#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- Mode: Python -*- # GObject-Introspection - a framework for introspecting GObject libraries # Copyright (C) 2010 Zach Goldberg # Copyright (C) 2011 Johan Dahlin # Copyright (C) 2011 Shaun McCance # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. # import os.path import re import sys from . import ast from .girparser import GIRParser from .xmlwriter import XMLWriter XMLNS = "http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" XMLNS_UI = "http://projectmallard.org/experimental/ui/" def _space(num): return " " * num class MallardFormatter(object): def __init__(self): pass def get_title(self, node, parent): raise NotImplementedError('get_title not implemented') # FIXME def render_parameter(self, param_type, param_name): return "%s %s" % (param_type, param_name) def _render_parameter(self, param, extra_content=''): with self._writer.tagcontext("parameter"): if param.type.ctype is not None: link_dest = param.type.ctype.replace("*", "") else: link_dest = param.type.ctype with self._writer.tagcontext("link", [("linkend", "%s" % link_dest)]): self._writer.write_tag("type", [], link_dest) self._writer.write_line(extra_content) def _render_parameters(self, parent, parameters): self._writer.write_line( "%s(" % _space(40 - len(parent.symbol))) parent_class = parent.parent_class ctype = ast.Type(parent.parent_class.ctype + '*') params = [] params.append(ast.Parameter(parent_class.name.lower(), ctype)) params.extend(parameters) first_param = True for param in params: if not first_param: self._writer.write_line("\n%s" % _space(61)) else: first_param = False if not param == params[-1]: comma = ", " else: comma = "" if param.type.target_fundamental == '': extra_content = "..." continue extra_content = " " if param.type.ctype is not None and '*' in param.type.ctype: extra_content += '*' if param.argname is None: import pdb pdb.set_trace() extra_content += param.argname extra_content += comma self._render_parameter(param, extra_content) self._writer.write_line(");\n") def get_method_as_title(self, entity): method = entity.get_ast() return "%s ()" % method.symbol def get_page_name(self, node): if node.gtype_name is None: return node.ctype return node.gtype_name def get_class_name(self, node): if node.gtype_name is None: return node.ctype return node.gtype_name def get_type_name(self, node): if isinstance(node, ast.Array): if node.array_type == ast.Array.C: return str(node.element_type) + "[]" else: return "%s<%s>" % (node.array_type, str(node.element_type)) elif isinstance(node, ast.Map): return "GHashTable<%s, %s>" % (str(node.key_type), str(node.value_type)) elif isinstance(node, ast.List): return "GList<%s>" % str(node.element_type) else: return str(node) def render_method(self, entity, link=False): method = entity.get_ast() self._writer.disable_whitespace() retval_type = method.retval.type if retval_type.ctype: link_dest = retval_type.ctype.replace("*", "") else: link_dest = str(retval_type) if retval_type.target_giname: ns = retval_type.target_giname.split('.') if ns[0] == self._namespace.name: link_dest = "%s" % ( retval_type.ctype.replace("*", "")) with self._writer.tagcontext("link", [("linkend", link_dest)]): self._writer.write_tag("returnvalue", [], link_dest) if retval_type.ctype is not None and '*' in retval_type.ctype: self._writer.write_line(' *') self._writer.write_line( _space(20 - len(self.get_type_string(method.retval.type)))) if link: self._writer.write_tag("link", [("linkend", method.symbol.replace("_", "-"))], method.symbol) else: self._writer.write_line(method.symbol) self._render_parameters(method, method.parameters) self._writer.enable_whitespace() def _get_annotations(self, argument): annotations = {} if hasattr(argument.type, 'element_type') and \ argument.type.element_type is not None: annotations['element-type'] = argument.type.element_type if argument.transfer is not None and argument.transfer != 'none': annotations['transfer'] = argument.transfer if hasattr(argument, 'allow_none') and argument.allow_none: annotations['allow-none'] = None return annotations def render_param_list(self, entity): method = entity.get_ast() self._render_param(method.parent_class.name.lower(), 'instance', []) for param in method.parameters: self._render_param(param.argname, param.doc, self._get_annotations(param)) self._render_param('Returns', method.retval.doc, self._get_annotations(method.retval)) def _render_param(self, argname, doc, annotations): if argname is None: return with self._writer.tagcontext('varlistentry'): with self._writer.tagcontext('term'): self._writer.disable_whitespace() try: with self._writer.tagcontext('parameter'): self._writer.write_line(argname) if doc is not None: self._writer.write_line(' :') finally: self._writer.enable_whitespace() if doc is not None: with self._writer.tagcontext('listitem'): with self._writer.tagcontext('simpara'): self._writer.write_line(doc) if annotations: with self._writer.tagcontext('emphasis', [('role', 'annotation')]): for key, value in annotations.iteritems(): self._writer.disable_whitespace() try: self._writer.write_line('[%s' % key) if value is not None: self._writer.write_line(' %s' % value) self._writer.write_line(']') finally: self._writer.enable_whitespace() def render_property(self, entity, link=False): prop = entity.get_ast() prop_name = '"%s"' % prop.name prop_type = self.get_type_name(prop.type) flags = [] if prop.readable: flags.append("Read") if prop.writable: flags.append("Write") if prop.construct: flags.append("Construct") if prop.construct_only: flags.append("Construct Only") self._render_prop_or_signal(prop_name, prop_type, flags) def _render_prop_or_signal(self, name, type_, flags): self._writer.disable_whitespace() line = _space(2) + name + _space(27 - len(name)) line += str(type_) + _space(22 - len(str(type_))) line += ": " + " / ".join(flags) self._writer.write_line(line + "\n") self._writer.enable_whitespace() def render_signal(self, entity, link=False): signal = entity.get_ast() sig_name = '"%s"' % signal.name flags = ["TODO: signal flags not in GIR currently"] self._render_prop_or_signal(sig_name, "", flags) class MallardFormatterC(MallardFormatter): def get_title(self, node, parent): if isinstance(node, ast.Namespace): return "%s Documentation" % node.name elif isinstance(node, ast.Function): return node.symbol elif isinstance(node, ast.Property): return parent.c_name + ':' + node.name elif isinstance(node, ast.Signal): return parent.c_name + '::' + node.name else: return node.c_name class MallardFormatterPython(MallardFormatter): def get_title(self, node, parent): if isinstance(node, ast.Namespace): return "%s Documentation" % node.name elif isinstance(node, ast.Function): if node.is_method or node.is_constructor: return "%s.%s.%s" % (node.namespace.name, parent.name, node.name) else: return "%s.%s" % (node.namespace.name, node.name) elif isinstance(node, ast.Property): return "%s" % node.name elif isinstance(node, ast.Signal): return "%s" % node.name else: return "%s.%s" % (node.namespace.name, node.name) class MallardPage(object): def __init__(self, writer, node, parent): self.writer = writer self.node = node self.parent = parent self.page_id = None self.page_type = 'topic' self.page_style = '' node.page = self if not isinstance(node, ast.Namespace): if node.namespace is None: if parent is not None and parent.namespace is not None: node.namespace = parent.namespace self.title = writer._formatter.get_title(node, parent) self.links = [] self.linksels = [] if isinstance(node, ast.Namespace): self.page_id = 'index' elif isinstance(node, ast.Property) and parent is not None: self.page_id = node.namespace.name + '.' + parent.name + '-' + node.name elif isinstance(node, ast.Signal) and parent is not None: self.page_id = node.namespace.name + '.' + parent.name + '--' + node.name elif parent is not None and not isinstance(parent, ast.Namespace): self.page_id = node.namespace.name + '.' + parent.name + '.' + node.name else: self.page_id = node.namespace.name + '.' + node.name if getattr(node, 'symbol', None) is not None: self.writer._xrefs[node.symbol] = self.page_id elif isinstance(node, ast.Class): self.writer._xrefs[node.c_name] = self.page_id self.create_content() self.add_child_nodes() def add_link(self, linktype, xref, group=None): self.links.append((linktype, xref, group)) def add_child_nodes(self): children = [] if isinstance(self.node, ast.Namespace): children = [node for node in self.node.itervalues()] elif isinstance(self.node, (ast.Class, ast.Record)): children = self.node.methods + self.node.constructors elif isinstance(self.node, ast.Interface): children = self.node.methods if isinstance(self.node, (ast.Class, ast.Interface)): children += self.node.properties + self.node.signals for child in children: self.writer._pages.append(MallardPage(self.writer, child, self.node)) def create_content(self): if isinstance(self.node, ast.Namespace): self.page_type = 'guide' self.page_style = 'namespace' self.linksels = (('class', 'Classes'), ('function', 'Functions'), ('#first #default #last', 'Other')) elif isinstance(self.node, ast.Class): self.page_type = 'guide' self.page_style = 'class' self.linksels = (('constructor', 'Constructors'), ('method', 'Methods'), ('property', 'Properties'), ('signal', 'Signals'), ('#first #default #last', 'Other')) self.add_link('guide', self.parent.page.page_id, 'class') elif isinstance(self.node, ast.Record): self.page_type = 'guide' self.page_style = 'record' self.add_link('guide', self.parent.page.page_id) elif isinstance(self.node, ast.Interface): self.page_type = 'guide' self.page_style = 'interface' self.add_link('guide', self.parent.page.page_id) elif isinstance(self.node, ast.Function): if self.node.is_constructor: self.page_style = 'constructor' self.add_link('guide', self.parent.page.page_id, 'constructor') elif self.node.is_method: self.page_style = 'method' self.add_link('guide', self.parent.page.page_id, 'method') else: self.page_style = 'function' self.add_link('guide', self.parent.page.page_id, 'function') elif isinstance(self.node, ast.Property): self.page_style = 'property' self.add_link('guide', self.parent.page.page_id, 'property') elif isinstance(self.node, ast.Signal): self.page_style = 'signal' self.add_link('guide', self.parent.page.page_id, 'signal') def render(self, writer): with writer.tagcontext('page', [ ('id', self.page_id), ('type', self.page_type), ('style', self.page_style), ('xmlns', XMLNS), ('xmlns:ui', XMLNS_UI)]): with writer.tagcontext('info'): for linktype, xref, group in self.links: if group is not None: writer.write_tag('link', [ ('type', linktype), ('xref', xref), ('group', group)]) else: writer.write_tag('link', [ ('type', linktype), ('xref', xref)]) writer.write_tag('title', [], self.title) if isinstance(self.node, ast.Annotated): self.render_doc(writer, self.node.doc) if isinstance(self.node, ast.Class): parent_chain = [] node = self.node while node.parent: node = self.writer._transformer.lookup_giname(str(node.parent)) parent_chain.append(node) if node.namespace.name == 'GObject' and node.name == 'Object': break parent_chain.reverse() def print_chain(chain): with writer.tagcontext('item', []): attrs = [] title = self.writer._formatter.get_title(chain[0], None) if hasattr(chain[0], 'page'): attrs.append(('xref', chain[0].page.page_id)) writer.write_tag('code', attrs, title) if len(chain) > 1: print_chain(chain[1:]) with writer.tagcontext('synopsis', [('ui:expanded', 'no')]): writer.write_tag('title', [], 'Hierarchy') with writer.tagcontext('tree', []): print_chain(parent_chain) for linkstype, title in self.linksels: with writer.tagcontext('links', [ ('type', 'topic'), ('ui:expanded', 'yes'), ('groups', linkstype)]): writer.write_tag('title', [], title) def render_doc(self, writer, doc): if doc is not None: for para in doc.split('\n\n'): writer.disable_whitespace() with writer.tagcontext('p', []): self.render_doc_inline(writer, para) writer.enable_whitespace() def render_doc_inline(self, writer, text): poss = [] poss.append((text.find('#'), '#')) poss = [pos for pos in poss if pos[0] >= 0] poss.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[0], y[0])) if len(poss) == 0: writer.write_line(text, do_escape=True) elif poss[0][1] == '#': pos = poss[0][0] writer.write_line(text[:pos], do_escape=True) rest = text[pos + 1:] link = re.split('[^a-zA-Z_:-]', rest, maxsplit=1)[0] xref = self.writer._xrefs.get(link, link) writer.write_tag('link', [('xref', xref)], link) if len(link) < len(rest): self.render_doc_inline(writer, rest[len(link):]) class MallardWriter(object): def __init__(self, formatter): self._namespace = None self._index = None self._pages = [] self._formatter = formatter self._xrefs = {} def add_transformer(self, transformer): self._transformer = transformer self._namespace = self._transformer._namespace self._index = MallardPage(self, self._namespace, None) def write(self, output): xmlwriter = XMLWriter() self._index.render(xmlwriter) fp = open(output, 'w') fp.write(xmlwriter.get_xml()) fp.close() for page in self._pages: xmlwriter = XMLWriter() page.render(xmlwriter) fp = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), page.page_id + '.page'), 'w') fp.write(xmlwriter.get_xml()) fp.close() def _render_page_object_hierarchy(self, page_node): parent_chain = self._get_parent_chain(page_node) parent_chain.append(page_node) lines = [] for level, parent in enumerate(parent_chain): prepend = "" if level > 0: prepend = _space((level - 1)* 6) + " +----" lines.append(_space(2) + prepend + self._formatter.get_class_name(parent)) self._writer.disable_whitespace() self._writer.write_line("\n".join(lines)) self._writer.enable_whitespace()