GIRepository.VFuncInfo g_object_info_find_vfunc GIRepository.ObjectInfo info utf8 name object_info_find_vfunc @accepts(GIRepository.ObjectInfo, utf8) @returns(GIRepository.VFuncInfo) def object_info_find_vfunc(info, name)

Locate a virtual function slot with name @name. Note that the namespace for virtuals is distinct from that of methods; there may or may not be a concrete method associated for a virtual. If there is one, it may be retrieved using g_vfunc_info_get_invoker(), otherwise None will be returned. See the documentation for g_vfunc_info_get_invoker() for more information on invoking virtuals.

g_base_info_unref() when done.

info :

a GIRepository.ObjectInfo

name :

The name of a virtual function to find.

Returns :

the GIRepository.VFuncInfo, or None. Free it with