This is a callback. array of ints array of ints This is a callback taking a list. list of strings list of strings This is a callback with a 'closure' argument that is not named 'user_data' and hence has to be annotated. The user data This is an object used to test annotations. %NULL always This is a test for out arguments; GObject defaults to transfer an int a #GObject This is a test for out arguments, one transferred, other not an int a #GObject a #GObject Test taking a zero-terminated array Sequence of numbers Test taking an array with length parameter Sequence of numbers that are zero-terminated Length of number array Test taking a zero-terminated array with length parameter Sequence of numbers that are zero-terminated Length of number array Test returning a caller-owned object The object %NULL always Test taking a call-scoped callback Callback to invoke Callback user data This is a test for returning a hash table mapping strings to objects. hash table This is a test for returning a list of objects. The list itself should be freed, but not the internal objects, intentionally similar example to gtk_container_get_children list of objects This is a test for returning a list of strings, where each string needs to be freed. list of strings This is a test for in arguments an int This is an argument test This is a test for out arguments an int This is an argument test This is a second test for out arguments an int This is an argument test This is a 3th test for out arguments an int This is an argument test an int An object, not referenced This is a test for out arguments an int This is an argument test Test taking a zero-terminated array with length parameter Length of the argument vector Argument vector Test taking a guchar * with a length. The data Length of the data Test taking a gchar * with a length. The data Length of the data Test taking a gchar * with a length, overriding the array element type. The data Length of the data Test returning a string as an out parameter some boolean string return value This is here just for the sake of being overriden by its annotation_object_watch_full(). The callback The callback data Test overriding via the "Rename To" annotation. The callback The callback data Destroy notification This is a property which is a string This signal tests a signal with attributes. the return value a value another value This signal tests an empty document argument (@arg1) This is a signal which takes a list of strings, but it's not known by GObject as it's only marked as G_TYPE_POINTER a list of strings This is a signal which has a broken signal handler, it says it's pointer but it's actually a string. a string This is a test of an array of object in an field of a struct. The return value. A #AnnotationObject. Some data. Test messing up the heuristic of closure/destroy-notification detection, and fixing it via annotations. Destroy notification Source file The number of args. The arguments. some text (e.g. example) or else the array The return value Number of return values Source file The return value See An object, note the colon:in here