GITypelib* g_irepository_require GIRepository * self gchar* namespace_ gchar* version GIRepositoryLoadFlags flags g_irepository_require GITypelib* g_irepository_require (GIRepository *self, gchar* namespace_, gchar* version, GIRepositoryLoadFlags flags);

Force the namespace @namespace_ to be loaded if it isn't already. If @namespace_ is not loaded, this function will search for a ".typelib" file using the repository search path. In addition, a version @version of namespace may be specified. If @version is not specified, the latest will be used.

namespace_ :

GI namespace to use, e.g. "Gtk"

version :

Version of namespace, may be %NULL for latest

flags :

Set of %GIRepositoryLoadFlags, may be 0

Returns :

a pointer to the GIRepository.Typelib if successful, %NULL otherwise