#!/usr/bin/env python3 import io import sys import os import re import difflib import subprocess def assert_files_no_diff(a, b, ignore=None): if ignore is None: ignore = [] def filter_lines(lines): filtered = [] for line in lines: do_ignore = False for pattern in ignore: if re.search(pattern, line) is not None: do_ignore = True break if not do_ignore: filtered.append(line) return filtered with io.open(a, encoding="utf-8") as ah, \ io.open(b, encoding="utf-8") as bh: result = difflib.unified_diff( filter_lines(ah.readlines()), filter_lines(bh.readlines()), fromfile=a, tofile=b) result = "".join(result) if result: raise AssertionError(result) def assert_dirs_no_diff(a, b, ignore=None): list_a = sorted(os.listdir(a)) list_b = sorted(os.listdir(b)) result = difflib.unified_diff( [l + "\n" for l in list_a], [l + "\n" for l in list_b], fromfile=a, tofile=b) result = "".join(result) if result: raise AssertionError(result) for entry in list_a: assert_files_no_diff( os.path.join(a, entry), os.path.join(b, entry), ignore=ignore) def assert_no_diff(a, b, ignore=None): """ Args: a (str): file or directory b (str): file or directory ignore (list): a list of regexes for lines in files to ignore """ if os.path.isdir(a) != os.path.isdir(b): raise AssertionError if os.path.isdir(a): assert_dirs_no_diff(a, b, ignore=ignore) else: assert_files_no_diff(a, b, ignore=ignore) def main(argv): if len(argv) != 2: raise SystemError("exactly one arg, not %r" % argv[1:]) targetname = argv[1] targetbase = os.path.basename(targetname) srcdir = os.environ.get("srcdir", "") builddir = os.environ.get("builddir", "") if targetname.endswith(".typelib"): # Do nothing for typelibs, this just ensures they build as part of # the tests if not os.path.exists(targetname): raise SystemError("%s does not exist" % targetname) elif targetname.endswith(".gir"): # The "shared-library" field of the GIR is platform-dependent. # For example, on OSX, shared libraries have the extension .dylib. # Ignore this field when determining whether the output succeeded. ignore = ['shared-library=".*"$'] expected = os.path.join( srcdir, os.path.splitext(targetname)[0] + "-expected.gir") actual = os.path.join(builddir, targetname) assert_no_diff(expected, actual, ignore=ignore) elif targetname.rsplit("-")[-1] in ("C", "Python", "Gjs"): expected = os.path.join(srcdir, targetbase + "-expected") actual = os.path.join(builddir, targetbase) assert_no_diff(expected, actual, ignore=['^\s*$']) elif targetname.endswith("-sections.txt"): expected = os.path.join( srcdir, os.path.splitext(targetname)[0] + "-expected.txt") actual = os.path.join(builddir, targetname) assert_no_diff(expected, actual, ignore=['^\s*$']) elif targetname.endswith(".py"): env = os.environ.copy() env["PYTHONPATH"] = os.pathsep.join( filter( None, [os.environ.get("top_builddir"), os.environ.get("top_srcdir")])) subprocess.check_call([env["PYTHON"], targetname], env=env) else: raise SystemError("Unknown file type: %s" % targetbase) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv))