#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Scan glib sources. # e.g.: # ./update-glib-annotations.py ../../glib ../../glib/_build import os import sys import subprocess path=os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) for k in ['UNINSTALLED_INTROSPECTION_SRCDIR', 'UNINSTALLED_INTROSPECTION_BUILDDIR']: if k not in os.environ: os.environ[k] = path possible_builddirs = ['../_build/', '..', '../../build/'] def directory_includes(dirs, srcdir, builddir): result = [] result.append('-I' + srcdir) if srcdir != builddir: result.append('-I' + builddir) for name in dirs: result.append('-I' + os.path.join(srcdir, name)) if srcdir != builddir: result.append('-I' + os.path.join(builddir, name)) return result def extract_annotations(module, srcdir, builddir, outfile): sources = [] subdir = os.path.join(srcdir, module['name']) includes = directory_includes(module['includes'], srcdir, builddir) for sourcename in os.listdir(subdir): if sourcename.endswith('.c'): sources.append(os.path.join(subdir, sourcename)) annotation_tool_base_args = [ os.path.join(builddir, 'g-ir-annotation-tool'), '--extract'] return subprocess.check_call(annotation_tool_base_args + module['defines'] + includes + sources, stdout=outfile) if __name__ == '__main__': srcdir = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 3: builddir = sys.argv[2] else: for d in possible_builddirs: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(d, 'g-ir-annotation-tool')): builddir = d break assert builddir is not None print("Using source directory: '%s' build directory: '%s'" % (srcdir, builddir)) modules = [{'name': 'glib', 'srcname': '../gir/glib-2.0.c', 'includes': ['glib', 'gmodule'], 'defines': ['-DGLIB_COMPILATION']}, {'name': 'gmodule', 'srcname': '../gir/gmodule-2.0.c', 'includes': ['glib', 'gmodule'], 'defines': ['-DGLIB_COMPILATION']}, {'name': 'gobject', 'srcname': '../gir/gobject-2.0.c', 'includes': ['glib', 'gobject', 'gmodule'], 'defines': ['-DGOBJECT_COMPILATION']}, {'name': 'gio', 'srcname': '../gir/gio-2.0.c', 'includes': ['glib', 'gmodule', 'gobject', 'gio'], 'defines': ['-DGOBJECT_COMPILATION', '-DGIO_COMPILATION', '-DG_SETTINGS_ENABLE_BACKEND']}] for module in modules: srcname = module['srcname'] tmpname = module['srcname'] + '.tmp' if os.path.isfile(tmpname): os.unlink(tmpname) if os.path.isfile(srcname): os.unlink(srcname) # Extract annotations into a file opened in binary mode. # Since g-ir-scanner-tool outputs utf-8 encoded data, we simply pass # that directly into this file via. the underlying subprocess call. srcfile = open(tmpname, 'wb') extract_annotations(module, srcdir, builddir, srcfile) srcfile.close() os.rename(tmpname, srcname) print("Updated '%s'" % (srcname, )) print("Done; run \"git diff\" to see any changes.")