Typedef TestBoxed to test caller-allocates correctness Compatibility typedef, like telepathy-glib's TpIntSet Typedef'd GPtrArray for some reason Typedef'd va_list for additional reasons Constant to define a calculated large value Constant to define a calculated large value This is a callback. array of ints array of ints This is a struct for testing field documentation and annotations Some documentation an array of length @len the length of array This is a callback taking a list. list of strings list of strings This is a callback with a 'closure' argument that is not named 'user_data' and hence has to be annotated. The user data This is an object used to test annotations. %NULL always a #GObject This is a test for out arguments; GObject defaults to transfer an int a #GObject a #GObject This is a test for out arguments, one transferred, other not an int a #GObject a #GObject a #GObject Test taking a zero-terminated array a #GObject Sequence of numbers Test taking an array with length parameter a #GObject Sequence of numbers that are zero-terminated Length of number array Test taking a zero-terminated array with length parameter a #RegressAnnotationObject Sequence of numbers that are zero-terminated Length of number array Test returning a caller-owned object The object a #GObject Use regress_annotation_object_create_object() instead. %NULL always a #GObject Test taking a call-scoped callback a #RegressAnnotationObject Callback to invoke Callback user data This is a test for returning a hash table mapping strings to objects. hash table a #GObject This is a test for returning a list of objects. The list itself should be freed, but not the internal objects, intentionally similar example to gtk_container_get_children list of objects a #GObject This is a test for returning a list of strings, where each string needs to be freed. list of strings a #GObject A #RegressAnnotationObject This is a test for in arguments an int a #GObject This is an argument test This is a test for out arguments an int a #GObject This is an argument test This is a second test for out arguments an int a #GObject This is an argument test This is a 3th test for out arguments an int a #GObject This is an argument test an int a #GObject An object, not referenced a #GObject This is a test for out arguments an int a #GObject This is an argument test Test taking a zero-terminated array with length parameter a #RegressAnnotationObject Length of the argument vector Argument vector Test taking a guchar * with a length. a #RegressAnnotationObject The data Length of the data Test taking a gchar * with a length. a #RegressAnnotationObject The data Length of the data Test taking a gchar * with a length, overriding the array element type. a #RegressAnnotationObject The data Length of the data Test returning a string as an out parameter some boolean a #RegressAnnotationObject string return value a #GObject This is here just for the sake of being overriden by its regress_annotation_object_watch_full(). A #RegressAnnotationObject The callback The callback data Test overriding via the "Rename To" annotation. A #RegressAnnotationObject The callback The callback data Destroy notification Opaque pointer handle This is a property which is a string Use better-string-property instead This is a property annotation intentionally indented with a mix of tabs and strings to test the tab handling capabilities of the scanner. This signal tests a signal with attributes. the return value a value another value This signal tests an empty document argument (@arg1) This is a signal which takes a list of strings, but it's not known by GObject as it's only marked as G_TYPE_POINTER a list of strings This is a signal which has a broken signal handler, it says it's pointer but it's actually a string. Use other-signal instead a string This is a test of an array of object in an field of a struct. This function is intended to match clutter_stage_get_default which uses a C sugar return type. The global #RegressFooSubobject Read some stuff. obj offset length This shouldn't be scanned as a constructor. %NULL always a #RegressFooObject Not sure why this test is here... Read some stuff. obj offset length This is only useful from C. obj obj offset length add to this rect source rectangle This is a C convenience constructor; we have to (skip) it because it's not a boxed type. Some type that is only interesting from C and should not be exposed to language bindings. a skippable enum value another skippable enum value Like telepathy-glib's TpIntset. This should be skipped, and moreover, all function which use it should be. the investment rate how much money Path to file a hash table; will be modified GError instance; must be freed by the callback By purpose, not all members have documentation value 1 value 2 A new floating #RegressTestFloating A new #RegressTestFundamentalObject A #RegressTestObj A #RegressTestObj Another object This method is virtual. Notably its name differs from the virtual slot name, which makes it useful for testing bindings handle this case. A #RegressTestObj Meaningless string This method is virtual. Notably its name differs from the virtual slot name, which makes it useful for testing bindings handle this case. A #RegressTestObj Meaningless string A #RegressTestObj A #RegressTestObj some uint8 array length of @input A #RegressTestObj some #GObject Check that the out value is skipped %TRUE if the call succeeds, %FALSE if @error is set. A #RegressTestObj. Parameter. Return value. Other parameter. Will be incremented. Return value. Number. Number. Check that the out value is skipped %TRUE if the call succeeds, %FALSE if @error is set. A #RegressTestObj. Parameter. Return value. Other parameter. Will be incremented. Return value. Number. Number. Check that a parameter is skipped %TRUE if the call succeeds, %FALSE if @error is set. A #RegressTestObj. Parameter. Return value. Other parameter. Will be incremented. Return value. Number. Number. Check that the return value is skipped %TRUE if the call succeeds, %FALSE if @error is set. a #RegressTestObj Parameter. A return value. Other parameter. Will be incremented. Return value. Number. Number. Check that the return value is skipped. Succeed if a is nonzero, otherwise raise an error. %TRUE if the call succeeds, %FALSE if @error is set. a #RegressTestObj Parameter. A #RegressTestObj This function throws an error if m is odd. A #RegressTestObj This test signal similar to GSettings::change-event numbers, or %NULL length of @arr, or 0 This test signal is like TelepathyGlib's TpChannel:: group-members-changed-detailed: numbers A cairo context. This test signal is like TelepathyGlib's TpAccount::status-changed You can use this with regress_test_obj_emit_sig_with_int64, or raise from the introspection client langage. an integer an integer Test transfer none GObject as a param (tests refcounting). Use with regress_test_obj_emit_sig_with_obj A newly created RegressTestObj Test GStrv as a param. strings You can use this with regress_test_obj_emit_sig_with_uint64, or raise from the introspection client langage. an integer A #RegressTestObj Meaningless string Another object Make a copy of a RegressTestStructA the structure the cloned structure the structure that is to be filled ignored Make a copy of a RegressTestStructB the structure the cloned structure The return value. A #RegressAnnotationObject. Some data. Test messing up the heuristic of closure/destroy-notification detection, and fixing it via annotations. Destroy notification Source file The number of args. The arguments. some text (e.g. example) or else the array The return value Number of return values An annotated filename Source file Explicitly test having a space after the ** here. The return value See https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=630862 An object, note the colon:in here A floating object This should be scanned as a top-level function, and shouldn't cause a "Can't find matching type for constructor" warning. This is a C convenience constructor; we have to (skip) it because it's not a boxed type. Does something that's only interesting from C and should not be exposed to language bindings. a #RegressFooSkippable A #RegressTestObj A #RegressTestObj A new variant A flags value This test case mirrors GnomeKeyringPasswordSchema from libgnome-keyring. some int list of attributes An array of #RegressTestObj the sum of the items in @ints a list of 5 integers a list of 5 integers ranging from 0 to 4 a list of 5 integers ranging from 0 to 4 List of ints List of ints List of ints List of ints string representation of provided types List of types a new array of integers. length of the returned array. List of ints the length of @ints a list of integers whose items will be increased by 1, except the first that will be dropped a static array of integers. length of the returned array. length length the length of @ints a list of 5 integers, from 0 to 4 in consecutive order Notified - callback persists until a DestroyNotify delegate is invoked. Adds a scope notified callback with no user data. This can invoke an error condition in bindings which needs to be tested. Invokes all callbacks installed by #test_callback_destroy_notify(), adding up their return values, and removes them, invoking the corresponding destroy notfications. Sum of the return values of the invoked callbacks. Call - callback parameter persists for the duration of the method call and can be released on return. the return value of @closure GClosure which takes one GVariant and returns a GVariant a GVariant passed as argument to @closure list of strings the hash table returned by regress_test_ghash_gvalue_return(). Specify nested parameterized types directly with the (type ) annotation. Another way of specifying nested parameterized types: using the element-type annotation. New variant New variant New variant New variant New variant GHashTable that gets passed to callback This is a function. It has multiple lines in the documentation. The sky is blue. You will give me your credit card number. <informaltable> <tgroup cols="3"> <thead> <row> <entry>Syntax</entry> <entry>Explanation</entry> <entry>Examples</entry> </row> </thead> <tbody> <row> <entry>rgb(@r, @g, @b)</entry> <entry>An opaque color; @r, @g, @b can be either integers between 0 and 255 or percentages</entry> <entry><literallayout>rgb(128, 10, 54) rgb(20%, 30%, 0%)</literallayout></entry> </row> <row> <entry>rgba(@r, @g, @b, @a)</entry> <entry>A translucent color; @r, @g, @b are as in the previous row, @a is a floating point number between 0 and 1</entry> <entry><literallayout>rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5)</literallayout></entry> </row> </tbody> </tgroup> </informaltable> What we're testing here is that the scanner ignores the @a nested inside XML. An integer Should not emit a warning: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=685399 No annotation here the structure that is to be filled ignored This function throws an error if m is odd. UTF-8 string UTF-8 string a copy of "first" a copy of "second" a copy of "first" a copy of "second" the int wrapped in a GValue. an int Actually, this function was introduced earlier than this, but it didn't do anything before this version. This function has been deprecated, because it sucks. Use foobar instead. Maybe someday we will find the time to stabilize this function. Who knows?