# -*- Mode: Python -*- # GObject-Introspection - a framework for introspecting GObject libraries # Copyright (C) 2008 Johan Dahlin # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # import os import sys import re import tempfile import shutil import subprocess from .ast import (Alias, Bitfield, Callable, Callback, Class, Constant, Enum, Function, Interface, Member, Namespace, Node, Parameter, Property, Record, Return, Type, TypeContainer, Union, Field, VFunction, type_name_from_ctype, default_array_types, TYPE_UINT8, PARAM_TRANSFER_FULL, Array, List, Map, Varargs) from .transformer import Names from .glibast import (GLibBoxed, GLibEnum, GLibEnumMember, GLibFlags, GLibInterface, GLibObject, GLibSignal, GLibBoxedStruct, GLibBoxedUnion, GLibBoxedOther, GLibRecord, type_names) from .utils import to_underscores, to_underscores_noprefix default_array_types['guchar*'] = TYPE_UINT8 # GParamFlags G_PARAM_READABLE = 1 << 0 G_PARAM_WRITABLE = 1 << 1 G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT = 1 << 2 G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY = 1 << 3 G_PARAM_LAX_VALIDATION = 1 << 4 G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME = 1 << 5 G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK = 1 << 6 G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB = 1 << 7 SYMBOL_BLACKLIST = [ # These ones break GError conventions 'g_simple_async_result_new_from_error', 'g_simple_async_result_set_from_error', 'g_simple_async_result_propagate_error', 'g_simple_async_result_report_error_in_idle', 'gtk_print_operation_get_error', ] SYMBOL_BLACKLIST_RE = [re.compile(x) for x in \ [r'\w+_marshal_[A-Z]+__', ]] GET_TYPE_OVERRIDES = { # this is a special case, from glibtransforer.py:create_gobject 'intern': 'g_object_get_type', # this is presumably a typo, should be fixed upstream 'g_gstring_get_type': 'g_string_get_type', # this is historical cruft: there's a deprecated # #define gdk_window_get_type gdk_window_get_window_type # upstream; this method can be renamed properly upstream once # that deprecated alias is removed (in some future release) 'gdk_window_object_get_type': 'gdk_window_get_type', } class IntrospectionBinary(object): def __init__(self, args, tmpdir=None): self.args = args if tmpdir is None: self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'tmp-introspect') else: self.tmpdir = tmpdir class Unresolved(object): def __init__(self, target): self.target = target class UnknownTypeError(Exception): pass class GLibTransformer(object): def __init__(self, transformer, noclosure=False): self._transformer = transformer self._noclosure = noclosure self._namespace_name = None self._names = Names() self._uscore_type_names = {} self._binary = None self._get_type_functions = [] self._error_quark_functions = [] self._gtype_data = {} self._failed_types = {} self._boxed_types = {} self._private_internal_types = {} self._validating = False # Public API def init_parse(self): """Do parsing steps that don't involve the introspection binary This does enough work that get_type_functions() can be called. """ namespace = self._transformer.parse() self._namespace_name = namespace.name self._namespace_version = namespace.version # First pass: parsing for node in namespace.nodes: self._parse_node(node) # We don't want an alias for this - it's handled specially in # the typelib compiler. if namespace.name == 'GObject': del self._names.aliases['Type'] def get_get_type_functions(self): return self._get_type_functions def set_introspection_binary(self, binary): self._binary = binary def parse(self): """Do remaining parsing steps requiring introspection binary""" # Get all the GObject data by passing our list of get_type # functions to the compiled binary self._execute_binary() # Introspection is done from within parsing # Second pass: pair boxed structures for boxed in self._boxed_types.itervalues(): self._pair_boxed_type(boxed) # Third pass: delete class structures, resolve # all types we now know about nodes = list(self._names.names.itervalues()) for (ns, node) in nodes: try: self._resolve_node(node) except KeyError, e: self._transformer.log_node_warning(node, """Unresolvable entry %r""" % (e, )) self._remove_attribute(node.name) # Another pass, since we need to have the methods parsed # in order to correctly modify them after class/record # pairing for (ns, node) in nodes: # associate GtkButtonClass with GtkButton if isinstance(node, Record): self._pair_class_record(node) for (ns, alias) in self._names.aliases.itervalues(): self._resolve_alias(alias) self._resolve_quarks() # Our final pass replacing types self._resolve_types(nodes) # Create a new namespace with what we found namespace = Namespace(self._namespace_name, self._namespace_version) namespace.nodes = map(lambda x: x[1], self._names.aliases.itervalues()) for (ns, x) in self._names.names.itervalues(): namespace.nodes.append(x) return namespace # Private def _add_attribute(self, node, replace=False): node_name = node.name if (not replace) and node_name in self._names.names: return self._names.names[node_name] = (None, node) def _remove_attribute(self, name): del self._names.names[name] def _get_attribute(self, name): node = self._names.names.get(name) if node: return node[1] return None def _lookup_node(self, name): if name in type_names: return None node = self._get_attribute(name) if node is None: node = self._transformer.get_names().names.get(name) if node: return node[1] return node def _get_no_uscore_prefixed_name(self, type_name): # Besides the straight underscore conversion, we also try # removing the underscores from the namespace as a possible C # mapping; e.g. it's webkit_web_view, not web_kit_web_view suffix = self._transformer.remove_prefix(type_name) prefix = type_name[:-len(suffix)] return (prefix + '_' + to_underscores(suffix)).lower() def _register_internal_type(self, type_name, node): self._names.type_names[type_name] = (None, node) uscored = to_underscores(type_name).lower() # prefer the prefix of the get_type method, if there is one if hasattr(node, 'get_type'): uscored = GET_TYPE_OVERRIDES.get(node.get_type, node.get_type) uscored = uscored[:-len('_get_type')] self._uscore_type_names[uscored] = node no_uscore_prefixed = self._get_no_uscore_prefixed_name(type_name) # since this is a guess, don't overwrite any 'real' prefix if no_uscore_prefixed not in self._uscore_type_names: self._uscore_type_names[no_uscore_prefixed] = node def _resolve_quarks(self): # self._uscore_type_names is an authoritative mapping of types # to underscored versions, since it is based on get_type() methods; # but only covers enums that are registered as GObject enums. # Create a fallback mapping based on all known enums in this module. uscore_enums = {} for enum in self._transformer.iter_enums(): type_name = enum.symbol uscored = to_underscores(type_name).lower() uscore_enums[uscored] = enum no_uscore_prefixed = self._get_no_uscore_prefixed_name(type_name) if no_uscore_prefixed not in uscore_enums: uscore_enums[no_uscore_prefixed] = enum for node in self._error_quark_functions: short = node.symbol[:-len('_quark')] if short == "g_io_error": # Special case; GIOError was already taken forcing GIOErrorEnum enum = self._names.type_names["GIOErrorEnum"][1] else: enum = self._uscore_type_names.get(short) if enum is None: enum = uscore_enums.get(short) if enum is not None: enum.error_quark = node.symbol else: self._transformer.log_node_warning(node, """Couldn't find corresponding enumeration""") # Helper functions def _resolve_gtypename(self, gtype_name): try: return self._transformer.gtypename_to_giname(gtype_name, self._names) except KeyError, e: return Unresolved(gtype_name) def _resolve_gtypename_chain(self, gtype_names): """Like _resolve_gtypename, but grab the first one that resolves. If none of them do, return an Unresolved for the first.""" for gtype_name in gtype_names: try: return self._transformer.gtypename_to_giname(gtype_name, self._names) except KeyError, e: continue return Unresolved(gtype_names[0]) def _execute_binary(self): in_path = os.path.join(self._binary.tmpdir, 'types.txt') f = open(in_path, 'w') # TODO: Introspect GQuark functions for func in self._get_type_functions: f.write(func) f.write('\n') f.close() out_path = os.path.join(self._binary.tmpdir, 'dump.xml') args = [] args.extend(self._binary.args) args.append('--introspect-dump=%s,%s' % (in_path, out_path)) # Invoke the binary, having written our get_type functions to types.txt try: subprocess.check_call(args, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: raise SystemExit(e) self._read_introspect_dump(out_path) # Clean up temporaries shutil.rmtree(self._binary.tmpdir) def _read_introspect_dump(self, xmlpath): from xml.etree.cElementTree import parse tree = parse(xmlpath) root = tree.getroot() for child in root: self._gtype_data[child.attrib['name']] = child for child in root: self._introspect_type(child) def _create_gobject(self, node): type_name = 'G' + node.name if type_name == 'GObject': parent_gitype = None symbol = 'intern' elif type_name == 'GInitiallyUnowned': parent_type_name = 'GObject' parent_gitype = self._resolve_gtypename(parent_type_name) symbol = 'g_initially_unowned_get_type' else: assert False gnode = GLibObject(node.name, parent_gitype, type_name, symbol, True) if type_name == 'GObject': gnode.fields.extend(node.fields) else: # http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=569408 # GInitiallyUnowned is actually a typedef for GObject, but # that's not reflected in the GIR, where it appears as a # subclass (as it appears in the GType hierarchy). So # what we do here is copy all of the GObject fields into # GInitiallyUnowned so that struct offset computation # works correctly. gnode.fields = self._names.names['Object'][1].fields self._add_attribute(gnode) self._register_internal_type(type_name, gnode) # Parser def _parse_node(self, node): if isinstance(node, Enum): self._parse_enum(node) elif isinstance(node, Bitfield): self._parse_bitfield(node) elif isinstance(node, Function): self._parse_function(node) elif isinstance(node, Record): self._parse_record(node) elif isinstance(node, Callback): self._parse_callback(node) elif isinstance(node, Alias): self._parse_alias(node) elif isinstance(node, Member): # FIXME: atk_misc_instance singletons pass elif isinstance(node, Union): self._parse_union(node) elif isinstance(node, Constant): self._parse_constant(node) else: print 'GLIB Transformer: Unhandled node:', node def _parse_alias(self, alias): self._names.aliases[alias.name] = (None, alias) def _parse_enum(self, enum): self._add_attribute(enum) def _parse_bitfield(self, enum): self._add_attribute(enum) def _parse_constant(self, constant): self._add_attribute(constant) def _parse_function(self, func): if func.symbol in SYMBOL_BLACKLIST: return if func.symbol.startswith('_'): return for regexp in SYMBOL_BLACKLIST_RE: if regexp.match(func.symbol): return if self._parse_get_type_function(func): return if self._parse_error_quark_function(func): return self._add_attribute(func) def _parse_get_type_function(self, func): symbol = func.symbol if not symbol.endswith('_get_type'): return False if self._namespace_name == 'GLib': # No GObjects in GLib return False if (self._namespace_name == 'GObject' and symbol in ('g_object_get_type', 'g_initially_unowned_get_type')): # We handle these internally, see _create_gobject return True if func.parameters: return False # GType *_get_type(void) if func.retval.type.name not in ['Type', 'GType', 'GObject.Type', 'Gtk.Type']: self._transformer.log_("Warning: *_get_type function returns '%r'" ", not GObject.Type") % (func.retval.type.name, ) return False self._get_type_functions.append(symbol) return True def _parse_error_quark_function(self, func): if not func.symbol.endswith('_error_quark'): return False if func.parameters: return False if (func.retval.type.name != 'GLib.Quark' and func.retval.type.ctype != 'GQuark'): return False self._error_quark_functions.append(func) return True def _name_is_internal_gtype(self, giname): try: node = self._get_attribute(giname) return isinstance(node, (GLibObject, GLibInterface, GLibBoxed, GLibEnum, GLibFlags)) except KeyError, e: return False def _parse_static_method(self, func): components = func.symbol.split('_') if len(components) < 2: return None target_klass = None prefix_components = None methname = None for i in xrange(1, len(components)): prefix_components = '_'.join(components[0:-i]) methname = '_'.join(components[-i:]) target_klass = self._uscore_type_names.get(prefix_components) if target_klass and isinstance(target_klass, GLibObject): break target_klass = None if not target_klass: return None self._remove_attribute(func.name) func.name = methname target_klass.static_methods.append(func) func.is_method = True return func def _parse_method(self, func): if not func.parameters: return False return self._parse_method_common(func, True) def _parse_constructor(self, func): return self._parse_method_common(func, False) def _parse_method_common(self, func, is_method): # Skip _get_type functions, we processed them # already if func.symbol.endswith('_get_type'): return None if not is_method: target_arg = func.retval else: target_arg = func.parameters[0] if is_method: # Methods require their first arg to be a known class # Look at the original C type (before namespace stripping), without # pointers: GtkButton -> gtk_button_, so we can figure out the # method name argtype = target_arg.type.ctype.replace('*', '') name = self._transformer.remove_prefix(argtype) name_uscore = to_underscores_noprefix(name).lower() # prefer the prefix of the _get_type method, if there is one if argtype in self._names.type_names: node = self._names.type_names[argtype][1] if hasattr(node, 'get_type'): name_uscore = GET_TYPE_OVERRIDES.get(node.get_type, node.get_type) name_uscore = name_uscore[:-len('_get_type')] name_offset = func.symbol.find(name_uscore + '_') if name_offset < 0: return None prefix = func.symbol[:name_offset+len(name_uscore)] else: # Constructors must have _new # Take everything before that as class name new_idx = func.symbol.find('_new') if new_idx < 0: return None # Constructors don't return basic types derefed = self._transformer.follow_aliases(target_arg.type.name, self._names) if derefed in type_names: #print "NOTE: Rejecting constructor returning basic: %r" \ # % (func.symbol, ) return None prefix = func.symbol[:new_idx] klass = self._uscore_type_names.get(prefix) if klass is None: #print "NOTE: No valid matching class for likely "+\ # "method or constructor: %r" % (func.symbol, ) return None # Enums can't have ctors or methods if isinstance(klass, (GLibEnum, GLibFlags)): return None # The _uscore_type_names member holds the plain GLibBoxed # object; we want to actually use the struct/record associated if isinstance(klass, (Record, Union)): remove_prefix = klass.symbol else: remove_prefix = klass.type_name name = self._transformer.remove_prefix(remove_prefix) klass = self._get_attribute(name) if klass is None: return if not is_method: # Interfaces can't have constructors, punt to global scope if isinstance(klass, GLibInterface): #print "NOTE: Rejecting constructor for"+\ # " interface type: %r" % (func.symbol, ) return None # TODO - check that the return type is a subclass of the # class from the prefix # But for now, ensure that constructor returns are always # the most concrete class name = self._transformer.remove_prefix(remove_prefix) func.retval.type = Type(name, func.retval.type.ctype) self._remove_attribute(func.name) # Strip namespace and object prefix: gtk_window_new -> new func.name = func.symbol[len(prefix)+1:] if is_method: # We don't need the "this" parameter del func.parameters[0] klass.methods.append(func) func.is_method = True else: klass.constructors.append(func) return func def _parse_record(self, record): # This is a hack, but GObject is a rather fundamental piece so. internal_names = ["Object", 'InitiallyUnowned'] g_internal_names = ["G" + x for x in internal_names] if (self._namespace_name == 'GObject' and record.name in internal_names): self._create_gobject(record) return elif record.name in g_internal_names: # Avoid duplicates return if record.name == 'InitiallyUnownedClass': record.fields = self._names.names['ObjectClass'][1].fields node = self._names.names.get(record.name) if node is None: self._add_attribute(record, replace=True) self._register_internal_type(record.symbol, record) return (ns, node) = node node.fields = record.fields[:] def _parse_union(self, union): node = self._names.names.get(union.name) if node is None: self._add_attribute(union, replace=True) self._register_internal_type(union.symbol, union) return (ns, node) = node node.fields = union.fields[:] def _parse_callback(self, callback): self._add_attribute(callback) def _strip_class_suffix(self, name): if (name.endswith('Class') or name.endswith('Iface')): return name[:-5] elif name.endswith('Interface'): return name[:-9] else: return name def _arg_is_failed(self, param): ctype = self._transformer.ctype_of(param).replace('*', '') uscored = to_underscores(self._strip_class_suffix(ctype)).lower() if uscored in self._failed_types: print "Warning: failed type: %r" % (param, ) return True return False def _pair_class_record(self, maybe_class): name = self._strip_class_suffix(maybe_class.name) if name == maybe_class.name: return class_struct = maybe_class if self._arg_is_failed(class_struct): print "WARNING: deleting no-type %r" % (class_struct.name, ) del self._names.names[class_struct.name] return pair_class = self._get_attribute(name) if (not pair_class or not isinstance(pair_class, (GLibObject, GLibInterface))): return # Object class fields are assumed to be read-only # (see also _introspect_object and transformer.py) for field in maybe_class.fields: if isinstance(field, Field): field.writable = False # Loop through fields to determine which are virtual # functions and which are signal slots by # assuming everything that doesn't share a name # with a known signal is a virtual slot. for field in maybe_class.fields: if not isinstance(field, Callback): continue # Check the first parameter is the object if len(field.parameters) == 0: continue firstparam_type = field.parameters[0].type if firstparam_type != pair_class: continue # Also double check we don't have a signal with this # name. matched_signal = False for signal in pair_class.signals: if signal.name.replace('-', '_') == field.name: matched_signal = True break if matched_signal: continue vfunc = VFunction.from_callback(field) vfunc.inherit_file_positions(field) pair_class.virtual_methods.append(vfunc) # Take the set of virtual methods we found, and try # to pair up with any matching methods using the # name+signature. for vfunc in pair_class.virtual_methods: for method in pair_class.methods: if (method.name != vfunc.name or method.retval != vfunc.retval or method.parameters != vfunc.parameters): continue vfunc.invoker = method gclass_struct = GLibRecord.from_record(class_struct) self._remove_attribute(class_struct.name) self._add_attribute(gclass_struct, True) pair_class.glib_type_struct = gclass_struct pair_class.inherit_file_positions(class_struct) gclass_struct.is_gtype_struct_for = name # Introspection def _introspect_type(self, xmlnode): if xmlnode.tag in ('enum', 'flags'): self._introspect_enum(xmlnode) elif xmlnode.tag == 'class': self._introspect_object(xmlnode) elif xmlnode.tag == 'interface': self._introspect_interface(xmlnode) elif xmlnode.tag == 'boxed': self._introspect_boxed(xmlnode) else: raise ValueError("Unhandled introspection XML tag %s", xmlnode.tag) def _introspect_enum(self, node): members = [] for member in node.findall('member'): # Keep the name closer to what we'd take from C by default; # see http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=575613 name = member.attrib['nick'].replace('-', '_') members.append(GLibEnumMember(name, member.attrib['value'], member.attrib['name'], member.attrib['nick'])) klass = (GLibFlags if node.tag == 'flags' else GLibEnum) type_name = node.attrib['name'] enum_name = self._transformer.remove_prefix(type_name) node = klass(enum_name, type_name, members, node.attrib['get-type']) self._add_attribute(node, replace=True) self._register_internal_type(type_name, node) def _introspect_object(self, xmlnode): type_name = xmlnode.attrib['name'] # We handle this specially above; in 2.16 and below there # was no g_object_get_type, for later versions we need # to skip it if type_name == 'GObject': return # Get a list of parents here; some of them may be hidden, and what # we really want to do is use the most-derived one that we know of. # parent_type_names = xmlnode.attrib['parents'].split(',') parent_gitype = self._resolve_gtypename_chain(parent_type_names) is_abstract = bool(xmlnode.attrib.get('abstract', False)) node = GLibObject( self._transformer.remove_prefix(type_name), parent_gitype, type_name, xmlnode.attrib['get-type'], is_abstract) self._introspect_properties(node, xmlnode) self._introspect_signals(node, xmlnode) self._introspect_implemented_interfaces(node, xmlnode) self._add_record_fields(node) self._add_attribute(node, replace=True) self._register_internal_type(type_name, node) def _introspect_interface(self, xmlnode): type_name = xmlnode.attrib['name'] node = GLibInterface( self._transformer.remove_prefix(type_name), None, type_name, xmlnode.attrib['get-type']) self._introspect_properties(node, xmlnode) self._introspect_signals(node, xmlnode) for child in xmlnode.findall('prerequisite'): name = child.attrib['name'] prereq = self._resolve_gtypename(name) node.prerequisites.append(prereq) # GtkFileChooserEmbed is an example of a private interface, we # just filter them out if xmlnode.attrib['get-type'].startswith('_'): print "NOTICE: Marking %s as internal type" % (type_name, ) self._private_internal_types[type_name] = node else: self._add_attribute(node, replace=True) self._register_internal_type(type_name, node) def _introspect_boxed(self, xmlnode): type_name = xmlnode.attrib['name'] # This one doesn't go in the main namespace; we associate it with # the struct or union node = GLibBoxed(type_name, xmlnode.attrib['get-type']) self._boxed_types[node.type_name] = node self._register_internal_type(type_name, node) def _introspect_implemented_interfaces(self, node, xmlnode): gt_interfaces = [] for interface in xmlnode.findall('implements'): gitype = self._resolve_gtypename(interface.attrib['name']) gt_interfaces.append(gitype) node.interfaces = sorted(gt_interfaces) def _introspect_properties(self, node, xmlnode): for pspec in xmlnode.findall('property'): ctype = pspec.attrib['type'] flags = int(pspec.attrib['flags']) readable = (flags & G_PARAM_READABLE) != 0 writable = (flags & G_PARAM_WRITABLE) != 0 construct = (flags & G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT) != 0 construct_only = (flags & G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY) != 0 node.properties.append(Property( pspec.attrib['name'], type_name_from_ctype(ctype), readable, writable, construct, construct_only, ctype, )) node.properties = sorted(node.properties) def _introspect_signals(self, node, xmlnode): for signal_info in xmlnode.findall('signal'): rctype = signal_info.attrib['return'] rtype = Type(self._transformer.parse_ctype(rctype), rctype) return_ = Return(rtype, signal_info.attrib['return']) return_.transfer = PARAM_TRANSFER_FULL signal = GLibSignal(signal_info.attrib['name'], return_) for i, parameter in enumerate(signal_info.findall('param')): if i == 0: name = 'object' else: name = 'p%s' % (i-1, ) pctype = parameter.attrib['type'] ptype = Type(self._transformer.parse_ctype(pctype), pctype) param = Parameter(name, ptype) param.transfer = 'none' signal.parameters.append(param) node.signals.append(signal) node.signals = sorted(node.signals) def _add_record_fields(self, node): # add record fields record = self._get_attribute(node.name) if record is None: return node.fields = record.fields for field in node.fields: if isinstance(field, Field): # Object instance fields are assumed to be read-only # (see also _pair_class_record and transformer.py) field.writable = False def _pair_boxed_type(self, boxed): name = self._transformer.remove_prefix(boxed.type_name) pair_node = self._get_attribute(name) if not pair_node: boxed_item = GLibBoxedOther(name, boxed.type_name, boxed.get_type) elif isinstance(pair_node, Record): boxed_item = GLibBoxedStruct(pair_node.name, boxed.type_name, boxed.get_type) boxed_item.inherit_file_positions(pair_node) boxed_item.fields = pair_node.fields elif isinstance(pair_node, Union): boxed_item = GLibBoxedUnion(pair_node.name, boxed.type_name, boxed.get_type) boxed_item.inherit_file_positions(pair_node) boxed_item.fields = pair_node.fields else: return False self._add_attribute(boxed_item, replace=True) # Node walking def _walk(self, node, callback, chain): if not isinstance(node, Node): return if not callback(node, chain): return chain.append(node) def _subwalk(subnode): self._walk(subnode, callback, chain) if isinstance(node, (Callback, Callable)): _subwalk(node.retval) for parameter in node.parameters: _subwalk(parameter) elif isinstance(node, (Array, List)): _subwalk(node.element_type) elif isinstance(node, Map): _subwalk(node.key_type) _subwalk(node.value_type) elif isinstance(node, Bitfield): pass elif isinstance(node, Record): for ctor in node.constructors: _subwalk(ctor) for func in node.methods: _subwalk(func) elif isinstance(node, Field): _subwalk(node.type) elif isinstance(node, Class): for meth in node.methods: _subwalk(meth) for meth in node.virtual_methods: _subwalk(meth) for meth in node.static_methods: _subwalk(meth) for ctor in node.constructors: _subwalk(ctor) for prop in node.properties: _subwalk(prop) for field in node.fields: _subwalk(field) elif isinstance(node, Interface): for meth in node.methods: _subwalk(meth) for meth in node.virtual_methods: _subwalk(meth) for prop in node.properties: _subwalk(prop) for field in node.fields: _subwalk(field) elif isinstance(node, Constant): _subwalk(node.type) elif isinstance(node, Union): for ctor in node.constructors: _subwalk(ctor) for meth in node.methods: _subwalk(meth) if isinstance(node, (GLibObject, GLibInterface)): for sig in node.signals: _subwalk(sig) chain.pop() # Resolver def _resolve_type_name(self, type_name, ctype=None): # Workaround glib bug #548689, to be included in 2.18.0 if type_name == "GParam": type_name = "GObject.ParamSpec" res = self._transformer.resolve_type_name_full try: return res(type_name, ctype, self._names) except KeyError, e: return self._transformer.resolve_type_name(type_name, ctype) def _resolve_param_type(self, ptype, **kwargs): # Workaround glib bug #548689, to be included in 2.18.0 if ptype.name == "GParam": ptype.name = "GObject.ParamSpec" elif ptype.name == "GObject.Strv": return Array(None, ptype.ctype, Type('utf8')) return self._transformer.resolve_param_type_full(ptype, self._names, **kwargs) def _resolve_node(self, node): if isinstance(node, Function): self._resolve_function_toplevel(node) elif isinstance(node, Callback): self._resolve_function(node) elif isinstance(node, GLibObject): self._resolve_glib_object(node) elif isinstance(node, GLibInterface): self._resolve_glib_interface(node) elif isinstance(node, Record): self._resolve_record(node) elif isinstance(node, Union): self._resolve_union(node) elif isinstance(node, Alias): self._resolve_alias(node) def _resolve_function_toplevel(self, func): for parser in [self._parse_constructor, self._parse_method, self._parse_static_method]: newfunc = parser(func) if newfunc: self._resolve_function(newfunc) return self._resolve_function(func) def _resolve_record(self, node): for field in node.fields: self._resolve_field(field) def _resolve_union(self, node): for field in node.fields: self._resolve_field(field) def _force_resolve(self, item, allow_unknown=False): if isinstance(item, Unresolved): if item.target in self._private_internal_types: return None try: return self._transformer.gtypename_to_giname(item.target, self._names) except KeyError, e: if allow_unknown: self._transformer.log_warning( """Skipping unknown interface %s""" % (item.target, )) return None else: raise if item in self._private_internal_types: return None return item def _resolve_glib_interface(self, node): node.parent = self._force_resolve(node.parent) self._resolve_methods(node.methods) self._resolve_properties(node.properties, node) self._resolve_signals(node.signals) node.prerequisites = filter(None, [self._force_resolve(x, allow_unknown=True) for x in node.prerequisites]) def _resolve_glib_object(self, node): # If we can't find the parent class, just drop back to GObject. # This supports hidden parent classes. # http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=561360 try: node.parent = self._force_resolve(node.parent) except KeyError, e: #print ("WARNING: Parent %r of class %r" +\ # " not found; using GObject") % (node.parent.target, # node.name) node.parent = self._transformer.gtypename_to_giname("GObject", self._names) node.interfaces = filter(None, [self._force_resolve(x, allow_unknown=True) for x in node.interfaces]) self._resolve_constructors(node.constructors) self._resolve_methods(node.methods) self._resolve_methods(node.static_methods) self._resolve_properties(node.properties, node) self._resolve_signals(node.signals) for field in node.fields: self._resolve_field(field) def _resolve_glib_boxed(self, node): self._resolve_constructors(node.constructors) self._resolve_methods(node.methods) def _resolve_constructors(self, constructors): for ctor in constructors: self._resolve_function(ctor) def _resolve_methods(self, methods): for method in methods: self._resolve_function(method) def _resolve_signals(self, signals): for signal in signals: self._resolve_function(signal) def _resolve_properties(self, properties, context): failed = [] for prop in properties: try: self._resolve_property(prop) except KeyError, e: failed.append(prop) for fail in failed: #print ("WARNING: Deleting object property %r (of %r) " # "with unknown type") % (fail, context) properties.remove(fail) def _resolve_property(self, prop): prop.type = self._resolve_param_type(prop.type, allow_invalid=False) def _adjust_throws(self, func): if func.parameters == []: return last_param = func.parameters.pop() # Checking type.name=='GLib.Error' generates false positives # on methods that take a 'GError *' if last_param.type.ctype == 'GError**': func.throws = True else: func.parameters.append(last_param) def _resolve_function(self, func): self._resolve_parameters(func.parameters) func.retval.type = self._resolve_param_type(func.retval.type) self._adjust_throws(func) def _resolve_parameters(self, parameters): for parameter in parameters: parameter.type = self._resolve_param_type(parameter.type) def _resolve_field(self, field): if isinstance(field, Callback): self._resolve_function(field) elif isinstance(field, Record): # non-typedef'd struct self._resolve_record(field) elif isinstance(field, Union): # non-typedef'd union self._resolve_union(field) else: field.type = self._resolve_param_type(field.type) def _resolve_alias(self, alias): alias.target = self._resolve_type_name(alias.target, alias.target) def _resolve_types(self, nodes): nodes = list(self._names.names.itervalues()) i = 0 self._validating = True while True: initlen = len(nodes) nodes = list(self._names.names.itervalues()) for node in nodes: try: self._resolve_node(node) except UnknownTypeError, e: print "WARNING: %s: Deleting %r" % (e, node) self._remove_attribute(node.name) if len(nodes) == initlen: break i += 1 self._validating = False # Validation def _interface_vfunc_check(self, node, stack): if isinstance(node, GLibInterface): for vfunc in node.virtual_methods: if not vfunc.invoker: self._transformer.log_node_warning(vfunc, """Virtual function %r has no known invoker""" % (vfunc.name, ), context=node) def _introspectable_analysis(self, node, stack): if isinstance(node, TypeContainer): parent = stack[-1] if isinstance(node.type, Varargs): parent.introspectable = False elif not isinstance(node.type, List) and \ (node.type.name == 'GLib.List' or (self._transformer._namespace.name == 'GLib' and node.type.name == 'List')): if isinstance(node, Parameter): self._transformer.log_node_warning(parent, """Missing (element-type) annotation on argument %r""" % (node.name, ), context=parent) else: self._transformer.log_node_warning(parent, """Missing (element-type) annotation on return value""", context=parent) parent.introspectable = False def _analyze_node(self, node, stack): if node.skip: return False # Combine one-pass checks here self._interface_vfunc_check(node, stack) # Our first pass for scriptability self._introspectable_analysis(node, stack) return True def _introspectable_pass2(self, node, stack): if node.skip: return False # In the second introspectable pass, we propagate introspectablity; # for example, a varargs callback as an argument to a function # makes the whole function unintrospectable if isinstance(node, TypeContainer): parent = stack[-1] target = self._lookup_node(node.type.name) if target and not target.introspectable: parent.introspectable = False return True # This function is called at the very end, before we hand back the # completed namespace to the writer. Add static analysis checks here. def final_analyze(self): for (ns, node) in self._names.names.itervalues(): self._walk(node, self._analyze_node, []) for (ns, node) in self._names.names.itervalues(): self._walk(node, self._introspectable_pass2, [])