# -*- Mode: Python -*- # GObject-Introspection - a framework for introspecting GObject libraries # Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Johan Dahlin # Copyright (C) 2012 Dieter Verfaillie # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. # # AnnotationParser - extract annotations from gtk-doc comments import re from . import message from .annotationpatterns import (COMMENT_START_RE, COMMENT_END_RE, COMMENT_STAR_RE, EMPTY_LINE_RE, SECTION_RE, SYMBOL_RE, PROPERTY_RE, SIGNAL_RE, PARAMETER_RE, DESCRIPTION_TAG_RE, TAG_RE, MULTILINE_ANNOTATION_CONTINUATION_RE) from .odict import odict # GTK-Doc comment block parts PART_IDENTIFIER = 'identifier' PART_PARAMETERS = 'parameters' PART_DESCRIPTION = 'description' PART_TAGS = 'tags' # Identifiers IDENTIFIER_SECTION = 'section' IDENTIFIER_SYMBOL = 'symbol' IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY = 'property' IDENTIFIER_SIGNAL = 'signal' # Tags - annotations applied to comment blocks TAG_VFUNC = 'virtual' TAG_SINCE = 'since' TAG_STABILITY = 'stability' TAG_DEPRECATED = 'deprecated' TAG_RETURNS = 'returns' TAG_RETURNVALUE = 'return value' TAG_ATTRIBUTES = 'attributes' TAG_RENAME_TO = 'rename to' TAG_TYPE = 'type' TAG_UNREF_FUNC = 'unref func' TAG_REF_FUNC = 'ref func' TAG_SET_VALUE_FUNC = 'set value func' TAG_GET_VALUE_FUNC = 'get value func' TAG_TRANSFER = 'transfer' TAG_VALUE = 'value' _ALL_TAGS = [TAG_VFUNC, TAG_SINCE, TAG_STABILITY, TAG_DEPRECATED, TAG_RETURNS, TAG_RETURNVALUE, TAG_ATTRIBUTES, TAG_RENAME_TO, TAG_TYPE, TAG_UNREF_FUNC, TAG_REF_FUNC, TAG_SET_VALUE_FUNC, TAG_GET_VALUE_FUNC, TAG_TRANSFER, TAG_VALUE] # Options - annotations for parameters and return values OPT_ALLOW_NONE = 'allow-none' OPT_ARRAY = 'array' OPT_ATTRIBUTE = 'attribute' OPT_CLOSURE = 'closure' OPT_DESTROY = 'destroy' OPT_ELEMENT_TYPE = 'element-type' OPT_FOREIGN = 'foreign' OPT_IN = 'in' OPT_INOUT = 'inout' OPT_INOUT_ALT = 'in-out' OPT_OUT = 'out' OPT_SCOPE = 'scope' OPT_TRANSFER = 'transfer' OPT_TYPE = 'type' OPT_SKIP = 'skip' OPT_CONSTRUCTOR = 'constructor' OPT_METHOD = 'method' ALL_OPTIONS = [ OPT_ALLOW_NONE, OPT_ARRAY, OPT_ATTRIBUTE, OPT_CLOSURE, OPT_DESTROY, OPT_ELEMENT_TYPE, OPT_FOREIGN, OPT_IN, OPT_INOUT, OPT_INOUT_ALT, OPT_OUT, OPT_SCOPE, OPT_TRANSFER, OPT_TYPE, OPT_SKIP, OPT_CONSTRUCTOR, OPT_METHOD] # Array options - array specific annotations OPT_ARRAY_FIXED_SIZE = 'fixed-size' OPT_ARRAY_LENGTH = 'length' OPT_ARRAY_ZERO_TERMINATED = 'zero-terminated' # Out options OPT_OUT_CALLER_ALLOCATES = 'caller-allocates' OPT_OUT_CALLEE_ALLOCATES = 'callee-allocates' # Scope options OPT_SCOPE_ASYNC = 'async' OPT_SCOPE_CALL = 'call' OPT_SCOPE_NOTIFIED = 'notified' # Transfer options OPT_TRANSFER_NONE = 'none' OPT_TRANSFER_CONTAINER = 'container' OPT_TRANSFER_FULL = 'full' OPT_TRANSFER_FLOATING = 'floating' class DocBlock(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.options = DocOptions() self.value = None self.tags = odict() self.comment = None self.params = odict() self.position = None def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.name, other.name) def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.name, self.options) def set_position(self, position): self.position = position self.options.position = position def get_tag(self, name): return self.tags.get(name) def get_param(self, name): return self.params.get(name) def to_gtk_doc(self): options = '' if self.options: options += ' ' options += ' '.join('(%s)' % o for o in self.options) lines = [self.name] if 'SECTION' not in self.name: lines[0] += ':' lines[0] += options for param in self.params.values(): lines.append(param.to_gtk_doc_param()) lines.append('') for l in self.comment.split('\n'): lines.append(l) if self.tags: lines.append('') for tag in self.tags.values(): lines.append(tag.to_gtk_doc_tag()) comment = '' comment += '/**\n' for line in lines: line = line.rstrip() if line: comment += ' * %s\n' % (line, ) else: comment += ' *\n' comment += ' */\n' return comment def validate(self): for param in self.params.values(): param.validate() for tag in self.tags.values(): tag.validate() class DocTag(object): def __init__(self, block, name): self.block = block self.name = name self.options = DocOptions() self.comment = None self.value = '' self.position = None def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.name, self.options) def _validate_option(self, name, value, required=False, n_params=None, choices=None): if required and value is None: message.warn('%s annotation needs a value' % ( name, ), self.position) return if n_params is not None: if n_params == 0: s = 'no value' elif n_params == 1: s = 'one value' else: s = '%d values' % (n_params, ) if ((n_params > 0 and (value is None or value.length() != n_params)) or n_params == 0 and value is not None): if value is None: length = 0 else: length = value.length() message.warn('%s annotation needs %s, not %d' % ( name, s, length), self.position) return if choices is not None: valuestr = value.one() if valuestr not in choices: message.warn('invalid %s annotation value: %r' % ( name, valuestr, ), self.position) return def set_position(self, position): self.position = position self.options.position = position def _get_gtk_doc_value(self): def serialize_one(option, value, fmt, fmt2): if value: if type(value) != str: value = ' '.join((serialize_one(k, v, '%s=%s', '%s') for k, v in value.all().iteritems())) return fmt % (option, value) else: return fmt2 % (option, ) annotations = [] for option, value in self.options.iteritems(): annotations.append( serialize_one(option, value, '(%s %s)', '(%s)')) if annotations: return ' '.join(annotations) + ': ' else: return self.value def to_gtk_doc_param(self): return '@%s: %s%s' % (self.name, self._get_gtk_doc_value(), self.comment) def to_gtk_doc_tag(self): return '%s: %s%s' % (self.name.capitalize(), self._get_gtk_doc_value(), self.comment or '') def validate(self): if self.name == TAG_ATTRIBUTES: # The 'Attributes:' tag allows free form annotations so the # validation below is most certainly going to fail. return for option in self.options: value = self.options[option] if option == OPT_ALLOW_NONE: self._validate_option('allow-none', value, n_params=0) elif option == OPT_ARRAY: if value is None: continue for name, v in value.all().iteritems(): if name in [OPT_ARRAY_ZERO_TERMINATED, OPT_ARRAY_FIXED_SIZE]: try: int(v) except (TypeError, ValueError): if v is None: message.warn( 'array option %s needs a value' % ( name, ), positions=self.position) else: message.warn( 'invalid array %s option value %r, ' 'must be an integer' % (name, v, ), positions=self.position) continue elif name == OPT_ARRAY_LENGTH: if v is None: message.warn( 'array option length needs a value', positions=self.position) continue else: message.warn( 'invalid array annotation value: %r' % ( name, ), self.position) elif option == OPT_ATTRIBUTE: self._validate_option('attribute', value, n_params=2) elif option == OPT_CLOSURE: if value is not None and value.length() > 1: message.warn( 'closure takes at maximium 1 value, %d given' % ( value.length()), self.position) continue elif option == OPT_DESTROY: self._validate_option('destroy', value, n_params=1) elif option == OPT_ELEMENT_TYPE: self._validate_option('element-type', value, required=True) if value is None: message.warn( 'element-type takes at least one value, none given', self.position) continue if value.length() > 2: message.warn( 'element-type takes at maximium 2 values, %d given' % ( value.length()), self.position) continue elif option == OPT_FOREIGN: self._validate_option('foreign', value, n_params=0) elif option == OPT_IN: self._validate_option('in', value, n_params=0) elif option in [OPT_INOUT, OPT_INOUT_ALT]: self._validate_option('inout', value, n_params=0) elif option == OPT_OUT: if value is None: continue if value.length() > 1: message.warn( 'out annotation takes at maximium 1 value, %d given' % ( value.length()), self.position) continue value_str = value.one() if value_str not in [OPT_OUT_CALLEE_ALLOCATES, OPT_OUT_CALLER_ALLOCATES]: message.warn("out annotation value is invalid: %r" % ( value_str), self.position) continue elif option == OPT_SCOPE: self._validate_option( 'scope', value, required=True, n_params=1, choices=[OPT_SCOPE_ASYNC, OPT_SCOPE_CALL, OPT_SCOPE_NOTIFIED]) elif option == OPT_SKIP: self._validate_option('skip', value, n_params=0) elif option == OPT_TRANSFER: self._validate_option( 'transfer', value, required=True, n_params=1, choices=[OPT_TRANSFER_FULL, OPT_TRANSFER_CONTAINER, OPT_TRANSFER_NONE, OPT_TRANSFER_FLOATING]) elif option == OPT_TYPE: self._validate_option('type', value, required=True, n_params=1) elif option == OPT_CONSTRUCTOR: self._validate_option('constructor', value, n_params=0) elif option == OPT_METHOD: self._validate_option('method', value, n_params=0) else: message.warn('invalid annotation option: %s' % (option, ), self.position) class DocOptions(object): def __init__(self): self.values = [] def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.values, ) def __getitem__(self, item): for key, value in self.values: if key == item: return value raise KeyError def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.values) def __iter__(self): return (k for k, v in self.values) def add(self, name, value): self.values.append((name, value)) def get(self, item, default=None): for key, value in self.values: if key == item: return value return default def getall(self, item): for key, value in self.values: if key == item: yield value def iteritems(self): return iter(self.values) class DocOption(object): def __init__(self, tag, option): self.tag = tag self._array = [] self._dict = {} # (annotation option1=value1 option2=value2) etc for p in option.split(' '): if '=' in p: name, value = p.split('=', 1) else: name = p value = None self._dict[name] = value if value is None: self._array.append(name) else: self._array.append((name, value)) def __repr__(self): return '' % (self._array, ) def length(self): return len(self._array) def one(self): assert len(self._array) == 1 return self._array[0] def flat(self): return self._array def all(self): return self._dict class AnnotationParser(object): """ GTK-Doc comment block parser. Parses GTK-Doc comment blocks into a parse tree built out of :class:`DockBlock`, :class:`DocTag`, :class:`DocOptions` and :class:`DocOption` objects. This parser tries to accept malformed input whenever possible and does not emit syntax errors. However, it does emit warnings at the slightest indication of malformed input when possible. A GTK-Doc comment block can be constructed out of multiple parts that can be combined to write different types of documentation. See `GTK-Doc's documentation`_ to learn more about possible valid combinations. Each part can be further divided into fields which are separated by `:` characters. Possible parts and the fields they are constructed from look like the following (optional fields are enclosed in square brackets): .. code-block:: c /** * identifier_name: [annotations] * @parameter_name: [annotations:] [description] * * description * tag_name: [annotations:] [description] */ - Parts and fields cannot span multiple lines, except for parameter descriptions, tag descriptions and comment block descriptions. - There has to be exactly 1 `identifier` part on the first line of the comment block which consists of: * an `identifier_name` field * an optional `annotations` field - There can be 0 or more `parameter` parts following the `identifier` part, each consisting of: * a `parameter_name` filed * an optional `annotations` field * an optional `description` field - An empty lines signals the end of the `parameter` parts and the beginning of the (free form) comment block `description` part. - There can be 0 or 1 `description` parts following the `description` part. - There can be 0 or more `tag` parts following the `description` part, each consisting of: * a `tag_name` field * an optional `annotations` field * an optional `description` field .. NOTE:: :class:`AnnotationParser` functionality is heavily based on gtkdoc-mkdb's `ScanSourceFile()`_ function and is currently in sync with gtk-doc commit `b41641b`_. .. _types of documentation: http://developer.gnome.org/gtk-doc-manual/1.18/documenting.html.en .. _ScanSourceFile(): http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk-doc/tree/gtkdoc-mkdb.in#n3722 .. _b41641b: b41641bd75f870afff7561ceed8a08456da57565 """ def parse(self, comments): """ Parses multiple GTK-Doc comment blocks. :param comments: a list of (comment, filename, lineno) tuples :returns: a list of :class:`DocBlock` or ``None`` objects """ comment_blocks = {} for comment in comments: comment_block = self.parse_comment_block(comment) if comment_block is not None: if comment_block.name in comment_blocks: message.warn("multiple comment blocks documenting '%s:' identifier." % (comment_block.name), comment_block.position) # Always store the block even if it's a duplicate for # backward compatibility... comment_blocks[comment_block.name] = comment_block return comment_blocks def parse_comment_block(self, comment): """ Parses a single GTK-Doc comment block. :param comment: a (comment, filename, lineno) tuple :returns: a :class:`DocBlock` object or ``None`` """ comment, filename, lineno = comment comment_lines = list(enumerate(comment.split('\n'))) # Check for the start the comment block. if COMMENT_START_RE.search(comment_lines[0][1]): del comment_lines[0] else: # Not a GTK-Doc comment block. return None # Check for the end the comment block. if COMMENT_END_RE.search(comment_lines[-1][1]): del comment_lines[-1] # If we get this far, we are inside a GTK-Doc comment block. return self._parse_comment_block(comment_lines, filename, lineno) def _parse_comment_block(self, comment_lines, filename, lineno): """ Parses a single GTK-Doc comment block stripped from it's comment start (/**) and comment end (*/) marker lines. :param comment_lines: GTK-Doc comment block stripped from it's comment start (/**) and comment end (*/) marker lines :param filename: source file name where the comment block originated from :param lineno: line in the source file where the comment block starts :returns: a :class:`DocBlock` object or ``None`` .. NOTE:: If you are tempted to refactor this method and split it further up (for example into _parse_identifier(), _parse_parameters(), _parse_description(), _parse_tags() methods) then please resist the urge. It is considered important that this method should be more or less easily comparable with gtkdoc-mkdb's `ScanSourceFile()`_ function. The different parsing steps are marked with a comment surrounded by `#` characters in an attempt to make it clear what is going on. .. _ScanSourceFile(): http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk-doc/tree/gtkdoc-mkdb.in#n3722 """ comment_block = None in_part = None identifier = None current_param = None current_tag = None returns_seen = False for line_offset, line in comment_lines: position = message.Position(filename, line_offset + lineno) result = COMMENT_STAR_RE.match(line) if result: # Store the original line (without \n) and column offset # so we can generate meaningful warnings later on. original_line = line column_offset = result.end(0) # Get rid of ' * ' at start of the line. line = line[result.end(0):] #################################################################### # Check for GTK-Doc comment block identifier. #################################################################### if not comment_block: # The correct identifier name would have the colon at the end # but maintransformer.py does not expect us to do that. So # make sure to compute an identifier_name without the colon and # a real_identifier_name with the colon. if not identifier: result = SECTION_RE.search(line) if result: identifier = IDENTIFIER_SECTION real_identifier_name = 'SECTION:%s' % (result.group('section_name')) identifier_name = real_identifier_name column = result.start('section_name') + column_offset if not identifier: result = SYMBOL_RE.search(line) if result: identifier = IDENTIFIER_SYMBOL real_identifier_name = '%s:' % (result.group('symbol_name')) identifier_name = '%s' % (result.group('symbol_name')) column = result.start('symbol_name') + column_offset if not identifier: result = PROPERTY_RE.search(line) if result: identifier = IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY real_identifier_name = '%s:%s:' % (result.group('class_name'), result.group('property_name')) identifier_name = '%s:%s' % (result.group('class_name'), result.group('property_name')) column = result.start('property_name') + column_offset if not identifier: result = SIGNAL_RE.search(line) if result: identifier = IDENTIFIER_SIGNAL real_identifier_name = '%s::%s:' % (result.group('class_name'), result.group('signal_name')) identifier_name = '%s::%s' % (result.group('class_name'), result.group('signal_name')) column = result.start('signal_name') + column_offset if identifier: in_part = PART_IDENTIFIER comment_block = DocBlock(identifier_name) comment_block.set_position(position) if 'annotations' in result.groupdict(): comment_block.options = self.parse_options(comment_block, result.group('annotations')) if 'colon' in result.groupdict() and result.group('colon') != ':': colon_start = result.start('colon') colon_column = column_offset + colon_start marker = ' '*colon_column + '^' message.warn("missing ':' at column %s:\n%s\n%s" % (colon_start, original_line, marker), position) continue else: # If we get here, the identifier was not recognized, so # ignore the rest of the block just like the old annotation # parser did. Doing this is a bit more strict than # gtkdoc-mkdb (which continues to search for the identifier # until either it is found or the end of the block is # reached). In practice, however, ignoring the block is the # right thing to do because sooner or later some long # descriptions will contain something matching an identifier # pattern by accident. marker = ' '*column_offset + '^' message.warn('ignoring unrecognized GTK-Doc comment block, identifier not ' 'found:\n%s\n%s' % (original_line, marker), position) return None #################################################################### # Check for comment block parameters. #################################################################### result = PARAMETER_RE.search(line) if result: param_name = result.group('parameter_name') param_annotations = result.group('annotations') param_description = result.group('description') if in_part == PART_IDENTIFIER: in_part = PART_PARAMETERS if in_part != PART_PARAMETERS: column = result.start('parameter_name') + column_offset marker = ' '*column + '^' message.warn("'@%s' parameter unexpected at this location:\n%s\n%s" % (param_name, original_line, marker), position) # Old style GTK-Doc allowed return values to be specified as # parameters instead of tags. if param_name.lower() == TAG_RETURNS: param_name = TAG_RETURNS if not returns_seen: returns_seen = True else: message.warn("encountered multiple 'Returns' parameters or tags for " "'%s'." % (comment_block.name), position) elif param_name in comment_block.params.keys(): column = result.start('parameter_name') + column_offset marker = ' '*column + '^' message.warn("multiple '@%s' parameters for identifier '%s':\n%s\n%s" % (param_name, comment_block.name, original_line, marker), position) tag = DocTag(comment_block, param_name) tag.set_position(position) tag.comment = param_description if param_annotations: tag.options = self.parse_options(tag, param_annotations) if param_name == TAG_RETURNS: comment_block.tags[param_name] = tag else: comment_block.params[param_name] = tag current_param = tag continue #################################################################### # Check for comment block description. # # When we are parsing comment block parameters or the comment block # identifier (when there are no parameters) and encounter an empty # line, we must be parsing the comment block description #################################################################### if (EMPTY_LINE_RE.search(line) and (in_part == PART_IDENTIFIER or in_part == PART_PARAMETERS)): in_part = PART_DESCRIPTION continue #################################################################### # Check for GTK-Doc comment block tags. #################################################################### result = TAG_RE.search(line) if result: tag_name = result.group('tag_name') tag_annotations = result.group('annotations') tag_description = result.group('description') if in_part == PART_DESCRIPTION: in_part = PART_TAGS if in_part != PART_TAGS: column = result.start('tag_name') + column_offset marker = ' '*column + '^' message.warn("'%s:' tag unexpected at this location:\n%s\n%s" % (tag_name, original_line, marker), position) if tag_name.lower() in [TAG_RETURNS, TAG_RETURNVALUE]: if not returns_seen: returns_seen = True else: message.warn("encountered multiple 'Returns' parameters or tags for " "'%s'." % (comment_block.name), position) tag = DocTag(comment_block, TAG_RETURNS) tag.position = position tag.comment = tag_description if tag_annotations: tag.options = self.parse_options(tag, tag_annotations) comment_block.tags[TAG_RETURNS] = tag current_tag = tag continue else: if tag_name.lower() in comment_block.tags.keys(): column = result.start('tag_name') + column_offset marker = ' '*column + '^' message.warn("multiple '%s:' tags for identifier '%s':\n%s\n%s" % (tag_name, comment_block.name, original_line, marker), position) tag = DocTag(comment_block, tag_name.lower()) tag.position = position tag.value = tag_description if tag_annotations: if tag_name.lower() == TAG_ATTRIBUTES: tag.options = self.parse_options(tag, tag_annotations) else: message.warn("annotations not supported for tag '%s'." % (tag_name), position) comment_block.tags[tag_name.lower()] = tag current_tag = tag continue #################################################################### # If we get here, we must be in the middle of a multiline # comment block, parameter or tag description. #################################################################### if in_part == PART_DESCRIPTION: if not comment_block.comment: # Backwards compatibility with old style GTK-Doc # comment blocks where Description used to be a comment # block tag. Simply get rid of 'Description:'. line = re.sub(DESCRIPTION_TAG_RE, '', line) comment_block.comment = line else: comment_block.comment += '\n' + line continue elif in_part == PART_PARAMETERS: if not current_param: message.warn('parameter expected:\n%s' % (line), position) else: self._validate_multiline_annotation_continuation(line, original_line, column_offset, position) # Append to parameter description. current_param.comment += ' ' + line.strip() elif in_part == PART_TAGS: if not current_tag: message.warn('tag expected:\n%s' % (line), position) else: self._validate_multiline_annotation_continuation(line, original_line, column_offset, position) # Append to tag description. if current_tag.name.lower() in [TAG_RETURNS, TAG_RETURNVALUE]: current_tag.comment += ' ' + line.strip() else: current_tag.value += ' ' + line.strip() ######################################################################## # Finished parsing this comment block. ######################################################################## # We have picked up a couple of \n characters that where not # intended. Strip those. if comment_block.comment: comment_block.comment = comment_block.comment.strip() else: comment_block.comment = '' for tag in comment_block.tags.itervalues(): self._clean_comment_block_part(tag) for param in comment_block.params.itervalues(): self._clean_comment_block_part(param) # Validate and store block. comment_block.validate() return comment_block def _clean_comment_block_part(self, part): if part.comment: part.comment = part.comment.strip() else: part.comment = None if part.value: part.value = part.value.strip() else: part.value = '' def _validate_multiline_annotation_continuation(self, line, original_line, column_offset, position): ''' Validate parameters and tags (except the first line) and generate warnings about invalid annotations spanning multiple lines. :param line: line to validate, stripped from ' * ' at start of the line. :param original_line: original line to validate (used in warning messages) :param column_offset: column width of ' * ' at the time it was stripped from `line` :param position: position of `line` in the source file ''' result = MULTILINE_ANNOTATION_CONTINUATION_RE.search(line) if result: line = result.group('description') column = result.start('annotations') + column_offset marker = ' '*column + '^' message.warn('ignoring invalid multiline annotation continuation:\n' '%s\n%s' % (original_line, marker), position) @classmethod def parse_options(cls, tag, value): # (foo) # (bar opt1 opt2 ...) opened = -1 options = DocOptions() options.position = tag.position for i, c in enumerate(value): if c == '(' and opened == -1: opened = i+1 if c == ')' and opened != -1: segment = value[opened:i] parts = segment.split(' ', 1) if len(parts) == 2: name, option = parts elif len(parts) == 1: name = parts[0] option = None else: raise AssertionError if option is not None: option = DocOption(tag, option) options.add(name, option) opened = -1 return options