# -*- Mode: Python -*- # GObject-Introspection - a framework for introspecting GObject libraries # Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # from contextlib import contextmanager from . import ast class CCodeGenerator(object): def __init__(self, namespace, out_h_filename, out_c_filename, function_decoration=[], include_first_header=[], include_last_header=[], include_first_src=[], include_last_src=[]): self.out_h_filename = out_h_filename self.out_c_filename = out_c_filename self.function_decoration = function_decoration self.include_first_header = include_first_header self.include_last_header = include_last_header self.include_first_src = include_first_src self.include_last_src = include_last_src self._function_bodies = {} self.namespace = namespace def gen_symbol(self, name): name = name.replace(' ', '_') return '%s_%s' % (self.namespace.symbol_prefixes[0], name) def _typecontainer_to_ctype(self, param): if (isinstance(param, ast.Parameter) and param.direction in (ast.PARAM_DIRECTION_OUT, ast.PARAM_DIRECTION_INOUT)): suffix = '*' else: suffix = '' if (param.type.is_equiv((ast.TYPE_STRING, ast.TYPE_FILENAME)) and param.transfer == ast.PARAM_TRANSFER_NONE): return "const gchar*" + suffix return param.type.ctype + suffix def _write_prelude(self, out, func): if self.function_decoration: out.write(""" %s""" % " ".join(self.function_decoration)) out.write(""" %s %s (""" % (self._typecontainer_to_ctype(func.retval), func.symbol)) l = len(func.parameters) if func.parameters: for i, param in enumerate(func.parameters): ctype = self._typecontainer_to_ctype(param) out.write('%s %s' % (ctype, param.argname)) if i < l - 1: out.write(", ") else: out.write('void') out.write(")") def _write_prototype(self, func): self._write_prelude(self.out_h, func) self.out_h.write(";\n\n") def _write_annotation_transfer(self, node): if (node.type not in ast.BASIC_TYPES or node.type.ctype.endswith('*')): self.out_c.write(" (transfer %s)" % (node.transfer, )) def _write_docs(self, func): self.out_c.write("/**\n * %s:\n" % (func.symbol, )) for param in func.parameters: self.out_c.write(" * @%s" % (param.argname, )) if param.direction in (ast.PARAM_DIRECTION_OUT, ast.PARAM_DIRECTION_INOUT): if param.caller_allocates: allocate_string = ' caller-allocates' else: allocate_string = '' self.out_c.write(": (%s%s) " % (param.direction, allocate_string)) self._write_annotation_transfer(param) self.out_c.write(":\n") self.out_c.write(' *\n') self.out_c.write(' * Undocumented.') if func.retval.type != ast.TYPE_NONE: self.out_c.write('\n *\n') self.out_c.write(' * Returns: ') self._write_annotation_transfer(func.retval) self.out_c.write('\n */') @contextmanager def _function(self, func): self._write_prototype(func) self._write_docs(func) self._write_prelude(self.out_c, func) self.out_c.write("\n{\n") yield self.out_c.write("}\n\n") def _codegen_start(self): warning = '/* GENERATED BY testcodegen.py; DO NOT EDIT */\n\n' self.out_h.write(warning) nsupper = self.namespace.name.upper() for header in self.include_first_header: self.out_h.write("""#include "%s"\n""" % header) self.out_h.write(""" #ifndef __%s_H__ #define __%s_H__ #include """ % (nsupper, nsupper)) for header in self.include_last_header: self.out_h.write("""#include "%s"\n""" % header) self.out_c.write(warning) for header in self.include_first_src: self.out_c.write("""#include "%s"\n""" % header) self.out_c.write("""#include "%s"\n\n""" % (self.out_h_filename, )) for header in self.include_last_src: self.out_c.write("""#include "%s"\n""" % header) def _codegen_end(self): self.out_h.write("""#endif\n""") self.out_h.close() self.out_c.close() def set_function_body(self, node, body): assert isinstance(node, ast.Function) self._function_bodies[node] = body def codegen(self): self.out_h = open(self.out_h_filename, 'w') self.out_c = open(self.out_c_filename, 'w') self._codegen_start() for node in self.namespace.values(): if isinstance(node, ast.Function): with self._function(node): body = self._function_bodies.get(node) if not body: body = '' self.out_c.write(body) self._codegen_end()