/* GObject introspection: C parser -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8 -*- * * Copyright (c) 1997 Sandro Sigala * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Jürg Billeter * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sourcescanner.h" #include "scannerparser.h" extern FILE *yyin; extern int lineno; extern char linebuf[2000]; extern char *yytext; extern int yylex (GISourceScanner *scanner); static void yyerror (GISourceScanner *scanner, const char *str); extern void ctype_free (GISourceType * type); static int last_enum_value = -1; static gboolean is_bitfield; /** * parse_c_string_literal: * @str: A string containing a C string literal * * Based on g_strcompress(), but also handles * hexadecimal escapes. */ static char * parse_c_string_literal (const char *str) { const gchar *p = str, *num; gchar *dest = g_malloc (strlen (str) + 1); gchar *q = dest; while (*p) { if (*p == '\\') { p++; switch (*p) { case '\0': g_warning ("parse_c_string_literal: trailing \\"); goto out; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': *q = 0; num = p; while ((p < num + 3) && (*p >= '0') && (*p <= '7')) { *q = (*q * 8) + (*p - '0'); p++; } q++; p--; break; case 'x': *q = 0; p++; num = p; while ((p < num + 2) && (g_ascii_isxdigit(*p))) { *q = (*q * 16) + g_ascii_xdigit_value(*p); p++; } q++; p--; break; case 'b': *q++ = '\b'; break; case 'f': *q++ = '\f'; break; case 'n': *q++ = '\n'; break; case 'r': *q++ = '\r'; break; case 't': *q++ = '\t'; break; default: /* Also handles \" and \\ */ *q++ = *p; break; } } else *q++ = *p; p++; } out: *q = 0; return dest; } enum { IRRELEVANT = 1, NOT_GI_SCANNER = 2, FOR_GI_SCANNER = 3, }; static void update_skipping (GISourceScanner *scanner) { GList *l; for (l = scanner->conditionals.head; l != NULL; l = g_list_next (l)) { if (GPOINTER_TO_INT (l->data) == NOT_GI_SCANNER) { scanner->skipping = TRUE; return; } } scanner->skipping = FALSE; } static void push_conditional (GISourceScanner *scanner, gint type) { g_assert (type != 0); g_queue_push_head (&scanner->conditionals, GINT_TO_POINTER (type)); } static gint pop_conditional (GISourceScanner *scanner) { gint type = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_queue_pop_head (&scanner->conditionals)); if (type == 0) { gchar *filename = g_file_get_path (scanner->current_file); fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: mismatched %s", filename, lineno, yytext); g_free (filename); } return type; } static void warn_if_cond_has_gi_scanner (GISourceScanner *scanner, const gchar *text) { /* Some other conditional that is not __GI_SCANNER__ */ if (strstr (text, "__GI_SCANNER__")) { gchar *filename = g_file_get_path (scanner->current_file); fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: the __GI_SCANNER__ constant should only be used with simple #ifdef or #endif: %s", filename, lineno, text); g_free (filename); } } static void toggle_conditional (GISourceScanner *scanner) { switch (pop_conditional (scanner)) { case FOR_GI_SCANNER: push_conditional (scanner, NOT_GI_SCANNER); break; case NOT_GI_SCANNER: push_conditional (scanner, FOR_GI_SCANNER); break; case 0: break; default: push_conditional (scanner, IRRELEVANT); break; } } static void set_or_merge_base_type (GISourceType *type, GISourceType *base) { if (base->type == CTYPE_INVALID) { g_assert (base->base_type == NULL); type->storage_class_specifier |= base->storage_class_specifier; type->type_qualifier |= base->type_qualifier; type->function_specifier |= base->function_specifier; type->is_bitfield |= base->is_bitfield; ctype_free (base); } else { g_assert (type->base_type == NULL); type->base_type = base; } } %} %error-verbose %union { char *str; GList *list; GISourceSymbol *symbol; GISourceType *ctype; StorageClassSpecifier storage_class_specifier; TypeQualifier type_qualifier; FunctionSpecifier function_specifier; UnaryOperator unary_operator; } %parse-param { GISourceScanner* scanner } %lex-param { GISourceScanner* scanner } %token BASIC_TYPE %token IDENTIFIER "identifier" %token TYPEDEF_NAME "typedef-name" %token INTEGER FLOATING BOOLEAN CHARACTER STRING %token INTL_CONST INTUL_CONST %token ELLIPSIS ADDEQ SUBEQ MULEQ DIVEQ MODEQ XOREQ ANDEQ OREQ SL SR %token SLEQ SREQ EQ NOTEQ LTEQ GTEQ ANDAND OROR PLUSPLUS MINUSMINUS ARROW %token AUTO BREAK CASE CONST CONTINUE DEFAULT DO ELSE ENUM %token EXTENSION EXTERN FOR GOTO IF INLINE REGISTER RESTRICT %token RETURN SHORT SIGNED SIZEOF STATIC STRUCT SWITCH THREAD_LOCAL TYPEDEF %token UNION UNSIGNED VOID VOLATILE WHILE %token FUNCTION_MACRO OBJECT_MACRO %token IFDEF_GI_SCANNER IFNDEF_GI_SCANNER %token IFDEF_COND IFNDEF_COND IF_COND ELIF_COND ELSE_COND ENDIF_COND %start translation_unit %type declaration_specifiers %type enum_specifier %type pointer %type specifier_qualifier_list %type type_name %type struct_or_union %type struct_or_union_specifier %type type_specifier %type identifier %type basic_type %type typedef_name %type identifier_or_typedef_name %type abstract_declarator %type init_declarator %type declarator %type enumerator %type direct_abstract_declarator %type direct_declarator %type parameter_declaration %type struct_declarator %type enumerator_list %type identifier_list %type init_declarator_list %type parameter_list %type struct_declaration %type struct_declaration_list %type struct_declarator_list %type storage_class_specifier %type type_qualifier %type type_qualifier_list %type function_specifier %type expression %type constant_expression %type conditional_expression %type logical_and_expression %type logical_or_expression %type inclusive_or_expression %type exclusive_or_expression %type multiplicative_expression %type additive_expression %type shift_expression %type relational_expression %type equality_expression %type and_expression %type cast_expression %type assignment_expression %type unary_expression %type postfix_expression %type primary_expression %type unary_operator %type function_macro %type object_macro %type strings %% /* A.2.1 Expressions. */ primary_expression : identifier { $$ = g_hash_table_lookup (scanner->const_table, $1); if ($$ == NULL) { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } else { $$ = gi_source_symbol_ref ($$); } } | INTEGER { char *rest; guint64 value; $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; if (g_str_has_prefix (yytext, "0x") && strlen (yytext) > 2) { value = g_ascii_strtoull (yytext + 2, &rest, 16); } else if (g_str_has_prefix (yytext, "0") && strlen (yytext) > 1) { value = g_ascii_strtoull (yytext + 1, &rest, 8); } else { value = g_ascii_strtoull (yytext, &rest, 10); } $$->const_int = value; $$->const_int_is_unsigned = (rest && (rest[0] == 'U')); } | BOOLEAN { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_boolean_set = TRUE; $$->const_boolean = g_ascii_strcasecmp (yytext, "true") == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; } | CHARACTER { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = g_utf8_get_char(yytext + 1); } | FLOATING { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_double_set = TRUE; $$->const_double = 0.0; sscanf (yytext, "%lf", &($$->const_double)); } | strings | '(' expression ')' { $$ = $2; } | EXTENSION '(' '{' block_item_list '}' ')' { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } ; /* concatenate adjacent string literal tokens */ strings : STRING { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); yytext[strlen (yytext) - 1] = '\0'; $$->const_string = parse_c_string_literal (yytext + 1); if (!g_utf8_validate ($$->const_string, -1, NULL)) { #if 0 g_warning ("Ignoring non-UTF-8 constant string \"%s\"", yytext + 1); #endif g_free($$->const_string); $$->const_string = NULL; } } | strings STRING { char *strings, *string2; $$ = $1; yytext[strlen (yytext) - 1] = '\0'; string2 = parse_c_string_literal (yytext + 1); strings = g_strconcat ($$->const_string, string2, NULL); g_free ($$->const_string); g_free (string2); $$->const_string = strings; } ; identifier : IDENTIFIER { $$ = g_strdup (yytext); } ; identifier_or_typedef_name : identifier | typedef_name ; postfix_expression : primary_expression | postfix_expression '[' expression ']' { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } | postfix_expression '(' argument_expression_list ')' { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } | postfix_expression '(' ')' { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } | postfix_expression '.' identifier_or_typedef_name { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } | postfix_expression ARROW identifier_or_typedef_name { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } | postfix_expression PLUSPLUS { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } | postfix_expression MINUSMINUS { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } ; argument_expression_list : assignment_expression | argument_expression_list ',' assignment_expression ; unary_expression : postfix_expression | PLUSPLUS unary_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } | MINUSMINUS unary_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } | unary_operator cast_expression { switch ($1) { case UNARY_PLUS: $$ = $2; break; case UNARY_MINUS: $$ = gi_source_symbol_copy ($2); $$->const_int = -$2->const_int; break; case UNARY_BITWISE_COMPLEMENT: $$ = gi_source_symbol_copy ($2); $$->const_int = ~$2->const_int; break; case UNARY_LOGICAL_NEGATION: $$ = gi_source_symbol_copy ($2); $$->const_int = !gi_source_symbol_get_const_boolean ($2); break; default: $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); break; } } | INTL_CONST '(' unary_expression ')' { $$ = $3; if ($$->const_int_set) { $$->base_type = gi_source_basic_type_new ($$->const_int_is_unsigned ? "guint64" : "gint64"); } } | INTUL_CONST '(' unary_expression ')' { $$ = $3; if ($$->const_int_set) { $$->base_type = gi_source_basic_type_new ("guint64"); } } | SIZEOF unary_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } | SIZEOF '(' type_name ')' { ctype_free ($3); $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } ; unary_operator : '&' { $$ = UNARY_ADDRESS_OF; } | '*' { $$ = UNARY_POINTER_INDIRECTION; } | '+' { $$ = UNARY_PLUS; } | '-' { $$ = UNARY_MINUS; } | '~' { $$ = UNARY_BITWISE_COMPLEMENT; } | '!' { $$ = UNARY_LOGICAL_NEGATION; } ; cast_expression : unary_expression | '(' type_name ')' cast_expression { $$ = $4; if ($$->const_int_set || $$->const_double_set || $$->const_string != NULL) { $$->base_type = $2; } else { ctype_free ($2); } } ; multiplicative_expression : cast_expression | multiplicative_expression '*' cast_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = $1->const_int * $3->const_int; } | multiplicative_expression '/' cast_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; if ($3->const_int != 0) { $$->const_int = $1->const_int / $3->const_int; } } | multiplicative_expression '%' cast_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; if ($3->const_int != 0) { $$->const_int = $1->const_int % $3->const_int; } } ; additive_expression : multiplicative_expression | additive_expression '+' multiplicative_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = $1->const_int + $3->const_int; } | additive_expression '-' multiplicative_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = $1->const_int - $3->const_int; } ; shift_expression : additive_expression | shift_expression SL additive_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = $1->const_int << $3->const_int; /* assume this is a bitfield/flags declaration * if a left shift operator is sued in an enum value * This mimics the glib-mkenum behavior. */ is_bitfield = TRUE; } | shift_expression SR additive_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = $1->const_int >> $3->const_int; } ; relational_expression : shift_expression | relational_expression '<' shift_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = $1->const_int < $3->const_int; } | relational_expression '>' shift_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = $1->const_int > $3->const_int; } | relational_expression LTEQ shift_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = $1->const_int <= $3->const_int; } | relational_expression GTEQ shift_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = $1->const_int >= $3->const_int; } ; equality_expression : relational_expression | equality_expression EQ relational_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = $1->const_int == $3->const_int; } | equality_expression NOTEQ relational_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = $1->const_int != $3->const_int; } ; and_expression : equality_expression | and_expression '&' equality_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = $1->const_int & $3->const_int; } ; exclusive_or_expression : and_expression | exclusive_or_expression '^' and_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = $1->const_int ^ $3->const_int; } ; inclusive_or_expression : exclusive_or_expression | inclusive_or_expression '|' exclusive_or_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = $1->const_int | $3->const_int; } ; logical_and_expression : inclusive_or_expression | logical_and_expression ANDAND inclusive_or_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = gi_source_symbol_get_const_boolean ($1) && gi_source_symbol_get_const_boolean ($3); } ; logical_or_expression : logical_and_expression | logical_or_expression OROR logical_and_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_CONST, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = gi_source_symbol_get_const_boolean ($1) || gi_source_symbol_get_const_boolean ($3); } ; conditional_expression : logical_or_expression | logical_or_expression '?' expression ':' expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_get_const_boolean ($1) ? $3 : $5; } ; assignment_expression : conditional_expression | unary_expression assignment_operator assignment_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } ; assignment_operator : '=' | MULEQ | DIVEQ | MODEQ | ADDEQ | SUBEQ | SLEQ | SREQ | ANDEQ | XOREQ | OREQ ; expression : assignment_expression | expression ',' assignment_expression | EXTENSION expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } ; constant_expression : conditional_expression ; /* A.2.2 Declarations. */ declaration : declaration_specifiers init_declarator_list ';' { GList *l; for (l = $2; l != NULL; l = l->next) { GISourceSymbol *sym = l->data; gi_source_symbol_merge_type (sym, gi_source_type_copy ($1)); if ($1->storage_class_specifier & STORAGE_CLASS_TYPEDEF) { sym->type = CSYMBOL_TYPE_TYPEDEF; } else if (sym->base_type->type == CTYPE_FUNCTION) { sym->type = CSYMBOL_TYPE_FUNCTION; } else { sym->type = CSYMBOL_TYPE_OBJECT; } gi_source_scanner_add_symbol (scanner, sym); gi_source_symbol_unref (sym); } ctype_free ($1); } | declaration_specifiers ';' { ctype_free ($1); } ; declaration_specifiers : storage_class_specifier declaration_specifiers { $$ = $2; $$->storage_class_specifier |= $1; } | storage_class_specifier { $$ = gi_source_type_new (CTYPE_INVALID); $$->storage_class_specifier |= $1; } | type_specifier declaration_specifiers { $$ = $1; /* combine basic types like unsigned int and long long */ if ($$->type == CTYPE_BASIC_TYPE && $2->type == CTYPE_BASIC_TYPE) { char *name = g_strdup_printf ("%s %s", $$->name, $2->name); g_free ($$->name); $$->name = name; ctype_free ($2); } else { set_or_merge_base_type ($1, $2); } } | type_specifier | type_qualifier declaration_specifiers { $$ = $2; $$->type_qualifier |= $1; } | type_qualifier { $$ = gi_source_type_new (CTYPE_INVALID); $$->type_qualifier |= $1; } | function_specifier declaration_specifiers { $$ = $2; $$->function_specifier |= $1; } | function_specifier { $$ = gi_source_type_new (CTYPE_INVALID); $$->function_specifier |= $1; } ; init_declarator_list : init_declarator { $$ = g_list_append (NULL, $1); } | init_declarator_list ',' init_declarator { $$ = g_list_append ($1, $3); } ; init_declarator : declarator | declarator '=' initializer ; storage_class_specifier : TYPEDEF { $$ = STORAGE_CLASS_TYPEDEF; } | EXTERN { $$ = STORAGE_CLASS_EXTERN; } | STATIC { $$ = STORAGE_CLASS_STATIC; } | AUTO { $$ = STORAGE_CLASS_AUTO; } | REGISTER { $$ = STORAGE_CLASS_REGISTER; } | THREAD_LOCAL { $$ = STORAGE_CLASS_THREAD_LOCAL; } ; basic_type : BASIC_TYPE { $$ = g_strdup (yytext); } ; type_specifier : VOID { $$ = gi_source_type_new (CTYPE_VOID); } | SIGNED { $$ = gi_source_basic_type_new ("signed"); } | UNSIGNED { $$ = gi_source_basic_type_new ("unsigned"); } | basic_type { $$ = gi_source_type_new (CTYPE_BASIC_TYPE); $$->name = $1; } | struct_or_union_specifier | enum_specifier | typedef_name { $$ = gi_source_typedef_new ($1); g_free ($1); } ; struct_or_union_specifier : struct_or_union identifier_or_typedef_name '{' struct_declaration_list '}' { GISourceSymbol *sym; $$ = $1; $$->name = $2; $$->child_list = $4; sym = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); if ($$->type == CTYPE_STRUCT) { sym->type = CSYMBOL_TYPE_STRUCT; } else if ($$->type == CTYPE_UNION) { sym->type = CSYMBOL_TYPE_UNION; } else { g_assert_not_reached (); } sym->ident = g_strdup ($$->name); sym->base_type = gi_source_type_copy ($$); gi_source_scanner_add_symbol (scanner, sym); gi_source_symbol_unref (sym); } | struct_or_union '{' struct_declaration_list '}' { $$ = $1; $$->child_list = $3; } | struct_or_union identifier_or_typedef_name { $$ = $1; $$->name = $2; } ; struct_or_union : STRUCT { scanner->private = FALSE; $$ = gi_source_struct_new (NULL); } | UNION { scanner->private = FALSE; $$ = gi_source_union_new (NULL); } ; struct_declaration_list : struct_declaration | struct_declaration_list struct_declaration { $$ = g_list_concat ($1, $2); } ; struct_declaration : specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list ';' { GList *l; $$ = NULL; for (l = $2; l != NULL; l = l->next) { GISourceSymbol *sym = l->data; if ($1->storage_class_specifier & STORAGE_CLASS_TYPEDEF) sym->type = CSYMBOL_TYPE_TYPEDEF; else sym->type = CSYMBOL_TYPE_MEMBER; gi_source_symbol_merge_type (sym, gi_source_type_copy ($1)); sym->private = scanner->private; $$ = g_list_append ($$, sym); } ctype_free ($1); } ; specifier_qualifier_list : type_specifier specifier_qualifier_list { $$ = $1; set_or_merge_base_type ($1, $2); } | type_specifier | type_qualifier specifier_qualifier_list { $$ = $2; $$->type_qualifier |= $1; } | type_qualifier { $$ = gi_source_type_new (CTYPE_INVALID); $$->type_qualifier |= $1; } ; struct_declarator_list : struct_declarator { $$ = g_list_append (NULL, $1); } | struct_declarator_list ',' struct_declarator { $$ = g_list_append ($1, $3); } ; struct_declarator : /* empty, support for anonymous structs and unions */ { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } | declarator | ':' constant_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); } | declarator ':' constant_expression { $$ = $1; if ($3->const_int_set) { $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = $3->const_int; } } ; enum_specifier : enum_keyword identifier_or_typedef_name '{' enumerator_list '}' { $$ = gi_source_enum_new ($2); $$->child_list = $4; $$->is_bitfield = is_bitfield || scanner->flags; last_enum_value = -1; } | enum_keyword '{' enumerator_list '}' { $$ = gi_source_enum_new (NULL); $$->child_list = $3; $$->is_bitfield = is_bitfield || scanner->flags; last_enum_value = -1; } | enum_keyword identifier_or_typedef_name '{' enumerator_list ',' '}' { $$ = gi_source_enum_new ($2); $$->child_list = $4; $$->is_bitfield = is_bitfield || scanner->flags; last_enum_value = -1; } | enum_keyword '{' enumerator_list ',' '}' { $$ = gi_source_enum_new (NULL); $$->child_list = $3; $$->is_bitfield = is_bitfield || scanner->flags; last_enum_value = -1; } | enum_keyword identifier_or_typedef_name { $$ = gi_source_enum_new ($2); } ; enum_keyword : ENUM { scanner->flags = FALSE; scanner->private = FALSE; } ; enumerator_list : { /* reset flag before the first enum value */ is_bitfield = FALSE; } enumerator { $2->private = scanner->private; $$ = g_list_append (NULL, $2); } | enumerator_list ',' enumerator { $3->private = scanner->private; $$ = g_list_append ($1, $3); } ; enumerator : identifier { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_OBJECT, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->ident = $1; $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = ++last_enum_value; g_hash_table_insert (scanner->const_table, g_strdup ($$->ident), gi_source_symbol_ref ($$)); } | identifier '=' constant_expression { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_OBJECT, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->ident = $1; $$->const_int_set = TRUE; $$->const_int = $3->const_int; last_enum_value = $$->const_int; g_hash_table_insert (scanner->const_table, g_strdup ($$->ident), gi_source_symbol_ref ($$)); } ; type_qualifier : CONST { $$ = TYPE_QUALIFIER_CONST; } | RESTRICT { $$ = TYPE_QUALIFIER_RESTRICT; } | EXTENSION { $$ = TYPE_QUALIFIER_EXTENSION; } | VOLATILE { $$ = TYPE_QUALIFIER_VOLATILE; } ; function_specifier : INLINE { $$ = FUNCTION_INLINE; } ; declarator : pointer direct_declarator { $$ = $2; gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, $1); } | direct_declarator ; direct_declarator : identifier { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->ident = $1; } | '(' declarator ')' { $$ = $2; } | direct_declarator '[' assignment_expression ']' { $$ = $1; gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, gi_source_array_new ($3)); } | direct_declarator '[' ']' { $$ = $1; gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, gi_source_array_new (NULL)); } | direct_declarator '(' parameter_list ')' { GISourceType *func = gi_source_function_new (); // ignore (void) parameter list if ($3 != NULL && ($3->next != NULL || ((GISourceSymbol *) $3->data)->base_type->type != CTYPE_VOID)) { func->child_list = $3; } $$ = $1; gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, func); } | direct_declarator '(' identifier_list ')' { GISourceType *func = gi_source_function_new (); func->child_list = $3; $$ = $1; gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, func); } | direct_declarator '(' ')' { GISourceType *func = gi_source_function_new (); $$ = $1; gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, func); } ; pointer : '*' type_qualifier_list { $$ = gi_source_pointer_new (NULL); $$->type_qualifier = $2; } | '*' { $$ = gi_source_pointer_new (NULL); } | '*' type_qualifier_list pointer { GISourceType **base = &($3->base_type); while (*base != NULL) { base = &((*base)->base_type); } *base = gi_source_pointer_new (NULL); (*base)->type_qualifier = $2; $$ = $3; } | '*' pointer { GISourceType **base = &($2->base_type); while (*base != NULL) { base = &((*base)->base_type); } *base = gi_source_pointer_new (NULL); $$ = $2; } ; type_qualifier_list : type_qualifier | type_qualifier_list type_qualifier { $$ = $1 | $2; } ; parameter_list : parameter_declaration { $$ = g_list_append (NULL, $1); } | parameter_list ',' parameter_declaration { $$ = g_list_append ($1, $3); } ; parameter_declaration : declaration_specifiers declarator { $$ = $2; gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, $1); } | declaration_specifiers abstract_declarator { $$ = $2; gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, $1); } | declaration_specifiers { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); $$->base_type = $1; } | ELLIPSIS { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_ELLIPSIS, scanner->current_file, lineno); } ; identifier_list : identifier { GISourceSymbol *sym = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); sym->ident = $1; $$ = g_list_append (NULL, sym); } | identifier_list ',' identifier { GISourceSymbol *sym = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); sym->ident = $3; $$ = g_list_append ($1, sym); } ; type_name : specifier_qualifier_list | specifier_qualifier_list abstract_declarator ; abstract_declarator : pointer { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, $1); } | direct_abstract_declarator | pointer direct_abstract_declarator { $$ = $2; gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, $1); } ; direct_abstract_declarator : '(' abstract_declarator ')' { $$ = $2; } | '[' ']' { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, gi_source_array_new (NULL)); } | '[' assignment_expression ']' { $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, gi_source_array_new ($2)); } | direct_abstract_declarator '[' ']' { $$ = $1; gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, gi_source_array_new (NULL)); } | direct_abstract_declarator '[' assignment_expression ']' { $$ = $1; gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, gi_source_array_new ($3)); } | '(' ')' { GISourceType *func = gi_source_function_new (); $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, func); } | '(' parameter_list ')' { GISourceType *func = gi_source_function_new (); // ignore (void) parameter list if ($2 != NULL && ($2->next != NULL || ((GISourceSymbol *) $2->data)->base_type->type != CTYPE_VOID)) { func->child_list = $2; } $$ = gi_source_symbol_new (CSYMBOL_TYPE_INVALID, scanner->current_file, lineno); gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, func); } | direct_abstract_declarator '(' ')' { GISourceType *func = gi_source_function_new (); $$ = $1; gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, func); } | direct_abstract_declarator '(' parameter_list ')' { GISourceType *func = gi_source_function_new (); // ignore (void) parameter list if ($3 != NULL && ($3->next != NULL || ((GISourceSymbol *) $3->data)->base_type->type != CTYPE_VOID)) { func->child_list = $3; } $$ = $1; gi_source_symbol_merge_type ($$, func); } ; typedef_name : TYPEDEF_NAME { $$ = g_strdup (yytext); } ; initializer : assignment_expression | '{' initializer_list '}' | '{' initializer_list ',' '}' ; initializer_list : initializer | initializer_list ',' initializer ; /* A.2.3 Statements. */ statement : labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement ; labeled_statement : identifier_or_typedef_name ':' statement | CASE constant_expression ':' statement | DEFAULT ':' statement ; compound_statement : '{' '}' | '{' block_item_list '}' ; block_item_list : block_item | block_item_list block_item ; block_item : declaration | statement ; expression_statement : ';' | expression ';' ; selection_statement : IF '(' expression ')' statement | IF '(' expression ')' statement ELSE statement | SWITCH '(' expression ')' statement ; iteration_statement : WHILE '(' expression ')' statement | DO statement WHILE '(' expression ')' ';' | FOR '(' ';' ';' ')' statement | FOR '(' expression ';' ';' ')' statement | FOR '(' ';' expression ';' ')' statement | FOR '(' expression ';' expression ';' ')' statement | FOR '(' ';' ';' expression ')' statement | FOR '(' expression ';' ';' expression ')' statement | FOR '(' ';' expression ';' expression ')' statement | FOR '(' expression ';' expression ';' expression ')' statement ; jump_statement : GOTO identifier_or_typedef_name ';' | CONTINUE ';' | BREAK ';' | RETURN ';' | RETURN expression ';' ; /* A.2.4 External definitions. */ translation_unit : external_declaration | translation_unit external_declaration ; external_declaration : function_definition | declaration | macro ; function_definition : declaration_specifiers declarator declaration_list compound_statement | declaration_specifiers declarator compound_statement ; declaration_list : declaration | declaration_list declaration ; /* Macros */ function_macro : FUNCTION_MACRO { $$ = g_strdup (yytext + strlen ("#define ")); } ; object_macro : OBJECT_MACRO { $$ = g_strdup (yytext + strlen ("#define ")); } ; function_macro_define : function_macro '(' identifier_list ')' ; object_macro_define : object_macro constant_expression { if ($2->const_int_set || $2->const_boolean_set || $2->const_double_set || $2->const_string != NULL) { GISourceSymbol *macro = gi_source_symbol_copy ($2); g_free (macro->ident); macro->ident = $1; gi_source_scanner_add_symbol (scanner, macro); gi_source_symbol_unref (macro); gi_source_symbol_unref ($2); } else { g_free ($1); gi_source_symbol_unref ($2); } } ; preproc_conditional : IFDEF_GI_SCANNER { push_conditional (scanner, FOR_GI_SCANNER); update_skipping (scanner); } | IFNDEF_GI_SCANNER { push_conditional (scanner, NOT_GI_SCANNER); update_skipping (scanner); } | IFDEF_COND { warn_if_cond_has_gi_scanner (scanner, yytext); push_conditional (scanner, IRRELEVANT); } | IFNDEF_COND { warn_if_cond_has_gi_scanner (scanner, yytext); push_conditional (scanner, IRRELEVANT); } | IF_COND { warn_if_cond_has_gi_scanner (scanner, yytext); push_conditional (scanner, IRRELEVANT); } | ELIF_COND { warn_if_cond_has_gi_scanner (scanner, yytext); pop_conditional (scanner); push_conditional (scanner, IRRELEVANT); update_skipping (scanner); } | ELSE_COND { toggle_conditional (scanner); update_skipping (scanner); } | ENDIF_COND { pop_conditional (scanner); update_skipping (scanner); } ; macro : function_macro_define | object_macro_define | preproc_conditional | error ; %% static void yyerror (GISourceScanner *scanner, const char *s) { /* ignore errors while doing a macro scan as not all object macros * have valid expressions */ if (!scanner->macro_scan) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: %s in '%s' at '%s'\n", g_file_get_parse_name (scanner->current_file), lineno, s, linebuf, yytext); } } static int eat_hspace (FILE * f) { int c; do { c = fgetc (f); } while (c == ' ' || c == '\t'); return c; } static int pass_line (FILE * f, int c, FILE *out) { while (c != EOF && c != '\n') { if (out) fputc (c, out); c = fgetc (f); } if (c == '\n') { if (out) fputc (c, out); c = fgetc (f); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') { c = eat_hspace (f); } } return c; } static int eat_line (FILE * f, int c) { return pass_line (f, c, NULL); } static int read_identifier (FILE * f, int c, char **identifier) { GString *id = g_string_new (""); while (g_ascii_isalnum (c) || c == '_') { g_string_append_c (id, c); c = fgetc (f); } *identifier = g_string_free (id, FALSE); return c; } void gi_source_scanner_parse_macros (GISourceScanner *scanner, GList *filenames) { GError *error = NULL; char *tmp_name = NULL; FILE *fmacros = fdopen (g_file_open_tmp ("gen-introspect-XXXXXX.h", &tmp_name, &error), "w+"); GList *l; for (l = filenames; l != NULL; l = l->next) { FILE *f = fopen (l->data, "r"); int line = 1; GString *define_line; char *str; gboolean error_line = FALSE; gboolean end_of_word; int c = eat_hspace (f); while (c != EOF) { if (c != '#') { /* ignore line */ c = eat_line (f, c); line++; continue; } /* print current location */ str = g_strescape (l->data, ""); fprintf (fmacros, "# %d \"%s\"\n", line, str); g_free (str); c = eat_hspace (f); c = read_identifier (f, c, &str); end_of_word = (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == EOF); if (end_of_word && (g_str_equal (str, "if") || g_str_equal (str, "endif") || g_str_equal (str, "ifndef") || g_str_equal (str, "ifdef") || g_str_equal (str, "else") || g_str_equal (str, "elif"))) { fprintf (fmacros, "#%s ", str); g_free (str); c = pass_line (f, c, fmacros); line++; continue; } else if (strcmp (str, "define") != 0 || !end_of_word) { g_free (str); /* ignore line */ c = eat_line (f, c); line++; continue; } g_free (str); c = eat_hspace (f); c = read_identifier (f, c, &str); if (strlen (str) == 0 || (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '(')) { g_free (str); /* ignore line */ c = eat_line (f, c); line++; continue; } define_line = g_string_new ("#define "); g_string_append (define_line, str); g_free (str); if (c == '(') { while (c != ')') { g_string_append_c (define_line, c); c = fgetc (f); if (c == EOF || c == '\n') { error_line = TRUE; break; } } if (error_line) { g_string_free (define_line, TRUE); /* ignore line */ c = eat_line (f, c); line++; continue; } g_assert (c == ')'); g_string_append_c (define_line, c); c = fgetc (f); /* found function-like macro */ fprintf (fmacros, "%s\n", define_line->str); g_string_free (define_line, TRUE); /* ignore rest of line */ c = eat_line (f, c); line++; continue; } if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') { g_string_free (define_line, TRUE); /* ignore line */ c = eat_line (f, c); line++; continue; } while (c != EOF && c != '\n') { g_string_append_c (define_line, c); c = fgetc (f); if (c == '\\') { c = fgetc (f); if (c == '\n') { /* fold lines when seeing backslash new-line sequence */ c = fgetc (f); } else { g_string_append_c (define_line, '\\'); } } } /* found object-like macro */ fprintf (fmacros, "%s\n", define_line->str); c = eat_line (f, c); line++; } fclose (f); } rewind (fmacros); gi_source_scanner_parse_file (scanner, fmacros); fclose (fmacros); g_unlink (tmp_name); } gboolean gi_source_scanner_parse_file (GISourceScanner *scanner, FILE *file) { g_return_val_if_fail (file != NULL, FALSE); lineno = 1; yyin = file; yyparse (scanner); yyin = NULL; return TRUE; } gboolean gi_source_scanner_lex_filename (GISourceScanner *scanner, const gchar *filename) { lineno = 1; yyin = fopen (filename, "r"); while (yylex (scanner) != YYEOF) ; fclose (yyin); return TRUE; }