# -*- test-case-name: pyflakes -*- # (c) 2005-2008 Divmod, Inc. # See LICENSE file for details import __builtin__ import compiler import sys import os from compiler import ast class Message(object): message = '' message_args = () def __init__(self, filename, lineno): self.filename = filename self.lineno = lineno def __str__(self): return '%s:%s: %s' % (self.filename, self.lineno, self.message % self.message_args) class UnusedImport(Message): message = '%r imported but unused' def __init__(self, filename, lineno, name): Message.__init__(self, filename, lineno) self.message_args = (name, ) class RedefinedWhileUnused(Message): message = 'redefinition of unused %r from line %r' def __init__(self, filename, lineno, name, orig_lineno): Message.__init__(self, filename, lineno) self.message_args = (name, orig_lineno) class ImportShadowedByLoopVar(Message): message = 'import %r from line %r shadowed by loop variable' def __init__(self, filename, lineno, name, orig_lineno): Message.__init__(self, filename, lineno) self.message_args = (name, orig_lineno) class ImportStarUsed(Message): message = "'from %s import *' used; unable to detect undefined names" def __init__(self, filename, lineno, modname): Message.__init__(self, filename, lineno) self.message_args = (modname, ) class UndefinedName(Message): message = 'undefined name %r' def __init__(self, filename, lineno, name): Message.__init__(self, filename, lineno) self.message_args = (name, ) class UndefinedLocal(Message): message = ("local variable %r (defined in enclosing scope on line %r) " "referenced before assignment") def __init__(self, filename, lineno, name, orig_lineno): Message.__init__(self, filename, lineno) self.message_args = (name, orig_lineno) class DuplicateArgument(Message): message = 'duplicate argument %r in function definition' def __init__(self, filename, lineno, name): Message.__init__(self, filename, lineno) self.message_args = (name, ) class RedefinedFunction(Message): message = 'redefinition of function %r from line %r' def __init__(self, filename, lineno, name, orig_lineno): Message.__init__(self, filename, lineno) self.message_args = (name, orig_lineno) class LateFutureImport(Message): message = 'future import(s) %r after other statements' def __init__(self, filename, lineno, names): Message.__init__(self, filename, lineno) self.message_args = (names, ) class Binding(object): """ @ivar used: pair of (L{Scope}, line-number) indicating the scope and line number that this binding was last used """ def __init__(self, name, source): self.name = name self.source = source self.used = False def __str__(self): return self.name def __repr__(self): return '<%s object %r from line %r at 0x%x>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.source.lineno, id(self)) class UnBinding(Binding): '''Created by the 'del' operator.''' class Importation(Binding): def __init__(self, name, source): name = name.split('.')[0] super(Importation, self).__init__(name, source) class Assignment(Binding): pass class FunctionDefinition(Binding): pass class Scope(dict): importStarred = False # set to True when import * is found def __repr__(self): return '<%s at 0x%x %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), dict.__repr__(self)) def __init__(self): super(Scope, self).__init__() class ClassScope(Scope): pass class FunctionScope(Scope): """ I represent a name scope for a function. @ivar globals: Names declared 'global' in this function. """ def __init__(self): super(FunctionScope, self).__init__() self.globals = {} class ModuleScope(Scope): pass class Checker(object): nodeDepth = 0 traceTree = False def __init__(self, tree, filename='(none)'): self.deferred = [] self.dead_scopes = [] self.messages = [] self.filename = filename self.scopeStack = [ModuleScope()] self.futuresAllowed = True self.handleChildren(tree) for handler, scope in self.deferred: self.scopeStack = scope handler() del self.scopeStack[1:] self.popScope() self.check_dead_scopes() def defer(self, callable): '''Schedule something to be called after just before completion. This is used for handling function bodies, which must be deferred because code later in the file might modify the global scope. When `callable` is called, the scope at the time this is called will be restored, however it will contain any new bindings added to it. ''' self.deferred.append((callable, self.scopeStack[:])) def scope(self): return self.scopeStack[-1] scope = property(scope) def popScope(self): self.dead_scopes.append(self.scopeStack.pop()) def check_dead_scopes(self): for scope in self.dead_scopes: for importation in scope.itervalues(): if (isinstance(importation, Importation) and not importation.used): self.report(UnusedImport, importation.source.lineno, importation.name) def pushFunctionScope(self): self.scopeStack.append(FunctionScope()) def pushClassScope(self): self.scopeStack.append(ClassScope()) def report(self, messageClass, *args, **kwargs): self.messages.append(messageClass(self.filename, *args, **kwargs)) def handleChildren(self, tree): for node in tree.getChildNodes(): self.handleNode(node) def handleNode(self, node): if self.traceTree: print ' ' * self.nodeDepth + node.__class__.__name__ self.nodeDepth += 1 nodeType = node.__class__.__name__.upper() if nodeType not in ('STMT', 'FROM'): self.futuresAllowed = False try: handler = getattr(self, nodeType) handler(node) finally: self.nodeDepth -= 1 if self.traceTree: print ' ' * self.nodeDepth + 'end ' + node.__class__.__name__ def ignore(self, node): pass STMT = PRINT = PRINTNL = TUPLE = LIST = ASSTUPLE = ASSATTR = \ ASSLIST = GETATTR = SLICE = SLICEOBJ = IF = CALLFUNC = DISCARD = \ RETURN = ADD = MOD = SUB = NOT = UNARYSUB = INVERT = ASSERT = COMPARE = \ SUBSCRIPT = AND = OR = TRYEXCEPT = RAISE = YIELD = DICT = LEFTSHIFT = \ RIGHTSHIFT = KEYWORD = TRYFINALLY = WHILE = EXEC = MUL = DIV = POWER = \ FLOORDIV = BITAND = BITOR = BITXOR = LISTCOMPFOR = LISTCOMPIF = \ AUGASSIGN = BACKQUOTE = UNARYADD = GENEXPR = GENEXPRFOR = GENEXPRIF = \ IFEXP = handleChildren CONST = PASS = CONTINUE = BREAK = ELLIPSIS = ignore def addBinding(self, lineno, value, reportRedef=True): '''Called when a binding is altered. - `lineno` is the line of the statement responsible for the change - `value` is the optional new value, a Binding instance, associated with the binding; if None, the binding is deleted if it exists. - if `reportRedef` is True (default), rebinding while unused will be reported. ''' if (isinstance(self.scope.get(value.name), FunctionDefinition) and isinstance(value, FunctionDefinition)): self.report(RedefinedFunction, lineno, value.name, self.scope[value.name].source.lineno) if not isinstance(self.scope, ClassScope): for scope in self.scopeStack[::-1]: if (isinstance(scope.get(value.name), Importation) and not scope[value.name].used and reportRedef): self.report(RedefinedWhileUnused, lineno, value.name, scope[value.name].source.lineno) if isinstance(value, UnBinding): try: del self.scope[value.name] except KeyError: self.report(UndefinedName, lineno, value.name) else: self.scope[value.name] = value def WITH(self, node): """ Handle C{with} by adding bindings for the name or tuple of names it puts into scope and by continuing to process the suite within the statement. """ # for "with foo as bar", there is no AssName node for "bar". # Instead, there is a Name node. If the "as" expression assigns to # a tuple, it will instead be a AssTuple node of Name nodes. # # Of course these are assignments, not references, so we have to # handle them as a special case here. self.handleNode(node.expr) if isinstance(node.vars, ast.AssTuple): varNodes = node.vars.nodes elif node.vars is not None: varNodes = [node.vars] else: varNodes = [] for varNode in varNodes: self.addBinding(varNode.lineno, Assignment(varNode.name, varNode)) self.handleChildren(node.body) def GLOBAL(self, node): """ Keep track of globals declarations. """ if isinstance(self.scope, FunctionScope): self.scope.globals.update(dict.fromkeys(node.names)) def LISTCOMP(self, node): for qual in node.quals: self.handleNode(qual) self.handleNode(node.expr) GENEXPRINNER = LISTCOMP def FOR(self, node): """ Process bindings for loop variables. """ vars = [] def collectLoopVars(n): if hasattr(n, 'name'): vars.append(n.name) else: for c in n.getChildNodes(): collectLoopVars(c) collectLoopVars(node.assign) for varn in vars: if (isinstance(self.scope.get(varn), Importation) # unused ones will get an unused import warning and self.scope[varn].used): self.report(ImportShadowedByLoopVar, node.lineno, varn, self.scope[varn].source.lineno) self.handleChildren(node) def NAME(self, node): """ Locate the name in locals / function / globals scopes. """ # try local scope importStarred = self.scope.importStarred try: self.scope[node.name].used = (self.scope, node.lineno) except KeyError: pass else: return # try enclosing function scopes for scope in self.scopeStack[-2:0:-1]: importStarred = importStarred or scope.importStarred if not isinstance(scope, FunctionScope): continue try: scope[node.name].used = (self.scope, node.lineno) except KeyError: pass else: return # try global scope importStarred = importStarred or self.scopeStack[0].importStarred try: self.scopeStack[0][node.name].used = (self.scope, node.lineno) except KeyError: if ((not hasattr(__builtin__, node.name)) and node.name not in ['__file__'] and not importStarred): self.report(UndefinedName, node.lineno, node.name) def FUNCTION(self, node): if getattr(node, "decorators", None) is not None: self.handleChildren(node.decorators) self.addBinding(node.lineno, FunctionDefinition(node.name, node)) self.LAMBDA(node) def LAMBDA(self, node): for default in node.defaults: self.handleNode(default) def runFunction(): args = [] def addArgs(arglist): for arg in arglist: if isinstance(arg, tuple): addArgs(arg) else: if arg in args: self.report(DuplicateArgument, node.lineno, arg) args.append(arg) self.pushFunctionScope() addArgs(node.argnames) for name in args: self.addBinding(node.lineno, Assignment(name, node), reportRedef=False) self.handleNode(node.code) self.popScope() self.defer(runFunction) def CLASS(self, node): self.addBinding(node.lineno, Assignment(node.name, node)) for baseNode in node.bases: self.handleNode(baseNode) self.pushClassScope() self.handleChildren(node.code) self.popScope() def ASSNAME(self, node): if node.flags == 'OP_DELETE': if (isinstance(self.scope, FunctionScope) and node.name in self.scope.globals): del self.scope.globals[node.name] else: self.addBinding(node.lineno, UnBinding(node.name, node)) else: # if the name hasn't already been defined in the current scope if (isinstance(self.scope, FunctionScope) and node.name not in self.scope): # for each function or module scope above us for scope in self.scopeStack[:-1]: if not isinstance(scope, (FunctionScope, ModuleScope)): continue # if the name was defined in that scope, and the name has # been accessed already in the current scope, and hasn't # been declared global if (node.name in scope and scope[node.name].used and scope[node.name].used[0] is self.scope and node.name not in self.scope.globals): # then it's probably a mistake self.report(UndefinedLocal, scope[node.name].used[1], node.name, scope[node.name].source.lineno) break self.addBinding(node.lineno, Assignment(node.name, node)) def ASSIGN(self, node): self.handleNode(node.expr) for subnode in node.nodes[::-1]: self.handleNode(subnode) def IMPORT(self, node): for name, alias in node.names: name = alias or name importation = Importation(name, node) self.addBinding(node.lineno, importation) def FROM(self, node): if node.modname == '__future__': if not self.futuresAllowed: self.report(LateFutureImport, node.lineno, [n[0] for n in node.names]) else: self.futuresAllowed = False for name, alias in node.names: if name == '*': self.scope.importStarred = True self.report(ImportStarUsed, node.lineno, node.modname) continue name = alias or name importation = Importation(name, node) if node.modname == '__future__': importation.used = (self.scope, node.lineno) self.addBinding(node.lineno, importation) def check(codeString, filename): try: tree = compiler.parse(codeString) except (SyntaxError, IndentationError): value = sys.exc_info()[1] try: (lineno, offset, line) = value[1][1:] except IndexError: print >> sys.stderr, 'could not compile %r' % (filename, ) return 1 if line.endswith("\n"): line = line[:-1] print >> sys.stderr, '%s:%d: could not compile' % (filename, lineno) print >> sys.stderr, line print >> sys.stderr, " " * (offset-2), "^" return 1 else: w = Checker(tree, filename) w.messages.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.lineno, b.lineno)) for warning in w.messages: print warning return len(w.messages) def checkPath(filename): if os.path.exists(filename): return check(file(filename, 'U').read(), filename) def main(args): warnings = 0 if args: for arg in args: if os.path.isdir(arg): for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(arg): for filename in filenames: if filename.endswith('.py'): warnings += checkPath( os.path.join(dirpath, filename)) else: warnings += checkPath(arg) else: warnings += check(sys.stdin.read(), '') return warnings > 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))