path: root/tests/doctool/GIRepository-2.0-Python-expected/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/doctool/GIRepository-2.0-Python-expected/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/tests/doctool/GIRepository-2.0-Python-expected/ b/tests/doctool/GIRepository-2.0-Python-expected/
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--- a/tests/doctool/GIRepository-2.0-Python-expected/
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-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<page id="GIRepository.Repository.require_private"
- type="topic"
- style="method"
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:api=""
- xmlns:ui="">
- <info>
- <link type="guide" xref="GIRepository.Repository" group="method"/>
- <api:function>
- <api:returns>
- <api:type>GIRepository.Typelib</api:type>
- </api:returns>
- <api:name>g_irepository_require_private</api:name>
- <api:arg>
- <api:type>GIRepository *</api:type>
- <api:name>self</api:name>
- </api:arg>
- <api:arg>
- <api:type>utf8</api:type>
- <api:name>typelib_dir</api:name>
- </api:arg>
- <api:arg>
- <api:type>utf8</api:type>
- <api:name>namespace_</api:name>
- </api:arg>
- <api:arg>
- <api:type>utf8</api:type>
- <api:name>version</api:name>
- </api:arg>
- <api:arg>
- <api:type>GIRepository.RepositoryLoadFlags</api:type>
- <api:name>flags</api:name>
- </api:arg>
- </api:function>
- </info>
- <title>require_private</title>
-<synopsis><code mime="text/x-python">
-@accepts(utf8, utf8, utf8, GIRepository.RepositoryLoadFlags)
-def require_private(typelib_dir, namespace_, version, flags)
-<p>Force the namespace @namespace_ to be loaded if it isn't already.
-If @namespace_ is not loaded, this function will search for a
-".typelib" file within the private directory only. In addition, a
-version @version of namespace should be specified. If @version is
-not specified, the latest will be used.</p>
-<td><p>typelib_dir :</p></td>
-<td><p>Private directory where to find the requested typelib</p></td>
-<td><p>namespace_ :</p></td>
-<td><p>GI namespace to use, e.g. "Gtk"</p></td>
-<td><p>version :</p></td>
-<td><p>Version of namespace, may be None for latest</p></td>
-<td><p>flags :</p></td>
-<td><p>Set of %GIRepositoryLoadFlags, may be 0</p></td>
-<td><p>Returns :</p></td>
-<td><p>a pointer to the <link xref="GIRepository.Typelib">GIRepository.Typelib</link> if successful, None otherwise</p></td>