This is a very first prototype of an introspection framework for GObject. The metadata format is described in metadata-format.txt, the XML IDL format follows the DTD in gidl.dtd. Look at the files in tests/ for IDL examples. The code in src/ currently produces three things: - g-idl-compile, a metadata compiler. It converts one or more IDL files into one or more metadata blobs. It can either emit the raw metadata blob (--raw) or C code (--code). - libirepository, the repository API. - g-idl-generate, an IDL generator, using the repository API. It generates IDL files from binary metadata which can be in a shared object, or a raw metadata blob (--raw). There are a number of IDL test files in test/, and a script to do roundtrip tests (IDL -> binary -> IDL). The introspection framework needs a lot more work, see TODO.