gboolean g_callable_info_iterate_return_attributes GIRepository.CallableInfo info GIRepository.AttributeIter iterator utf8 name utf8 value callable_info_iterate_return_attributes @accepts(GIRepository.CallableInfo, GIRepository.AttributeIter, utf8, utf8) @returns(gboolean) def callable_info_iterate_return_attributes(info, iterator, name, value)

Iterate over all attributes associated with the return value. The iterator structure is typically stack allocated, and must have its first member initialized to None.

Both the @name and @value should be treated as constants and must not be freed.

See g_base_info_iterate_attributes() for an example of how to use a similar API.

info :

a GIRepository.CallableInfo

iterator :

a GIRepository.AttributeIter structure, must be initialized; see below

name :

Returned name, must not be freed

value :

Returned name, must not be freed

Returns :

True if there are more attributes