path: root/giscanner
diff options
authorTomeu Vizoso <>2012-02-20 14:36:36 +0100
committerTomeu Vizoso <>2012-02-20 14:36:36 +0100
commit932946f4071d1d5551e3930c113a2a1d47e95c8c (patch)
tree2cdde36e9144959a19482009d5b2f5bde05083bd /giscanner
parent3c1bb2b27583d6296a83a84bb4c5a335c268671b (diff)
g-ir-doc-tool: Remove stale DocBook files
Diffstat (limited to 'giscanner')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 754 deletions
diff --git a/giscanner/ b/giscanner/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ec7219d..00000000
--- a/giscanner/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-TAG_PROGRAM_LISTING = '<programlisting'
-TAGS = {TAG_PROGRAM_LISTING, TAG_CDATA, ']]>', '</programlisting>'}
-def get_formatted_description(description):
- desc = description.replace("|[", "<informalexample><programlisting>") \
- .replace("]|", "</programlisting></informalexample>")
- desc = "<para>%s</para>" % desc
-# we still need to handle this case
-# # Handle "#include <xxxxx>"
-# $text =~ s/#include(\s+)<([^>]+)>/#include$1&lt;$2&gt;/g;
- formatted_desc = ""
- inside_tags = []
- last_offset = 0
- for start, end, tag in _find_xml_tag_matches(desc):
- if len(inside_tags) == 0:
- new_desc = "\n</para>\n<para>\n".join(desc[last_offset:start].split('\n\n'))
- else:
- new_desc = desc[last_offset:start]
- if TAG_CDATA not in inside_tags:
- new_desc = _escape_non_cdata_section(new_desc)
- formatted_desc += new_desc
- formatted_desc += tag
- formatted_desc += '>'
- inside_tags.append(tag)
- else:
- try:
- inside_tags.pop()
- except IndexError:
- print "Error: mismatched tag:", tag
- last_offset = end
- formatted_desc += _escape_non_cdata_section(desc[last_offset:])
- return formatted_desc
-def _find_xml_tag_matches(string):
- offset = 0
- while True:
- indexes = []
- for tag in TAGS:
- pos = string.find(tag, offset)
- if pos != -1:
- indexes.append((tag, pos))
- if indexes:
- tag, first = min(indexes, key=lambda x: x[1])
- end = string.find('>', first + len(tag) - 1) + 1
- else:
- end = first + len(tag)
- offset = end
- yield first, end, tag
- else:
- return
-def _escape_non_cdata_section(string):
- string = _escape_ampersand_not_in_entity(string)
- string = _escape_lt_not_in_xml_tag(string)
- return _escape_gt_not_in_xml_tag(string)
-def _escape_ampersand_not_in_entity(string):
- parts = string.split('&')
- output = parts[0]
- for part in parts[1:]:
- end = part.find(';')
- if end == -1 or not part[:end].isalpha():
- output += "&amp;"
- else:
- output += "&"
- output += part
- return output
-def _is_valid_xml_tag_name(name):
- if len(name) < 1:
- return False
- elif name.isalpha() or (name[0].isalpha() and name[1:].isalnum()):
- return True
-def _is_valid_xml_tag(string):
- # handle case where line end is between tag name and first argument.
- # ie. <link\nlinkend="link-id">My Link</link>
- string = string.replace('\n', ' ')
- if string[-1] == '/':
- string = string[:-1]
- # string is the inner part of the tag, without < and >
- if string[0] == '/' and _is_valid_xml_tag_name(string[1:]):
- #valid end tag
- return True
- elif _is_valid_xml_tag_name(string):
- #valid start tag with not params
- return True
- elif " " in string:
- # we are looking for: <tagname arg="value" arg2="value2">
- # TODO: handle spaces in values (between quotations)
- tagname, rest = string.split(" ", 1)
- if not _is_valid_xml_tag_name(tagname):
- return False
- while rest.strip():
- rest = rest.lstrip()
- if not '=' in rest:
- return False
- argname, rest = rest.split('=', 1)
- if not _is_valid_xml_tag_name(argname):
- return False
- if rest[0] != '"':
- return False
- value, rest = rest[1:].split('"', 1)
- return True
-def _escape_lt_not_in_xml_tag(string):
- parts = string.split('<')
- output = parts[0]
- for part in parts[1:]:
- end = part.find('>')
- if end == -1 or not _is_valid_xml_tag(part[:end]):
- output += "&lt;"
- else:
- output += "<"
- output += part
- return output
-def _escape_gt_not_in_xml_tag(string):
- parts = string.split('>')
- output = parts[0]
- for part in parts[1:]:
- start = output.rfind('<')
- if start == -1 or not _is_valid_xml_tag(output[start+1:]):
- output += "&gt;"
- else:
- output += ">"
- output += part
- return output
-def test():
- assert _is_valid_xml_tag_name('a')
- assert _is_valid_xml_tag_name('refsect1')
- assert not _is_valid_xml_tag_name('1refsect')
- assert not _is_valid_xml_tag_name('1')
- assert _is_valid_xml_tag('/a')
- assert _is_valid_xml_tag('/refsect1')
- assert not _is_valid_xml_tag('/1')
- assert _is_valid_xml_tag('link')
- assert _is_valid_xml_tag('link linkend="value"')
- assert _is_valid_xml_tag('link linkend="value"')
- assert _is_valid_xml_tag('link/')
- assert _is_valid_xml_tag('link linkend="value"/')
- assert _is_valid_xml_tag('link linkend="value" arg23="anothervalue"')
- assert _is_valid_xml_tag('link linkend="value" arg23="anothervalue with spaces"')
- assert not _is_valid_xml_tag('link linkend="value arg23="anothervalue with spaces"')
- assert not _is_valid_xml_tag('link linkend')
- assert _is_valid_xml_tag('link\nlinkend="link-id"')
- assert _is_valid_xml_tag('xref linkend="gtkstylecontext-classes"/')
- assert _is_valid_xml_tag('a href="" title="&lt;i&gt;Our&lt;/i&gt; website"')
- assert _is_valid_xml_tag('ulink \nurl=""')
- string = 'gtk_label_set_markup (label, "Go to the <a href="" ' \
- + 'title="&lt;i&gt;Our&lt;/i&gt; website">GTK+ website</a> for more...");'
- assert _escape_lt_not_in_xml_tag(string) == string
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test()
diff --git a/giscanner/ b/giscanner/
deleted file mode 100644
index d4701e68..00000000
--- a/giscanner/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- Mode: Python -*-
-# GObject-Introspection - a framework for introspecting GObject libraries
-# Copyright (C) 2010 Zach Goldberg
-# Copyright (C) 2011 Johan Dahlin
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-# 02110-1301, USA.
-import sys
-from . import ast
-from .girparser import GIRParser
-from .xmlwriter import XMLWriter
-from .docbookdescription import get_formatted_description
-XMLNS = ""
-DOCTYPE = """<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
- "" [
-<!ENTITY % local.common.attrib "xmlns:xi CDATA #FIXED ''">
-<!ENTITY version SYSTEM "version.xml">
-]>""" #"
-def _space(num):
- return " " * num
-class DocBookFormatter(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.namespace = None
- self.writer = None
- def set_namespace(self, namespace):
- self.namespace = namespace
- def set_writer(self, writer):
- self.writer = writer
- def get_type_string(self, type):
- return str(type.ctype)
- def render_parameter(self, param_type, param_name):
- return "%s %s" % (param_type, param_name)
- def _render_parameter(self, param, extra_content=''):
- with self.writer.tagcontext("parameter"):
- if param.type.ctype is not None:
- link_dest = param.type.ctype.replace("*", "")
- else:
- link_dest = param.type.ctype
- with self.writer.tagcontext("link", [("linkend", "%s" % link_dest)]):
- self.writer.write_tag("type", [], link_dest)
- self.writer.write_line(extra_content)
- def _render_parameters(self, parent, parameters):
- self.writer.write_line(
- "%s(" % _space(40 - len(parent.symbol)))
- parent_class = parent.parent_class
- ctype = ast.Type(parent.parent_class.ctype + '*')
- params = []
- params.append(ast.Parameter(, ctype))
- params.extend(parameters)
- first_param = True
- for param in params:
- if not first_param:
- self.writer.write_line("\n%s" % _space(61))
- else:
- first_param = False
- if not param == params[-1]:
- comma = ", "
- else:
- comma = ""
- if isinstance(param.type, ast.Varargs):
- with self.writer.tagcontext("parameter"):
- self.writer.write_line('...%s' % comma)
- else:
- extra_content = " "
- if param.type.ctype is not None and '*' in param.type.ctype:
- extra_content += '*'
- extra_content += param.argname
- extra_content += comma
- self._render_parameter(param, extra_content)
- self.writer.write_line(");\n")
- def get_method_as_title(self, method):
- return "%s ()" % method.symbol
- def get_page_name(self, node):
- # page name is only used for xml:id (not displayed to users)
- if isinstance(node, ast.Alias) or node.gtype_name is None:
- return node.ctype
- return node.gtype_name
- def get_class_name(self, node):
- if node.gtype_name is None:
- return node.ctype
- return node.gtype_name
- def get_type_name(self, node):
- if isinstance(node, ast.Array):
- if node.array_type == ast.Array.C:
- return str(node.element_type) + "[]"
- else:
- return "%s&lt;%s&gt;" % (node.array_type, str(node.element_type))
- elif isinstance(node, ast.Map):
- return "GHashTable&lt;%s, %s&gt;" % (str(node.key_type), str(node.value_type))
- elif isinstance(node, ast.List):
- return "GList&lt;%s&gt;" % str(node.element_type)
- else:
- return str(node)
- def render_method(self, method, link=False):
- self.writer.disable_whitespace()
- retval_type = method.retval.type
- if retval_type.ctype:
- link_dest = retval_type.ctype.replace("*", "")
- else:
- link_dest = str(retval_type)
- if retval_type.target_giname:
- ns = retval_type.target_giname.split('.')
- if ns[0] ==
- link_dest = "%s" % (
- retval_type.ctype.replace("*", ""))
- with self.writer.tagcontext("link", [("linkend", link_dest)]):
- self.writer.write_tag("returnvalue", [], link_dest)
- if '*' in retval_type.ctype:
- self.writer.write_line(' *')
- self.writer.write_line(
- _space(20 - len(self.get_type_string(method.retval.type))))
- if link:
- self.writer.write_tag("link", [("linkend",
- method.symbol.replace("_", "-"))],
- method.symbol)
- else:
- self.writer.write_line(method.symbol)
- self._render_parameters(method, method.parameters)
- self.writer.enable_whitespace()
- def _get_annotations(self, argument):
- annotations = {}
- if hasattr(argument.type, 'element_type') and \
- argument.type.element_type is not None:
- if isinstance(argument.type.element_type, ast.Array):
- element_type = argument.type.element_type.array_type
- else:
- element_type = argument.type.element_type
- annotations['element-type'] = element_type
- if argument.transfer is not None and argument.transfer != 'none':
- annotations['transfer'] = argument.transfer
- if hasattr(argument, 'allow_none') and argument.allow_none:
- annotations['allow-none'] = None
- return annotations
- def render_param_list(self, method):
- self._render_param(, 'instance', [])
- for param in method.parameters:
- if isinstance(param.type, ast.Varargs):
- argname = '...'
- else:
- argname = param.argname
- self._render_param(argname, param.doc, self._get_annotations(param))
- self._render_param('Returns', method.retval.doc,
- self._get_annotations(method.retval))
- def _render_param(self, argname, doc, annotations):
- with self.writer.tagcontext('varlistentry'):
- with self.writer.tagcontext('term'):
- self.writer.disable_whitespace()
- try:
- with self.writer.tagcontext('parameter'):
- self.writer.write_line(argname)
- if doc is not None:
- self.writer.write_line('&#xA0;:')
- finally:
- self.writer.enable_whitespace()
- if doc is not None:
- with self.writer.tagcontext('listitem'):
- with self.writer.tagcontext('simpara'):
- self.writer.write_line(doc)
- if annotations:
- with self.writer.tagcontext('emphasis', [('role', 'annotation')]):
- for key, value in annotations.iteritems():
- self.writer.disable_whitespace()
- try:
- self.writer.write_line('[%s' % key)
- if value is not None:
- self.writer.write_line(' %s' % value)
- self.writer.write_line(']')
- finally:
- self.writer.enable_whitespace()
- def render_property(self, prop, link=False):
- prop_name = '"%s"' %
- prop_type = self.get_type_name(prop.type)
- flags = []
- if prop.readable:
- flags.append("Read")
- if prop.writable:
- flags.append("Write")
- if prop.construct:
- flags.append("Construct")
- if prop.construct_only:
- flags.append("Construct Only")
- self._render_prop_or_signal(prop_name, prop_type, flags)
- def _render_prop_or_signal(self, name, type_, flags):
- self.writer.disable_whitespace()
- line = _space(2) + name + _space(27 - len(name))
- line += str(type_) + _space(22 - len(str(type_)))
- line += ": " + " / ".join(flags)
- self.writer.write_line(line + "\n")
- self.writer.enable_whitespace()
- def render_signal(self, signal, link=False):
- sig_name = '"%s"' %
- flags = []
- if signal.when == "first":
- flags.append("Run First")
- elif signal.when == "last":
- flags.append("Run Last")
- elif signal.when == "cleanup":
- flags.append("Cleanup")
- if signal.no_recurse:
- flags.append('No Recursion')
- if signal.detailed:
- flags.append("Has Details")
- if signal.action:
- flags.append("Action")
- if signal.no_hooks:
- flags.append("No Hooks")
- self._render_prop_or_signal(sig_name, "", flags)
-class DocBookFormatterPython(DocBookFormatter):
- def get_title(self, page):
- return "%s.%s" % (,
- def render_struct(self, page):
- class_ = page.ast
- try:
- self.writer.disable_whitespace()
- self.writer.write_line("class %s" % self.get_title(page))
- if hasattr(page.ast, "parent") and page.ast.parent is not None:
- if isinstance(page.ast.parent, ast.Type):
- parent_name = page.ast.parent
- else:
- parent_name = "%s.%s" % (,
- elif isinstance(page.ast, ast.Interface):
- parent_name = "GObject.Interface"
- else:
- parent_name = None
- if parent_name is not None:
- self.writer.write_line("(%s)" % (parent_name))
- self.writer.write_line(":\n")
- finally:
- self.writer.enable_whitespace()
-class DocBookFormatterC(DocBookFormatter):
- def get_title(self, page):
- return page.ast.ctype
- def render_struct(self, page):
- try:
- self.writer.disable_whitespace()
- self.writer.write_line("struct ")
- self.writer.write_tag(
- "link",
- [("linkend", "%s-struct" %],
- "%s" %
- self.writer.write_line(";\n")
- finally:
- self.writer.enable_whitespace()
-class DocBookPage(object):
- def __init__(self, name, ast_node):
- self.methods = []
- = []
- self.signals = []
- = name
- self.description = ast_node.doc
- self.ast = ast_node
- = None
- if isinstance(ast_node, (ast.Class, ast.Record, ast.Interface)):
- for method in ast_node.methods:
- method.parent_class = ast_node
- self.methods = ast_node.methods
- if isinstance(ast_node, (ast.Class, ast.Interface)):
- =
- self.signals = ast_node.signals
- def get_methods(self):
- return self.methods
- def get_properties(self):
- return
- def get_signals(self):
- return self.signals
-class DocBookWriter(object):
- def __init__(self, formatter):
- self._namespace = None
- self._pages = []
- self._writer = XMLWriter()
- formatter.set_writer(self._writer)
- self._formatter = formatter
- def _add_page(self, page):
- self._pages.append(page)
- def add_transformer(self, transformer):
- self._transformer = transformer
- self._namespace = self._transformer._namespace
- self._formatter.set_namespace(self._namespace)
- for name, node in self._namespace.iteritems():
- if isinstance(node, (ast.Class, ast.Record, ast.Interface, ast.Alias)):
- page_name = self._formatter.get_page_name(node)
- self._add_node(node, page_name)
- def _add_node(self, node, name):
- page = DocBookPage(name, node)
- self._add_page(page)
- if isinstance(node, (ast.Class, ast.Record, ast.Interface, ast.Alias)):
- = node.ctype
- def write(self, output):
- self._writer.write_line(DOCTYPE)
- with self._writer.tagcontext("book", [
- ("xml:id", "page_%s" %,
- ("xmlns", XMLNS),
- ("version", XMLVERSION)]):
- self._writer.write_tag("title", [], "%s Documentation" % (
- for page in self._pages:
- self._render_page(page)
- fp = open(output, 'w')
- fp.write(self._writer.get_xml())
- fp.close()
- def _render_page(self, page):
- with self._writer.tagcontext("chapter", [("xml:id", "ch_%s" % (
- self._writer.write_tag(
- "title", [], self._formatter.get_title(page))
- with self._writer.tagcontext("refsynopsisdiv",
- [('id', '%s.synopsis' %,
- ('role', 'synopsis')]):
- self._writer.write_tag(
- "title", [("role", "synopsis.title")], "Synopsis")
- if not isinstance(page.ast, ast.Alias):
- self._writer.write_tag("anchor", [("id",])
- with self._writer.tagcontext('synopsis'):
- self._formatter.render_struct(page)
- for ast_node in page.get_methods():
- self._formatter.render_method(ast_node, link=True)
- if isinstance(page.ast, (ast.Class, ast.Interface)):
- with self._writer.tagcontext("refsect1",
- [('id', '%s.object-hierarchy' %,
- ('role', 'object_hierarchy')]):
- self._writer.write_tag('title', [('role', 'object_hierarchy.title')],
- "Object Hierarchy")
- with self._writer.tagcontext('synopsis'):
- self._render_page_object_hierarchy(page.ast)
- if page.get_properties():
- with self._writer.tagcontext('refsect1',
- [('id', '' %,
- ('role', 'properties')]):
- self._writer.write_tag("title", [('role', 'properties.title')],
- "Properties")
- with self._writer.tagcontext("synopsis"):
- for ast_node in page.get_properties():
- if isinstance(ast_node.type, ast.TypeUnknown):
- print "Warning: ignoring property '%s' for " \
- "lack of type" %
- continue
- self._formatter.render_property(ast_node, link=True)
- if page.get_signals():
- with self._writer.tagcontext('refsect1',
- [('id', '%s.signals' %,
- ('role', 'signal_proto')]):
- self._writer.write_tag('title', [('role', 'signal_proto.title')],
- "Signals")
- with self._writer.tagcontext('synopsis'):
- for ast_node in page.get_signals():
- self._formatter.render_signal(ast_node, link=True)
- if page.description:
- with self._writer.tagcontext('refsect1',
- [('id', '%s.description' % (, ))]):
- self._writer.write_tag(
- "title", [("role", "desc.title")], "Description")
- self._render_description(page.description)
- with self._writer.tagcontext('refsect1',
- [('id', "%s-details" %,
- ("role", "details")]):
- self._writer.write_tag("title", [("role", "details.title")],
- "Details")
- if isinstance(page.ast, ast.Alias):
- self._render_alias_detail(page.ast)
- else:
- self._render_struct_detail(page.ast)
- for ast_node in page.get_methods():
- self._render_method(ast_node)
- if page.get_properties():
- with self._writer.tagcontext('refsect1',
- [('id', '' %,
- ('role', 'property_details')]):
- self._writer.write_tag('title', [('role', 'property_details.title')],
- "Property Details")
- for ast_node in page.get_properties():
- self._render_property(ast_node)
- if page.get_signals():
- with self._writer.tagcontext('refsect1',
- [('id', '%s.signal-details' %,
- ('role', 'signals')]):
- self._writer.write_tag('title', [('role', 'signal.title')],
- "Signal Details")
- for ast_node in page.get_signals():
- self._render_signal(ast_node)
- def _render_alias_detail(self, alias):
- with self._writer.tagcontext('refsect2',
- [('id', "%s" % alias.ctype),
- ('role', 'typedef')]):
- self._writer.write_tag("title", [], "%s" % alias.ctype)
- with self._writer.tagcontext("indexterm", [("zone", "%s" % alias.ctype)]):
- self._writer.write_tag("primary", [("sortas",], alias.ctype)
- self._writer.write_tag("programlisting",
- [],
- "typedef %s %s" % (,
- alias.ctype))
- self._writer.write_tag("para", [], alias.doc)
- def _render_struct_detail(self, struct):
- with self._writer.tagcontext('refsect2',
- [('id', "%s-struct" % struct.ctype),
- ('role', 'struct')]):
- self._writer.write_tag("title", [], "struct %s" % struct.ctype)
- with self._writer.tagcontext("indexterm", [("zone", "%s-struct" % struct.ctype)]):
- self._writer.write_tag("primary", [("sortas",], struct.ctype)
- self._writer.write_tag("programlisting", [], "struct %s;" % struct.ctype)
- def _render_method(self, ast_node):
- link_name = ast_node.symbol.replace("_", "-")
- self._writer.push_tag('refsect2',
- [('id', link_name),
- ('role', 'function')])
- self._writer.write_tag("title", [],
- self._formatter.get_method_as_title(ast_node))
- with self._writer.tagcontext("indexterm", [("zone", link_name)]):
- self._writer.write_tag("primary", [],
- with self._writer.tagcontext("programlisting"):
- self._formatter.render_method(ast_node)
- description = ast_node.doc
- if description:
- self._render_description(ast_node.doc)
- with self._writer.tagcontext("variablelist", [("role", "params")]):
- self._formatter.render_param_list(ast_node)
- self._writer.pop_tag()
- def _render_property(self, ast_node):
- self._writer.write_line("Not implemented yet")
- def _render_signal(self, ast_node):
- self._writer.write_line("Not implemented yet")
- def _render_page_object_hierarchy(self, page_node):
- parent_chain = self._get_parent_chain(page_node)
- parent_chain.append(page_node)
- lines = []
- for level, parent in enumerate(parent_chain):
- prepend = ""
- if level > 0:
- prepend = _space((level - 1)* 6) + " +----"
- lines.append(_space(2) + prepend + self._formatter.get_class_name(parent))
- self._writer.disable_whitespace()
- self._writer.write_line("\n".join(lines))
- self._writer.enable_whitespace()
- def _render_description(self, description):
- formatted_desc = get_formatted_description(description)
- self._writer.write_line(formatted_desc)
- def _get_parent_chain(self, page_node):
- parent_chain = []
- node = page_node
- while node.parent and node.gi_name != 'GObject.Object':
- node = self._transformer.lookup_giname(str(node.parent))
- parent_chain.append(node)
- parent_chain.reverse()
- return parent_chain