#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- Mode: Python -*- # GObject-Introspection - a framework for introspecting GObject libraries # Copyright (C) 2010 Zach Goldberg # Copyright (C) 2011 Johan Dahlin # Copyright (C) 2011 Shaun McCance # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. # from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import re import sys import tempfile from xml.sax import saxutils from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup import markdown from markdown.extensions.headerid import HeaderIdExtension from . import ast, xmlwriter from .utils import to_underscores from .mdextensions import InlineMarkdown # Freely inspired from # https://github.com/GNOME/yelp-xsl/blob/master/js/syntax.html language_mimes = { "bash-script": "application/x-shellscript", "shell": "application/x-shellscript", "csharp": "text/x-csharp", "css": "text/css", "diff": "text/xpatch", "html": "text/html", "java": "text/x-java", "javascript": "application/javascript", "lisp": "text/x-scheme", "lua": "text-x-lua", "c": "text/x-csrc", "c++": "text/x-c++src", "pascal": "text/x-pascal", "perl": "application/x-perl", "php": "application/x-php", "plain": "text/plain", "python": "text/x-python", "ruby": "application/x-ruby", "sql": "text/x-sql", "yaml": "application/x-yaml", } def make_page_id(node, recursive=False): if isinstance(node, ast.Namespace): if recursive: return node.name else: return 'index' if hasattr(node, '_chain') and node._chain: parent = node._chain[-1] else: parent = getattr(node, 'parent', None) if parent is None: if isinstance(node, ast.Function) and node.shadows: return '%s.%s' % (node.namespace.name, node.shadows) else: return '%s.%s' % (node.namespace.name, node.name) if isinstance(node, (ast.Property, ast.Signal, ast.VFunction, ast.Field)): return '%s-%s' % (make_page_id(parent, recursive=True), node.name) elif isinstance(node, ast.Function) and node.shadows: return '%s.%s' % (make_page_id(parent, recursive=True), node.shadows) else: return '%s.%s' % (make_page_id(parent, recursive=True), node.name) def get_node_kind(node): if isinstance(node, ast.Namespace): node_kind = 'namespace' elif isinstance(node, (ast.Class, ast.Boxed, ast.Compound)): node_kind = 'class' elif isinstance(node, ast.Interface): node_kind = 'interface' elif isinstance(node, ast.Record): node_kind = 'record' elif isinstance(node, ast.Function): if node.is_method: node_kind = 'method' elif node.is_constructor: node_kind = 'constructor' else: node_kind = 'function' elif isinstance(node, (ast.Enum, ast.Bitfield)): node_kind = 'enum' elif isinstance(node, ast.Property) and node.parent is not None: node_kind = 'property' elif isinstance(node, ast.Signal) and node.parent is not None: node_kind = 'signal' elif isinstance(node, ast.VFunction) and node.parent is not None: node_kind = 'vfunc' elif isinstance(node, ast.Callable): node_kind = 'callback' elif isinstance(node, ast.Field): node_kind = 'field' else: node_kind = 'default' return node_kind class TemplatedScanner(object): def __init__(self, specs): self.specs = self.unmangle_specs(specs) self.regex = self.make_regex(self.specs) def unmangle_specs(self, specs): mangled = re.compile('<<([a-zA-Z_:]+)>>') specdict = dict((name.lstrip('!'), spec) for name, spec in specs) def unmangle(spec, name=None): def replace_func(match): child_spec_name = match.group(1) if ':' in child_spec_name: pattern_name, child_spec_name = child_spec_name.split(':', 1) else: pattern_name = None child_spec = specdict[child_spec_name] # Force all child specs of this one to be unnamed unmangled = unmangle(child_spec, None) if pattern_name and name: return '(?P<%s_%s>%s)' % (name, pattern_name, unmangled) else: return unmangled return mangled.sub(replace_func, spec) return [(name, unmangle(spec, name)) for name, spec in specs] def make_regex(self, specs): regex = '|'.join('(?P<%s>%s)' % (name, spec) for name, spec in specs if not name.startswith('!')) return re.compile(regex) def get_properties(self, name, match): groupdict = match.groupdict() properties = {name: groupdict.pop(name)} name = name + "_" for group, value in groupdict.items(): if group.startswith(name): key = group[len(name):] properties[key] = value return properties def scan(self, text): pos = 0 while True: match = self.regex.search(text, pos) if match is None: break start = match.start() if start > pos: yield ('other', text[pos:start], None) pos = match.end() name = match.lastgroup yield (name, match.group(0), self.get_properties(name, match)) if pos < len(text): yield ('other', text[pos:], None) class DocstringScanner(TemplatedScanner): def __init__(self): specs = [ ('!alpha', r'[a-zA-Z0-9_]+'), ('!alpha_dash', r'[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+'), ('code_start_with_language', r'\|\[\>\"\s*\-\-\>'), ('code_start', r'\|\['), ('code_end', r'\]\|'), ('html_code_start', r''), ('html_code_end', r''), ('markdown_code_toggle', r'\`'), ('markdown_attr_start', r'\{'), ('markdown_attr_end', r'\}'), ('property', r'#<>:(<>)'), ('signal', r'#<>::(<>)'), ('type_name', r'#(<>)'), ('enum_value', r'%(<>)'), ('parameter', r'@<>'), ('function_call', r'<>\(\)'), ] super(DocstringScanner, self).__init__(specs) class DocFormatter(object): def __init__(self, transformer): self._transformer = transformer self._scanner = DocstringScanner() # If we are processing a code block as defined by # https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GTK%2B/DocumentationSyntax/Markdown # we won't insert paragraphs and will respect new lines. self._processing_code = False self._processing_attr = False def escape(self, text): return saxutils.escape(text) def unescape(self, text): return saxutils.unescape(text) def should_render_node(self, node): if getattr(node, "private", False): return False # Nodes without namespace are AST bugs really # They are used for structs and unions declared # inline inside other structs, but they are not # even picked up by g-ir-compiler, because they # don't create a element. # So just ignore them. if isinstance(node, ast.Node) and node.namespace is None: return False return True def format(self, node, doc): if doc is None: return '' result = '' for para in doc.split('\n\n'): result += '

' result += self.format_inline(node, para) result += '

' return result def _resolve_type(self, ident): try: matches = self._transformer.split_ctype_namespaces(ident) except ValueError: return None for namespace, name in matches: node = namespace.get(name) if node: return node return None def _resolve_symbol(self, symbol): try: matches = self._transformer.split_csymbol_namespaces(symbol) except ValueError: return None for namespace, name in matches: node = namespace.get_by_symbol(symbol) if node: return node return None def _find_thing(self, list_, name): for item in list_: if item.name == name: return item raise KeyError("Could not find %s" % (name, )) def _process_other(self, node, match, props): if self._processing_code: return match return self.escape(match) def _process_property(self, node, match, props): type_node = self._resolve_type(props['type_name']) if type_node is None: return match try: prop = self._find_thing(type_node.properties, props['property_name']) except (AttributeError, KeyError): return match return self.format_xref(prop) def _process_signal(self, node, match, props): type_node = self._resolve_type(props['type_name']) if type_node is None: return match try: signal = self._find_thing(type_node.signals, props['signal_name']) except (AttributeError, KeyError): return match return self.format_xref(signal) def _process_type_name(self, node, match, props): if self._processing_attr: return match ident = props['type_name'] type_ = self._resolve_type(ident) plural = False if type_ is None: singularized = ident.rstrip("s") # Try to remove plural type_ = self._resolve_type(singularized) plural = True if type_ is None: return match return self.format_xref(type_, pluralize=plural) def _process_enum_value(self, node, match, props): member_name = props['member_name'] try: return '%s' % (self.fundamentals[member_name], ) except KeyError: pass enum_value = self._resolve_symbol(member_name) if enum_value: return self.format_xref(enum_value) return match def _process_parameter(self, node, match, props): try: parameter = node.get_parameter(props['param_name']) except (AttributeError, ValueError): return match return '%s' % (self.format_parameter_name(node, parameter), ) def _process_function_call(self, node, match, props): func = self._resolve_symbol(props['symbol_name']) if func is None: return match return self.format_xref(func) # FIXME: the four spaces after newlines in the following functions are to # keep Markdown happy. We pass the documentation string first through this # templated scanner, which converts |[ ]| to
. Then in the case
    # of DevDocs output, we pass the resulting string through Markdown; but
    # Markdown will not respect the 
 element and will treat the code as
    # markup, converting asterisks into  etc. Putting four spaces at the
    # start of each line makes Markdown recognize the code as code without
    # affecting the normal HTML output too much.
    # A better solution would be to replace DocstringScanner by Markdown
    # entirely, implementing the custom markup with Markdown extensions.
    # UPDATE: As a temporary fix for code blocks we will convert directly to ``` syntax.
    # NOTES:
    # _process_markdown_code_toggle:
    #     Whenever we encounter ` we need to toggle whether we are escaping text as text inside
    #     inline code blocks is unescaped
    # _process_markdown_attr_(start|end):
    #     Whenever we encounter { or } we must stop parsing type names as curly braces are used for
    #     attributes in GIR files in addition to type declarations.
    # _process_html_code_(start|end):
    #     Whenever we encounter an HTML  block we must stop escaping text.
    # TODO: Convert to markdown extensions.

    def _process_markdown_code_toggle(self, node, match, props):
        self._processing_code = not self._processing_code
        return match

    def _process_markdown_attr_start(self, node, match, props):
        if not self._processing_code:
            self._processing_attr = True
        return match

    def _process_markdown_attr_end(self, node, match, props):
        if not self._processing_code:
            self._processing_attr = False
        return match

    def _process_html_code_start(self, node, match, props):
        self._processing_code = True
        return match

    def _process_html_code_end(self, node, match, props):
        self._processing_code = False
        return match

    def _process_code_start(self, node, match, props):
        self._processing_code = True
        return '

\n```\n' def _process_code_start_with_language(self, node, match, props): self._processing_code = True try: return '

\n```' + props["language_name"].lower() + '\n' except KeyError: return '

\n```\n' def _process_code_end(self, node, match, props): self._processing_code = False return '\n```\n

' def _process_new_line(self, node, match, props): if self._processing_code: return '\n' return '\n' def _process_new_paragraph(self, node, match, props): if self._processing_code: return '\n\n' return "

" def _process_token(self, node, tok): kind, match, props = tok dispatch = { 'other': self._process_other, 'property': self._process_property, 'signal': self._process_signal, 'type_name': self._process_type_name, 'enum_value': self._process_enum_value, 'parameter': self._process_parameter, 'function_call': self._process_function_call, 'code_start': self._process_code_start, 'code_start_with_language': self._process_code_start_with_language, 'code_end': self._process_code_end, 'html_code_start': self._process_html_code_start, 'html_code_end': self._process_html_code_end, 'markdown_code_toggle': self._process_markdown_code_toggle, 'markdown_attr_start': self._process_markdown_attr_start, 'markdown_attr_end': self._process_markdown_attr_end, 'new_line': self._process_new_line, 'new_paragraph': self._process_new_paragraph, } return dispatch[kind](node, match, props) def get_in_parameters(self, node): raise NotImplementedError def format_inline(self, node, para): tokens = self._scanner.scan(para) words = [self._process_token(node, tok) for tok in tokens] return ''.join(words) def format_parameter_name(self, node, parameter): if isinstance(parameter.type, ast.Varargs): return "..." else: return parameter.argname def format_function_name(self, func): raise NotImplementedError def format_type(self, type_, link=False): raise NotImplementedError def format_value(self, node): raise NotImplementedError def format_page_name(self, node): if isinstance(node, ast.Namespace): return node.name elif isinstance(node, ast.Function): return self.format_function_name(node) elif isinstance(node, ast.Property) and node.parent is not None: return '%s:%s' % (self.format_page_name(node.parent), node.name) elif isinstance(node, ast.Signal) and node.parent is not None: return '%s::%s' % (self.format_page_name(node.parent), node.name) elif isinstance(node, ast.VFunction) and node.parent is not None: return '%s::%s' % (self.format_page_name(node.parent), node.name) elif isinstance(node, ast.Field) and node.parent is not None: return '%s->%s' % (self.format_page_name(node.parent), node.name) else: return make_page_id(node) def format_xref(self, node, pluralize=False, **attrdict): if node is None or not hasattr(node, 'namespace'): attrs = [('xref', 'index')] + list(sorted(attrdict.items())) return xmlwriter.build_xml_tag('link', attrs) elif isinstance(node, ast.Member): # Enum/BitField members are linked to the main enum page. return self.format_xref(node.parent, pluralize=pluralize, **attrdict) + '.' + node.name elif node.namespace is self._transformer.namespace: return self.format_internal_xref(node, attrdict, pluralize=pluralize) else: return self.format_external_xref(node, attrdict, pluralize=pluralize) def format_internal_xref(self, node, attrdict, pluralize=False): attrs = [('xref', make_page_id(node))] + list(sorted(attrdict.items())) if not pluralize: return xmlwriter.build_xml_tag('link', attrs) else: return xmlwriter.build_xml_tag('link', attrs, make_page_id(node) + "s") def format_external_xref(self, node, attrdict, pluralize=False): ns = node.namespace attrs = [('href', '../%s-%s/%s.html' % (ns.name, str(ns.version), make_page_id(node)))] attrs += list(sorted(attrdict.items())) if not pluralize: return xmlwriter.build_xml_tag('link', attrs, self.format_page_name(node)) else: return xmlwriter.build_xml_tag('link', attrs, self.format_page_name(node) + "s") def field_is_writable(self, field): return True def format_property_flags(self, property_, construct_only=False, abbrev=False): flags = [] if property_.readable and not construct_only: flags.append("Read") if property_.writable and not construct_only and \ self.field_is_writable(property_): flags.append("Write") if isinstance(property_, ast.Property): if property_.construct: flags.append("Construct") if property_.construct_only: flags.append("Construct Only") if abbrev: return "/".join([''.join([word[0] for word in flag.lower().split()]) for flag in flags]) return " / ".join(flags) def format_signal_flags(self, signal): flags = [] if signal.action: flags.append("Action") if signal.detailed: flags.append("Detailed") if signal.no_hooks: flags.append("No Hooks") if signal.no_recurse: flags.append("No Recurse") if signal.when: flags.append("Run " + signal.when.capitalize()) return " / ".join(flags) def to_underscores(self, node): if isinstance(node, ast.Property): return node.name.replace('-', '_') elif node.name: return to_underscores(node.name) elif isinstance(node, ast.Function) and node.moved_to: return to_underscores(node.moved_to) elif isinstance(node, ast.Callback): return 'callback' elif isinstance(node, ast.Union): return 'anonymous_union' elif isinstance(node, ast.Field): return 'anonymous field' else: raise Exception('invalid node') def to_lower_camel_case(self, string): return string[0].lower() + string[1:] def get_class_hierarchy(self, node): assert isinstance(node, ast.Class) parent_chain = [node] while node.parent_type: node = self._transformer.lookup_typenode(node.parent_type) parent_chain.append(node) parent_chain.reverse() return parent_chain def get_inheritable_types(self, node): """Return an ast.Node object for each type (ast.Class and ast.Interface types) from which an ast.Class @node might inherit methods, properties, and signals.""" assert isinstance(node, ast.Class) parent_chain = self.get_class_hierarchy(node) types = [] for p in parent_chain: types += [self._transformer.lookup_typenode(t) for t in p.interfaces] types += [t for t in parent_chain if t is not node] return types def is_private_field(self, node, f): """Returns whether @f is a private field of @node (including a heuristic that tries to determine whether the field is the parent instance field or a private pointer but not marked as such.)""" if f.private: return True if f.anonymous_node: return True if f.name == 'g_type_instance': return True # this field on GObject is not exposed field_typenode = self._transformer.lookup_typenode(f.type) if not field_typenode: return False if getattr(field_typenode, 'disguised', False): return True # guess that it's a pointer to a private struct # this also catches fields of type GdkAtom, since that is disguised # as well. Not sure whether that's correct or not. if not isinstance(node, ast.Class): return False # parent instance heuristics only apply to classes if node.parent_type: parent_typenode = self._transformer.lookup_typenode(node.parent_type) if field_typenode == parent_typenode: return True # guess that it's a parent instance field return False def format_prerequisites(self, node): assert isinstance(node, ast.Interface) if len(node.prerequisites) > 0: if len(node.prerequisites) > 1: return ', '.join(node.prerequisites[:-1]) + \ ' and ' + node.prerequisites[-1] else: return node.prerequisites[0] else: return 'GObject.Object' def format_known_implementations(self, node): assert isinstance(node, ast.Interface) node_name = node.namespace.name + '.' + node.name impl = [] for c in node.namespace.values(): if not isinstance(c, ast.Class): continue for implemented in c.interfaces: if implemented.target_giname == node_name: impl.append(c) break if len(impl) == 0: return 'None' else: out = '%s is implemented by ' % (node.name,) if len(impl) == 1: return out + impl[0].name else: return out + ', '.join(i.name for i in impl[:-1]) + \ ' and ' + impl[-1].name class DocFormatterC(DocFormatter): language = "C" mime_type = "text/x-csrc" output_format = "mallard" output_extension = ".page" fundamentals = { "TRUE": "TRUE", "FALSE": "FALSE", "NULL": "NULL", } def format_type(self, type_, link=False): if isinstance(type_, ast.Array): return self.format_type(type_.element_type) + '*' elif type_.ctype is not None: return type_.ctype elif type_.target_fundamental: return type_.target_fundamental else: node = self._transformer.lookup_typenode(type_) return getattr(node, 'ctype') def format_function_name(self, func): if isinstance(func, ast.Function): return func.symbol else: return func.name def get_in_parameters(self, node): return node.all_parameters class DocFormatterIntrospectableBase(DocFormatter): def should_render_node(self, node): if isinstance(node, ast.Record) and node.is_gtype_struct_for is not None: return False if not getattr(node, "introspectable", True): return False if isinstance(node, ast.Function) and node.shadowed_by is not None: return False return super(DocFormatterIntrospectableBase, self).should_render_node(node) class DocFormatterPython(DocFormatterIntrospectableBase): language = "Python" mime_type = "text/python" output_format = "mallard" output_extension = ".page" fundamentals = { "TRUE": "True", "FALSE": "False", "NULL": "None", } def get_output_format(self): return 'mallard' def get_output_extension(self): return 'page' def should_render_node(self, node): if getattr(node, "is_constructor", False): return False return super(DocFormatterPython, self).should_render_node(node) def is_method(self, node): if getattr(node, "is_method", False): return True if isinstance(node, ast.VFunction): return True return False def format_parameter_name(self, node, parameter): # Force "self" for the first parameter of a method if self.is_method(node) and parameter is node.instance_parameter: return "self" elif isinstance(parameter.type, ast.Varargs): return "..." else: return parameter.argname def format_fundamental_type(self, name): fundamental_types = { "utf8": "unicode", "gunichar": "unicode", "gchar": "str", "guchar": "str", "gboolean": "bool", "gint": "int", "guint": "int", "glong": "int", "gulong": "int", "gint64": "int", "guint64": "int", "gfloat": "float", "gdouble": "float", "gchararray": "str", "GParam": "GLib.Param", "PyObject": "object", "GStrv": "[str]", "GVariant": "GLib.Variant"} return fundamental_types.get(name, name) def format_type(self, type_, link=False): if isinstance(type_, (ast.List, ast.Array)): return '[' + self.format_type(type_.element_type) + ']' elif isinstance(type_, ast.Map): return '{%s: %s}' % (self.format_type(type_.key_type), self.format_type(type_.value_type)) elif type_.target_giname is not None: return type_.target_giname else: return self.format_fundamental_type(type_.target_fundamental) def format_function_name(self, func): if func.parent is not None: return "%s.%s" % (self.format_page_name(func.parent), func.name) else: return func.name def get_in_parameters(self, node): return node.all_parameters class DocFormatterGjs(DocFormatterIntrospectableBase): language = "Gjs" mime_type = "text/x-gjs" output_format = "mallard" output_extension = ".page" fundamentals = { "TRUE": "true", "FALSE": "false", "NULL": "null", } def is_method(self, node): if getattr(node, "is_method", False): return True if isinstance(node, ast.VFunction): return True return False def resolve_gboxed_constructor(self, node): zero_args_constructor = None default_constructor = None introspectable_constructors = \ list(filter(lambda c: getattr(c, 'introspectable', True), node.constructors)) for c in introspectable_constructors: if zero_args_constructor is None and \ len(c.parameters) == 0: zero_args_constructor = c if default_constructor is None and \ c.name == 'new': default_constructor = c if default_constructor is None: default_constructor = zero_args_constructor if default_constructor is None and \ len(introspectable_constructors) > 0: default_constructor = introspectable_constructors[0] node.gjs_default_constructor = default_constructor node.gjs_zero_args_constructor = zero_args_constructor def should_render_node(self, node): if isinstance(node, (ast.Compound, ast.Boxed)): self.resolve_gboxed_constructor(node) if isinstance(node, ast.Compound) and node.disguised and \ len(node.methods) == len(node.static_methods) == len(node.constructors) == 0: return False if isinstance(node, ast.ErrorQuarkFunction): return False if isinstance(node, ast.Field): if node.type is None: return False if isinstance(node.parent, (ast.Class, ast.Union)): return False if isinstance(node, ast.Union) and node.name is None: return False if isinstance(node, ast.Class): is_gparam_subclass = False if node.parent_type: parent = self._transformer.lookup_typenode(node.parent_type) while parent: if parent.namespace.name == 'GObject' and \ parent.name == 'ParamSpec': is_gparam_subclass = True break if parent.parent_type is None: break parent = self._transformer.lookup_typenode(parent.parent_type) if is_gparam_subclass: return False return super(DocFormatterGjs, self).should_render_node(node) def format_fundamental_type(self, name): fundamental_types = { "none": "void", "gpointer": "void", "gboolean": "Boolean", "gint8": "Number(gint8)", "guint8": "Number(guint8)", "gint16": "Number(gint16)", "guint16": "Number(guint16)", "gint32": "Number(gint32)", "guint32": "Number(guint32)", "gchar": "Number(gchar)", "guchar": "Number(guchar)", "gshort": "Number(gshort)", "gint": "Number(gint)", "guint": "Number(guint)", "gfloat": "Number(gfloat)", "gdouble": "Number(gdouble)", "utf8": "String", "gunichar": "String", "filename": "String", "GType": "GObject.Type", "GVariant": "GLib.Variant", # These cannot be fully represented in gjs "gsize": "Number(gsize)", "gssize": "Number(gssize)", "gintptr": "Number(gintptr)", "guintptr": "Number(guintptr)", "glong": "Number(glong)", "gulong": "Number(gulong)", "gint64": "Number(gint64)", "guint64": "Number(guint64)", "long double": "Number(long double)", "long long": "Number(long long)", "unsigned long long": "Number(unsigned long long)"} return fundamental_types.get(name, name) def format_type(self, type_, link=False): if isinstance(type_, ast.Array) and \ type_.element_type.target_fundamental in ('gint8', 'guint8'): return 'ByteArray' elif isinstance(type_, (ast.List, ast.Array)): return 'Array(' + self.format_type(type_.element_type, link) + ')' elif isinstance(type_, ast.Map): return '{%s: %s}' % (self.format_type(type_.key_type, link), self.format_type(type_.value_type, link)) elif not type_ or type_.target_fundamental == "none": return "void" elif type_.target_giname is not None: giname = type_.target_giname if giname == 'Gdk.Atom': return 'String' if giname in ('GLib.ByteArray', 'GLib.Bytes'): return 'ByteArray' if giname == 'GObject.Value': return 'Any' if giname == 'GObject.Closure': return 'Function' if link: nsname = self._transformer.namespace.name if giname.startswith(nsname + '.'): return '%s' % (giname, giname) else: resolved = self._transformer.lookup_typenode(type_) if resolved: return self.format_xref(resolved) return giname else: return self.format_fundamental_type(type_.target_fundamental) def format_function_name(self, func): name = func.name if func.shadows: name = func.shadows if func.is_method: return "%s.prototype.%s" % (self.format_page_name(func.parent), name) elif func.parent is not None: return "%s.%s" % (self.format_page_name(func.parent), name) else: return name def format_page_name(self, node): if isinstance(node, (ast.Field, ast.Property)): return '%s.%s' % (self.format_page_name(node.parent), self.to_underscores(node)) else: return DocFormatterIntrospectableBase.format_page_name(self, node) def has_any_parameters(self, node): return len(node.parameters) > 0 or \ node.retval.type.target_fundamental != 'none' def get_in_parameters(self, node): skip = set() for param in node.parameters: if param.direction == ast.PARAM_DIRECTION_OUT: skip.add(param) if param.closure_name is not None: skip.add(node.get_parameter(param.closure_name)) if param.destroy_name is not None: skip.add(node.get_parameter(param.destroy_name)) if isinstance(param.type, ast.Array) and param.type.length_param_name is not None: skip.add(node.get_parameter(param.type.length_param_name)) params = [] for param in node.parameters: if param not in skip: params.append(param) return params def get_out_parameters(self, node): skip = set() for param in node.parameters: if param.direction == ast.PARAM_DIRECTION_IN: skip.add(param) if param.closure_name is not None: skip.add(node.get_parameter(param.closure_name)) if param.destroy_name is not None: skip.add(node.get_parameter(param.destroy_name)) if isinstance(param.type, ast.Array) and param.type.length_param_name is not None: skip.add(node.get_parameter(param.type.length_param_name)) params = [] if node.retval.type.target_fundamental != 'none': name = 'return_value' if node.retval.type.target_fundamental == 'gboolean': name = 'ok' ret_param = ast.Parameter(name, node.retval.type, ast.PARAM_DIRECTION_OUT) ret_param.doc = node.retval.doc params.append(ret_param) for param in node.parameters: if param not in skip: params.append(param) if len(params) == 1: params[0].argname = 'Returns' return params def format_in_parameters(self, node): in_params = self.get_in_parameters(node) return ', '.join(('%s: %s' % (p.argname, self.format_type(p.type, True))) for p in in_params) def format_out_parameters(self, node): out_params = self.get_out_parameters(node) if len(out_params) == 0: return 'void' elif len(out_params) == 1: return self.format_type(out_params[0].type, True) else: return '[' + ', '.join(('%s: %s' % (p.argname, self.format_type(p.type, True))) for p in out_params) + ']' def field_is_writable(self, node): if isinstance(node, ast.Field): if node.type is None: return False if node.private: return False if isinstance(node.parent, ast.Union): return False if node.type.target_fundamental not in \ (None, 'none', 'gpointer', 'utf8', 'filename', 'va_list'): return True resolved = self._transformer.lookup_typenode(node.type) if resolved: if isinstance(resolved, ast.Compound) and node.type.ctype[-1] != '*': return self._struct_is_simple(resolved) elif isinstance(resolved, (ast.Enum, ast.Bitfield)): return True return False else: return True def _struct_is_simple(self, node): if node.disguised or len(node.fields) == 0: return False for f in node.fields: if not self.field_is_writable(f): return False return True def format_gboxed_constructor(self, node): if node.namespace.name == 'GLib' and node.name == 'Variant': return 'signature: String, value: Any' zero_args_constructor = node.gjs_zero_args_constructor default_constructor = node.gjs_default_constructor can_allocate = zero_args_constructor is not None if not can_allocate and isinstance(node, ast.Record): can_allocate = self._struct_is_simple(node) # Small lie: if can_allocate is False, and # default_constructor is None, then you cannot # construct the boxed in any way. But let's # pretend you can with the regular constructor if can_allocate or default_constructor is None: if isinstance(node, ast.Compound): fields = filter(self.field_is_writable, node.fields) out = '' for f in fields: out += " %s: value\n" % \ (node.namespace.name, node.name, f.name, f.name) if out: out = "{\n" + out + "}" return out else: return '' else: construct_params = self.get_in_parameters(default_constructor) return ', '.join(('%s: %s' % (p.argname, self.format_type(p.type))) for p in construct_params) class DevDocsFormatterGjs(DocFormatterGjs): output_format = "devdocs" output_extension = ".html" def _is_static_method(self, node): if not hasattr(node.parent, "static_methods"): return False return node in node.parent.static_methods def should_render_node(self, node): # For DevDocs, we only want to render the top-level nodes. if isinstance(node, (ast.Compound, ast.Boxed)): self.resolve_gboxed_constructor(node) if not super(DevDocsFormatterGjs, self).should_render_node(node): return False if isinstance(node, ast.Function) and not node.is_method and \ not node.is_constructor and not self._is_static_method(node): return True # module-level function toplevel_types = [ast.Alias, ast.Bitfield, ast.Boxed, ast.Callback, ast.Class, ast.Constant, ast.Enum, ast.Interface, ast.Namespace, ast.Record, ast.Union] for ast_type in toplevel_types: if isinstance(node, ast_type): return True return False def format_fundamental_type(self, name): # Don't specify the C type after Number as the Mallard docs do; it's # confusing to GJS newbies. if name in ["gint8", "guint8", "gint16", "guint16", "gint32", "guint32", "gchar", "guchar", "gshort", "gint", "guint", "gfloat", "gdouble", "gsize", "gssize", "gintptr", "guintptr", "glong", "gulong", "gint64", "guint64", "long double", "long long", "unsigned long long"]: return "Number" # gsize and up cannot fully be represented in GJS if name in ["none", "gpointer"]: return "void" if name in ["utf8", "gunichar", "filename"]: return "String" if name == "gboolean": return "Boolean" if name == "GType": return "GObject.Type" if name == "GVariant": return "GLib.Variant" return name def format_value(self, node): # Constants only have fundamental types? type_ = node.value_type.target_fundamental if type_ in ["utf8", "gunichar", "filename"]: return repr(node.value) # escapes quotes in the string; ought to be the same in Javascript return node.value def format(self, node, doc): if doc is None: return '' cleaned_up_gtkdoc = super(DevDocsFormatterGjs, self).format_inline(node, doc) return markdown.markdown(cleaned_up_gtkdoc, extensions=[ 'markdown.extensions.fenced_code', 'markdown.extensions.nl2br', 'markdown.extensions.attr_list', HeaderIdExtension(forceid=False) ]) def format_function_name(self, func): name = func.name if func.shadows: name = func.shadows if isinstance(func, ast.VFunction): return 'vfunc_' + name return name def format_page_name(self, node): if isinstance(node, ast.Function) and node.parent is not None: return node.parent.name + "." + self.format_function_name(node) return super(DevDocsFormatterGjs, self).format_page_name(node) def _write_xref_markdown(self, target, anchor=None, display_name=None, pluralize=False): if display_name is None: display_name = target link = target + ".html" if anchor is not None: link += "#" + anchor return "[{}]({}){}".format(display_name, link, 's' if pluralize else '') def to_underscores(self, node): try: return super(DevDocsFormatterGjs, self).to_underscores(node) except Exception as e: if e.message == 'invalid node': print('warning: invalid node in', node.parent.name, file=sys.stderr) return node.parent.name + '_invalid_node' def make_anchor(self, node): style_class = get_node_kind(node) return "{}-{}".format(style_class, self.to_underscores(node)) def _process_parameter(self, node, match, props): # Display the instance parameter as "this" instead of whatever name it # has in C. if hasattr(node, 'instance_parameter') and \ node.instance_parameter is not None and \ props['param_name'] == node.instance_parameter.argname: return 'this' return super(DevDocsFormatterGjs, self)._process_parameter(node, match, props) def format_xref(self, node, pluralize=False, **attrdict): if node is None or not hasattr(node, 'namespace'): return self._write_xref_markdown('index') if node.namespace is self._transformer.namespace: return self.format_internal_xref(node, attrdict, pluralize=pluralize) return self.format_external_xref(node, attrdict, pluralize=pluralize) def format_internal_xref(self, node, attrdict, pluralize=False): if not self.should_render_node(node): # Non-toplevel nodes are linked to the main page. page = make_page_id(node.parent) name = node.name if isinstance(node, ast.Member): name = name.upper() return self._write_xref_markdown(page, self.make_anchor(node), page + "." + name, pluralize=pluralize) return self._write_xref_markdown(make_page_id(node), pluralize=pluralize) def format_external_xref(self, node, attrdict, pluralize=False): ns = node.namespace slug = ns.name.lower() + str(ns.version).replace('.', '') if not self.should_render_node(node): target = 'gir:///%s/%s' % (slug, make_page_id(node.parent)) return self._write_xref_markdown(target, self.make_anchor(node), self.format_page_name(node.parent), pluralize=pluralize) target = 'gir:///%s/%s' % (slug, make_page_id(node)) return self._write_xref_markdown(target, None, self.format_page_name(node), pluralize=pluralize) def format_inline(self, node, para): if para is None: return '' cleaned_up_gtkdoc = super(DevDocsFormatterGjs, self).format_inline(node, para) return markdown.markdown(cleaned_up_gtkdoc, extensions=[ InlineMarkdown(), 'markdown.extensions.fenced_code', 'markdown.extensions.nl2br', 'markdown.extensions.attr_list', HeaderIdExtension(forceid=False) ]) def format_in_parameters(self, node): return ', '.join(p.argname for p in self.get_in_parameters(node)) LANGUAGES = { "devdocs": { "gjs": DevDocsFormatterGjs, }, "mallard": { "c": DocFormatterC, "python": DocFormatterPython, "gjs": DocFormatterGjs, }, } class DocWriter(object): def __init__(self, transformer, language, output_format): self._transformer = transformer try: formatter_class = LANGUAGES[output_format][language.lower()] except KeyError: raise SystemExit("Unsupported language %s for output format %s" % (language, output_format)) self._formatter = formatter_class(self._transformer) self._language = self._formatter.language self._output_format = output_format self._lookup = self._get_template_lookup() def _get_template_lookup(self): if 'UNINSTALLED_INTROSPECTION_SRCDIR' in os.environ: top_srcdir = os.environ['UNINSTALLED_INTROSPECTION_SRCDIR'] srcdir = os.path.join(top_srcdir, 'giscanner') else: srcdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) template_dir = os.path.join(srcdir, 'doctemplates', self._formatter.output_format) return TemplateLookup(directories=[template_dir], module_directory=tempfile.mkdtemp(), output_encoding='utf-8') def write(self, output): try: os.makedirs(output) except OSError: # directory already made pass self._walk_node(output, self._transformer.namespace, []) self._transformer.namespace.walk(lambda node, chain: self._walk_node(output, node, chain)) def _walk_node(self, output, node, chain): if isinstance(node, ast.Function) and node.moved_to is not None: return False if self._formatter.should_render_node(node): self._render_node(node, chain, output) # hack: fields are not Nodes in the ast, so we don't # see them in the visit. Handle them manually here if isinstance(node, (ast.Compound, ast.Class)): chain.append(node) for f in node.fields: self._walk_node(output, f, chain) chain.pop() return True return False def _render_node(self, node, chain, output): namespace = self._transformer.namespace # A bit of a hack...maybe this should be an official API node._chain = list(chain) page_kind = get_node_kind(node) template_name = '%s/%s.tmpl' % (self._language, page_kind) page_id = make_page_id(node) template = self._lookup.get_template(template_name) result = template.render(namespace=namespace, node=node, page_id=page_id, page_kind=page_kind, get_node_kind=get_node_kind, formatter=self._formatter, ast=ast) output_base_name = page_id + self._formatter.output_extension output_file_name = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(output), output_base_name) with open(output_file_name, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(result)