gboolean doc_examples_obj_method DocExamplesObj * self gint first_arg gfloat second_arg gboolean boolean_arg gpointer pointer_arg gchar* string doc_examples_obj_method gboolean doc_examples_obj_method (DocExamplesObj *self, gint first_arg, gfloat second_arg, gboolean boolean_arg, gpointer pointer_arg, gchar* string);

This is an example of how to document a method.

You should call this on a DocExamples.Obj that was created with doc_examples_obj_new.

This should be a %FALSEALARM.

first_arg :

A DocExamples.Obj.

second_arg :

second argument

boolean_arg :

You should always pass TRUE.

pointer_arg :

If not NULL, do a thing.

string :

A NULL-terminated string.

Returns :

Either FALSE or something FALSE-y.

Since 0.99