.TH "g-ir-scanner" 1 .SH NAME g-ir-scanner \- extracting C metadata from sources and headers .SH SYNOPSIS .B g-ir-scanner [OPTION...] FILES... .SH DESCRIPTION g-ir-scanner is a tool which generates GIR XML files by parsing headers and introspecting GObject based libraries. It is usually invoked during the normal build step for a project and the information is saved to disk and later installed, so that language bindings and other applications can use it. Header files and source files are passed in as arguments on the command line. The suffix determines whether a file be treated as a source file (.c) or a header file (.h). Currently only C based libraries are supported by the scanner. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \--help Show help options .TP .B \--quiet If passed, do not print details of normal operation. .TP .B \--warn-all Display warnings for public API which is not introspectable. .TP .B \--warn-error Make warnings be fatal errors. .TP .B \--format=FORMAT This parameters decides which the resulting format will be used. The default value is gir. .TP .B \--include=NAME Parses another metadata file. The format is determined by looking at the file suffix. If a library depends on another the corresponding metadata file should be included so references to external types are correctly specified. .TP .B \--add-include-path=PATH Add a directory to the path which the scanner uses to find GIR files. Can be used multiple times to specify multiple directories .TP .B \-i, --library=LIBRARY Specifies a library that will be introspected. This means that the *_get_type() functions in it will be called for GObject data types. The name of the library should not contain the leading lib prefix nor the ending shared library suffix. .TP .B \-L, --library-path=PATH Include this directory when searching for a library. This option can be specified multiple times to include more than one directory to look for libraries in. .TP .B \-Idirectory Include this directory in the list of directories to be searched for header files. You need to pass to the scanner all the directories you'd normally pass to the compiler when using the specified source files. .TP .B \-n, --namespace=NAME The namespace name. This name should be capitalized, eg the first letter should be upper case. Examples: Gtk, Clutter, WebKit. .TP .B \--no-libtool Disable usage of libtool for compiling stub introspection binary. Use this if your build system does not require libtool. .TP .B \--libtool Full path to libtool executable. Typically used for Automake systems. .TP .B --nsversion=VERSION The namespace version. For instance 1.0. This is usually the platform version, eg 2.0 for Gtk+, not 2.12.7. .TP .B \-p, --program=PROGRAM Specifies a binary that will be introspected. This means that the *_get_type() functions in it will be called for GObject data types. The binary must be modified to take a --introspect= option, and to pass the argument to this function to g_irepository_dump. .TP .B \--program-arg=ARG Additional argument to pass to program for introspection. .TP .B \--strip-prefix=PREFIX If this option is specified a prefix will be stripped from all functions. If not specified, the lower case version of the namespace will be used. Eg, a strip prefix of .B g_ and a namespace set to .B GLib will export the function .B g_type_name as .B GLib.type_name. .TP .B \--output=FILENAME Name of the file to output. Normally namespace + format extension. Eg, GLib.gir. .TP .B \--pkg=PACKAGE List of pkg-config packages to get compiler and linker flags from. This option can be specified multiple times to include flags from several pkg-config packages. .TP .B \--pkg-export=PACKAGE List of pkg-config packages that are provided by the generated gir. This option can be specified multiple times if the gir provides more packages. If not specified, the packages specified with --pkg= will be used. .TP .B \--verbose Be verbose, include some debugging information. .TP .B \--typelib-xml Convert the resulting xml to only output the types relevant to the typelib compiler. This is mainly useful for verifying the correctness of the typelib itself. .TP .B \--inject=FILENAME Injects a variant of a GIR file into the scanner. This is used to add custom functions to a GIR wrapping a library without modifying the upstream library itself. The Format of the inject file is similar to a GIR, but the root node is rather than and where ... is an xpath expression. Example: The example above will add a new method called get_with to the TestDrawable class. .TP .B \--xpath-assertions=FILENAME Loads a list xpath assertions from FILENAME, this is useful for verifying that the GIR itself is properly generated. .SH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES The g-ir-scanner uses the XDG_DATA_DIRS variable to check for dirs, the gir's are located in XDG_DATA_DIRS/share/gir-1.0. It is normally set on a distribution so you shouldn't need to set it yourself. .SH BUGS Report bugs at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/ in the glib product and introspection component. .SH HOMEPAGE and CONTACT http://live.gnome.org/GObjectIntrospection .SH AUTHORS Johan Dahlin