so that symbol gets filename when parsing rather than when being added to the scanner.
3 files changed, 57 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/giscanner/scannerparser.y b/giscanner/scannerparser.y
index 8b9ce444..65ac5946 100644
--- a/giscanner/scannerparser.y
+++ b/giscanner/scannerparser.y
@@ -224,14 +224,14 @@ primary_expression
$$ = g_hash_table_lookup (const_table, $1);
if ($$ == NULL) {
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
} else {
$$ = gi_source_symbol_ref ($$);
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
if (g_str_has_prefix (yytext, "0x") && strlen (yytext) > 2) {
$$->const_int = g_ascii_strtoll (yytext + 2, NULL, 16);
@@ -243,13 +243,13 @@ primary_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = g_utf8_get_char(yytext + 1);
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_double_set = TRUE;
$$->const_double = 0.0;
sscanf (yytext, "%lf", &($$->const_double));
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ primary_expression
| EXTENSION '(' '{' block_item_list '}' ')'
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ primary_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
yytext[strlen (yytext) - 1] = '\0';
$$->const_string = parse_c_string_literal (yytext + 1);
if (!g_utf8_validate ($$->const_string, -1, NULL))
@@ -311,31 +311,31 @@ postfix_expression
: primary_expression
| postfix_expression '[' expression ']'
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
| postfix_expression '(' argument_expression_list ')'
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
| postfix_expression '(' ')'
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
| postfix_expression '.' identifier_or_typedef_name
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
| postfix_expression ARROW identifier_or_typedef_name
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
| postfix_expression PLUSPLUS
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
| postfix_expression MINUSMINUS
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
@@ -348,11 +348,11 @@ unary_expression
: postfix_expression
| PLUSPLUS unary_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
| MINUSMINUS unary_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
| unary_operator cast_expression
@@ -373,18 +373,18 @@ unary_expression
$$->const_int = !gi_source_symbol_get_const_boolean ($2);
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
| SIZEOF unary_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
| SIZEOF '(' type_name ')'
ctype_free ($3);
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
@@ -428,13 +428,13 @@ multiplicative_expression
: cast_expression
| multiplicative_expression '*' cast_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = $1->const_int * $3->const_int;
| multiplicative_expression '/' cast_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
if ($3->const_int != 0) {
$$->const_int = $1->const_int / $3->const_int;
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ multiplicative_expression
| multiplicative_expression '%' cast_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
if ($3->const_int != 0) {
$$->const_int = $1->const_int % $3->const_int;
@@ -454,13 +454,13 @@ additive_expression
: multiplicative_expression
| additive_expression '+' multiplicative_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = $1->const_int + $3->const_int;
| additive_expression '-' multiplicative_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = $1->const_int - $3->const_int;
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ shift_expression
: additive_expression
| shift_expression SL additive_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = $1->const_int << $3->const_int;
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ shift_expression
| shift_expression SR additive_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = $1->const_int >> $3->const_int;
@@ -492,25 +492,25 @@ relational_expression
: shift_expression
| relational_expression '<' shift_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = $1->const_int < $3->const_int;
| relational_expression '>' shift_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = $1->const_int > $3->const_int;
| relational_expression LTEQ shift_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = $1->const_int <= $3->const_int;
| relational_expression GTEQ shift_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = $1->const_int >= $3->const_int;
@@ -520,13 +520,13 @@ equality_expression
: relational_expression
| equality_expression EQ relational_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = $1->const_int == $3->const_int;
| equality_expression NOTEQ relational_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = $1->const_int != $3->const_int;
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ and_expression
: equality_expression
| and_expression '&' equality_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = $1->const_int & $3->const_int;
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ exclusive_or_expression
: and_expression
| exclusive_or_expression '^' and_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = $1->const_int ^ $3->const_int;
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ inclusive_or_expression
: exclusive_or_expression
| inclusive_or_expression '|' exclusive_or_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = $1->const_int | $3->const_int;
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ logical_and_expression
: inclusive_or_expression
| logical_and_expression ANDAND inclusive_or_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int =
gi_source_symbol_get_const_boolean ($1) &&
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ logical_or_expression
: logical_and_expression
| logical_or_expression OROR logical_and_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int =
gi_source_symbol_get_const_boolean ($1) ||
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ assignment_expression
: conditional_expression
| unary_expression assignment_operator assignment_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ expression
| expression ',' assignment_expression
| EXTENSION expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ struct_or_union_specifier
$$->name = $2;
$$->child_list = $4;
- GISourceSymbol *sym = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ GISourceSymbol *sym = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
if ($$->type == CTYPE_STRUCT) {
} else if ($$->type == CTYPE_UNION) {
@@ -898,12 +898,12 @@ struct_declarator_list
: /* empty, support for anonymous structs and unions */
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
| declarator
| ':' constant_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
| declarator ':' constant_expression
@@ -979,7 +979,7 @@ enumerator_list
: identifier
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_OBJECT, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_OBJECT, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->ident = $1;
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = ++last_enum_value;
@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ enumerator
| identifier '=' constant_expression
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_OBJECT, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_OBJECT, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->ident = $1;
$$->const_int_set = TRUE;
$$->const_int = $3->const_int;
@@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ declarator
: identifier
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->ident = $1;
| '(' declarator ')'
@@ -1129,25 +1129,25 @@ parameter_declaration
| declaration_specifiers
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
$$->base_type = $1;
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_ELLIPSIS, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_ELLIPSIS, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
: identifier
- GISourceSymbol *sym = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ GISourceSymbol *sym = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
sym->ident = $1;
$$ = g_list_append (NULL, sym);
| identifier_list ',' identifier
- GISourceSymbol *sym = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ GISourceSymbol *sym = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
sym->ident = $3;
$$ = g_list_append ($1, sym);
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ type_name
: pointer
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, $1);
| direct_abstract_declarator
@@ -1179,12 +1179,12 @@ direct_abstract_declarator
| '[' ']'
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, gi_source_array_new (NULL));
| '[' assignment_expression ']'
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, gi_source_array_new ($2));
| direct_abstract_declarator '[' ']'
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@ direct_abstract_declarator
| '(' ')'
GISourceType *func = gi_source_function_new ();
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, func);
| '(' parameter_list ')'
@@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@ direct_abstract_declarator
if ($2 != NULL && ($2->next != NULL || ((GISourceSymbol *) $2->data)->base_type->type != CTYPE_VOID)) {
func->child_list = $2;
- $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, lineno);
+ $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_filename, lineno);
gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, func);
| direct_abstract_declarator '(' ')'
diff --git a/giscanner/sourcescanner.c b/giscanner/sourcescanner.c
index e519a942..1ae14bc3 100644
--- a/giscanner/sourcescanner.c
+++ b/giscanner/sourcescanner.c
@@ -24,10 +24,11 @@
#include <string.h>
GISourceSymbol *
-gi_source_symbol_new (GISourceSymbolType type, int line)
+gi_source_symbol_new (GISourceSymbolType type, const gchar *filename, int line)
GISourceSymbol *s = g_slice_new0 (GISourceSymbol);
s->ref_count = 1;
+ s->source_filename = g_strdup (filename);
s->type = type;
s->line = line;
return s;
@@ -255,11 +256,7 @@ gi_source_scanner_add_symbol (GISourceScanner *scanner,
if (found_filename || scanner->macro_scan)
scanner->symbols = g_slist_prepend (scanner->symbols,
gi_source_symbol_ref (symbol));
- /* TODO: Refcounted string here or some other optimization */
- if (found_filename && symbol->source_filename == NULL)
- {
- symbol->source_filename = g_strdup (scanner->current_filename);
- }
+ g_assert (symbol->source_filename != NULL);
switch (symbol->type)
diff --git a/giscanner/sourcescanner.h b/giscanner/sourcescanner.h
index 1ed9e9b7..df16cf6a 100644
--- a/giscanner/sourcescanner.h
+++ b/giscanner/sourcescanner.h
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ GSList * gi_source_scanner_get_symbols (GISourceScanner *scanne
GSList * gi_source_scanner_get_comments (GISourceScanner *scanner);
void gi_source_scanner_free (GISourceScanner *scanner);
-GISourceSymbol * gi_source_symbol_new (GISourceSymbolType type, int line);
+GISourceSymbol * gi_source_symbol_new (GISourceSymbolType type, const gchar *filename, int line);
gboolean gi_source_symbol_get_const_boolean (GISourceSymbol *symbol);
GISourceSymbol * gi_source_symbol_ref (GISourceSymbol *symbol);
void gi_source_symbol_unref (GISourceSymbol *symbol);